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I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.


That's one of the Better Ones,it didn't Roll. Drive a Range Rover and become a Prime Target.They must get past at all costs, then when you come to a hill its there again dithering and blowing smoke,so you cream it at a normal pace,then on the way down he screams full clatter past again, they are like Flies round a Beer Glass.Not just You Sting,they are becoming a General Joke to anyone. I'm using a Borrowed Sportive, and get snarly looks from Thais,but nothing untoward in the Rover.Ferangs Drivers are the Worst Ofenders.:D


See it every day. And pretty intimidating when they do that to you while you're on your Honda Wave 100 ! whistling.gif


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:


Well, i wish i had filmed the lorry i had on front of me yesterday, with no numberplate and a "lorry's trailer" fully loaded attached to it as well, it was swerving on the road like a Cobra that just jumped out one of those bottle of local whisky...


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:

the white Seat in right lane is in breach of law by using right lane without overtaking, qualifying for a 1.000 baht fine

Fortuna is not in breach of any law, except possibly speeding

7/11 Steak chicken burger isnt that bad ;)


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:

the white Seat in right lane is in breach of law by using right lane without overtaking, qualifying for a 1.000 baht fine

Fortuna is not in breach of any law, except possibly speeding

7/11 Steak chicken burger isnt that bad ;)

Its rather difficult for a Siat to pass anything,exept a Chicken Burper.

And the Tuna is aggresive.:whistling:


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:

/Just noticed your Porche Bit. Remember when 911 said it All. Now we have Boxter,it would have been Boxer if the Spell Check worked.Panamara, named after a Hat.Cayenne named after a Pepper Pot, and finally Cayman, that reads Caveman,if you look at the Drivers.


The Cam Car Driver showed patients, undertook like a Gentleman, with no Up You Swerve,and caught up with the Black Slug who was by then Hogging the BMW Lane, as i see it.. If you drive a lot in Europe, paricularly Germany on clear M/Ways 120 Mph is the Norm, 120 Kph is boreing here i find.^_^


I agree, the lane changing behavior of the Fortuner was aggressive and in this case absolutely useless, because he had plenty of time to do it in a normal manner.

However, in my opinion the Seat driver is either a dreamer or a teacher or just lazy, his behavior is causal for the undertaking.


I agree, the lane changing behavior of the Fortuner was aggressive and in this case absolutely useless, because he had plenty of time to do it in a normal manner.

However, in my opinion the Seat driver is either a dreamer or a teacher or just lazy, his behavior is causal for the undertaking.

A Teacher, interesting reference.Speaks Volumes to me,if no one else.:D


Looks like a classic case of "<deleted> are you morons doing in the fast lane?!?!?" to me, LOL.

Holy smokes Batman I think that's a SEAT Cordoba in front! Shameful display for Cordoba driver as they can get out of the way quite easily. But it's certainly not me as he wouldn't have to be swerving in front of me like that. I somewhat agree as I've felt the same frustration and there is room for the fast lane drivers who should not be traveling in that lane at static speeds equal to the other lanes are traveling to move over and travel without having to worry about overtaking too much or going to slow..

Kwasaki and MRO do have a point he should move over out of that lane..


Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:

the white Seat in right lane is in breach of law by using right lane without overtaking, qualifying for a 1.000 baht fine

Fortuna is not in breach of any law, except possibly speeding

7/11 Steak chicken burger isnt that bad ;)

Its rather difficult for a Siat to pass anything,exept a Chicken Burper.

And the Tuna is aggresive.:whistling:

<deleted>!! They have no problem! They have one of the biggest engines in Thailand in that class 1.8 albeit single OHC and are lighter then the old Civic hatches even.. But the Tuna was overly aggressive, lucky he didn't take both himself and the slow SEAT driver out in the same brain fade incident.. I know of one farang down Pattaya way who did just that..


I see that with all types of cars even Porche Cheyenne and Vigos with motobikes in the back :rolleyes: the idiot in front of the car with the camera should move over.

Move over where and why ?, its not a Freakin Race Track, there are M Way Signs Visible, the driver in front may be thinking, a stranger, easing off ,hes allowed that by reasonable Folk. This will get Emotive anyway once the Turbo Truckers spot it. So ill pull into 7/11 for a Puke Burger.:partytime2:

The driver of the car is an outside lane hogger no question, and the poor guy in the fortuna was in a hurry.:lol: :lol:

the white Seat in right lane is in breach of law by using right lane without overtaking, qualifying for a 1.000 baht fine

Fortuna is not in breach of any law, except possibly speeding

7/11 Steak chicken burger isnt that bad ;)

While I know it's common place to drive wrecklessly here anyway, are you telling me there's no actual law against wreckless driving :unsure::huh: ??


While I know it's common place to drive wrecklessly here anyway, are you telling me there's no actual law against wreckless driving :unsure::huh: ??

I believe you can not be charged for reckless driving unless you have caused an accident with another vehicle operated legally. In this case, Seat was operated illegally, and Fortuna legally.

It is allowed to overtake in any lane in TH. It is illegal to use right lane while not overtaking


While I know it's common place to drive wrecklessly here anyway, are you telling me there's no actual law against wreckless driving :unsure::huh: ??

I believe you can not be charged for reckless driving unless you have caused an accident with another vehicle operated legally. In this case, Seat was operated illegally, and Fortuna legally.

