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Young Girls With Old Farang Gents

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My Dear Jooplo

Pardon me, but did you say, a young Thai student girl who likes old Farang men? Ahhem....uh. I am certainly glad to make your acquaintance. I just happen to be a.. Man of Age, and by sheer coincidence, I like young Thai girls!

Isn't this strange? It's as if it were supposed to happen. I mean what are the chances that a young Thai girl would be looking for an older man on-line, and I would just happen to see it?

I don't want to be too forward, but I have this feeling...that...we could make... beautiful music together. Yeah, beautiful music, that's the ticket. Not to be too blunt, but how can I contact you off-line? :o

  • Haha 1
Guest IT Manager
My Dear Jooplo

Pardon me, but did you say, a young Thai student girl who likes old Farang men? Ahhem....uh. I am certainly glad to make your acquaintance. I just happen to be a.. Man of Age, and by sheer coincidence, I like young Thai girls!

Isn't this strange? It's as if it were supposed to happen. I mean what are the chances that a young Thai girl would be looking for an older man on-line, and I would just happen to see it?

I don't want to be too forward, but I have this feeling...that...we could make... beautiful music together. Yeah, beautiful music, that's the ticket. Not to be too blunt, but how can I contact you off-line? :o

Far be it from me to criticise or cast aspersions on the perspicacity of members, but if the person who wrote that is a "young Thai student girl", I am a monkey and this is my nephew.

Trolling is the name of the game methinks, but fun, nonetheless.

Methinks a meeting whilst well prepared for, when the student turns up in jeans in a bar and you realise she hasn't shaved in longer than you have... I may be wrong, but I do have my doubts, you may cancel one ticket to Phuket.

While Viagra is the most well known of the current products, Cialis will soon be the pill of choice for most guys that benefit from increased blood flow to ... uhmm ... certain areas.  Like Viagra, it does not increase a man's sexual desire, just improves their ability to respond to it under certain specific medical conditions. 

Cialis does last much longer than Viagra.  Up to 36 hours according to the manufacturer.  So, theoretically you can pop one Friday afternoon and be good to go through all of Saturday.  Which helps keep you from sweet talking her with, "Honey, in fifteen minutes we'll have a one or two hour window of opportunity!" that you get with Viagra. 



What's up with the NOSE then........... B)B)B) was that the clue ????????? it growns BIGGER and LASTS LONGER for Up to 36 hours according to the manufacturer.




HI darlingsssss !!

well.... if you dare me ....... why don't you "######" and U " Georgie-Porgie" meet me up at the same time and i will show you guys am a real woman .......who is normal and ..PLEASE !! I SHAVE my legs and sorry ...... i never grow hair on my body ..honey !

Dun piss me off ! pleaseee........ I am sure i am pretty ...

"######" I am 21 years old and i am an international student in one of the top universities in bangkok and how did i found this site is the same as you did....... I searched for it !! since i am interested in business development in thailand and my family is looking some interesting ideas.

And I think I did not see that there is sign on the forum that it is not for young thai students ... to post an opinion or my experiences about it ........

I think it is my personal perspective on this issue and whether i lied or not

I do not think i deserve such a threat from you.........

I wrote the post because that is what happened to me and i wanted to share it


Because ....... umm... let me ask you one question .......

IN order to learn one thing ... do you think you can acheive it by asking the people who have the same among of Knowledge as you ?

Or would you learn from someone who can teach you ?

And in my opinion , dating is not a way to find a husband or to find guys so girls can suck their money up.

And i never walk up or try to get guys online .....

but every guy who is older and wanted to date me came up to me ........ all of them .... and excuse me .... I do not date around.

But I do not think it is not appropriate to go out and get to know someone in your society ..... and who can talk about what you are interested in .... more than going for some guys who are just cute but does not have the background or common values as mine !! This is the main reason !

I wish that there would be some guys in my ages who can do that too.....

I do not only have a special interest in OLDER MEN !

Umm... that i mentioned about "the air -headed" girls .......

I think I did not say that all girls who are mistresses are air-headed

but i specified in the issue of.. sucking up guy's money .........


