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Raw (unpasteurized) Milk / Cream

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This is a much-healthier option. From cow, buffalo, goat or sheep are fine.

If not available in Thailand, one could order 'Whey Healthier' powder by mail from www.mercola.com

But fresh is better.


I've got loads of it if you want any. You need to be here by 8 in the morning though or about 5 in the afternoon :o

I dont know if it's any better though I pasturise mine before drinking it, but even so it tastes much better than shop bought as soon as you get used to the high cream content.

I've got loads of it if you want any. You need to be here by 8 in the morning though or about 5 in the afternoon  :D

I dont know if it's any better though I pasturise mine before drinking it, but even so it tastes much better than shop bought  as soon as you get used to the high cream content.


Drink all the unpasturised Milk you want. I was raised on whole unpasturised milk growing up in the 50's and early 60's in U.S.A. Please don't believe that unpasturised milk didn't exist. Not everything then in the U.S. had been

Californ-icated yet. In western Masachusetts where I grew up there were small dairy farms and you could get local unpasturised milk. It is too cold in winter to keep the dairy cows outside so they are brought into the barns in the winter. Then in spring, when the dairy cows are let out into the fresh grass, their milk changes with the new grass. My father used to buy the milk, which to me tasted really sour for a couple weeks until the cows got used to the new grass. Terrible taste, just about made me vomit.

Secondly, I DO NOT like high fat cream milk. My father made me drink the high cream milk every day. I almost always got sick with the heavy cream. I guess I have a reaction to high cream high fat milk.

The main point for me is that I would never drink whole unpasturised milk from Thai farms. Do you believe the milk is clean and healthy from a Thai farm. Do you know what Mastitis is? I do.

Not about to drink unpasturised milk from anywhere. Epecially not from Thai dairy farms.


I've got loads of it if you want any. You need to be here by 8 in the morning though or about 5 in the afternoon  :D

I dont know if it's any better though I pasturise mine before drinking it, but even so it tastes much better than shop bought  as soon as you get used to the high cream content.


Drink all the unpasturised Milk you want. I was raised on whole unpasturised milk growing up in the 50's and early 60's in U.S.A. Please don't believe that unpasturised milk didn't exist. Not everything then in the U.S. had been

Californ-icated yet. In western Masachusetts where I grew up there were small dairy farms and you could get local unpasturised milk. It is too cold in winter to keep the dairy cows outside so they are brought into the barns in the winter. Then in spring, when the dairy cows are let out into the fresh grass, their milk changes with the new grass. My father used to buy the milk, which to me tasted really sour for a couple weeks until the cows got used to the new grass. Terrible taste, just about made me vomit.

Secondly, I DO NOT like high fat cream milk. My father made me drink the high cream milk every day. I almost always got sick with the heavy cream. I guess I have a reaction to high cream high fat milk.

The main point for me is that I would never drink whole unpasturised milk from Thai farms. Do you believe the milk is clean and healthy from a Thai farm. Do you know what Mastitis is? I do.

Not about to drink unpasturised milk from anywhere. Epecially not from Thai dairy farms.


I'm very well aware of Mastitis thanks after runing the farm for over 4 years. As I said I pasturise my own if I drink it, although the standerds for STC (stomatic cell count) the indicator of mastitis are at least as strict here as in western farms. I suppose you run the risk if buying unpastorised from a farm that they will sell you the crap they cant send to the dairy. We usually have a couple of cows that we cant send the milk due to Mastitis or the medicen to treat it....just give it to the calfs usually. The creamyou can just skimm of the top it you want....hence the term "skimmed milk" :D


I'm led to believe TB is common in Thai cattle. I’ve always been advised to ensure the milk I drink in Asia is pasteurized or homogenized.

Is it possible to catch TB through drinking unpasteurized milk?

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I'm led to believe TB is common in Thai cattle. I’ve always been advised to ensure the milk I drink in Asia is pasteurized or homogenized.

Is it possible to contact TB through drinking unpasteurized milk?

