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Is It Normal? ...an englishman, T g/f, money...


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BTW I am not an English teacher. :o What the f.. has an English teacher got to do with anything anyway? Are you trying to say that you are somehow better as you are making more money? Or maybe just because someone teaches English they should be laughed at?

No - just trying to tell you - MYOB

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Its pretty Darwinian, these guys should be a little wiser to the ways of the world, They come from a better educational level in a more advanced country so you would think they might be able to see it coming.

However I do disagree with anyone telling someone else that they love them for whatever reason, when they dont really!

The old saying "If its too good to be true then it probably is" pretty much covers it, If someone is telling you that you are handsome at 60 years old when you've never heard it before then alarm bells should be ringing.

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I have to kind of agree here, why do you think its your duty to save these fellow farangs? 

Perhaps they don't care about the cash, to many people a house for the family, pick ups trucks and whatever doesn't even make a dent in their bank account.

It breaks Neeranam's wee Scottish heart to see such profligacy.

Scouse. :o

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BTW I am not an English teacher. :o What the f.. has an English teacher got to do with anything anyway? Are you trying to say that you are somehow better as you are making more money? Or maybe just because someone teaches English they should be laughed at?

No - just trying to tell you - MYOB

Personally, I got alot more out of reading Neeranam posts about what he has seen and knows about Thailand then reading a post saying MYOB. Not that I agree with all Neeranam said but is more usefull in this forum IMHO.


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It´s their business and as you don´t know the background of your fellow farang it´s theirs to decide what they do.

When it comes to sentences like this from farangs I always think that a kind of jealousy might play a role too.

And what the he** to care about a neighbor as at the moment it comes like you have nothing in common than you are farang with a Thai partner.

But the same way is if they then after been ripped off come whinging about Thailand and how bad people are he can pi** off,too.

Everyone is responsible for what they´re doing as long as they are not kids.

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Ok..i just want share with us what's happening....

I live upcountry, about nine months ago an englishman (about 65 y/o, not friendly)went to live not far from my home with his thai (really ugly) girlfriend.

Just after one month he bought a second-hand car....one more month and he started to built a very very big home (I think not less than 3 million Bath) on a land that belongs to Thailand (family of lady just pay the rent for it), not sure the englishman knows....

Two more months and lady had a new thai boyfriend and she bought to him a shop..(in absence of falan).

Shortly after this falan sell the second-hand car and buy a new one...

...than buy a relatively small home for her family....

...than gives out the car to her family and buy a new one...

...now lady has another thai boyfriend...

...and also she buy a lot of land...

Needless to say she became a sort of "hero" for the locals here....everybody pay she respect 'cause now she can have everything needed...

...and the englishman is considered very very "good man" that "love her lady for sure"...

....ahhh, Thai way of thinking....

...I really would like to read your comments on it....

why have you posted this ? What's your issue ? It just seems pointless gossip about somebody you don't like, if so let it be.

I hope the chap in question isn't a TV member - he'll be havin' a fit now.

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Ok..i just want share with us what's happening....

I live upcountry, about nine months ago an englishman (about 65 y/o, not friendly)went to live not far from my home with his thai (really ugly) girlfriend.

Just after one month he bought a second-hand car....one more month and he started to built a very very big home (I think not less than 3 million Bath) on a land that belongs to Thailand (family of lady just pay the rent for it), not sure the englishman knows....

Two more months and lady had a new thai boyfriend and she bought to him a shop..(in absence of falan).

Shortly after this falan sell the second-hand car and buy a new one...

...than buy a relatively small home for her family....

...than gives out the car to her family and buy a new one...

...now lady has another thai boyfriend...

...and also she buy a lot of land...

Needless to say she became a sort of "hero" for the locals here....everybody pay she respect 'cause now she can have everything needed...

...and the englishman is considered very very "good man" that "love her lady for sure"...

....ahhh, Thai way of thinking....

...I really would like to read your comments on it....

why have you posted this ? What's your issue ? It just seems pointless gossip about somebody you don't like, if so let it be.

I hope the chap in question isn't a TV member - he'll be havin' a fit now.

...yes, it is a gossip...and I really don't know that man personally...but in my opinion there are many points offering discussion...if you don't think so just ignore my post....this remember me something...

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BTW I am not an English teacher. :D What the f.. has an English teacher got to do with anything anyway? Are you trying to say that you are somehow better as you are making more money? Or maybe just because someone teaches English they should be laughed at?

No - just trying to tell you - MYOB

Personally, I got alot more out of reading Neeranam posts about what he has seen and knows about Thailand then reading a post saying MYOB. Not that I agree with all Neeranam said but is more usefull in this forum IMHO.