UMM.. and I work while studying too ........I pay my own intution fee But Now AM NOT quite SURE IF AM SO STUPID OR WHAT... to answer this long

WELL,,,,, IF YOUR BET IS THE AIR TICKET TO PHUKET THEN, LET 'S MEET AND I WOULD want to show you how my life is..... and it would be kewl for me to go to phuket


lol ...sorry Maerim.. did not mean to be rude and aggressive here.......

well.... i was pissed off... anywayz, I have the right of speech right ?

.. umm... SOrry if i happen to be a jink here


Anymore Thai young girl, please hand up? haha

Well done bebe, its time to speak up !!

Jooplo, you were not the only one who had a crush on old guy, I did too!

But I do believe that my case is worse,coz I was 22 and that (un)lucky man was 55!!! yeah yeah he could be my father, i know i know... but love has no bounderie right? I am decent,well educated woman and money never be a problem. If he were not married, I would have definitely gone for it!. I felt the same, I did not see anybody at my age fullfilled my intellectaul part and he was my profressor at the university!!

I am sure there are plenty of young women with old men for money, and not only thailand but everywhere. But dont streotype us! The young women with old men for love are still exited, at least 2 !! :o


Yeah, that's the ticket gals! All you hot Thai chicks who can't stand guys your own age but think the answer lies with the older, maturer, plumper fellas with the proceding foreheads, then come out of the closet now and be counted. This is your chance to show it's all about lurve, experience and intelligent conversations that only the over-50s can provide. Over to you babes to share the attraction............

  • Haha 1

I think it is getting too far !!

I never date a guy who is over 35 !!

and considering those guys who came up to me ...they do not happen to be <deleted> .. because i think i do know how to choose ......... I think it is mutual voluntary to do anything as you or I want WANT TO .....as long as it does not bother .. or hurt someone else and as long as you can be responsible for yourself both physically and mentally! ( for girls)

I do not want to speak much anymore because I think ADULTS should have their own judgements about what is right or what is wrong and girls ourselves should be responsible for what we do too ... not just ..I said i date older guys ,does mean am trying to say HEY "I AM AVAILABLE ! ###### ME PLEASE! "

I debated on this topic because ... I would want to show that there is not only one NARROW minded ADULTS who proclaimed about being so educated here

but I think ONES WHO ARE EDUCATED , should HAVE BROADER VISION and accept everyone's opinions because we all are reality which bumping into one another........we just see the world from different angles but that does not mean who is right or wrong.......I AM claiming my right here and I do not think you have the right to identify particular name of the university ....... when you cannot be sure about the sources and i think it is an insulting.

My university teaches me to backup on my opinions in written papers every time if not i would have failed since the First year ....... so don't try to be nonsense here.

and THANK YOU " PLACHON" for advice.

I guess i know that people should be able to think for themselves what is good or bad for them and they should be willing to accept all results that would possibly happen later ... BE RESPONSIBLE for yor actions , yourself and the person you are in the relationship with ! u know .....

We all have chocies to choose...and it is our lives .... we run our own shows.... Do not ever think being young is being stupid......

there is many factors that make each person unique which is shaped by life'experiences that we want and choose them to happento us.

In a nutshell, I know what is good for me and i do know what i am doing

and I THINK BEFORE I SAY OR DO EVERYTHING AND I STAY WITH MY MORAL CODES.... I saw the first page of this post and FOR CRYING OUT LOAD ..... !!


by Keith Drury .....you wouldn't have said such a peccable things like ..


I think it is a stupid way to show what your personalities are like especially when you seriously said that you came here "PURELY FOR EDUCATION"

it does not sound to match what is inside your mind.



Normally, I would be happy to meet "Miss" Jooplo with ###### , but now that I know more about ######, I'm afraid that he might feed "her" to his snake (if she were sporting a seven day shadow). Dr. Patpong, Could I be considered an accessory?


LOL hi ! Georgie-Porgie

I know you guys too well........ and i would not seduce you or be so dumb to see you guys pull a fast one on me.