It is allowed to overtake in any lane in TH. It is illegal to use right lane while not overtaking


If reckless driving were illegal here, and the standard Western definition of the term used, Bugatti just couldn't ignore the market potential of a Veyron Pickup for the Thai police force :D


Looks like a classic case of "<deleted> are you morons doing in the fast lane?!?!?" to me, LOL.

Holy smokes Batman I think that's a SEAT Cordoba in front! Shameful display for Cordoba driver as they can get out of the way quite easily. But it's certainly not me as he wouldn't have to be swerving in front of me like that. I somewhat agree as I've felt the same frustration and there is room for the fast lane drivers who should not be traveling in that lane at static speeds equal to the other lanes are traveling to move over and travel without having to worry about overtaking too much or going to slow..

Kwasaki and MRO do have a point he should move over out of that lane..

Perhaps he was trying too but spotted Medallion Man in the Mirror, but i doubt it.:D


This i just one example. Of corse the Seat could move over, but most of tunas are that agressive. He tailgated and flashed his high beams already for at least 30 seconds behind me. But i could't pass either. So i have to wait until it was safe. Don't know why most of tuna drivers are so agressive. I guess in LOS, the tuna is the replacement for the 75' VW GOLF GTI. I filmed the Tuna in my V8 Olds. His Speed was just about 170'k. Possible all what he can drain out of his "BOX". Doesn't matter, i also like to drive fast, but you don't put other peaple at risk.


The fortuner was doing the right thing. Hopefully those morons driving at 60 in the overtaking lane(which means fast lane as if you are going at the right speed, you should be overtaking people non stop) will get shitscared of these maneuvers and stop driving so slow on the wrong side or turning @ uturns with oncoming traffic and driving half in the shoulder and half in the fast lane at 10km/h untill they feel its time to accelerat.

It's not like there is any other choice? It's comon knowledge even for the thais that the right lane goes fast, so if they still go slow its because they havnt been scared enough


The fortuner was doing the right thing. Hopefully those morons driving at 60 in the overtaking lane(which means fast lane as if you are going at the right speed, you should be overtaking people non stop) will get shitscared of these maneuvers and stop driving so slow on the wrong side or turning @ uturns with oncoming traffic and driving half in the shoulder and half in the fast lane at 10km/h untill they feel its time to accelerat.

It's not like there is any other choice? It's comon knowledge even for the thais that the right lane goes fast, so if they still go slow its because they havnt been scared enough

Futile effort to scare them, haven't you seen them driving at you head on on a scooter without any headlights, in the wrong lane before? Besides, the SEAT driver didn't seem too phased by that action..

I can tell you I just drove up from Bira tonight and on the way down and back there weren't too many of any cars passing me in my SEAT quite the opposite. Except this Audi R8 at about 12:00 midnight which was also heading down to be the pace car for the event on Saturday and he rattled my windows when he went by with the loudest exhaust I've heard in some time and I continued to hear him for at least another 1/2k even though his tail lights were barely visible.

JFYI I was doing about 140 and he passed me like I was in reverse, though I saw him coming from a long way off and was already out of the fast lane..


The fortuner was doing the right thing. Hopefully those morons driving at 60 in the overtaking lane(which means fast lane as if you are going at the right speed, you should be overtaking people non stop) will get shitscared of these maneuvers and stop driving so slow on the wrong side or turning @ uturns with oncoming traffic and driving half in the shoulder and half in the fast lane at 10km/h untill they feel its time to accelerat.

It's not like there is any other choice? It's comon knowledge even for the thais that the right lane goes fast, so if they still go slow its because they havnt been scared enough

Futile effort to scare them, haven't you seen them driving at you head on on a scooter without any headlights, in the wrong lane before? Besides, the SEAT driver didn't seem too phased by that action..

I can tell you I just drove up from Bira tonight and on the way down and back there weren't too many of any cars passing me in my SEAT quite the opposite. Except this Audi R8 at about 12:00 midnight which was also heading down to be the pace car for the event on Saturday and he rattled my windows when he went by with the loudest exhaust I've heard in some time and I continued to hear him for at least another 1/2k even though his tail lights were barely visible.

JFYI I was doing about 140 and he passed me like I was in reverse, though I saw him coming from a long way off and was already out of the fast lane..

then they might get startled and total their car or hands in the ditch


The fortuner was doing the right thing. Hopefully those morons driving at 60 in the overtaking lane(which means fast lane as if you are going at the right speed, you should be overtaking people non stop) will get shitscared of these maneuvers and stop driving so slow on the wrong side or turning @ uturns with oncoming traffic and driving half in the shoulder and half in the fast lane at 10km/h untill they feel its time to accelerat.

It's not like there is any other choice? It's comon knowledge even for the thais that the right lane goes fast, so if they still go slow its because they havnt been scared enough

Futile effort to scare them, haven't you seen them driving at you head on on a scooter without any headlights, in the wrong lane before? Besides, the SEAT driver didn't seem too phased by that action..

I can tell you I just drove up from Bira tonight and on the way down and back there weren't too many of any cars passing me in my SEAT quite the opposite. Except this Audi R8 at about 12:00 midnight which was also heading down to be the pace car for the event on Saturday and he rattled my windows when he went by with the loudest exhaust I've heard in some time and I continued to hear him for at least another 1/2k even though his tail lights were barely visible.

JFYI I was doing about 140 and he passed me like I was in reverse, though I saw him coming from a long way off and was already out of the fast lane..

then they might get startled and total their car or hands in the ditch

Ditch from the center lane is a long way off with a lot of potential innocent carnage in harms way..

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