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Tsunami Killed Many... Pakistan?


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good point Peter just wondering with all the anti Muslim stuff in the south which has gone strangely quiet....... America have said they will help because of strategic Military operations

This is a lot of people dead and displaced......

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Latest £-$ pledges from the BBC......


Kuwait:                            $100m

UAE:                                $100m

US:                                  $50m

Canada:                            $20m

Japan:                              $20m

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UK:                                    $3.5m

South Korea:                      $3m


Thats alot of jack , i dont see that place being worth that much !

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I think it would score Thaksin some good points if he could round up some southern Thai Muslims and organize a relief crew of Thai Muslims to help out...this would show that the gov't isn't trying to isolate the Thai Muslims from their fellow Muslims around the world and that the gov't wants to help Muslims around the world and is trying to be sensitive to their needs........not likely to happen.

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Interesting facts Rinrada but i believe that is only about "Cash" and not Aid. It was on the TV this morning showing the Pakistan PM (reluctantly) accepting aid from India but it doesn't show on the list. I also know that the UK has given aid already, valued in excess of the quoted $3.5m. ???

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Latest ฃ-$ pledges from the BBC......


Kuwait:                            $100m

UAE:                                $100m

US:                                   $50m

Canada:                            $20m

Japan:                               $20m

World Bank:                       $20m

Asian Development Bank:    $10m

Australia:                           $7.6m

China:                               $6.2m

EU:                                    $4.4m

UK:                                    $3.5m

South Korea:                      $3m


Thats alot of jack , i dont see that place being worth that much !

The land itself may not be worth that much but the lives of the people are. There is not enough money to replace the lives that were lost or ruined during this disaster. All politics aside, they are member of the human race and governments who can should pitch in and help.

The only thing that is a shame is that disasters are the only thing that brings religions, countries, political parties, and enemies together.

If there is a god, perhaps this is why we have disasters.

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Earthquake not tsunami. Pakistan is a landlocked country. Sorry Seonai, but I can be abit pedantic too :o

Actually, the king has pledged some money and they are accepting donations in Bangkok. (govt house I think).

Biggest problem is the area that has been hit is very remote in mountains and they have had alot of mudslides blocking the roads. The US has pledged helicopters to help drop food aid as the roads have been impassable.

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Latest ฃ-$ pledges from the BBC......


Kuwait:                            $100m

UAE:                                $100m

US:                                   $50m

Canada:                            $20m

Japan:                               $20m

World Bank:                       $20m

Asian Development Bank:    $10m

Australia:                           $7.6m

China:                               $6.2m

EU:                                    $4.4m

UK:                                    $3.5m

South Korea:                      $3m


Thats alot of jack , i dont see that place being worth that much !

The land itself may not be worth that much but the lives of the people are. There is not enough money to replace the lives that were lost or ruined during this disaster. All politics aside, they are member of the human race and governments who can should pitch in and help.

The only thing that is a shame is that disasters are the only thing that brings religions, countries, political parties, and enemies together.

If there is a god, perhaps this is why we have disasters.

You are correct , i didnt mean it in way of lives and families. But thats alot of jack saying that the places were rubble before the quake

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Yes the remoteness of the affected locations is a massive problem. The other issue with the aid and money is the inherent corruption within Pakistan itself. There is a lot of concern exactly how much of the cash will actually reach those in need. It's a pity really that even in times like this some people still don't change their bent ways.

Regarding the Indian/Pakistani relationship, I think this is the ideal opportunity for the two countries to show compassion and to stand together in time of crisis. They should also see this as a sign to peacefully close their bickering over the Kashmir province. Isn't it ironic that the area which they've been fighting over for so many years comes to it's knees like this?

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Reading all this, I feel sorry of those sad people who think that muslims are not worthy of being helped.

Is there any genetic difference between the muslims and non-muslims? For most of the people in Pakistan, they even dont know and dont care about whats going on in the world, coz they have to work hard to earn their bread. What we see on the media is just few fanatics that give an adverse image of the country.

As one person said that this much aid is worth to be given to Pakistan? I think yes, if u look at the statistics, 41,000 people have died so far and counting.

The people in Pakistan, I read on the news site, dont need anything other than digging equipment, so that they can recover the bodies of their beloved ones from the rubbles. Another sad thing is that people are now tired of digging graves and they gave up. The people have anger against the government.

As one person said that Pakistan is a landlocked country, I think better check the map by urself, it is not.

Anyway, it is a sad moment for the citizens of the world that now disasters are coming everywhere and claiming the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

Below is my list for the natural disasters, plz add some if u know any:

1. Tsunami in Thailand, 2004

2. Torrential rain in India, 2005

3. Two hurricanes in USA, 2005

4. Earthquake in Pakistan, 2005

I am sad for those who died in all these events. May the God give them Rest in Peace till eternity.

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So does anyone know if Thailand will send AID to Pakistan or will they just think they are a bunch of Muslims so who cares ????


Click here

Thailand to offer quake relief aid to India after Pakistan

BANGKOK, Oct 12 (TNA) – Thailand is to extend relief aid to India after providing humanitarian assistance to Pakistan in the aftermath of last weekend's devastating South Asian earthquake.