I think I dare you guys and i can REPEAT MY word darn well....

But i would not risk myself for nothing....

but if you are so interested to know if it is the truth about what i say .I DARE YOU

I DARE YOU .... to prove it ! but I do not htink I am stupid enough to

go out and take a crack at your derisive mind.

I just want to say that it is not permissible to gnaw "WOMEN" like that....

If you guys are able to ridicule us women , I AM SOMEONE who wants to make an oblique comment here tooo !!!!!!!!

  • Haha 1

What ! What !

'Ladies' ?

Allowed here?

In the Clubhouse? ........In the Drawing Room?

Whatever next.

The older Members dozing by the fireplace will become agitated.

A young woman. Goodness Gracious. It reminds me of Nanny and Matron....


Now fancy this. Jooplo, you say you not date anyone older than 35??? Why the age limit???? Interesting, but you know even a 50 year old guy can have some class and treat a lady right. :o

Yep even a 50 year old knows how to handle a woman right. Darn, do I get this all wrong or do i get so confused on a mere sniff of a womans intelligence. Whew, but you do sound great indeed. :D

Ah, look at my girlfriend here being the Avatar. Isn't she cute. We are tight indeed. OOOOOOOOOps. B)

Hehehehehehhe B)

Daveyoti B)


I'm an old baldy with a [small -medium sized] bear belly who has a very young Thai wife who insists,when we are out and about,that I walk at least 10m in front of her.

I'm an old baldy with a [small -medium sized] bear belly who has a very young Thai wife who insists,when we are out and about,that I walk at least 10m in front of her.

That's Love! :o


I said I never date a guy who is over 35 but did not say I will not LOL

( p.s. not flirting ok ? ) But i look at my life and I am so excited about it ....

I think i have an extrodinary one here .....not about material gains or whatever devilish things you might ever think of .......I am not a avator but I have been through some tough times and wonderful times in almost 21 yrs that i have been living my life and now I look back and see how I changed ....... TO me it is a fascinating progress ... I thought about all these things when i had my own Niece last year..( I have 2 older brothers ...who r 12yrs older )

I just knew how graceful the parents can be when they have a total responsibility on one human being ........well, let me make my point here .......

My brother married a woman who is almost 10 years older than he is ... and he met her since he was fifteen. they have been together for 7 years before getting married and this christmas was their 10th years aniversary .......

I never believed they could make it ..... I really ...WOW.......

that is why I do not believe in "Age differences" ........

I really do have faith in them .... my parents were against it at first but they proved to me that Real love exists .......

Well, some of you would say " I have seen a couple who had been highschool sweet heart for 10 years but after one year marriage, they got divorced "

Yeah , that could happen too but .... I saw my sis in law and my bro worked things out ..from the very begining together ..... I think it is hard to find someone who has the same set of values in life and the same goal in life ........ like these two persons .....

and I truly believe that ..... if you want to make the relationship work, it will

as long as you can be HONEST to each other and learn to give and recieve Love selflessly ....... sounds simple but hard .. huh ?? lol ... I am aware of that .......

but the most special events in life are 1st .. when you fall in love ...2nd .. when you get married and have your own kid... and last one is when you watch them growing up and repeat the cycle ....

however , hope you enjoy my fairy tale but it is real version......


[small -medium sized] bear belly.

Now, beer bellies are passe here along with shiny heads, body odour and bad manners but if I saw you bear belly I am sure I would give you more than a 10 metre start.

Dear Mr. ######

Thanks for looking out for me, but I knew that. Didn't my post seem a little over the top to you? Maybe you guys should include a sarcasm smiley? :o

One might need more than one.

I'm an old baldy with a [small -medium sized] bear belly who has a very young Thai wife who insists,when we are out and about,that I walk at least 10m in front of her.

If your wife is worried about your "bear" belly just wear a loose fitting shirt. :o


WELL SORRY ... ABOUT THAT "TRANSLATOR" if you do not want to read mine then YOU know ...that,.. umm ..YOU CAN just SKIP it "

because i do not hope everyone would want to read mine either.......

