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Commencement Of The Advancement Of Simple Language Methodologies


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The world seems to be filling with longer and longer words. I'm not sure it the author thinks that buy using a long word he/she is somehow cleverer or more intelligent than others, but it seems to be getting worse.

In the last few weeks I've noticed 'advancement' instead of 'advance'

Here are some of my pet hates, please feel free to add to them. we could have 'a Guide to simple English"

Advancement -----------------advance

Usage ----------------------------use

Transportation -----------------transport

Purchase --------------------buy

Hospitalise ????????? Does this mean you are turned into a hospital???

Commence ------------------start

Commencement -----------start

Methodology ( Actually means 'the study of method' just like i.e. zoology- the study of animals) ---------------- method

There must be others!!!

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You DO realize there are differences between nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, don't you?

Also, when using the same word over and over in a paragraph to describe something it becomes boring and irritating. That is just one reason why writers use different words that have the same meaning.

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Also, when using the same word over and over in a paragraph to describe something it becomes boring and irritating.

This is true.

You can't exactly use exactly the same word over again in exactly the same way even if it does have exactly the same meaning as exact other words in exactly the same sentence.

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Besides OP, you're a hypocrite. Just look at the title of your post. :rolleyes:

And then there's Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis . dam_n, it's bad enough you have a fatal disease, but then to rub it in, it takes half the time you have left just to learn how to pronounce it.

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You DO realize there are differences between nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, don't you?

Also, when using the same word over and over in a paragraph to describe something it becomes boring and irritating. That is just one reason why writers use different words that have the same meaning.

UGH Yes I do, that wasn't my point, but I 'll try to explain it simply. Methodology is used instead of method a noun,

commence instead of start. ' let's commence the race now' instead of 'let's start the race now


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You DO realize there are differences between nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, don't you?

Also, when using the same word over and over in a paragraph to describe something it becomes boring and irritating. That is just one reason why writers use different words that have the same meaning.

UGH Yes I do, that wasn't my point, but I 'll try to explain it simply. Methodology is used instead of method a noun,

commence instead of start. ' let's commence the race now' instead of 'let's start the race now


Wouldn't "clear" have sufficiently relayed your meaning?

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The OP does have a point.

Some people do have a tendency to overuse words in a way that makes them seem quite pretentious. It's just that the examples he gave don't do his point any justice.

I take it that is your view, but you fail to provide any. not helpful and you don't explain how they do not 'do justice'

repeat, commence rather than start ( a good anglo saxon word)

methodology, this was never used in scientific papers in my young day, why change to 'methodology' when 'method was perfectly understandable?

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You DO realize there are differences between nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, don't you?

Also, when using the same word over and over in a paragraph to describe something it becomes boring and irritating. That is just one reason why writers use different words that have the same meaning.

UGH Yes I do, that wasn't my point, but I 'll try to explain it simply. Methodology is used instead of method a noun,

commence instead of start. ' let's commence the race now' instead of 'let's start the race now


Wouldn't "clear" have sufficiently relayed your meaning?

Maybe, but I thought he understood a little, therefore 'clearer' but whatever!

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These posts are all redundant, er, I mean, repetitive, um, repetitious, no, no, I meant, recapitulatory, wait, reiterative would be better, no, um, they're all saying the same thing.

I think I'll recuse myself now. That's a fancy way of saying excuse, just adding the "r" gives it an air of sophistication for use only by superficially, supercilious, sanctamonius sycophants.

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Can we include spelling here, and grammar, or is this thread strictly restricted to vocabulary.

And what about hyphenation and apostrophation?

And could someone direct me to the transliteration bickering thread?

And perhaps the illiteration thread, for Gravion?


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The OP does have a point.

Some people do have a tendency to overuse words in a way that makes them seem quite pretentious.

Are you referring to zzaa09's posts specifically?

I guess Moonraker thinks that he overuses words, and perhaps sometimes he would prefer those posters to use something different.

What about onomat... rather than back my self into a spelling error, I'll pause for a quick googling...

onomatopoeic expressions, mmm? Eh?

Or pictures; I know you yourself keep a stock, to illustrate posts that are aimed at the semi-literate; perhaps we should be encouraging posters to post in a comic book format.

I think I'll stick to using words, though, even if it becomes dull and repetitious.

Oh No - not another Cowboy post full of words! Where's the illustrations? The flow charts? The scratch n sniff?


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The OP does have a point.

Some people do have a tendency to overuse words in a way that makes them seem quite pretentious.

Are you referring to zzaa09's posts specifically?

He is one name that springs to mind UG, yes.

The guy seems to be trying to prove something, but all he does prove is that he can't communicate.

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I take it that is your view, but you fail to provide any. not helpful and you don't explain how they do not 'do justice'


Not sure what your point is. Being from the land that invented English, we would say 'going to hospital' which i think describes the event. To add 'ise' to a noun make it into a verb, so 'hospitalise I think ( and I stand to be corrected by those more literate than me ( I'm just a poor man trained in science and the need for brevity!!))

means 'to make into a hospital' rather like 'plasticise' mean to make 'plastic'

Hopefully those of you more read than me can correct me!

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These posts are all redundant, er, I mean, repetitive, um, repetitious, no, no, I meant, recapitulatory, wait, reiterative would be better, no, um, they're all saying the same thing.

I think I'll recuse myself now. That's a fancy way of saying excuse, just adding the "r" gives it an air of sophistication for use only by superficially, supercilious, sanctamonius sycophants.

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