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I would love to get some opinions on a good friend of mine and his long suffering relationship.

He met her about 10 yrs ago, and while he works away, a month at a time earning good money, she's lived the high life. After he built her a house here, bought a car, they had they first child. When my friend was at work, his 'wife' was seen on a regular basis in the main town of a Thai resort where they lived. She would be out drinking in bars and clubs until all hours getting p1ssed, with their daughter being taken care of by a nanny. This was going on for months, and when my friend returned home from work for his months stay, she would constantly break his balls if he was ever away from home for more than a few hours. Invariably, he would sheepishly answer his phone, and have to run off back home.

After a short while, she started having an affair with another european she met in a bar, and would openly parade around with him when my friend was at work. This went on for about 6 months, resulting in my friend selling their new car, so she would not get her hands on the cash sale. After a few months her new relationship dissolved, he took her back, they sold their house, and moved to a different resort to try and patch up their relationship, with my friend calling her a ' silly girl '.

After a couple of months settled in this new resort, he bought her a new house, bought a new truck, and shortly after she gave birth to their second child. They were then legally married. It wasn't long before she was up to her old tricks. Once he was at work, she was out drinking in karaoke bars till all hours. She even started to do this when he was at home. He would be left looking after the kids, and at least twice a week, she would roll in, usually the next day, about 7 am. My friend just shrugged it off. I once attended her birthday party at his house. After my friend took her a cake with their daughter, she said she wanted to go into Town. At 11 pm she started shouting at him until he handed over his ATM card. She wasn't seen again until 8 am the next day.

Over the next yr or so, he paid for her to have new breasts, a nose job, and extensive dental work. You wouldn't see her with the same haircut for more than 2 weeks. She would go from a crop, to extensions, a frizzy ginger bob, back to a crop. She had a tattoo done that covered her entire back ! She said she wanted to be a nurse. He paid for her to attend college and after 2 weeks she threw in the towel. She wanted to have her own salon, so he paid for her to go to beauty school. She lasted about a 10 days. A little while later she moved out of their house because she had met someone else. A new european guy, and was trying to get her Visa to move to his home country. She moved above a bar/restaurant and worked downstairs. This lasted for about 6 months, while my mate took care of the kids himself. Her various visa applications were refused and the relationship ended. During this time, they got divorced by the way.

Not to be outdone, within weeks, she started a new relationship with an Ozzie guy, and they moved into a new rental house a few miles from my friend and his kids. Although she was only round the corner, she rarely visited them, and spent a lot of time in BKK, where she now worked in a factory. After about 9 months the Ozzie guy gave her the elbow and she was left alone. When my friend had returned from work, he found that his ex-wife had dismissed the nanny, and moved back in. She stayed there for about 2 months. When he returned from another trip, she had relocated with the kids, to her village in the north. My mate now comes home from work to an empty house, and has to visit the kids on every trip home. She has been provided with a substantial monthly income by him..I really expect her to be back soon, when she's bored of this chapter of her fruitcake life.

This is a massively condensed version of what has been probably the most mental relationship i have ever witnessed. Many times i have tried to tell him to get a grip, and sometimes i just want to grab him by the shoulders, shake him for about 3hrs , and slap him about until he wakes up from this self imposed nightmare. Anyone else's views would be good should he read this. Not that they'll make any difference by the way. Cheers.

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Have a friend (and colleague) suffering the same.

When asking him whats wrong with him, he tells me he knows that he is very stupid letting it go on like this.

Still he does.

By accepting it he then has made it clear to her it is ok.

In other words, he is the one letting her go on with it.

Only he can solve the problem.

I stopped blaming her a long time ago.


Have a friend (and colleague) suffering the same.

When asking him whats wrong with him, he tells me he knows that he is very stupid letting it go on like this.

Still he does.

By accepting it he then has made it clear to her it is ok.

In other words, he is the one letting her go on with it.

Only he can solve the problem.

I stopped blaming her a long time ago.

nail on the head there mate.


The actual question in the title is imho backward.... The question should be do you know a more messed up man, or a more stupid girl? The answers to both questions would be yes.


He will have to practice two words , Bye Bye.

I know of a man who lives in Pattaya, he has a room there and has for about 4 years , He had a good lady that lived with him, honest and trust worthy, he has finished with her, He now has a new lady. younger and more attractive , Her Thai Brother comes and visits her every day, It is common knowledge that it is her Thai husband. Should I tell him and would he believe me. so there are two sides to every story and should you get involved. the Thais have a saying , UP to you.its there life .


I can't believe how desperate some guys must be.

Lack of credulity and a closed mind seem to be common problems here. Truth is often stranger than fiction, though rarely so well written.

I feel sorry for the children, though I imagine they will soldier on through it, one way or another.



Guys who are being played or girl for that matter I have no sympathy for.

Especially as blatant as that.