I supppose that i did not break the rules of posting here did i ?

and Dr. Pat Pong

Yes i agree , that one might need more than one and if you are not Thai then I presume you should know the Golden Rule of Christianity better than I do.

"Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you."

Guest IT Manager
WELL SORRY ... ABOUT THAT "TRANSLATOR" if you do not want to read  mine then YOU know ...that,.. umm ..YOU CAN just SKIP it "

because i do not hope everyone would want to read mine either.......

I supppose that i did not break the rules of posting here did i ?

  "Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you."

Jooplo, you are bringing an interesting viewpoint to this forum. Don't spoil it please. It is fine to be a young thai student girl dating older men, (to quote your own post earlier), but please, until you have been here a while, people will continue to be learning about you, and also to doubt you.

Think about your posts. Really so far only one or two even closely resembled anything slightly approaching anyone we would know who describes themselves as you do.

If someone says something, don't take it personally in the forum. Be a bit smart about what and how you respond, because when people know and respect your views they, (me included), will change their views about you as a board member.

Give it time, be a bit jai yen yen. It will work out.

Also if you repeat the note to me after your post the other day, I will give you a good slap. You wouldn't address your father like that, don't do it to me.

Have a good new year celebration wherever you are and whoever you are with, and whatever you are doing as the gun goes bang. :o


Well Jooplo, what is your main point on your issue? Granted your a female, but why confuse us guys since we have testosterone?? Whewwwwwwwww B)

Thank goodness we are men. Females have so many curves it causes us to go goofy from spatiac convulsions. B)B)

Daveyoti :D:o

Guest IT Manager

Thanks Dave...excellent to get your general bent on issues of import.

The dog is too young too have periods by the way... (separate issue, off topic, PM earlier... sorry no excuse)

I have banned myself for a period of reflective time.


I would allow you to give me a big harsh slap if you could

But I thought I could speak on behalf of one who would want to bring out new aspects of this certain issue when the same ideas are revolved continuously. Do not have an intention to disregard Adults or Individual perception.

Anywayz, I have something to say ….

Firstly, Yes I address to everyone like I do here including my own “Father” because as long as it is rational and apriori not emotional, everyone should be encouraged to speak up their mind and vindicate their “personal” opinions logically in order to reveal the hidden explanation as in my father supports me. That is the forums are for aren’t they?

I do not take things personal myself and I would hope everyone here would not either.

I tried to correct my point when the message is manipulated, not to keep picking on others. We communicate in order to improve our own personal communication behavior and more fully appreciate that of others….

But imagine if you were discussing something in a big group and someone just tells you that you talks too much …umm…

Psychologically speaking , if someone does not take things personally first then, she/he would not be irritated enough to respond like that.

And my points of the issue are…..


And “IIS NOT A SOCAIL DEVIATION”. I pointed out the reasons that this idea is emerged from “Stereotyping” then presented my own experiences and exemplify it later on. Now I can conclude that two diverse sexes are exposed to intersexual idiosyncrasies in the perception of time and space, the treatment of the other different sexes, the way and mean of conducting oneself , and even the discovery and meaningful of truth.

P.S. Each post has captured each main topic stated above, it might take

very careful attention in order to synthesize details of this issue for some.

Thank you.

OH ! and by the way , a living young dog who is not able to have period, is better than a DEAD LION”

Granted your a female,

i read this forum cause she showed me and the one thing that i can say is that she is a female a very female , female even :o

And to those who dont see her point

If you would live in Europe all of you you wouldnt have such a problem with younger girls dating older man.

It is accepted here more i guess.

Why shouldnt it be possible that one girl falls in love with an older guy or at least goes out with him.

I mean i hate those guys because they always get the best girls :D but hey i ll be getting older too B)

Oh yeah and if someone says that all girls are just seeking their sugar daddy to keep them spoiled, i just say that at least jooplo doenst need that ...

What i really think that is funny is that all the expats in this form here look as if they are not used to a girl especially a thai girl talking back to them and telling them that they are notz right or that there is an other point of view.

but that was just my 5 cents B)


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