I've never heard of them having TB, Brucelosis (sp) yes there is some of it around, we've never had a case. The gov does blood checks twice a year for free. I had to cull a couple with John's deasies once. We vaccinate for foot and mouth. I'm talking dairy cattle (Friesian's and the like) here though and not, the brahmin's you see grasing on the side of the road.

Our milk is checked for STC count , Bactria, and anti-biotic residues every time we send to the dairy (twice a day). If we happen to send a bad batch we would be liable for the whole ammount that was colected, from around 70 farms (Its not practical to check all the milk before it is stored into the big collection tanks). Its up to each farm to ensure that their milk is up to the required standerds, the penalties are quite high if not. Whenever we treat any cows with medicen you have to get the milk checked for residue before sending, same with recovering from mastitis.

Saying all that milk does deteriorate rapidly here if it's not pasturised and some times you do get borderline cases of mastitis, that you fail to notice. If I was going to drink unpastorised milk, I'd hand pick the cow it was coming from, as I know which of my cows milk had the lowest STC counts :o .

Personaly I think that drinking fresh unpasturised milk from the farm would be a bit hit and miss, I dont do it from mine....so I know I sure would'nt do it from someone elses. Doing your own pasturisation on a small scale is really easy, the milk tastes great and keeps fresh for ages. I usually get mine in the afternoon, pasturise it , put it in the fridge until the next day and its great, got to shake it well though cos of the cream content....although I could always let it settle a bit and skim it .


I drink unpasturized goats milk all the time as I've heard that is pretty safe in Thailand if from a reputable source, however, I'm also told that cows milk is collected from lots of different farms in small lots and that it is almost impossible to monitor the quality.


RC, whenever I can make it up there to see you, I would love to have some of your cows' milk. I'll stick with the pasturised version you drink. It would be nice to get just some heavy cream also for cooking.

I drink unpasturized goats milk all the time as I've heard that is pretty safe in Thailand if from a reputable source, however, I'm also told that cows milk is collected from lots of different farms in small lots and that it is almost impossible to monitor the quality.

I would'nt of though that cow's milk is any better or worse than goats, yes it is collected from lots of farms, same with most countries really. The quality control is done at the dairy/collection point. They dont just come around and empty it into a big tanker at the farm, usually its take to a dairy in urns, that would have your number on and each number is sampled, befor putting into the big storage tanks. If you have been negligent and sent "bad" milk you would be liable for all the milk in the tank. Of course if you buy straight from the farm, you are bypassing all this so it's just down to the integrity of the person you buy it from.

Kringle no probs mate...I'll try to make sure I've got some, if i'm feeling lazy I just buy it from 7-11 :o


How about Bovine Growth Hormone-free milk (also identified as BGH or rBGH or BST or rBST). Anyone know if that's commercially available? Or is -free the norm here? And what about anti-biotics? I worry about these a lot more about than the pasteurization process. I consume most of my dairy in yogurt and yogurt drinks.

Kringle no probs mate...I'll try to make sure I've got some, if i'm feeling lazy I just buy it from 7-11 :D

:o:D Thanks for that RC and I'm sure the milk in 7-11 up your way is a lot better than here in Bangbuathong. :D




In Chiang Mai one can order raw or pasturized goats milk and goats milk cheeses and yogurt at the Art Cafe on Thapae Road and at Baan Suan Pac (almost right across the street from the President hotel in the same complex as the Aden health food store).


ill just add to RC's stuff:

goat, bufalo, cow= brucellosis, tb, and chlymydia etc if they arent screened:

RC, i'm not sure but america has a big concern for tuberculosis whereas here in israel its not tested since it supposedly doesnt exist as a problem here (para and psuedo tuberculosis --johnnes and caseous lymphoma, as u know are not really tuberculosis and are not contagioius to humans, only other bovines caprines and ovines) so i would check for thai problems...every country has its own agricultural red alerts for zoonoses so u should check them out

i would agree also with RC, milk your own and drink, not just from any farm... i drink my own but wouldnt take from any other farm in my area without knowing the milking practices (clean parlour, vaccinated cows/goats, etc)

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