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Hi (I did look for an answer but couldn't find)

I live in Udon and have always done my 90 days in Lao, But I am driving down to Pattaya next week and will turn off to go to the Cambodian border --and do it there.

1/ Just a little confused after what I have read here...is the crossing at Aranyaprathet or PoiPet ? I had done the Pattaya to Cambodian Border run some 7 years ago and remember the market area just before crossing---The shopping seemed good & I wanted to take my wife there for a few hours.

2/ Does anyone know of a hotel Thai Side ---close--that they would recommend.

3/ Is it important to do your Visa by internet before going ? from what I remember----7 years ago, it seemed quite straight forward but I did go with a visa run company.

The Map I am looking at shows me turning off to highway 33... and I am looking at going back to Pattaya Via Chantaburi if its about the same distance.

Any tips on state of Road's or doing the Visa---- would be appreciated


Sorry if its a repeat question.


Aranyaprathet is the name of the town on the Thai side of the border and PoiPetis the name of the town on the Cambodia side of the border.

Not sure about your other questions as have only been there once a few years ago...


If you are going to do a DIY visa run, yes buy a Evisa online, it will cost $25 and will save you money and time at the border.

When I went in January, I went down the hallway that leads to the Immigration counter and a Immigration official said, you have visa, and I said yes Evisa, and he said 300baht, and I said no way I have the visa, I will not pay anything. He didn't press the matter and even lent me a pen, and gave me the arrival & departure forms.

The most important thing that all of us should do in these situations is politely hold our ground!

There are hotels on both sides and in no mans zone, I haven't stayed at any of them, but have heard that the Thai side hotels are better quality.


The cost of a visa at the PoiPet border is $20. They will try to tack on 100b graft fee. I gave them 80b and they were fine with that. What the e-visa does is save time and space on your passport. I was there a week ago and 3 times in the past 6 months. There is some great shopping in the no mans land/grey area along the entrry/exit area. far better than any duty free airport. Expect to haggle vigorusly for the best price-it is expected there as there are many vendors along this 200 meter strech.B)


The cambodian side has hotels in the casinos about 1500-5000 bht a night.The casinos are cool to,ive done very well at the casino.then there are guest houses about a mile down on the left and right sides 400-600bht a night.the guys who offer to help you with your visa at the border usualy speak thai,little english and khemer for 5-10 baht they grab you motorcycle taxi and diect them to take you to either place.i have used both casino hotels and guest houses and never had any problems at all in either places.one last thing when you go over the border there don't dress down to much several times ive seen thai immagration ask the tiedie packpackers to show them 20,000 baht to show proof they can provide for themselves.And in one case a british expat was refused entry because he only had 9000 bht.So you don't need a suit and tie but dress for success.

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