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Yingluck Waits For The Right Time For A Public Debate With Abhisit

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Has anyone heard her speak in English yet? How would she hold up at the United Nations or similar global / political venues where she will represent Thailand?

If she looks good enough who cares if she can speak english?

Seriously if she can unite her people it doesnt matter if she can speak english.

English is way over-rated.

there there devaram - of course it is!!! Now lie down like a good boy and put theis cool cloth on your brow!!!!!!


It's not a problem that I'm not a good speaker.

So then, what is the problem?

Why not at least make a commitment to participate in a debate as that's what the public wants and there's no better way to reach as many voters at one time to present her stand on a myriad of issues and her vision for the future of Thailand as its leader?

Perhaps, like Rocky after accepting the offer to fight the world champion, she wants some time for preparation.


It's not a problem that I'm not a good speaker.

So then, what is the problem?

Why not at least make a commitment to participate in a debate as that's what the public wants and there's no better way to reach as many voters at one time to present her stand on a myriad of issues and her vision for the future of Thailand as its leader?

Perhaps, like Rocky after accepting the offer to fight the world champion, she wants some time for preparation.

(good editing)

Wonderful. Prepare. But in the meantime, make a commitment to actually participating in the debate and not dance around with non-committal, obtuse remarks.

The P-Net sponsored debate isn't until June 23 and 24.

Surely that's ample time to prepare. It's the same prep time that all participating candidates will have.



Has anyone heard her speak in English yet? How would she hold up at the United Nations or similar global / political venues where she will represent Thailand?

she must have struggled with any oral presentations during her Master degree work in the USA.

Audio file [mp3 format] above of ABC News (Australia) report with Yingluck's comments in English.

A much more comprehensive sampling is available in this ABC interview done today:



I think she will just try and avoid the debate, far too much to lose by doing so. As for the ABC interview, oh dear, pretty awful.


Has anyone heard her speak in English yet? How would she hold up at the United Nations or similar global / political venues where she will represent Thailand?

she must have struggled with any oral presentations during her Master degree work in the USA.

Audio file [mp3 format] above of ABC News (Australia) report with Yingluck's comments in English.


A much more comprehensive sampling is available in this ABC interview done today:



that interview was just terrible

i liked he more before i knew what she sounded like

she reminded me of a Miss Tiffanys Pattaya contestant.......


I think she will just try and avoid the debate, far too much to lose by doing so. As for the ABC interview, oh dear, pretty awful.

ABC? Looking at the interview, an Elvis Costello line comes to mind: "It was as much of the alphabet as she knew how to use"


Remember Chavalitt, i died for Thailand when he said anything no matter what Language.Abhisit Makes the Heart go Fonder, at least hes educated, and isn't an Embarrassment on the World Stage.:)


They're both just puppets! One to a globalist dictator and the other to the corporate agenda. Neither will advance Thailand or its people anymore than the leaders of the developed world is helping its people.


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying and avoiding questions, but I think most Thai people are aware of his tricks and are quite frankly are sick of him.


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying and avoiding questions, but I think most Thai people are aware of his tricks and are quite frankly are sick of him.

Huh? How did you come up with that?


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying and avoiding questions, but I think most Thai people are aware of his tricks and are quite frankly are sick of him.

Huh? How did you come up with that?

I think they are saying that a Red Shirt grenadier will be accompanying to the debate.


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying and avoiding questions, but I think most Thai people are aware of his tricks and are quite frankly are sick of him.

You have be able to ensure the ammo is correct for the weapon of choice and know the limitations of both, how to load the weapon and more important to hit the target. This procedure does require some knowledge, proper procedure, and practice. There are some who have and display a natural ability in debate/leadership, others require coaching so they do not harm/or worse, themselves or innocent bystanders. Yingluck's brother who seems to be the coach of this party has shown time and again his ineptness at listening to others as well as a talent for harming other. Your comment about Abbisit describes "big brother" to a T. Even the legal systems has acknowledged his lying as well as other charges and a host of pending cases.


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

Yes, I'm sure the Red's have been provided with plenty of the usual weapons that they tend to carry :rolleyes:


On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying

Off the top of your head then, give us a short list of his lies. Genuinely interested to hear.


she's very smart, i think that abhisit is the one who needs a debate ,not she, abhisit needs to increse his popularity while yingluck is becoming more and more popular among the voters, and what is even more dangerous to abhisit, the popularity of yingluck is going up among the residents of BKK.

:thumbsup: one of the few intelligent posts on this thread so far.


Off topic, baiting, and insulting posts have been removed. Posters are reminded to stay on topic and to refrain from comments concerning the character of other posters.


Yingluck goes into the debate with far better ammo than Abhisit.

On the other hand, Abhisit is just good at lying and avoiding questions, but I think most Thai people are aware of his tricks and are quite frankly are sick of him.