I have a mate back in Sydney like that, the worst thing is that she is really huge and he is a good looking guy. I am trying to get him to come over to Thailand for a holiday but she has got him by the "you know what"


I have a friend who suffered a similar story, or at least the initial part of it. Legally married since three years and the guy treated her like a queen. In his case the mother took everything valuable, including 400lbs of safe (and the content) and vanished. Her biggest mistake was that she brought their son with her on this little getaway adventure before declaring that she expected to be paid 10 million THB in cash if she were to give up the son. When she learned that her husband was coming after her she tried to hide the son abroad, where he was brought without a passport. So, anyway, she probably didn't count on the father who loves his son like nothing you've seen in this world, and the poor woman sure enough had to lick up a nice portion of his wrath.

She will never see her son again, she can count on that. Everything they owned together has been brought back to him - courtesy of tee money worth considerably more than the goods returned. The guy was on a mission - she is left penniless and miserable. The bitch had it coming, if you ask me, and she only tried to play him ONCE.


I can't believe how desperate some guys must be.

Desperate?Or just a man who invested more than he was prepared to walk away from,emotionally?

Who can ever fathom matters of the heart? Best of luck to the guy,anyway.


Goodie another weepy about a western guy marrying a bar girl with no education and being surprised when shit hits the fan !

I am in shock : You mean Bar girls don't magically turn into Best Mum and loyal wife when you marry them ??? ohmy.gifwhistling.gif

See you at post 4562 !


Sounds very much like a typical Western relationship. Where she is a strong, independent woman who lives her life to the fullest. Or so....

Dump her, man. And learn to get a GF who knows how to behave.


Goodie another weepy about a western guy marrying a bar girl with no education and being surprised when shit hits the fan !

I am in shock : You mean Bar girls don't magically turn into Best Mum and loyal wife when you marry them ??? ohmy.gifwhistling.gif

See you at post 4562 !

It isn't only bar girls that cheat on their husbands.


It seems the OP is more worried about it than the husband.

i am sure the husband does not like it either but since he works away from home and she has the kids he has to associate with her. Sort of hard to convince a judge to give him full custody so he can leave them with a nanny.


It seems the OP is more worried about it than the husband.

i am sure the husband does not like it either but since he works away from home and she has the kids he has to associate with her. Sort of hard to convince a judge to give him full custody so he can leave them with a nanny.

It is like all relationships they both get something out of it and who knows what they are getting they probably donot themselves.


I can't believe how desperate some guys must be.

I can hardly believe how pathetic some guys can be.

I have an acquaintance whose 'romance' started with her demanding 250,000 baht to settle her debts before she would consider joining up with him. It has gone downhill ever since. He admits that he is spending more than his annual income on her alone and hopes that the Grim Reaper calls on him before he runs out of money.

Seniors should realise that the last thing that they need is a live-in Miss World. I advocate taking a nice lady who has passed her sell by date (if there is such a thing) and be content with her being his nurse. This is a win-win situation. She gets a roof over her head, regular meals and a measure of security, he gets companionship and somebody to help him out on the now not so easy everyday tasks.


I have known many of these long suffering weak character victims of emotional abuse, that do not have the willpower, guts, or determination to be able to help themselves.

To be honest I consider these types of men pathetic and they make me want to vomit. Classical wimps in the first degree.

These people seem to enjoy wallowing in they’re own misery and expect everyone to feel sympathetic.

My advice is: let your friend get on with it and have to come to terms with his situation himself.

If the crunch came to the crunch, he will put his wife before you, he would cast you out before his wife, even if she is the one of the worst whoring bitches in the world.

Stay out, just observe and let nature take it`s course, because this is a no hope case.


surprise surprise. That's what he gets for marrying a lo-so. A Thai woman's character, morals and intentions can EASILY be judged at the beginning by anyone not blinded by the exterior.


Have a friend (and colleague) suffering the same.

When asking him whats wrong with him, he tells me he knows that he is very stupid letting it go on like this.

Still he does.

By accepting it he then has made it clear to her it is ok.

In other words, he is the one letting her go on with it.

Only he can solve the problem.

I stopped blaming her a long time ago.

Post of the month. Goose bumps!


So he was leaving the kids with a nanny for months at a time while he was out of the country? What if the nanny up and quit? 2 Kids (toddlers?) home alone for a month?

Although the mother sounds like a real piece of work at least the kids will have a parent around.


what you wrote is very much in details. Even supplied the exactly times,7 am,11 pm and 8 am in this chronic story.

Have to admit that there are many Thai Bitches around notwithstanding there are some good girls too. Wanna say that we need to spend a little more time to find 'em. All the glitters is not gold.!!!!! I can say he isn't the worst.......

Have met a Thai lady with 3 kids from 3 different fathers by chance. Well,the story behind this i dunno.

Though, it ain't my business.:whistling:


yea i have heard similar stories before. This seems to be a fad in Thailand and i am no longer shocked when i hear about it. Try and find someone in Thailand who has not cheated or does not know a very close friend who has cheated, then i will be shocked. I have only been around Thai's for two years, but i have pretty much heard it all.

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