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Pheu Thai Approaches EC Over Democrat Remarks


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Pheu Thai approaches EC over Democrat remarks


Pheu Thai Party yesterday filed a complaint with the Election Commission (EC) charging the Democrat Party of making false allegations against its candidates, an offence that is punishable by party disbandment.

Meanwhile, Pheu Thai candidate Natthawut Saikua yesterday threatened to take legal action every time the Democrats link him and other red-shirt leaders to violence and terrorism.

If the Democrats don't stop linking the red-shirt movement with last years' riots, Natthawut said he would treat each comment as a separate libel case and call on the EC to look into the smear campaign, an offence that is punishable by party dissolution. He said he would also file police complaints.

Yesterday morning, Pheu Thai Party's spokesman, Prompong Nopparit, lodged a complaint with the EC calling for an investigation into a campaign-related offence involving remarks made by Democrat Party's secretary-general Suthep Thaugsuban.

In the afternoon, Pheu Thai candidate Weng Tojirakarn filed a complaint at the Crime Suppression Division calling for Suthep's arrest on defamation charges. Weng cited Suthep's remarks branding the red shirts as terrorists in connection with last year's riots.

Pheu Thai has contended that in separate press interviews from May 17 to 23, Suthep made false comments designed to undermine the popularity and credibility of party's leading candidate Yingluck Shinawatra and her colleagues, namely Natthawut, Weng and Jatuporn Promphan.

The complaint alleged that Suthep spread rumours branding certain Pheu Thai candidates as terrorists.

Prompong, quoting the complaint, said Suthep - acting under false pretences - had tried to show Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva as having better attributes than Yingluck.

He said Suthep's remarks breached Article 53 (5) of the Election Act, and the campaign offence in turn violated Article 68 of the Constitution.

Article 68 prescribes as an offence the grabbing of power by undemocratic means. If convicted under this offence, the party would face dissolution under Article 94 and its executives would be banned from holding office for five years under Article 237.

Democrat Party spokesman, Buranaj Smutharaks, issued a rebuttal saying that Suthep was simply outlining facts related to the involvement of red-shirt leaders in 2009 and 2010 riots.

"The red-shirt leaders were linked to riots during the Asean Summit in 2009, as well as sabotage and terrorist incidents in 2010. These same leaders later became Pheu Thai candidates," he said, adding that Suthep was not smearing Pheu Thai because his remarks were a factual summation of incidents that had actually taken place.

Buranaj explained that the criminal provisions on terrorism had come into effect under Thaksin Shinawatra's government and that he had not fabricated the violence involving red-shirt protesters in 2009 and 2010. Neither Suthep nor the other Democrats were trying to frame or smear Pheu Thai with false evidence, he said.

According to law, if a politician is found guilty of spreading false allegations to sway votes, he or she faces a jail term of up to 10 years. The conviction can also be the basis of a Constitutional Court review into undemocratic means to grab power - an offence that is punishable by party dissolution and a five-year ban from holding office.


-- The Nation 2011-05-26

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Still more than 1 month to go, and we can already see which level this campain is going to be at. Now, stating a proven fact makes one risk of being sued.... Politic and politicians at their best. Whwsever is going to win and become the prime minister will certainly have a huge work to do to try and restore a bit of dignity and credibility.

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Still more than 1 month to go, and we can already see which level this campain is going to be at. Now, stating a proven fact makes one risk of being sued.... Politic and politicians at their best. Whwsever is going to win and become the prime minister will certainly have a huge work to do to try and restore a bit of dignity and credibility.

Stating a proven fact? or personal opinion? most people that believe in the justice system would say that it is not a fact until the courts convict those charged, weather it be reds for last years antics or the yellows for their airports antics, same rule applies!

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Still more than 1 month to go, and we can already see which level this campain is going to be at. Now, stating a proven fact makes one risk of being sued.... Politic and politicians at their best. Whwsever is going to win and become the prime minister will certainly have a huge work to do to try and restore a bit of dignity and credibility.

Stating a proven fact? or personal opinion? most people that believe in the justice system would say that it is not a fact until the courts convict those charged, weather it be reds for last years antics or the yellows for their airports antics, same rule applies!

What IS a proven fact is that their is very clear video evidence of the red shirt leaders INCLUDING K Nathawat instructing their minions to "burn it, burn it all and tell them I sent you" how can we and the Dermocrat leadersNOT link them to it. More evidence that the red shirt movement is dilusional - What a mess theyll make when theyre in power - cant wait!!

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Still more than 1 month to go, and we can already see which level this campain is going to be at. Now, stating a proven fact makes one risk of being sued.... Politic and politicians at their best. Whwsever is going to win and become the prime minister will certainly have a huge work to do to try and restore a bit of dignity and credibility.

Stating a proven fact? or personal opinion? most people that believe in the justice system would say that it is not a fact until the courts convict those charged, weather it be reds for last years antics or the yellows for their airports antics, same rule applies!

