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Unwanted Pregnancies Increase But Legalizing Abortion Unlikely

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Unwanted pregnancies increase but legalizing abortion unlikely

BANGKOK, 29 May 2011 (NNT) - The Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation expressed concerns over the increasing number of unwanted pregnancies, while legalizing abortion in Thailand was unlikely.

According to the Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health, over 10,000 teenage girls got pregnant in 2009 and the number was increasing.

The Women’s Health Advocacy Foundation said it was difficult to push for the legalization of abortion in the Kingdom as the practice went against Thai culture and religious belief.

Currently,a woman can get legal abortion only under three circumstances: when she has been the victim of rape, when the mother’s health is in danger, and when she is younger than 15 years old.

The Foundation explained that 45 percent of women with unwanted pregnancies got illegal abortions, which was very risky to the health of the women and many had died as a result of the substandard procedures.

It added many developing countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam, and Nepal had legalized abortion for women who are under 3-month in pregnancy.

The Foundation suggested preventing unwanted pregnancies was the best way to solve the matter; providing knowledge to students, giving birth control service, and giving women with unintended pregnancies options and guidance.


-- NNT 2011-05-29 footer_n.gif


"The Foundation suggested preventing unwanted pregnancies was the best way to solve the matter; providing knowledge to students, giving birth control service, and giving women with unintended pregnancies options and guidance."

Yes, give sex ed to all school children. Maybe even go round and inform a lot of the adults.

People are human. They will always make mistakes. All you can do as a responsible society is to inform and educate. What they choose to do with that information is up to them.


Why this goverment does not make the simple law like in west civilisation , that a man is financially responsible for the life he create...... if prouven ofcourse...., should help already a lot..!!;)

To help the girl(s) or make to "zip up" at least before action before unprotected sex :whistling:


Banning Abortion. Great Policy. After all, look how successful that policy has been in third world Catholic countries unsure.gif.


They can't afford to feed themselves and now they are forced to have child.passifier.gif Even when there are safe ways to abort using RU-486 a morning after pill. Will this pill be exempted? Poster previously stated that they should hold the fathers financially liable as well, but a douche with no cash is a cashless douche and getting a garnishing policy on what paycheck? Sex education would be a good start but with the culture as it is, there is no way a teacher in a class room is going to whip out a banana and put a condom on it.Teach them to slap a knicker on the tally whacker, good luck! The man usually hauls ass and the lady is left holding the baby! Pro choice and womens rights all the way baby! Seems like the Male dominated society keepen the woman down. Fight the power!

edit suck at speeling


It is a disgrace but essentially the Thai way; just bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. Whistling "la la la la la" helps to dull out the thump of sense others are trying to drum into you !

Basket case decision.


Banning Abortion. Great Policy. After all, look how successful that policy has been in third world Catholic countries unsure.gif.

Si Senor! Comprende muchos!


Banning abortion has always been about punishing those who have sex outside of marriage, the people that support banning have no care or thought for the lives it ruins.


Banning abortion has always been about punishing those who have sex outside of marriage, the people that support banning have no care or thought for the lives it ruins.

What about the "ruined life" of the baby? What about the life that never got to see the world, to make the world a better place, or to give joy to others? Most people my age (almost retirement age) know older women who are alone and childless, and who think about, and grieve for their aborted children.

This is a picture of Edward, just one year old. He walks, talks, laughs, cries and is loved very much by his family. He was conceived 2 years ago accidentally (very stupid on my part, I know) and when my gf told me she was pregnant and wanted money for an abortion, I promised to support her and the child if she would not have an abortion. I'm old, not in great health, and poor and unemployed.. your typical farang kee nok. But I do my best to help them even with 3 American children, 2 in college. My point is that abortions should be rare because of the consequences, both emotional and physical. There are things that are more important than a comfortable life style.



Hello, it is not my place to judge the people or the circumstances of a pregnancy but many women die from the back alley illegal abortions mostly done in filthy conditions. Young or old people can be talked to and made to study the science of how a pregnancy can happen, but they think it will never happen to them. The pregnant women do not always think the same as when they were not pregnant so they look for a simple alternative to being pregnant, and you can enter the psuedo doctor with little experience doing his work in filthy conditions asking to be paid before he will do anything to terminate the pregnancy because dead women do not pay. It is a bad situation for all people and society with no simple answer, but it is good to look at all perspectives. Dale

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