Yes, agree with that. I thought the MYOB reply very unecessary

by the way, great avatar, I'm jealous :o

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It´s their business and as you don´t know the background of your fellow farang it´s theirs to decide what they do.

When it comes to sentences like this from farangs I always think that a kind of jealousy might play a role too.

And what the he** to care about a neighbor as at the moment it comes like you have nothing in common than you are farang with a Thai partner.

But the same way is if they then after been ripped off come whinging about Thailand and how bad people are he can pi** off,too.

Everyone is responsible for what they´re doing as long as they are not kids.

...well, I don't have a Thai partner...

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It´s their business and as you don´t know the background of your fellow farang it´s theirs to decide what they do.

When it comes to sentences like this from farangs I always think that a kind of jealousy might play a role too.

And what the he** to care about a neighbor as at the moment it comes like you have nothing in common than you are farang with a Thai partner.

But the same way is if they then after been ripped off come whinging about Thailand and how bad people are he can pi** off,too.

Everyone is responsible for what they´re doing as long as they are not kids.

...well, I don't have a Thai partner...

well, maybe get one then you will have no time to watch other peoples lives

you will be too busy building a house :o

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It´s their business and as you don´t know the background of your fellow farang it´s theirs to decide what they do.

When it comes to sentences like this from farangs I always think that a kind of jealousy might play a role too.

And what the he** to care about a neighbor as at the moment it comes like you have nothing in common than you are farang with a Thai partner.

But the same way is if they then after been ripped off come whinging about Thailand and how bad people are he can pi** off,too.

Everyone is responsible for what they´re doing as long as they are not kids.

...well, I don't have a Thai partner...

well, maybe get one then you will have no time to watch other peoples lives

you will be too busy building a house :o

...ok...ok...touche'... :D

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QUOTE(Braccobaldo @ 2005-10-11 08:50:41)

Ok..i just want share with us what's happening....

I live upcountry, about nine months ago an englishman (about 65 y/o, not friendly)went to live not far from my home with his thai (really ugly) girlfriend.

Just after one month he bought a second-hand car....one more month and he started to built a very very big home (I think not less than 3 million Bath) on a land that belongs to Thailand (family of lady just pay the rent for it), not sure the englishman knows....

Two more months and lady had a new thai boyfriend and she bought to him a shop..(in absence of falan).

Shortly after this falan sell the second-hand car and buy a new one...

...than buy a relatively small home for her family....

...than gives out the car to her family and buy a new one...

...now lady has another thai boyfriend...

...and also she buy a lot of land...

Needless to say she became a sort of "hero" for the locals here....everybody pay she respect 'cause now she can have everything needed...

...and the englishman is considered very very "good man" that "love her lady for sure"...

....ahhh, Thai way of thinking....

...I really would like to read your comments on it....


why have you posted this ? What's your issue ? It just seems pointless gossip about somebody you don't like, if so let it be.

I hope the chap in question isn't a TV member - he'll be havin' a fit now.

I hope the guy is a TV member - instant enlightenment. :D

Aren't we here to help each other, is that not the point of TV?

Why did he post it, I guess to answer his question about whether this was normal or not. Many of us know that it is indeed normal. Also he was wanting to share his experience in Thailand, which is great IMHO. As for me - it annoys me when I see a young Thai girl with the new farang, who hasn't learned yet. Is it something to do with my feelings towards Thai people right now, maybe. Maybe I should be searching inside to why this bothers me. Self-righteous anger making my own situation seem better perhaps, I don't know.

Remember though if you keep handing out the cash, buying things for the wife's siblings, it must be love as she has stayed with you for more than 3 years, I wonder why? Has it ver crossed your mind that she might have been married before without telling you or worse still nad believe me it is not uncommon, she is married to a Thai alcoholic gambler right NOW.

It breaks Neeranam's wee Scottish heart to see such profligacy.

:o Maybe mate! I am a stingy ****.

Anyway my last thought on the subject, better things to do that try to change what can't be. The lovestruck are unchangable as are the guys who ere once but now after a few years are too embarrassed to tell everyone that they made a mistake, so keep on doing it.

It's a beautiful day in Thailand - Bankok Post new puzzle(the number thingy) cigar, swimming pool. I leave work in 10 minutes - whay hey.


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This thread reminds me of some proverbs:

He who goes about as a tale-bearer reveals secrets; therefore don't keep company with him who opens wide his lips.

A closed mouth catches no flies.

Love thy neighbour, but pull not down thy hedge.

Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto him as you’d have him do to you. Give him things that you can do without to help him

Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.

A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.

Do not go about spreading slander among your people. . . . I am the LORD.

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-10-12 09:52:16)

Bankok Post new puzzle(the number thingy)


Oh no.. they haven't jumped on the Sudoku bandwagon as well... rolleyes.gif

Yep they have. The first one I tried was easy but I haven't been able to do any more.

Any suggestions or tips?

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-10-12 09:52:16)

Bankok Post new puzzle(the number thingy)


Oh no.. they haven't jumped on the Sudoku bandwagon as well... rolleyes.gif

Yep they have. The first one I tried was easy but I haven't been able to do any more.

Any suggestions or tips?

Try this link ...


totster :o

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QUOTE(Neeranam @ 2005-10-12 09:52:16)

Bankok Post new puzzle(the number thingy)


Oh no.. they haven't jumped on the Sudoku bandwagon as well... rolleyes.gif

Yep they have. The first one I tried was easy but I haven't been able to do any more.

Any suggestions or tips?

Try these links ...



totster :o

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This thread reminds me of some proverbs:

He who goes about as a tale-bearer reveals secrets; therefore don't keep company with him who opens wide his lips.

A closed mouth catches no flies.

Love thy neighbour, but pull not down thy hedge.

Love thy neighbor as thyself. Do unto him as you’d have him do to you. Give him things that you can do without to help him

Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down.

A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.

A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends.

Do not go about spreading slander among your people. . . . I am the LORD.

You missed

" God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason"

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What did the old guy tell me 20 years ago?

Never give any Thai person cash..they eat it. Never buy anything in Thailand..rent it..that includes wives

If you want to look after her...Make a will and get the lawyers to include every condtion they can think of...specify the start date of your relationship. Specify how long after your death she can inherit. Specify no other previous or future boyriends/husbands etc....Can you do it..?? Of course not

Have your own children and build it all for them/leave it to them...and that is not so easy either...keep your assets at home...You have no reason to trust your wife...and her family..your children depend on you....and my old mate, who as they say 'knew a thing or two about LOS' said...dont think the girl won't steal the luk khreung's everything either and give it to her family/previous/new husband when you have snuffed it...THINK mate

So there is real cynicism about LOS...but od course its 'Up To You'

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What did the old guy tell me 20 years ago?

Never give any  Thai person cash..they eat it. Never buy anything in Thailand..rent it..that includes wives

If you want to look after her...Make a will and get the lawyers to include every condtion they can think of...specify the start date of your relationship. Specify how long after your death she can inherit. Specify no other previous or future boyriends/husbands etc....Can you do it..?? Of course not

Have your own children and build it all for them/leave it to them...and that is not so easy either...keep your assets at home...You have no reason to trust your wife...and her family..your children depend on you....and my old mate, who as they say 'knew a thing or two about LOS'  said...dont think the girl won't steal the luk khreung's everything either and give it to her family/previous/new husband when you have snuffed it...THINK mate

So there is real cynicism about LOS...but od course its 'Up To You'

There is another way. Let your head do the fancying and not whats in your trousers. Plenty of us have picked a good girl. Trouble is good girls are not news. You don't hear much about them.

Pattaya News 2/10/2005

Mr Smith from England went with a girl yesterday and didn't get ripped off. He returned to his Hotel to find nothing missing, and his girlfriend still there. After only a week they are not getting married.

Somehow that doesn't sound like news. Probably happens a lot more than the <deleted> you do hear though. :o


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A lot of people ignore the truth and a lot of people dont wanna hear it in the first place (it can hurt) ....Most people have to learn the hard way, including a few mates who come out to visit me, you dont get any appreciation for telling a guy his wife is a skeezer.......would we appreciate it :o

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QUOTE(pnustedt @ 2005-10-11 09:02:41)

It's really nobody's business what Falang does with his money

Absolutely!!!...just making gossips for fun...and also for point out how many differences there are between the farangs and thai "way of thinking"...

I think it is my business to protect my fellow farnag.

I have seen 4 farnags, in the last year, who bought their wife in Pattaya lose a fortune in Isaan. I saw 2 who met their wife on the internet lose a house and car.

I heard about a few more too. The 2 who met on the internet built a house and the day the house was finished, they were told to leave.

These guys make the rest of us look bad. When I am going about my daily business, it's emabarrassing when I get that f'ng stupid smile from some arse in Tesco Lotus. More often than not he will get a polite smile from the newcomer who has just bought his 'tee rak' a house for 1.5 million and a car for 500,000, after knowing her for 1 year or so. I ask him what the f... he wants or to pi55 off.

