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Pakistan Earthquake


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First I heard was the tail end of a radio story in the car this morning that an earthquake had hit Asia.

Naturally I paniced thinking "oh no not again" so I rushed home to check the news.

To my relief its not hit Thailand again this time, but my heart does go out to all those who are affected. A large number of one of my friends family live in Kashmir, I just hope that they are OK.

Its a sign of worse things to come if you ask me... weve really messed this planet up!

Edited by falangaman
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First I heard was the tail end of a radio story in the car this morning that an earthquake had hit Asia.

Naturally I paniced thinking "oh no not again" so I rushed home to check the news.

To my relief its not hit Thailand again this time, but my heart does go out to all those who are affected. A large number of one of my friends family live in Kashmir, I just hope that they are OK.

Its a sign of worse things to come if you ask me... weve really messed this planet up!

Earthquakes are common in this region and don't really have anything to do with global warming or human presence at all.

It's just terrible to see and I hope GW gets off his duff and sends some serious aid to this region. These people surely need help.

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It's just terrible to see and I hope GW gets off his duff and sends some serious aid to this region. These people surely need help.

I notice SBK that you pointedly pick the USA to be responsible for getting Aid to the country, and if it doesn't happen it will be their fault, right?

Why didn't you say Australia? They are closer.....

Why not the EU, they are closer?

Why not the UN? Because you know they couldn't do it if they tried? hel_l, I probably have 5-10,000 worthless UN people sitting here in Kabul, scratching their asses all day long....... lets just dispatch the UN. We are only a 30 minute flight away from Islamabad.

You know, I am getting sick and tired of people saying the USA needs to get involved (They were the 1st unaffected country on the scene after the Tsunami) then in the next breath saying, we don't like your response, we don't like your methods......

Sure the USA should HELP out, along with the rest of the world...... and people like you should recognize that it has to be a group effort, when if things go wrong a shared blame!

Crawl out from under your rock and look around........ there are a lot of countries out there, spit your venom equally!

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I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster. I know that Israel has broken open its tight wad to help

I didn't bother posting a thread re this earthquake since Muslims don't get much sympathy from you lot. This post by monochaser is just about the worst thing anyone could say right now, well done I hope you're proud of yourself. Just sit back and wait for the others to join in now...

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It's just terrible to see and I hope GW gets off his duff and sends some serious aid to this region. These people surely need help.

I notice SBK that you pointedly pick the USA to be responsible for getting Aid to the country, and if it doesn't happen it will be their fault, right?

Why didn't you say Australia? They are closer.....

Why not the EU, they are closer?

Why not the UN? Because you know they couldn't do it if they tried? hel_l, I probably have 5-10,000 worthless UN people sitting here in Kabul, scratching their asses all day long....... lets just dispatch the UN. We are only a 30 minute flight away from Islamabad.

You know, I am getting sick and tired of people saying the USA needs to get involved (They were the 1st unaffected country on the scene after the Tsunami) then in the next breath saying, we don't like your response, we don't like your methods......

Sure the USA should HELP out, along with the rest of the world...... and people like you should recognize that it has to be a group effort, when if things go wrong a shared blame!

Crawl out from under your rock and look around........ there are a lot of countries out there, spit your venom equally!

Bit servere Bob. SBK is only hoping that her country of origin can make some contribution to help these people.

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I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster. I know that Israel has broken open its tight wad to help

I didn't bother posting a thread re this earthquake since Muslims don't get much sympathy from you lot. This post by monochaser is just about the worst thing anyone could say right now, well done I hope you're proud of yourself. Just sit back and wait for the others to join in now...

Unfortunately Zaz I expect many people are clapping their hands at seeing another 20000 'potential terrorists' dead. :o

Tragedy, I hope that all countries and organisations that can give help will give help.

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It's clearly very tragic that so many people have lost their lives and thousands of people will be severly affected in this disaster.There are already some foreign agencies on the scene providing support to the Pakistani authorities.

For any one who is interested on the aid promised the BBC website has some interesting coverage.

It seems that they need helicopters more than anything, hopefully this will come from the countries in the region in the first instance.

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I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster. I know that Israel has broken open its tight wad to help

I didn't bother posting a thread re this earthquake since Muslims don't get much sympathy from you lot. This post by monochaser is just about the worst thing anyone could say right now, well done I hope you're proud of yourself. Just sit back and wait for the others to join in now...

