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Suing A Doctor In Thailand


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Wow. What a wierdo !

I think we should show greater sympathy:

"Delusional disorder, previously called paranoid disorder, is a type of serious mental illness involving psychosis. Psychosis is the inability to tell what is real from what is imagined. The main feature of delusional disorder is the presence of delusions -- unshakable beliefs in something untrue. People with delusional disorder experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. In reality, however, the situations are either not true at all or highly exaggerated."

Obviously, she needs help although not the help she thinks she needs. Obviously, no manner of assistance from forum members will get her this help. And obviously, despite being a lawyer, I offer not one word of legal advice.

She appears, thankfully, to have moved on from this forum. She is reinforcing the unfortunate 'silence of the lambs' public perception of transgendered people.

I just hope her family were ultimately able to help her.

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The thread is more than a year old.

My bad. I revived it by linking to it in the other more current "Report A Bad Thailand Plastic Surgeon" thread. I remebered how Nisa - kudos to him - tried to explain logically, to no avail. I thought that a lot of the info in here would be relavent / useful to the OP of the new thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The thread is more than a year old.

My bad. I revived it by linking to it in the other more current "Report A Bad Thailand Plastic Surgeon" thread. I remebered how Nisa - kudos to him - tried to explain logically, to no avail. I thought that a lot of the info in here would be relavent / useful to the OP of the new thread.

Wow, this thread brought back memories. It was surely entertaining, in a sad and frustrating way, but wonder whatever happened to Cindy. I really do hope she was having fun with us but sadly I think this was all real for her.

Edit: I couldn't resist searching the net for this story again and low and behold .. there is an entire video documentary of "somebody" who got an embalmed vagina in Thailand ... http://www.youtube.com/user/meccagirl0

Edited by Nisa
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  • 1 year later...

The thread is more than a year old.

My bad. I revived it by linking to it in the other more current "Report A Bad Thailand Plastic Surgeon" thread. I remebered how Nisa - kudos to him - tried to explain logically, to no avail. I thought that a lot of the info in here would be relavent / useful to the OP of the new thread.

Wow, this thread brought back memories. It was surely entertaining, in a sad and frustrating way, but wonder whatever happened to Cindy. I really do hope she was having fun with us but sadly I think this was all real for her.

Edit: I couldn't resist searching the net for this story again and low and behold .. there is an entire video documentary of "somebody" who got an embalmed vagina in Thailand ... http://www.youtube.com/user/meccagirl0

Unfortunately, Cindy is still suffering! Unfortunately Cindy's hypothesis proved correct. Unfortunately, no one here had the guts to ask the important questions.

--Embalmed tissue has no blood flow, and so produces no heat. ==> video from a thermal imaging camera shows lack of heat from groin tissue

--Tissue embalmed in vivo, is tissue that over time (in this case, a long time) gets absorbed by surrounding living tissue. ==> photos chronologically show tissue deterioration ongoing to 900 days and counting:


--Embalmed tissue loses elasticity and becomes rubbery. ==> soon to be published video of me pulling tissue in and around my groin

Stephanie Grow



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Pretty ballsy to put this out into the public, hope it works out for you.

I've tried every avenue to resolve this in private. What I found is, no one wants to be the messenger. They want to be the hero. People want to be seen caring, but they don't want to be seen taking a stand. Publicity makes caring popular.

I've had to transition from a stealth transgender woman, with the hopes of a perfect female anatomy, to a publicity stunt involving a sex change doctor who sees it fit to sabotage his own work for no good reason, has covered it up, and has no intention of taking responsibility for it.

--I went to Thailand as the final step of a 8 yr transition from male to female, to get an operation that would allow me to become a stealth woman, with no one knowing my past

--10 days into my 30 day stay, I become scared because I'm losing sensation in my new genetalia

--15 days in, I get my posting privileges revoked for asking why sensitivity decreases without any increase in swelling; the doctor accuses me of not trusting him; the doctor accuses me of disrespecting him; the doctor warns me he will wash his hands if I seek a second opinion

--17 days in, I admit myself into (name removed by Moderator) hospital for difficulty breathing, and severe muscle fatigue. In the night after calling my mom saying I didn't think I was going to make it, I hid pills under my tongue while being video'd from a camera in a cereal box. I recovered fully within 12 hours of skipping those pills.

