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Modeling And Living In Thailand

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Hi there,

I'm planning on risking absolutely everything to model in Thailand. I currently reside in Australia and have a few contacts to help me meet some agents in Thailand and hopefully get my modeling career a kick-start.

Now, originally I was going to work over there by teaching English (what everyone seems to do), but, I don't have a degree. Thus, my chance of getting a work permit is out the window.

However, is a degree required for a work permit if I am with my agent? Or is that only for teaching? I'm so confused.

I plan on getting a Non-immigrant visa B and finding an agent, and hopefully getting a work permit through him? I have no idea.


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Your plan could work, there are a lot of models in Bangkok so they must be able to to get enough work. I am not sure about the work permit part but talk to agents and they will give you a better idea. You will still need to work on plan B for the future as you cannot model forever. In this industry age in important and when some models get older they are forced to lie about their age. Once you settle you might get other ideas about work or even business.

Generally Bangkok is a great place for quality people.

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It's not clear if you have ever been to Thailand before (?) By "kick-start your career" I assume you haven't done any modelling in Australia (?)

Have you been to the Thai embassy website to read what paperwork you need to submit to apply for a 'B' visa?

You will need a work permit. No, you don't need a degree to get one ... but you do need to establish a business or have a firm job offer to have any chance. Given how many attractive Thai guys/gals there are seeking modelling or related work, I don't think they will be handing out too many work permits to foreigners ... just my guess anyway

I would suggest just coming for a holiday and talking to people in the industry. Get a better feel for what level of work and support might be likely.

Edited by chiangmaibruce
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Im sorry if i sound negative about this, but there is no way you will be able to survive in Thailand if the modelling idea is going to be your ONLY source of income.

There are just to many other people on the books waiting and competing for a limited number of jobs. I suppose if your young, have the look, and are INCREDIBLY sellable you might have a better chance. It does help if you have mixed ascendancy and look a bit Asian and are white, but even then a lot of the jobs are requiring older richer looking people, so being a good looking buffed up hunk is not always a shoe-in you'd expect in the west.

Also If you have the weight trained muscled look it is not always very marketable to Thais...it scares them :rolleyes:

Not wanting to get to personal, but do you have any other income stream to sustain you?

Savings will only last so long, especially if you mix it with some of the enchanting local lady-folk ;)

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Get a Non Immigrant B for what, no agent means no contract means not working, so I suggest a tourist visa, come an see if you like it. I think you will need two different jobs to survive here.

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It's not clear if you have ever been to Thailand before (?) By "kick-start your career" I assume you haven't done any modelling in Australia (?)

Have you been to the Thai embassy website to read what paperwork you need to submit to apply for a 'B' visa?

You will need a work permit. No, you don't need a degree to get one ... but you do need to establish a business or have a firm job offer to have any chance. Given how many attractive Thai guys/gals there are seeking modelling or related work, I don't think they will be handing out too many work permits to foreigners ... just my guess anyway

I would suggest just coming for a holiday and talking to people in the industry. Get a better feel for what level of work and support might be likely.

Of course we don't know his whole situation, but id say he has no chance of a "Non B" on his grounds. That is, without any contacts, without any ongoing permanent work or workplace OR without a huge baht outlay on his bwehalf that would be deemed as an investment. So, no can-do IMO.

I have asked about the work permit thing before with agents, but they have told me no models have them and the agencies have some sort of system whereby their businesses pay some sort of tax that eases the pressure off the need for work permits that really cannot be arranged for this sort of work anyway

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Thank you for your help everyone.

I have about $5000 cash. And a $6000 credit card as well as family that can help if I am in need of emergency $.

I do have contacts in Thailand. Friends, no family.

I'm already in contact with an agent over there who wants me to see him ASAP (Won't state his name, but many of you will know him). I'm in contact with people who are affiliated with fashion magazines, etc.

I've had modeling experience in Australia (runway, photoshoots, etc). I am planning to live with a friend for the moment until I find a place to stay of my own.

Yes, this is risky. I understand that. I just ask that you respect that. I'm tired of having my friends, family and everyone going "OMG OMG OMG YOU'RE CRAZY". Yeah well, I've worked, paid the rent, bills, all that rubbish for awhile in Melbourne. I don't know whats going to happen, its all unpredictable, but thats whats exciting.

Can't find many pics of me, but if you see me, feel free to say hello! :)

EDIT: One of my contacts owns a company and may be able to sponsor me for a non-immigrant "b" visa. This good enough?