Unfortunately Zaz I expect many people are clapping their hands at seeing another 20000 'potential terrorists' dead. :o

Tragedy, I hope that all countries and organisations that can give help will give help.

There will also be many people who have serious concerns regarding 'muslim terrorists etc' and what the future holds ,who will also have a great deal of sorrow for the very innocent peaceful people who have been affected by this disaster.

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...I expect many people are clapping their hands at seeing another 20000 'potential terrorists' dead. :o ..

I don't believe anybody is "clapping their hands" bkk. Silly remark from you.

I wouldn't say so RDN, bkk is justified in what he said. I can think of a handful of TV memebrs who'll be sat with a grin on their faces thinking just that..."20,000 less terrorists to worry about".

But hey, let's not take this thread to that same fate again and keep it on the subject of a humanitarian disaster regardless of those poor peoples' origins or beliefs please.

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I came back from Pakistan 6 weeks ago after working there for 7 months.

It is unbelievable how many UN people are "working" in Pakistan and driving around in d**n great Land Cruisers all day, and doing prezactly what I would like to know.

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I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster. I know that Israel has broken open its tight wad to help

I didn't bother posting a thread re this earthquake since Muslims don't get much sympathy from you lot. This post by monochaser is just about the worst thing anyone could say right now, well done I hope you're proud of yourself. Just sit back and wait for the others to join in now...

zaz, I'm sorry but I disagree that the post is in bad taste - I think it raises an interesting idea.

Why shouldn't organisations such as Al Qaeda, which are believed to be well-funded and claim to support muslims, provide assistance in tragedies such as this ? It could be an interesting test of where their loyalties truly lie....

I didn't read monochaser's post as of one of the ignorant muslim-bashing ones at all.

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It is unbelievable how many UN people are "working" in Pakistan and driving around in d**n great Land Cruisers all day, and doing prezactly what I would like to know.
i was on the thai cambodian border in 1989/90 , at site 2 north of aranyaprathet , and also was amazed at the number of high spec 4wd used by the aid agencies.

i saw a "fight" in an office there one morning between an aid worker and her superior over who would get the keys to the land cruiser and who would get the keys to the beat up old pick up for a days drive delivering medication around the camp.

the aid worker implied that the old trucks were for the thais.

needless to say , it soon became apparent that the camp was effectively controlled by the cambodians and local thais , but thats another story !!!

I believe that Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations should loosen up their purse strings to aid its people in this disaster.

this quake is very good news for al qaeda , it will give them an ideal opportunity to gain support from some of the affected villages and small towns by dispersing help of various kinds and being seen to disperse it quicker than the government.

so i'm sure that aid will come from sources linked to al qaeda , aid that will be delivered locally and with plenty of fanfare as to exactly where it is coming from , its how they get support and build up networks and favours from the villages and small towns.

being able to step in when the government cant or wont.

its one of the ways that hezbollah got to be so powerful in the occupied territories of israel /palestine

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Since when did organisations such as AQ express any interest in helping people affected by natural disasters?! I think your posts don't really make any point....? AQ aren't interested in helping such people at all, that's just not their "line of business"...

People affetced by natural disasters are a different kettle of fish from people affected by years of persecution.

Edited by zaz
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their line of business is getting people on their side , anyway they can , especially in the remote and wild areas of west pakistan that is supposedly their hiding place.

they need all the help from the locals there that they can get.

safe houses , supplies , messengers , women , etc.

by giving assistance to the affected at this time they will be gaining loyalty from them.

loyalties that may come in useful at a later date.

local people will i'm sure be aware of which villages and which headmen are affiliated with those groups and clans wanted by the government , and they will be aware should any assistance come from those groups.

their assistance wont be in the shape of blankets emblazoned with bin ladens face , or would be suicide bombers selflessly giving up their explosives to blast away landslides and clear roads , it will be much subtler than that , but it will be made clear to those receiving it as to exactly where it came from.

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If you say so tax, you may either be well informed or just thinking aloud...

In any case if OBL and his boys have been hiding anywhere near the earthquake area they'll be a bit shaken now for sure.... :o

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:DR.I.P. to all that went.

My 'Miss-use' told me that on Thai Telly it was mentioned that Srinakarin Reservoir in Kan Province had a few rumbles at about the same time. Me was fast asleep after heavy Friday Night out on the town BTW.

Take care all of you. :D

Yours truly, :D

Kan Win :D

P.S. Now Thai related me think :o

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