--My remaining stay in Thailand was focused on survival. I did everything I could to make it look like I wasn't a threat. I apologized to the doctor. I smiled for the cameras. I completed a patient survey. I apologized to the support group admins.

After all that, returning home to the US, I found an equal coverup of my condition. No doctor or hospital would diagnosis it, nor run tests to diagnose it. A software engineer with no previous mental issues, no drug history, no criminal history, all the sudden wasn't competent enough to deserve tests to rule out a formaldehyde exposure.

My posting privileges weren't being returned to me as promised. The transgendered community was preventing me from getting my story out, by banning me from their online support groups.

My own family didn't want to help me.

So with all that, it became a priority to get my story out at all costs. And to do that, required giving up my dream of being a stealth transwoman.

I've had no help from the medical community in diagnosing my condition. My own photos show tissue deterioration. My own thermal imaging effort shows lack of heat in embalmed tissue. And I'm having to put a video of myself online pulling and tugging on my embalmed genitalia.

If that's what the world wants to see then fine. At least I have my name back. At least my story can get out. At least this doctor will not be able to get away with such a heinous act.

Stephanie Grow

Edited by Sheryl
name of hospital removed to avoid defamation
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Seems the "software" engineer has some significant problems but they are nothing to do with "embalming"!

It is no surprise that in the USA "No doctor or hospital would diagnosis it, nor run tests to diagnose it."

"Cindy" is asking the wrong type of doctor/hospital to "diagnose" the "problem." smile.png

"Embalmed genitalia" that must be a "world first" ...........never heard of before condition !

This post by "Cindi" has to be a poor attempt at trolling or the product of a person in serious need of psychiatric assistance.

Edited by thaiexpat21
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Pretty ballsy to put this out into the public, hope it works out for you.


I've tried every avenue to resolve this in private.  What I found is, no one wants to be the messenger.  They want to be the hero.  People want to be seen caring, but they don't want to be seen taking a stand.  Publicity makes caring popular.


I've had to transition from a stealth transgender woman, with the hopes of a perfect female anatomy, to a publicity stunt involving a sex change doctor who sees it fit to sabotage his own work for no good reason, has covered it up, and has no intention of taking responsibility for it.

--I went to Thailand as the final step of a 8 yr transition from male to female, to get an operation that would allow me to become a stealth woman, with no one knowing my past

--10 days into my 30 day stay, I become scared because I'm losing sensation in my new genetalia

--15 days in, I get my posting privileges revoked for asking why sensitivity decreases without any increase in swelling; the doctor accuses me of not trusting him; the doctor accuses me of disrespecting him; the doctor warns me he will wash his hands if I seek a second opinion

--17 days in, I admit myself into (name removed by Moderator)  hospital for difficulty breathing, and severe muscle fatigue.  In the night after calling my mom saying I didn't think I was going to make it, I hid pills under my tongue while being video'd from a camera in a cereal box.  I recovered fully within 12 hours of skipping those pills.

--My remaining stay in Thailand was focused on survival.  I did everything I could to make it look like I wasn't a threat.  I apologized to the doctor.  I smiled for the cameras.  I completed a patient survey.  I apologized to the support group admins.


After all that, returning home to the US, I found an equal coverup of my condition.  No doctor or hospital would diagnosis it, nor run tests to diagnose it.  A software engineer with no previous mental issues, no drug history, no criminal history, all the sudden wasn't competent enough to deserve tests to rule out a formaldehyde exposure.


My posting privileges weren't being returned to me as promised.  The transgendered community was preventing me from getting my story out, by banning me from their online support groups.


My own family didn't want to help me.