Come on guys, if you have met a woman who you are madly in love with, just step back for a moment and gather your senses. Are you being conned?

Could she really love you after 10 years? Why not wait for a while, is there such a rush for you to show your love to her in the form of a house. Rent for a couple of years to make sure

Being lovestuck is the cause, in 3 years the woman will look very different.

Unfotunately to the OP this happens all the time and will probably happen for years to come. Are those of us who know the score going to sit back and watch these, usually decent enough blokes, be made fools of? It does affect our lives too.

I bought a drink in a park a week ago and she asked for 10 baht and then asked the next Thai guy for 9 baht. not the money, of course but the principle. Too many guys, usually elderly never question this, and worse neither do their women.

The norm for these newcomers is about 1 year, maybe 1 and a half and the average money is maybe 2 million baht. Ask yourself, if you are in this category, is she worth 4,000 baht a day, 28,000 a week, 130,000 a month?!

I know 3 guys, who bought their wives, nothing wrong with it, whose relationship turned for the good and they have been married over 10 years, one 25+ years.

They are the minority!

Remember, you buying a house for 1 million baht for a poor country girl is like buying a house for a British girl for 400,000 pounds. Minimum wage in Khon Kaen for example is 150 baht for a 12 hour day.

In UK, 60 pounds.

1 million Baht is equivalent to 400,000 pounds!

If an old woman wanted to marry me in the UK and build me a house for 400,000 pounds I would have let her 15 years ago, when I was in my early 20s, especially if I knew I could ask her to leave as soon as it was bought. If I asked her to buy a new car that no one in my family had ever dreamed of owning too, and she agreed, then I am worth some thing like 1/2 a million pounds. I would have done it. Then I could dump her and go get another old woman and go for the bigger jackpot. I wouldn't mind the embarrassment of going around with an old woman older than my mother, and all my friends would know what was going on. Every one would actually except the poor old woman, but she has unlimited money obviously.

There is not much difference in my way of thinking than the Thai.

No woman is worth that !

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QUOTE(Braccobaldo @ 2005-10-11 08:50:41)

Ok..i just want share with us what's happening....

I live upcountry, about nine months ago an englishman (about 65 y/o, not friendly)went to live not far from my home with his thai (really ugly) girlfriend.

Just after one month he bought a second-hand car....one more month and he started to built a very very big home (I think not less than 3 million Bath) on a land that belongs to Thailand (family of lady just pay the rent for it), not sure the englishman knows....

Two more months and lady had a new thai boyfriend and she bought to him a shop..(in absence of falan).

Shortly after this falan sell the second-hand car and buy a new one...

...than buy a relatively small home for her family....

...than gives out the car to her family and buy a new one...

...now lady has another thai boyfriend...

...and also she buy a lot of land...

Needless to say she became a sort of "hero" for the locals here....everybody pay she respect 'cause now she can have everything needed...

...and the englishman is considered very very "good man" that "love her lady for sure"...

....ahhh, Thai way of thinking....

...I really would like to read your comments on it....


why have you posted this ? What's your issue ? It just seems pointless gossip about somebody you don't like, if so let it be.

I hope the chap in question isn't a TV member - he'll be havin' a fit now.

I hope the guy is a TV member - instant enlightenment. :D

Aren't we here to help each other, is that not the point of TV?

Why did he post it, I guess to answer his question about whether this was normal or not. Many of us know that it is indeed normal. Also he was wanting to share his experience in Thailand, which is great IMHO. As for me - it annoys me when I see a young Thai girl with the new farang, who hasn't learned yet. Is it something to do with my feelings towards Thai people right now, maybe. Maybe I should be searching inside to why this bothers me. Self-righteous anger making my own situation seem better perhaps, I don't know.

Remember though if you keep handing out the cash, buying things for the wife's siblings, it must be love as she has stayed with you for more than 3 years, I wonder why? Has it ver crossed your mind that she might have been married before without telling you or worse still nad believe me it is not uncommon, she is married to a Thai alcoholic gambler right NOW.

It breaks Neeranam's wee Scottish heart to see such profligacy.
:o Maybe mate! I am a stingy ****.

Anyway my last thought on the subject, better things to do that try to change what can't be. The lovestruck are unchangable as are the guys who ere once but now after a few years are too embarrassed to tell everyone that they made a mistake, so keep on doing it.

It's a beautiful day in Thailand - Bankok Post new puzzle(the number thingy) cigar, swimming pool. I leave work in 10 minutes - whay hey.


...The OP (myself) can't say it better.

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