What IS a proven fact is that there is very clear video evidence which is widely available of the red shirt leaders INCLUDING K Nathawat instructing their minions to "burn it, burn it all and tell them I sent you" how can we and the Democrat leaders NOT link them to it. More evidence that the red shirt movement is dilusional - What a mess theyll make when theyre in power - cant wait for them to face inflation skyrocketing through too much credit hand out by taking that nasty Mr inflation to a deformation suit - more evidence that the amnesty offered by Yingluck is a bare faced LIE!!

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RE: ib1b4;

Of the multiple YouTube clips on the net with the speeches of these Red Leaders, from their own mouths advocating for the burning of Bangkok and all government offices in all of Thailand, with the stinging of the speech of Arisaman

about the 1 million of liters of gasoline. One needs to have been in a COMMA during Feb to May last year to not of heard the speeches.

Go put your head in the sand again, and don't embarrass yourself further :whistling:

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They appear rather desperate to de-link the PTP red candidates with their handiwork of the last two Songkran seasons, and their aftermaths. Clearly this is interlocking mirror image threats. One side wants to keep public perception correctly on red PTP candidates connections to destruction, and the other side makes threats to silence those connections reminders. Thaksin tried to silence dissenting voices while in office, using law suits and or threats of multiple huge ones. similarly to how Nattuwat is attempting to do now. SOP, for team Thaksin.

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This is the silliest argument and goes back to the same tired line of innocence we get from these Red Shirt goons that they were simply peacefully protesting and the government violently evicted them and THEN also set fire to central world to blame it on the reds. As ianbaggie points out, there is plenty of evidence of Red violence. The only matter is that Suthep is calling them terrorists when that is yet to be proven in a court, but this is simply a word, he could correctly accuse them of 'terrorising' Bangkok citizens.

Come on Nattawud, you created a violent confrontation to try and discredit the government, which succeeded in some measure, and yet when someone else accuses you of being involved or implicated you cry foul!

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Wait a little bit and some posters will argue this is :

fake video,

a red killed by red,

thaksin did it,


they burn bangkok we can kill them

they were warned

using real bullets to control riots is normal thing

cambodia did it

More and more testimonies, videos and pictures are just neglected by the government...and they want reconciliation??

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Yep. A red shirt protester getting shot ... by someone. Given the number of black shirts in the area on the night in question, and the aim of the red shirts to show "the bad, bad government", he could have been shot by anyone.

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Yep. A red shirt protester getting shot ... by someone. Given the number of black shirts in the area on the night in question, and the aim of the red shirts to show "the bad, bad government", he could have been shot by anyone.

See..not have to wait long.....so when a yellow shirt is killed it s automaticly a red bastard, when a red is killed...it can be anyone but the army...

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Wait a little bit and some posters will argue this is :

fake video,

a red killed by red,

thaksin did it,


they burn bangkok we can kill them

they were warned

using real bullets to control riots is normal thing

cambodia did it

More and more testimonies, videos and pictures are just neglected by the government...and they want reconciliation??

Not a fake video.

Possibly (rather a black shirt than a red).

Not likely.

At that stage ... no.

Well before the burning of Bangkok.

At that stage ... no.

Using real bullets to control people throwing grenades and shooting at the army is a normal thing.

Not likely.

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Yep. A red shirt protester getting shot ... by someone. Given the number of black shirts in the area on the night in question, and the aim of the red shirts to show "the bad, bad government", he could have been shot by anyone.

See..not have to wait long.....so when a yellow shirt is killed it s automaticly a red bastard, when a red is killed...it can be anyone but the army...

I didn't say anyone but the army ... but what evidence is there that it was the army? Both sides were shooting.

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I think Suthep might have shot himself in the foot with that statement. You can't call someone a terrorist unless he's been convicted, especially after you just let them out of prison while stating earlier that they're oh-so-dangerous.

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I think Suthep might have shot himself in the foot with that statement. You can't call someone a terrorist unless he's been convicted, especially after you just let them out of prison while stating earlier that they're oh-so-dangerous.

Having those UDD leaders cum PTP candidates running around rather than awaiting trial in jail just shows the Thai judicial system is working. It's not k. Suthep's fault those thugs put on a PTP jacket to look more respectable.

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Am I getting this straight?

OP states that Nattawut will file complaints "if the Democrats don't stop linking the red-shirt movement with last years' riots".

Is he serious? I think it's fairly easy to link the Red Shirt movement to last year's Red Shirt protest, which culminated in a riot - not to mention impossible to plausibly deny.

Linking the Red Shirts to violence (arson and various degrees of assault) is also pretty easy (unlike terrorism, because the terrorist activities were perpetrated by persons still officially anonymous) - although, given that the terrorism cases are as-yet concluded, I agree with Nattawut (?) in that the defendants shouldn't be treated as guilty until proven innocent.

Still though, it would be interesting if the EC dissolved the Democrats because one of its party executives alleged that PTP had terrorists within their party list MPs - and then, in the future, those defendants were convicted of terrorism. I wonder what would happen then?

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begin removed ...

Still though, it would be interesting if the EC dissolved the Democrats because one of its party executives alleged that PTP had terrorists within their party list MPs - and then, in the future, those defendants were convicted of terrorism. I wonder what would happen then?