So with all that, it became a priority to get my story out at all costs.  And to do that, required giving up my dream of being a stealth transwoman.


I've had no help from the medical community in diagnosing my condition.  My own photos show tissue deterioration.  My own thermal imaging effort shows lack of heat in embalmed tissue.  And I'm having to put a video of myself online pulling and tugging on my embalmed genitalia.


If that's what the world wants to see then fine.  At least I have my name back.  At least my story can get out.  At least this doctor will not be able to get away with such a heinous act. 


Stephanie Grow

Are you trying to say that in the WHOLE of the USA in 2+ years you have not managed to find a doctor to check out your problem... wow.. that bit alone is kinda unbelievable.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

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Seems the "software" engineer has some significant problems but they are nothing to do with "embalming"!

It is no surprise that in the USA "No doctor or hospital would diagnosis it, nor run tests to diagnose it."

"Cindy" is asking the wrong type of doctor/hospital to "diagnose" the "problem." smile.png

"Embalmed genitalia" that must be a "world first" ...........never heard of before condition !

This post by "Cindi" has to be a poor attempt at trolling or the product of a person in serious need of psychiatric assistance.

My name is Stephanie Grow. I have a LinkedIn account under that name. I have a youtibe account under that name (in addition to my meccagirl0 account). I have a Flickr account under that name. How can I be a troll? I have photos associated with my alias "[email protected]", the alias that disrespected the members of the "dr_s_club" support group, the alias that I used to post my surgical date on that support group. That alias has existed for over ten years and is the alias I used in my online existance as a preop stealth transitioner. Groups like beginninglifeforums.com, genderpeace, and TSDoItYourselfHormones. All of which I've contributed to. All of which I parted ways out of frustration.

Do you want me to post my drivers license and passport? How about my name change court order? If I was a troll, then I wouldn't be able to predict when the next video on meccagirl0 comes out. Send an email to ashley and see how fast I respond with my name.

Stephanie Grow

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Are you trying to say that in the WHOLE of the USA in 2+ years you have not managed to find a doctor to check out your problem... wow.. that bit alone is kinda unbelievable.

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.


I'm saying here I am, 4 yrs and counting and still undiagnosed (out of all the doctors and hospitals I've been to, including all the major sex change surgeons in North America that will let me see them).'

I'm saying here I am, 4 yrs and counting and no one is talking to me or talking about my case (10 subscribers in almost 2 years, with less than 25 total comments).

Why is it so hard to believe (assuming you are a US citizen) that doctors would run in the opposite direction of a condition as I describe? Diagnosing the condition, implicates the doctor that did this to me, but more important, implicates doctors in the US that failed to diagnose it. So how did the very first doctor fail to diagnose? I don't have the answer to that. I was living in Vermont at the time. The hospital was Fletcher Allen Health Care. I went to the emergency room because the tissue in my groin had "churning pain". Later I would learn through a transgender support group that that hospital was known to not treat transgender people. But who knows what the reasons are. Maybe they knew but didn't want to help a transgender person save their new genitals.

My web presence is not just a documentary. It is an ongoing health condition that continually gets worse. By publicizing it "I" become the messenger, in the hopes that a doctor will come forward who wants to be the hero.

Yes it is unbelievable. And the whole story of what it must be like as a transgender person going through that, is also unbelievable.

If you want me to say I don't want you to believe, I can do that. But only if you promise me you'll tell at least one other person in your life about my website. Go tell Dr (name tremoved by Moderator) himself, not that I'm asking for his help at this point. I don't think I could return to Thailand at this point anyway.

Because I don't believe you don't believe. Because I believe you believe the facts.

Stephanie Grow

Stephanie Grow

Edited by Sheryl
name of doctor removed in keeping with laws on defamation
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This topic has been revived by the OP with the sole intention of promoting his/her on web presence.

This is against Thai Visa forum rules.

You may put links to blogs, facebook, twitter etc. and other stuff in your personal profile page, however, you may not promote your videos etc. in the open forum.


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