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I know that laminated safety glass is used for the windshield of vehicles and tempered safety glass is used for the side window/door glass.

Is it possible to retro-fit the side-window/door glass in a vehicle to the higher safety-security factor of laminated safety glass?


any good window film, has the same effect as laminated glass. The best ones are close to bullet proof, at least 9mm bullets at distance, bulletproof according to the makers/suppliers, never had someone shoot at my carwindows


any good window film, has the same effect as laminated glass. The best ones are close to bullet proof, at least 9mm bullets at distance, bulletproof according to the makers/suppliers, never had someone shoot at my carwindows

Yes, :)


any good window film, has the same effect as laminated glass. The best ones are close to bullet proof, at least 9mm bullets at distance, bulletproof according to the makers/suppliers, never had someone shoot at my carwindows

Something like Llumar film... http://www.llumar.co...AutoSafety.aspx ?

Dont know this product, but Lamina and 3M are safe bets from memory


I had a Log Run in a Sportive yesterday from Ubon Rat to Nakasawan .A brillint Value Truck, i might add, Took me 800Klics to realise it had no Tints, strange for a Thai not to ruin the View. So now i have this Thing. Put Shades on when you need Tint, and see real good at Night.:rolleyes:


my car's wind shield, and two front door windows are laminated glass. two rear doors and back wind shield are tempered glass.

according to the owner manual, it is a safety reason ( rescue purpose ) NOT all windows with laminated glass.

in Thailand, I think another safety issue ( break in ) may become a higher priority !


my car's wind shield, and two front door windows are laminated glass. two rear doors and back wind shield are tempered glass.

according to the owner manual, it is a safety reason ( rescue purpose ) NOT all windows with laminated glass.

in Thailand, I think another safety issue ( break in ) may become a higher priority !

Is it an Imported Expensive Car. i thought only the Front was Laminated.?


Not a chance any of those films will stop a 9mm, Ive tested them all.

anti bandit (security) ype films will increase the strength of the glass though, Ive flogged the bejeezus out of a fitted door glass (3m film) with a large ball pein hammer, they can take a beating over none filmed windows though.

AGP Glass can replicate any automotive glass with a thicker multi laminated glass (5mm thickness in total) that will stop 9mm and will still function in OEM runners.


my car's wind shield, and two front door windows are laminated glass. two rear doors and back wind shield are tempered glass.

according to the owner manual, it is a safety reason ( rescue purpose ) NOT all windows with laminated glass.

in Thailand, I think another safety issue ( break in ) may become a higher priority !

Is it an Imported Expensive Car. i thought only the Front was Laminated.?

it is a 10 years old Thai-made volvo. I guess this is volvo's standard feature.


Not a chance any of those films will stop a 9mm, Ive tested them all.

anti bandit (security) ype films will increase the strength of the glass though, Ive flogged the bejeezus out of a fitted door glass (3m film) with a large ball pein hammer, they can take a beating over none filmed windows though.

AGP Glass can replicate any automotive glass with a thicker multi laminated glass (5mm thickness in total) that will stop 9mm and will still function in OEM runners.

I dont like windshield film due to reduced visiblity, but have considered it to reduce possibilty to get shot through windshild. Do you consider it any point to film windshield?


Any Idea what happened to Sundim Windows, the Reactalite type, i liked them,they didnt bugger up Night Vision. My Blingy Friend has Tints on his BMW 2 Seater, and i cant see bugger all at Night when i drive it..B)


Thai Made, i didnt know that, so why are Volvoes so expensive here, i thought they were imports. They were a fair price against Rover and Ford in England once.

Volvo has made cars in TH for more than a decade, since they shut down their Singapore factory. A S80 2,5 costs 2,8 million baht here, considerable less than its BMW, Benz and Audi equivalents


Not a chance any of those films will stop a 9mm, Ive tested them all.

anti bandit (security) ype films will increase the strength of the glass though, Ive flogged the bejeezus out of a fitted door glass (3m film) with a large ball pein hammer, they can take a beating over none filmed windows though.

AGP Glass can replicate any automotive glass with a thicker multi laminated glass (5mm thickness in total) that will stop 9mm and will still function in OEM runners.

I dont like windshield film due to reduced visiblity, but have considered it to reduce possibilty to get shot through windshild. Do you consider it any point to film windshield?

For ballistic purposes no there is no point in applying a film as they do not stop bullets.