Edited by ind1
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There is always a market for a good looking young white male in the modelling industry here in S.E Asia including Bangkok - but remember the pay scale will be much lower than in a developed country. Good look is a big plus, but more importantly it's who you know - as you said you know a well known agent here in Bangkok already so that's a GOOD start. My opinion is go ahead and try it - be sure when you start working that you have a work permit. If it doesn't work out you can always go back home and start something new. Good luck!!!! ;)

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I know an older western gentleman who has done some modeling and "acting" here in Thailand, although he considers the "acting" to be an extension of his modeling career. He got started late in life (past age 50), after several Bangkok acquaintences suggested he go to some auditions. One thing lead to another and he signed with a Bangkok modeling agency. By western standards, he has a slight, wiry appearance, but looks distinguished with his white hair and neatly trimmed bread. Because of his size, he looks in proportion next to female Thai models and actors. He's done a variety of commerical photo shoots, TV commercials and Thai movies. He can speak Thai and makes a real effort to learn his lines for the Thai movies. But, he finds that they dub in someone else's voice for his lines. Normally he plays a corrupt business leader, organized crime boss or some other elegantly-dressed low-life in the Thai movies. Nothing he's proud of, but it's fun work. He says this isn't a way to earn a living, but is a nice hobby. Oh, often he's expected to provide his own wardrobe for the movies.

About his visa status -- I haven't inquired but I have a feeling it isn't a B business visa with a work permit. Is there such a thing as a "hobby" visa?

Edited by NancyL
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I met A female model on A flight leaving bkk.She traveled all over tyhe world modeling.I didn't get her modeling agency.

I imaginge if your young and have the looks and whatever else it takes,you should do good

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There are many foreign models in Thailand. None of them have work permits. Technically, you need a work permit. In reality, nobody does and nobody cares. My advice to you is simple. Give it a shot. COme over, have some fun, get some work and see how it goes. The agencies will guide you. Ignore the OMG ARE YOU CRAZY crowd. Live a little!

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Thank you all so much for your help!

Just today I got a job in Thailand through my girlfriends friend and hope to be working there in the next month as a backup/stable source of income!

Hope it works out.. Can't wait to do this.

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Excuse me... A 4 year BA DEGREE is absolutely NECESSARY to teach legally here. When found teaching without a degree immediate deportation follows for breaching Thai Labor and Immigration laws.

Posting this is wasting our efforts and money to improve the quality of the CURRENT foreign and Thai teaching staff here in Thailand.

Don't encourage people to look for opportunities to teach without one.

Many thanks!

A degree is not necesarry to teach i Thailand, although it is increasingly getting difficult to teach without one.

Inquire at the teaching section about your changes to teach without one.

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Looks, personality, a lot of networking, socializing, partying, knowing the right people and being in the right place at the right time. Don’t expect people to hunt you down.

It always seemed to me that it was a lot easier if you were gay. Enjoy it while it lasts but don’t expect it to last very long. If you get in with the right people some other opportunities may come your way, though. Good luck and have fun.

That was my take on things twenty some years ago but how much could they have changed? ;)

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I think you gave sound advice.

I've been in 2 Thai adverts and definitely no Brad Pitt, or am I any youngster either (55). You just need to keep cool and don't act nervous and just be your natural self (idiot) ha-ha. There are many so-called English Teachers in Thailand. I personally think its a disgrace that these imbeciles are let loose on unsuspecting students - to teach English. Half of these cretins couldn't even spell it.

Anyway, suppose they've got to do something to survive in Asia.


Im sorry if i sound negative about this, but there is no way you will be able to survive in Thailand if the modelling idea is going to be your ONLY source of income.

There are just to many other people on the books waiting and competing for a limited number of jobs. I suppose if your young, have the look, and are INCREDIBLY sellable you might have a better chance. It does help if you have mixed ascendancy and look a bit Asian and are white, but even then a lot of the jobs are requiring older richer looking people, so being a good looking buffed up hunk is not always a shoe-in you'd expect in the west.

Also If you have the weight trained muscled look it is not always very marketable to Thais...it scares them :rolleyes:

Not wanting to get to personal, but do you have any other income stream to sustain you?

Savings will only last so long, especially if you mix it with some of the enchanting local lady-folk ;)

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Excuse me... A 4 year BA DEGREE is absolutely NECESSARY to teach legally here. When found teaching without a degree immediate deportation follows for breaching Thai Labor and Immigration laws.