Many people have been killed and injured in the quake-affected areas of India, but the losses and damage appear not to have been so severe as in neighbouring Pakistan.

Prime ministerial advisor Wan Muhamad Noor Matha, who is representing the Thai Government in the humanitarian programme, said on Wednesday that he would leave for Pakistan on Thursday to hand over 10 million baht worth of the relief aid, including four million baht in cash, food, clothing and tents.

More than 40,000 Pakistanis are reported to have been killed and hundreds of thousands of others injured by the disaster.

The private sector will also contribute to the Thai government’s aid programme, while relief items will be delivered to the South Asian nations by military aircraft.

There have been no reports of Thai nationals being affected in the earthquake, despite the number of Thais known to be studying in the region. (TNA)-E008

Now you know :o

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Below is my list for the natural disasters, plz add some if u know any:

1. Tsunami in Thailand, 2004

2. Torrential rain in India, 2005

3. Two hurricanes in USA, 2005

4. Earthquake in Pakistan, 2005

I am sad for those who died in all these events. May the God give them Rest in Peace till eternity.

Absolutely, ajarnmark.

The only other recent disaster that comes to mind are the California Wildfires. Although there were no human casualties, there were hundreds of critters who perished. :o

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1. Tsunami in Thailand, 2004

2. Torrential rain in India, 2005

3. Two hurricanes in USA, 2005

4. Earthquake in Pakistan, 2005

I am sad for those who died in all these events. May the God give them Rest in Peace till eternity.

+ Rain/landslides in Guetamala - may not be large scale and high profile in the media but our poor Kayo was caught up in it all too!!

It's even sadder as mostly it's the poor people who have very little in the first place that get all that taken away from them too!!! How disillusioned must they be?!

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Thai relief aid for Pakistan

Published on October 12, 2005

Thailand will send Bt5 million worth of aid to Pakistan as part of an international relief effort. The Interior Ministry’s Natural Disaster Department, said blankets, tents for temporary shelter and medical aid boxes were sent to the devastated South Asian country yesterday on a C-130 military cargo plane.

The government is also planning to send a team of medical personnel to Pakistan.


There's upwards of 40,000 casualties....

.....with four and half MILLION left homeless...

and an often bitterly cold Winter but a few short weeks away.


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One can't but feel desperately sorry for the survivors of this disaster who are appearing on our tv screens every day. Innocent people who have lost families, homes and livelihoods in a most sudden and shocking way. Their immediate needs seem to be food and shelter from the rain and nightime cold. They need more transport to get the sick and injured to hospital. And we see aid trucks being looted and now, I hear, aid workers being attacked. The veneer of civilisation is as thin here as anywhere else in the world.

It's interesting to observe the relief and rescue effort and how it compares with what happened in New Orleans recently - or Thailand last December. Am I mistaken or have rescuers and relief agencies arrived quicker this time? Have the US military got there quicker and in greater numbers this time? If so, is that because the Dubya has learned from recent mistakes or is he more keen to make friends abroad than in New Orleans?

I don't feel that the Thai government is under any real moral obligation to help here but it is doing. The provision of aid is not about helping those who have previously helped you. However, there a those who live very close to the earthquake area who profess to care about Muslims and who, I feel, are under an obligation to help. Where are you right now Osama?

Whilst being very saddened by what I see, I am still also saddened by the memories of people blown up two trains in front of me on July 7. As I understand it, the London bombers were motivated by exactly the same ideology as those who kill Thai monks. I wonder whether their comrades who still live will respond to the help pouring into Pakistan by accepting that not all unbelievers are evil and abandoning their crazy war against innocent people around the world. After all, with our respective gods killing us, who needs enemies?

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So does anyone know if Thailand will send AID to Pakistan or will they just think they are a bunch of Muslims so who cares ????


seonai why phrase a question in such a manner? is it to solicit negative responses? - Pakistan is Pakistan why do you identify "muslims" unless you have a personal axe to grind. Why not also include the other countries that have suffered from this earthquake?

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I guessed it was a slip but wanted to make it clear (like I said, these things bother me, other stuff slides right on by, but I like my language clear and correct).

Seonai, I know you don't have an axe to grind about Muslims but probably do about all the anti-Muslim sentiment many members express on this forum. I am smart enough to realize that not every Muslim is a bad person and that most are decent people trying to live their lives. Not everyone understands that. I live in a largely Muslim village and they are the best neighbors. Most are quite hardworking, don't gamble, don't drink (much, some do, some don't), don't womanise (interestingly enough it is the Buddhists with mia nois not the Muslims), and just want to live peaceful lives. Easy enough to do here. The biggest troublemakers on this island are not the Muslims.

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the op asks is thailand sending aid

some people will not agree with my sentiments maybe some will so here goes

thailand has a major problem with aids and a lack of drugs to treat the condition

we see young people dying early that can actually have a prolonged life, all because of the lack of funding, so when these families see money going abroad to help others is this a good thing,

in my country the nhs will not prescribe life saving drugs because of the cost and yet they see the government giving millions and millions in foriegn aid to other countries.

should we not get our own houses in order before we try and sort out other peoples houses.

what has happened in pakistan and the surrounding area is a tragedy and they do need assistance. but i think we have a dilema here

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