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Neighbor, Non- Stop Chain Saw And Illegal Logging?

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The ones that bitch are mostly those 9-5 types that worked all their life in a dead end job, get a pension and settle in Thailand expecting everything will be same as back home with the added sunshine and cheap women.

They’re usually in for a rude awakening.

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Make friends with them. Get them off their faces on whiskey every night. Say go ahead, use your chainsaw.

Now you're being silly........

Yeah right. My Pen Rai La la la ...

Just let Ten, three meter long sections of half meter timber be milled for well s it took over a week last time with half the lumber.. two weeks straight 30 meters from you un airconditioned home that you lived in 2 years before they built their home . Yes, ridiculous

So no one knows the law I guess . Which is No you cannot do that it turns out as my landlord is now involved and pissed having had me tell her I'm moving. She's losing a very very good tenant. I sahll post pics of the amount of lumber just as rude as it gets from a jack ass neighbor.


British Columbia, the land of giant trees, also has its problems with people with chain saws...



I'm trying to hold on to the few remaining trees like this one. There are very few like this left standing.


I said Throw another log on the fire ,:(


Pic attached , on the truck is 1/3 of what they had .

Hmm...can't really tell if it is teak or not from the photos.

Who are these people, anyway? What's their usual line of business?


Sorry Karen B that lsat retort was for actually for Meom,

TR Yeah BUT If they get drunk, it might be me under the saw Arghhhh Should I post pics of their faces. <deleted> !


I don't know I need a good investigator. I have a pic of his truck and expired registration ( 2052 ) What an utter cad. He would not identify himself to me.

My landlord lives elsewhere so she doesn;t know, the house is empty usually excet for a snarling dog who is unleashed and aggressive guards the fixtures and has no address.


I think that anyone who becomes so frustrated by living in Thailand that they consider migration as the only solution, than I would agree that a move would be better for everyone.

I think every expat has his own way of coping with cultural differences. I find a trip back to my original country clears my head and I am reminded of me why I live in Thailand.

And it used to for me. Has only been 6 months . when the annoyance level and threat level over whelms the climate and natural beauty, hell I find out the fresh vegies I love from local farmer's market is probably over pesticiated.. it will be a collosal PIA but it is time. but I feel it like I felt it was time to sell in US in 2006 Get out while the gett'ns good.


Pic attached , on the truck is 1/3 of what they had .

Looks like Cham Chah - not protected and grows like weeds - they use it to make those cheap wood carvings, it grows to this size in a matter of a few years.

If you look at the thickness of the outer wood, and the lighter inner wood - It definately is not teak. (were they sawing it into planks or chunks? Usually Cham Chah is cut into chunks to be carved.

As far as I am aware Cham Chah is not at all protected and is pretty useles as a construction material - The Thais will not use it for building, only carving etc.

I can appreciate your PIA factor with the noise from the chainsaw - we have a few going around here, at almost 200 metres it can drive you to distraction.


  1. Oh Oh ! theyyyyy're back

With a toxic fire going tonight guess I'm in for a haze in the morn if the wind doesn't pick up .


Pic attached , on the truck is 1/3 of what they had .

Looks like Cham Chah - not protected and grows like weeds - they use it to make those cheap wood carvings, it grows to this size in a matter of a few years.

If you look at the thickness of the outer wood, and the lighter inner wood - It definately is not teak. (were they sawing it into planks or chunks? Usually Cham Chah is cut into chunks to be carved.

As far as I am aware Cham Chah is not at all protected and is pretty useles as a construction material - The Thais will not use it for building, only carving etc.

I can appreciate your PIA factor with the noise from the chainsaw - we have a few going around here, at almost 200 metres it can drive you to distraction.

They are planking it and as I said it is the same wood as in the article , same size and that wood was 80 years old

Oh yeah, getting really nasty smelling my god would thay gasssss me, ohn help,,hel


Wow they are burning all the scrap they had already made and have placed a tarp across the property.

Crap time for cam to start screwing up . dam_n those wait working


When you find a country where all neighbors are considerate of each other, be sure to drop us a line and let us know where it is.

Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand come to mind.

And by some weird coincidence, these countries are usually at the top of the list of life quality, happiness, health, and lack of corruption indices.

Every country has its faults, but the aforementioned seem to be tilted towards running better than most.


When you find a country where all neighbors are considerate of each other, be sure to drop us a line and let us know where it is.

Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand come to mind.

And by some weird coincidence, these countries are usually at the top of the list of life quality, happiness, health, and lack of corruption indices.

Every country has its faults, but the aforementioned seem to be tilted towards running better than most.

There are no louts in those countries? No neighbors who throw loud parties or who park rusting cars on their lawn? Or who don't mow their grass? Wow...who knew?


I'de be a little careful with making threats here. If these guys are, as you say, cutting up protected species in broad daylight, they will no doubt have been given a wink and nod by someone very seniour in the conservation and forestry department. (grom-ba-mai).

Some of these guys have a reputation as some of the most dubious officials in the country. Standing joke is that they are responsible for more natural forest dis-appearing than all other illegal encroachers put together....

That said, getting between a powerful man in this country, and his meal ticket is definately not a good idea. Quite often these types of officials do not think rationally, and make decisions based on ego.

Good advice.

I would guess that there are big bucks involved here and if the OP begins causing problems for them, they may consider that the OP is bad for business and it would be in they’re interests for him to conveniently disappear.

If it were me, then I would seriously think about moving. Keeping in mind that the police and these thugs are hand in hand, so being a one-man defender of justice is not going to work. I have no idea if the OP is renting or has paid for his property.

In the past we also had problems with neighbors and in the end the only options were to either put up with it or move on.

People only cause problems and I made my feelings clear to my family that whereever I live, I want to have as much space as possible between me and my neighbors.


When you find a country where all neighbors are considerate of each other, be sure to drop us a line and let us know where it is.

Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, New Zealand come to mind.

And by some weird coincidence, these countries are usually at the top of the list of life quality, happiness, health, and lack of corruption indices.

Every country has its faults, but the aforementioned seem to be tilted towards running better than most.

There are no louts in those countries? No neighbors who throw loud parties or who park rusting cars on their lawn? Or who don't mow their grass? Wow...who knew?

And in those countries I'd have backing of police when a neighbor makes a slicing motion across his throat and opens his truck door into me. Thisis not minor noise but a absolutely ridiculous amount of disturbance.

NO NO NO It is not right , Thai or not.


Make friends with them. Get them off their faces on whiskey every night. Say go ahead, use your chainsaw.

Now you're being silly........

Yeah right. My Pen Rai La la la ...

Just let Ten, three meter long sections of half meter timber be milled for well s it took over a week last time with half the lumber.. two weeks straight 30 meters from you un airconditioned home that you lived in 2 years before they built their home . Yes, ridiculous

So no one knows the law I guess . Which is No you cannot do that it turns out as my landlord is now involved and pissed having had me tell her I'm moving. She's losing a very very good tenant. I sahll post pics of the amount of lumber just as rude as it gets from a jack ass neighbor.

What do you pay twice the going rental rate? :)


If it were me, then I would seriously think about moving. y

Keeping in mind that the police and these thugs are hand in hand, so being a one-man defender of justice is not going to work. I have no idea if the OP is renting or has paid for his property.

In the past we also had problems with neighbors and in the end the only options were to either put up with it or move on.

People only cause problems and I made my feelings clear to my family that whereever I live, I want to have as much space as possible between me and my neighbors.

Please read the opening text. This is the final straw and I'm getting out of Thailand. Thing is 5 years ago I didn't have neighbors.

These guys built 3 years ago . My contract expired last week and I told my landlord yesterday I won't be renewing after all.


If it were me, then I would seriously think about moving. y

Keeping in mind that the police and these thugs are hand in hand, so being a one-man defender of justice is not going to work. I have no idea if the OP is renting or has paid for his property.

In the past we also had problems with neighbors and in the end the only options were to either put up with it or move on.

People only cause problems and I made my feelings clear to my family that whereever I live, I want to have as much space as possible between me and my neighbors.

Please read the opening text. This is the final straw and I'm getting out of Thailand. Thing is 5 years ago I didn't have neighbors.

These guys built 3 years ago . My contract expired last week and I told my landlord yesterday I won't be renewing after all.

Well, we all have to make decisions that are best for us. Thats unfortunate. I mean, perhaps you have been unlucky with this particular neighbour. If everyone who had a bad neighbour in any c ountry decided to leave the country every time, migration would be on the up every where. I mean they make bloody programs in the UK called things like "neighbours from hell. Have you considered moving to another area? Have you any idea where, still in the region or back to the West? I discovered that that spending a year in India was good practise for South East Asia. Walk in the park South East Asia.