Posting this is wasting our efforts and money to improve the quality of the CURRENT foreign and Thai teaching staff here in Thailand.

Don't encourage people to look for opportunities to teach without one.

Many thanks!

A degree is not necesarry to teach i Thailand, although it is increasingly getting difficult to teach without one.

Inquire at the teaching section about your changes to teach without one.

I stand by my statement.

The immigration rules do not require a degree, only a teaching license or a waiver and not even that in all cases.

Labour also doesn't require a degree, although your experience might differ per labour office.

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Thank you for your help everyone.

I have about $5000 cash. And a $6000 credit card as well as family that can help if I am in need of emergency $.

I do have contacts in Thailand. Friends, no family.

I'm already in contact with an agent over there who wants me to see him ASAP (Won't state his name, but many of you will know him). I'm in contact with people who are affiliated with fashion magazines, etc.

I've had modeling experience in Australia (runway, photoshoots, etc). I am planning to live with a friend for the moment until I find a place to stay of my own.

Yes, this is risky. I understand that. I just ask that you respect that. I'm tired of having my friends, family and everyone going "OMG OMG OMG YOU'RE CRAZY". Yeah well, I've worked, paid the rent, bills, all that rubbish for awhile in Melbourne. I don't know whats going to happen, its all unpredictable, but thats whats exciting.

Can't find many pics of me, but if you see me, feel free to say hello! :)

EDIT: One of my contacts owns a company and may be able to sponsor me for a non-immigrant "b" visa. This good enough?

$5,000.00 AUD is nothing in Thailand now. You will go through it like water. The cost of living in Thailand has gone to the moon. Maybe wait until you have $25,000.00 before taking such a gamble. It's your life - good luck! You will need it.

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and you must thinking models they are no asians ,not have often a work

because in thai tv korea,singapur , and all around here they use farang models around 5 %

and if they use your face one time than you are done for a while

and with acting as extra they pay 1500 bath the day for 12 hr

higher price if you talk thai and profesional actor than around 10000 bath or less the day

if you longer in this job 1 -3 years

good luck

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and you must thinking models they are no asians ,not have often a work

because in thai tv korea,singapur , and all around here they use farang models around 5 %

and if they use your face one time than you are done for a while

and with acting as extra they pay 1500 bath the day for 12 hr

higher price if you talk thai and profesional actor than around 10000 bath or less the day

if you longer in this job 1 -3 years

good luck

and important is to have friends in the model agentcy ,because first the good job get all the model friends from the agentcy workers

and calculate may you have to go for 100 castings for i good job, and for casting you no get some money

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Excuse me... A 4 year BA DEGREE is absolutely NECESSARY to teach legally here. When found teaching without a degree immediate deportation follows for breaching Thai Labor and Immigration laws.

Posting this is wasting our efforts and money to improve the quality of the CURRENT foreign and Thai teaching staff here in Thailand.

It is not legally required..and what happens if you were teaching science or maths ?...a BA degree would worthless....:whistling: .....there are no provisons in Thai law which state teaching without a degree is a violation of immigration laws and results in deportation....If you are aware of such provisions please supply links of the relevant paragraphs...

Please stop posting blantantly false information...

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Thank you for your help everyone.

I have about $5000 cash. And a $6000 credit card as well as family that can help if I am in need of emergency $.

I do have contacts in Thailand. Friends, no family.

I'm already in contact with an agent over there who wants me to see him ASAP (Won't state his name, but many of you will know him). I'm in contact with people who are affiliated with fashion magazines, etc.

I've had modeling experience in Australia (runway, photoshoots, etc). I am planning to live with a friend for the moment until I find a place to stay of my own.

Yes, this is risky. I understand that. I just ask that you respect that. I'm tired of having my friends, family and everyone going "OMG OMG OMG YOU'RE CRAZY". Yeah well, I've worked, paid the rent, bills, all that rubbish for awhile in Melbourne. I don't know whats going to happen, its all unpredictable, but thats whats exciting.

Can't find many pics of me, but if you see me, feel free to say hello! :)

EDIT: One of my contacts owns a company and may be able to sponsor me for a non-immigrant "b" visa. This good enough?

$5,000.00 AUD is nothing in Thailand now. You will go through it like water. The cost of living in Thailand has gone to the moon. Maybe wait until you have $25,000.00 before taking such a gamble. It's your life - good luck! You will need it.

Theres many 5000 baht/month apartments(mansions) in BKK. Quite decent at that with a/c and hot water. Much cheap food is also readily available.

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