A Volvo isn't rated too high in England, its a Nice Car, favoured by Antique Dealers for its Estate Cars, and their Mid Range Stuff is Favoured by Tweedy Moms, in Sensible Shoes on the School Run. Rated No where near a M.B. or B.M.. All B.M,s except their SUVs are well liked,as are Benz Sports, but Benz Cars are so so because they are Taxis in Europe.Like Toyota here with its Fleet Sales,it puts some folks off to buy a Taxi, when Honda are not Taxi here in general terms.Why they aim at the 2.5 Mill Market is surprising when the Labour Costs here should make them a threat to Honda,and all the big sellers here.But I'm no Judge, id like the Morgan V8 here for a change.:blink:


Google the article "Volvo Sucks For Life". I note the T5R is 23,300G.B.P., and discounted to 20.845. The D4 177 Diesel @ 21779 GBP sounds a better buy.Prices from Orangwheels U.K...Makes the Thai price look a bit ridiculouse, if its made here.


Google the article "Volvo Sucks For Life". I note the T5R is 23,300G.B.P., and discounted to 20.845. The D4 177 Diesel @ 21779 GBP sounds a better buy.Prices from Orangwheels U.K...Makes the Thai price look a bit ridiculouse, if its made here.

Here we go again...but presumably, none of us posting here live in the UK and can buy from Orangewheels; and even if one did, the shipping and excise taxes would make it the same or more expensive than buying from Volvo Thailand. As for info on laminated auto glass...thanks for contributing to the topic <_<

Anyone have any dealing with TAG (Thai Auto Glass)?


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS


A Volvo isn't rated too high in England, its a Nice Car, favoured by Antique Dealers for its Estate Cars, and their Mid Range Stuff is Favoured by Tweedy Moms, in Sensible Shoes on the School Run. Rated No where near a M.B. or B.M.. All B.M,s except their SUVs are well liked,as are Benz Sports, but Benz Cars are so so because they are Taxis in Europe.Like Toyota here with its Fleet Sales,it puts some folks off to buy a Taxi, when Honda are not Taxi here in general terms.Why they aim at the 2.5 Mill Market is surprising when the Labour Costs here should make them a threat to Honda,and all the big sellers here.But I'm no Judge, id like the Morgan V8 here for a change.:blink:

Glad we are not living in England. Volvo is high end here, and S80 priced on par with Camry/Accord V6 making it a bargain in TH

Morgan goes well with TH termites


A Volvo isn't rated too high in England, its a Nice Car, favoured by Antique Dealers for its Estate Cars, and their Mid Range Stuff is Favoured by Tweedy Moms, in Sensible Shoes on the School Run. Rated No where near a M.B. or B.M.. All B.M,s except their SUVs are well liked,as are Benz Sports, but Benz Cars are so so because they are Taxis in Europe.Like Toyota here with its Fleet Sales,it puts some folks off to buy a Taxi, when Honda are not Taxi here in general terms.Why they aim at the 2.5 Mill Market is surprising when the Labour Costs here should make them a threat to Honda,and all the big sellers here.But I'm no Judge, id like the Morgan V8 here for a change.:blink:

Glad we are not living in England. Volvo is high end here, and S80 priced on par with Camry/Accord V6 making it a bargain in TH

Morgan goes well with TH termites

Morgan Dealers give you a Free Gallon of Cuprinoll...I wouldnt say a Bargain though,they dont have many dealers for a Homebased Company.. and Thais Rate those pissy engined Benzes, so beloved of Trans Am.B)


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS

There are any number of posts all over the Forum on why stuff costs so much more in LOS vs. "back home." I think we can put this topic to rest (but feel free to search the Forum and read them).

As for cars, and in particular Volvo, it may because the value of the labour content of a car is deminimus with regards to its final price. So the relative labour costs between countries has little bearing on how much it costs to manufacture a car in that country. Also, the fact Volvo sells maybe a couple thousand vehicles a year in Thailand vs. tens of thousands in the UK and hundreds of thousands in the USA may also have a bearing on costs.


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS

There are any number of posts all over the Forum on why stuff costs so much more in LOS vs. "back home." I think we can put this topic to rest (but feel free to search the Forum and read them).

As for cars, and in particular Volvo, it may because the value of the labour content of a car is deminimus with regards to its final price. So the relative labour costs between countries has little bearing on how much it costs to manufacture a car in that country. Also, the fact Volvo sells maybe a couple thousand vehicles a year in Thailand vs. tens of thousands in the UK and hundreds of thousands in the USA may also have a bearing on costs.

Im pleased to hear Labour Costs are irelevent.Are you a Trade Union Rep.



wandrinstar, your posts these last few weeks on the Thai motoring scene have been both baffling and entertaining. Please invest in a dictionary!, you are betraying your superior education from good old GB.