If it were me, then I would seriously think about moving. y

Keeping in mind that the police and these thugs are hand in hand, so being a one-man defender of justice is not going to work. I have no idea if the OP is renting or has paid for his property.

In the past we also had problems with neighbors and in the end the only options were to either put up with it or move on.

People only cause problems and I made my feelings clear to my family that whereever I live, I want to have as much space as possible between me and my neighbors.

Please read the opening text. This is the final straw and I'm getting out of Thailand. Thing is 5 years ago I didn't have neighbors.

These guys built 3 years ago . My contract expired last week and I told my landlord yesterday I won't be renewing after all.

Sorry about that, I didn`t mean any harm.

May the god of good fortune peace on your head.



Update Thurs 3 : 35 PM

Yesterday after lunch about 7 or 8 local and national Forestry Dept types were in the neighborhood. Men in Black, too .

Kinda weird as I'd emailed the local division, and spoken to a woman at natural resources and informed them the the tree was already moved and gave then detailed directions to where it is.

They wanted me to show them.

( I swear the same truck the local Forestry guy from Friday , June 4th Saturday drove was leaving as we arrived at the squatters camp under power lines. ) And then after everyone in the adjacent shanties saw me, ( insisting I sit sitting me in the front seat of the truck so as to have to get out to let out the 3 in back.. ? ) they then became concerned for my identity and quickly shuffled me back home.

I gave them the tag number I had of the neighbor, they didn't seem interested in helping me file a report or even giving me his name.

The local Forestry guy designated English speaker was adamant that if I ever wanted to rent a boat , to give him a call. He said Thank you several times.



Just found this from Gazette, about the time the wood arrived, too. Both men in the center were there today, too.


Officials raid illegal logging site near Phuket Town

phuket-1-10295AbtSxtKTFIWkSuChWJqlSRrWDp.jpgOfficials encountered swathes of deforested land in hills near Phuket Town.

PHUKET: Officials raided an illegal logging site in the Nang Panturat hills in Rassada yesterday morning [ May 11 ] only to find the site abandoned.

Acting on a tip from concerned local residents, Muang District Chief Supachai Pochanukul and Phuket City Police Superintendent Chote Chidchai led a team of Forestry Department officials into the hills near Toh Sae Hill in Phuket Town at about 10am.

However, on reaching the clearing, which covered many rai of land, all they found were felled trees, officers said.

Tawee Yusuk, an officer attached to the Forest Protection Unit Phuket 2, which accompanied the senior officials, said some of the trees were estimated to be about 60 years old.

Among the trees were Hopea and 'White Cheese', which officers reported were worth hundreds of thousands of baht once processed.

All wood at the site was seized as evidence for further examination.

Mr Tawee said that encroachment in the Nang Panturat hills was becoming increasingly common and that much of the natural vegetation had been cleared to make way for rubber plantations.


This is an extreme example of the problem, but on a smaller scale this is experienced by people trying to settle in Thailand all the time. I know many folk with similar issues, who have bought a nice house only to have some eyesore or cacophony of noise appear next door after a couple of years. Normally there is little they can do about it. It's one of the ever present uncertainties of living here. If you can't handle it I advise leaving. In civilized countries are are at least some avenues of justice, but generally not here.


I notice how Phuket News reported " 9 trees were found.." , only nine trees and pictured one stump ? This is the third time I've caught them in sloppy writing. Looks like 10 rai at least gone missing which is a big fact to omit.

And yes, where is the wood that was found? Is this one of those trees?

So, problem solved? Still going to move away?

Problem solved? Are you kidding? It looks like what could turn out to be a hornet's nest of corrupted officials.

F * C K Y E A H I am getting out. I am rather looking forward to it in a relieved way now I've made a decision .


I notice how Phuket News reported " 9 trees were found.." , only nine trees and pictured one stump ? This is the third time I've caught them in sloppy writing. Looks like 10 rai at least gone missing which is a big fact to omit.

And yes, where is the wood that was found? Is this one of those trees?

So, problem solved? Still going to move away?

Problem solved? Are you kidding? It looks like what could turn out to be a hornet's nest of corrupted officials.

F * C K Y E A H I am getting out. I am rather looking forward to it in a relieved way now I've made a decision .

Sounds like a wise choice. Good thing you were renting rather than owning.

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