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One of the finest muslim restaurants is on the right just before you turn left to go the Rimkok hotel. Coming from the superhighway go through the traffic lights and past St Mary's school and its about another 200mtrs with a large car park, they often have goat on the menu.


I would sure like to get a young goat to make cabrito with. I have seen herds of them, hither and yon, but never in a market type setting. I was wondering what they do with them. I am at the point thinking Thais have never tried goat.....hmmmm. People in my community scarf everthing from the occasional snake to the large rats and here recently with all the rains, large tadpoles. Not the small ones, mind you, but the ones half way to becoming a full sized gope....thumb size. But back to cabrito....yummy-doodle indeed. It is a culinary delight in south Texas...hell, just about everywhere there. If you get a lead on where to get, please post it. Thanks. ett


Yep, seen them at the junction prior to the flyover on the way to the airport. There are a handful of sheep among them too.

Dont get me going on roast lamb!!

Ex~Tex. If I get a result I will let you know. Maybe we can have a cook up.


Yep, seen them at the junction prior to the flyover on the way to the airport. There are a handful of sheep among them too.

Dont get me going on roast lamb!!

Ex~Tex. If I get a result I will let you know. Maybe we can have a cook up.


Yep, seen them at the junction prior to the flyover on the way to the airport. There are a handful of sheep among them too.

Dont get me going on roast lamb!!

Ex~Tex. If I get a result I will let you know. Maybe we can have a cook up.

tried some goat from mackro the worst meat i have ever bought,i had some in greece yumeeee,them sheep must have been wolves in sheeps clothing,lamb is the only thing i cant get,and dont tell me to buy that ausi crap.


I've eaten goat a plenty in Australia and the Middle East. Good eating, can be a bit grisly, but I put that down to the crappy butcher cuts, as in no choice cuts. A whole goat on a rotary grill is the way to go for partys. Start in the morning, rewady to serve in the afternoon eaten.

Good thread, looking forward to finding out the contacts in the area.


Yep, seen them at the junction prior to the flyover on the way to the airport. There are a handful of sheep among them too.

Dont get me going on roast lamb!!

Ex~Tex. If I get a result I will let you know. Maybe we can have a cook up.

Yes-siree-bob...or rather Steve. Would love to do that, indeed. I am in the planning stage for my patio that calls for a wood fired pizza/bread oven and now....might as well think about a built in grill that could accommodate larger pieces of meat....or really huge veggies, eh? Next time I am in CR, I will take a drive out that way and give a look-sy and see if I can't find a herdsman. Sometimes if their dogs are smart enough...and I have encountered this in northern New Mexico with a herd of sheep....not a human in sight and they were being driven (hearding the sheep) across a road and actually had traffic stopped (me) and when I tried to get closer to get a good photo, the one dog (2 total) growled and started biting at the tires. Animals are amazing. And by the way, just in case...I am a card carrying member of PETA (people eating tasty animals). As a biologist, I know we are at least second from the top of the food chain....polar bears being the apex giving our almost shared environment....almost...think semi-terrestrial anyway. If you can't outrun, out-climb, or out-swim something out to eat you, then ....you don't get to claim being at the top. ett


CR should have enough Muslims to warrant an Halal butcher I suspect. hopefully the restaurant can tell steve where it may be.

Failing that there does seems to be quite a lot of herds of Goats, not so many sheep unfortunately.

.......... not seen many Polar Bears either :)


Have just googled "halal butchers chiang rai" and found a pdf download listing a couple of muslim outlets. Will check them out on Monday if its bike weather.

Sorry cant upload the file. Android no can do!


Are you sure you only want to eat it ???

:lol: bit rude...that's why I say BBQ everything, at least hopefully all the bugs are dead.

If anyone would like a video of an interestng event caught on a thermal imager in Iraq, PM me. I don't suspect the guys expected to see this when patrolling. I couldn't stop laughing, especially with the overlayed text comments.:lol:


Are you sure you only want to eat it ???

:lol: bit rude...that's why I say BBQ everything, at least hopefully all the bugs are dead.

If anyone would like a video of an interestng event caught on a thermal imager in Iraq, PM me. I don't suspect the guys expected to see this when patrolling. I couldn't stop laughing, especially with the overlayed text comments.:lol:

If its another example of "Women are alright; but you can't beat the real thing" , then no; I don't want to see the Video :o


Are you sure you only want to eat it ???

:lol: bit rude...that's why I say BBQ everything, at least hopefully all the bugs are dead.

If anyone would like a video of an interesting event caught on a thermal imager in Iraq, PM me. I don't suspect the guys expected to see this when patrolling. I couldn't stop laughing, especially with the overlayed text comments.:lol:

If its another example of "Women are alright; but you can't beat the real thing" , then no; I don't want to see the Video :o

yes, I always thought the comment was for camels, but it turns out I was mistaken somewhat :D

You can see nothing explicit, but it's pretty obvious what's happening :)


Seen the video and as I dont have any Welsh blood in me I wasnt turned on (too much)

Definately not the kind of spit we were talking about!

I'm defintely a fan of rotary grills / spits. Definitely like when the meat starts to fall off the bone. :)


Steve , I would like to buy a whole Sheep and Goat as well (slaughtered and not live), so your fact finding mission will be

much appreciated . Price per KG would be great for both please . :D Thanks


On the Super highway coming from Prasopsuk heading north , go over the river , then at the set of lights that

go left to the Rimkok , go just past the lights and pull over on the left. There is a shop 2 or 3 doors in

where a Muslim man sells cars and also has fresh goat for sale . I have been told he is the halal butcher and keeps

plenty of fresh goat and sheep meat in his fridge. I have not been yet but if i get chance next week I will take a look , unless one of you get there first .


If all else fail's Makro goat is very good if you braise it, add what ever spice's you like takes about 2+hour's, not fried, grilled, or baked, as it will end up like a stone.


Yesterday on the way to makro I saw the sheep and there were at least 50 of them. On the way home around 150 goats had joined them to graze. No sign of a shepherd or goatman anywhere. Unfortunately Iam in CM at the moment taking the missus to hospital. Will investigate further on my return.

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