I can tolerate KBB with his mangling of the English language as he hails from Scandi.



wandrinstar, your posts these last few weeks on the Thai motoring scene have been both baffling and entertaining. Please invest in a dictionary!, you are betraying your superior education from good old GB.

I can tolerate KBB with his mangling of the English language as he hails from Scandi.


Thank You, but my efforts to reinstall the Spell Check ,are about as sucessfull as setting a Nav Sat. As for my way of putting things, i appologise its derived from leaving England at 20,, its Yank Slang, OzzyShrine, and Latino arm waveing, plus a large dose of Lethargy caused by living here to long..I do a good impression of the Mad Cheff on the Muppet Show,that amuses the Ugel Dooble Mito Mata Ex Pats, who i must add drive like WRC Champions in Go Carts.:jap:


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS

There are any number of posts all over the Forum on why stuff costs so much more in LOS vs. "back home." I think we can put this topic to rest (but feel free to search the Forum and read them).

As for cars, and in particular Volvo, it may because the value of the labour content of a car is deminimus with regards to its final price. So the relative labour costs between countries has little bearing on how much it costs to manufacture a car in that country. Also, the fact Volvo sells maybe a couple thousand vehicles a year in Thailand vs. tens of thousands in the UK and hundreds of thousands in the USA may also have a bearing on costs.

Volvo costs more than Thai made japs cause its parts are imported, in tax language called CKD. Thai japs are made from mostly Thai made parts, no importduty.

Volvo S80 2,5T costs less than benz E200 (1800ccT), as its less popular in TH. It is at least as technically advanced and top notch quality


wandrinstar, your posts these last few weeks on the Thai motoring scene have been both baffling and entertaining. Please invest in a dictionary!, you are betraying your superior education from good old GB.

I can tolerate KBB with his mangling of the English language as he hails from Scandi.


Thanks phutoie2 :jap:

Anyone bothering to read my silly posts, would know by know English is my 4 th language, and as this is an english language forum, I just have to use it :unsure:


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS

There are any number of posts all over the Forum on why stuff costs so much more in LOS vs. "back home." I think we can put this topic to rest (but feel free to search the Forum and read them).

As for cars, and in particular Volvo, it may because the value of the labour content of a car is deminimus with regards to its final price. So the relative labour costs between countries has little bearing on how much it costs to manufacture a car in that country. Also, the fact Volvo sells maybe a couple thousand vehicles a year in Thailand vs. tens of thousands in the UK and hundreds of thousands in the USA may also have a bearing on costs.

Volvo costs more than Thai made japs cause its parts are imported, in tax language called CKD. Thai japs are made from mostly Thai made parts, no importduty.

Volvo S80 2,5T costs less than benz E200 (1800ccT), as its less popular in TH. It is at least as technically advanced and top notch quality

Thanks K.B. , now that is a valid reason , Wonderfully Waffle Free,and covers my Cheap Labour inference suggesting they don't pass on any saving on to the Customers as do the rest of MFGs here.:jap:


F.B. i sugest you leave Content to the Moderators.My remarks, as anyone with Half a Brain,were mainly for K.B.s attention, and anyone else who is a bit bored with Green Numberplates.K.B. has strong oppinions and i find him, along with Trans Am have a sence of humour, and good info.There must be a reason why, given the Cheap Labour here they cost so much. If not the rest of the Car World is out of step with their constant Bleat of HIGH LABOUR COSTS

There are any number of posts all over the Forum on why stuff costs so much more in LOS vs. "back home." I think we can put this topic to rest (but feel free to search the Forum and read them).

As for cars, and in particular Volvo, it may because the value of the labour content of a car is deminimus with regards to its final price. So the relative labour costs between countries has little bearing on how much it costs to manufacture a car in that country. Also, the fact Volvo sells maybe a couple thousand vehicles a year in Thailand vs. tens of thousands in the UK and hundreds of thousands in the USA may also have a bearing on costs.

Volvo costs more than Thai made japs cause its parts are imported, in tax language called CKD. Thai japs are made from mostly Thai made parts, no importduty.

Volvo S80 2,5T costs less than benz E200 (1800ccT), as its less popular in TH. It is at least as technically advanced and top notch quality

Thanks K.B. , now that is a valid reason , Wonderfully Waffle Free,and covers my Cheap Labour inference suggesting they don't pass on any saving on to the Customers as do the rest of MFGs here.:jap:

Volvo S80 2,5 and BMW 523i and Benz 200E cost the same to develope and manufactor, all made in TH, again who is not passing on low labourcost to consumer :rolleyes:

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