Huh? How did you come up with that?

Abhisit as the incumbent cannot introduce something new, but only already running policies and has to defend them.

The Democrats want to WIN AGAIN, that is something they didn't really accomplished the last time.

Yingluck is new, she is the challenger, she can come up with new promises for the voter and can point at the flaws of the current government and say what she would make better.


Yingluck said that if her party were elected, she would revoke the system of selling eggs by weight. However, she said she would keep the Democrats' good policies.


So easy it goes, how could Abhisit top that?



[Abhisit as the incumbent cannot introduce something new, but only already running policies and has to defend them.

The Democrats want to WIN AGAIN, that is something they didn't really accomplished the last time.

Yingluck is new, she is the challenger, she can come up with new promises for the voter and can point at the flaws of the current government and say what she would make better.


Yingluck said that if her party were elected, she would revoke the system of selling eggs by weight. However, she said she would keep the Democrats' good policies.


So easy it goes, how could Abhisit top that?


[/ quote]

So let her debate with Apisit regarding policies, PM to PM challenger.


Abhisit as the incumbent cannot introduce something new, but only already running policies and has to defend them.

The Democrats want to WIN AGAIN, that is something they didn't really accomplished the last time.

Yingluck is new, she is the challenger, she can come up with new promises for the voter and can point at the flaws of the current government and say what she would make better.

<snipped egg stuff>

In a debate, it's not just a matter of just saying what your promises are, but also explaining how they're going to work and how they're going to be paid for.

Why can't Abhisit introduce something new? Isn't he allowed to have new policies?

What are the flaws of the current government? The only one Thaksin supporters seem to be able to come up with how eggs are being sold.


So easy it goes, how could Abhisit top that?


So let her debate with Apisit regarding policies, PM to PM challenger.

That's what most Thais in this country want. :thumbsup:



Abhisit as the incumbent cannot introduce something new, but only already running policies and has to defend them.

The Democrats want to WIN AGAIN, that is something they didn't really accomplished the last time.

Yingluck is new, she is the challenger, she can come up with new promises for the voter and can point at the flaws of the current government and say what she would make better.

<snipped egg stuff>

In a debate, it's not just a matter of just saying what your promises are, but also explaining how they're going to work and how they're going to be paid for.

Why can't Abhisit introduce something new? Isn't he allowed to have new policies?

What are the flaws of the current government? The only one Thaksin supporters seem to be able to come up with how eggs are being sold.

Which would also ignores the government's remark to review the 'by the kilo' policy after a few months and drop it if not having effect, or being viewed as useful. Personally I think it was a stupid idea in the first place, but that's politicians for you. At least they showed flexibility in admitting the egg measure could be dropped.

Now back on topic. Ms. Yingluck is ready, but waiting for the right time. Rome wasn't build in a day, things take time, busy schedule, priorities, call me again later. As I've suggested before the 31st of June seems appropriate ;)


I think PTP should be sure to include this video as part of their promotional campaign showing the troglodyte mentality behind their major supporters and the kind of lunatics behind them...

Thai logic is not western linear logic of cause and effect, it is multidimensional and often based on emotion and superstition.


What's that then, they don't know whether they're coming or going?

If she looks good enough who cares if she can speak english?

Seriously if she can unite her people it doesnt matter if she can speak english.

English is way over-rated.

'English is way over-rated'.

What a stupid banana republic outlook. Have no idea of her English ability, but if she struggles with it (as her brother does), what happens when she's out & about representing her country?

A debate with Mark would just be cruel. I expect he'd spend most of the time doing this :blink: or this :wacko: .

If she looks good enough who cares if she can speak english?

Seriously if she can unite her people it doesnt matter if she can speak english.

English is way over-rated.

'English is way over-rated'.

What a stupid banana republic outlook. Have no idea of her English ability, but if she struggles with it (as her brother does), what happens when she's out & about representing her country?

She will be the PM of Thailand, for Thai people.

What is wrong with Thaksin English? It isn't perfect, but i doubt that on the international level any foreign statesmen judged the then PM Thaksin and with him Thailand bad just because of the way he speaks English. And so will it be with Yingluck.

Maybe she can speak Chinese better than English.



What is wrong with Thaksin English? It isn't perfect, but i doubt that on the international level any foreign statesmen judged the then PM Thaksin and with him Thailand bad just because of the way he speaks English.


You're probably right. They thought he was bad because he's a criminal, not because of his English.

If she looks good enough who cares if she can speak english?

Seriously if she can unite her people it doesnt matter if she can speak english.

English is way over-rated.

'English is way over-rated'.

What a stupid banana republic outlook. Have no idea of her English ability, but if she struggles with it (as her brother does), what happens when she's out & about representing her country?

You be the judge. Here's her interview with Australian news:

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