Did k. Suthep refer to UDD leaders as terrorists, UDD leaders who just happen to be on the PTP party list of MP candidates recently; or did he refer to PTP candidates as terrorists?

Interesting is another faction of the red-shirts on Thursday rallied at the office of the Department of Special Investigation demanding an ouster of DSI chief Tharit Pengdit and a DSI reform.

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Did k. Suthep refer to UDD leaders as terrorists, UDD leaders who just happen to be on the PTP party list of MP candidates recently; or did he refer to PTP candidates as terrorists?

Good question. I didn't hear or read exactly what Suthep said but, according to Democrat Party spokesman Buranaj Smutharaks...

"The red-shirt leaders were linked to riots during the Asean Summit in 2009, as well as sabotage and terrorist incidents in 2010. These same leaders later became Pheu Thai candidates," he said, adding that Suthep was not smearing Pheu Thai because his remarks were a factual summation of incidents that had actually taken place.

By that statement it would suggest that Suthep claimed that PTP were recruiting MPs accused of terrorism. If that's all he said, then he said nothing wrong. But bear in mind that Buranaj is Promphong's opposite number and Promphong is one of the more guilty parties involved in the distribution of untruth.

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Wait a little bit and some posters will argue this is :

fake video,

a red killed by red,

thaksin did it,


they burn bangkok we can kill them

they were warned

using real bullets to control riots is normal thing

cambodia did it

More and more testimonies, videos and pictures are just neglected by the government...and they want reconciliation??

maybe all of the above - can you also post a video of the black shirts shooting police and soldiers, firing m79 rgenades and killing innocent shoppers in Sillom - you cant? didnt think so!! There is clear footage of the black shirt guards on the BTS track infront of the temple. But this doesnt suit your cause!! or HEY what about some footage of the red shirts invading the hospital - or did that not happen too!!

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Yep. A red shirt protester getting shot ... by someone. Given the number of black shirts in the area on the night in question, and the aim of the red shirts to show "the bad, bad government", he could have been shot by anyone.

See..not have to wait long.....so when a yellow shirt is killed it s automaticly a red bastard, when a red is killed...it can be anyone but the army...

I didn't say anyone but the army ... but what evidence is there that it was the army? Both sides were shooting.

You forget to say that you are also not a yellow shirt.

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

Wait a little bit and some posters will argue this is :

fake video,

a red killed by red,

thaksin did it,


they burn bangkok we can kill them

they were warned

using real bullets to control riots is normal thing

cambodia did it

More and more testimonies, videos and pictures are just neglected by the government...and they want reconciliation??

this post is wildly off topic. The original post refers to a statement that red shirts are terrorists and someone comes up with a clip of a red shirt being shot arguably by a member of the army what a tenuous link. Infact no link whatsoever. Also, after April 20th where soldiers with batons and shields were shot by red terrorists, the army knew better than to be soft with grenade and AK47 wielding thugs. What i want to know is WHY when we have clear footage of red shirt leaders speeches would the red shirts claim that they are NOT terrorists? Ahhhhh we only have to look at their leader to see the model for denial!!

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I think Suthep might have shot himself in the foot with that statement. You can't call someone a terrorist unless he's been convicted, especially after you just let them out of prison while stating earlier that they're oh-so-dangerous.

Having those UDD leaders cum PTP candidates running around rather than awaiting trial in jail just shows the Thai judicial system is working. It's not k. Suthep's fault those thugs put on a PTP jacket to look more respectable.

The point is, if they're really terrorists, the government isn't doing its job by letting them run around freely. And if they're not terrorists, then they shouldn't be labeled terrorists, especially not during an election.

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Hi people!!!:jap: Here just follow the link and look how much injustice :unsure:

This clip shows unruly protesters, not even clear those are red-shirts, but I'm willing to accept that from their behaviour. Then a man in the right upper corner falls down. People stop moving. Following lots of flashes from cameramen in action. Blood. Reference of 'army snipers' cannot be related to the clip, nor M79 grenade launchers for what it matters.

Anyway with PTP having put terrorist suspects on their party list for MP candidates they have opened themselves up for all kinds of comment. Having k. Natthawut complain is really hilarious, talk about selective memory.

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They appear rather desperate to de-link the PTP red candidates with their handiwork of the last two Songkran seasons, and their aftermaths. Clearly this is interlocking mirror image threats. One side wants to keep public perception correctly on red PTP candidates connections to destruction, and the other side makes threats to silence those connections reminders. Thaksin tried to silence dissenting voices while in office, using law suits and or threats of multiple huge ones. similarly to how Nattuwat is attempting to do now. SOP, for team Thaksin.

Yep almost as desperate as the continual re-linking of any non democrat to violence, by certain people..............5 years for false allegations......does that apply to 'opinions' on internet forums?

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The Democrats have adopted the "Bush doctrine". Either you're with us or you're a terrorist.

Totally incorrect, just applies to a few UDD leaders who just happen to have felt the urge to escape justice represent the people in a democratic way. The others are worthy opponents with which a democratic fight called 'elections' is held.

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