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Air passenger posts bail after being arrested for wearing saggy pants


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Of course USAirways allowed a passenger to bring their 300 lb. pig as a "service animal" in first class back in October, 2000*. Yes, "when pigs fly" came true. :)

There are quite a few of these "attire related" incidents in U.S. air travel, here's a relatively recent one -->


* Oct 28, 2000

"The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is investigating how a 300-pound Philadelphia pig flew first class from its home town to Seattle-Tacoma on a US Airways Flight.

FAA officials plan to question every flight crew member about the October 17 incident, and are demanding a full passenger list for US Airways Flight 107, according to Philadelphia Daily News Staff Writer Frank Dougherty.

The flight carried 200 passengers - and the pig.

"We're looking at whether or not the airline complied with its own plan for the transportation of animals," FAA spokesman Jim Peters told Dougherty.

"Each airline has its own policy, approved by the FAA, and we need to determine if it stuck to its own game plan," added Peters.

"Although the pig slept through most of the flight, the FAA must determine if it presented a safety hazard," Peters said.

According to a US Airways internal report cited by Dougherty, the two women owners of the porker claimed it weighed only 13 pounds when they asked permission to take it on the flight.

But a source close to the investigation, cited in the report, said airline employees in Philadelphia, when confronted by the pig's bulk, cleared the porker for takeoff anyway.

US Airways spokesman Rick Weintraub reportedly refused to comment on the FAA probe, except to confirm that the pig did fly first-class on the jet.

"There are no further developments, nothing further to say," said Weintraub.

The pig's two women owners convinced airline employees with a doctor's note that the animal was a "service animal," like a Seeing-Eye dog, according to the US Airways report. US Airways and Federal Aviation Administration rules allow passengers to fly with service or therapeutic animals.

Trouble developed when the aircraft taxied into Seattle, Dougherty reported: "Squealing loudly, the excited pig charged through the aircraft, then tried to break into the cockpit."

It was lured from a hiding place in the galley with tossed food and had to be pushed off the airplane by the owners and other passengers, said the US Airways report, cited in the newspaper.

The pig, according to the airline's report, fouled the jetway after disembarking at the Seattle airport.

"We can confirm that the pig traveled, and we can confirm that it will never happen again," US Airways spokesman David Castelveter said. "Let me stress that. It will never happen again."

"Many people on board the aircraft were quite upset that there was a large uncontrollable pig on board, especially those in the first-class cabin," the incident report stated.

The pig made it off the plane but continued squealing inside the Seattle airport."

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I assume, from defence attorney Joe O'Sullivan's racist observation, Marmon is black. So, what nugget would he have come up with, were Marmon white?

And California attorney Michael Risher suggests the airline could stand accused of discriminatory practices, particularly as they have no established dress code. As US courts have no established dress code, per se, it's safe to assume, then, that Mr Risher turning up at court, in flowered shirt and slacks, boxer shorts hanging out at the waistband, wouldn't attract any raised eyebrows. That any inappropriate comments by the sitting judge, would see Mr Risher suing the judge; the court; the state - for discrimination . . . Right?

Edited by JohnAllan
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And the next passenger to occupy the seat will most likely freak knowing that this guy's ass juices seeped out of the thin polyester blend underwear onto the seat cushion.

Whooow.... way too much information here......huh.gif

I agree......after all, how would he know what the underwear was made of?? :rolleyes:

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Those kids and that hippity hoppity music! Word to your mother. I believe he was kicking it old school. I have a Jive to English dictionary just for these types of situations. Fo shizzle me nizzle= For sure my friendcool.gif

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Before SFO baggy pants arrest, US Airways lets man in women's panties fly

Associated Press

Posted: 06/22/2011 08:16:30 AM PDT

Updated: 06/22/2011 08:21:16 PM PDT

SAN FRANCISCO -- Days before a college football player was arrested on a US Airways flight at San Francisco airport following a dispute over his saggy pants, the airline allowed another man wearing skimpy women's panties and mid-thigh stockings to fly, according to a passenger and airline spokeswoman.

Jill Tarlow, a passenger on a June 9 flight from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Phoenix, took a photo of the scantily clad man, which she provided to the San Francisco Chronicle. The newspaper published the photo in its Wednesday edition.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Man with sagging pants at SFO will not face criminal charges

By Joshua Melvin

[email protected]

Posted: 07/13/2011 07:22:04 AM PDT

Updated: 07/13/2011 03:58:52 PM PDT

REDWOOD CITY -- The Bay Area native who was arrested after refusing to pull up his sagging pants on a flight from San Francisco International Airport won't face criminal charges in connection with the incident, which sparked a controversy that included charges of racism.

San Mateo County District Attorney Steve Wagstaffe said in a statement Wednesday morning that, given all the circumstances June 15 aboard US Airways Flight 488, charges aren't warranted for 20-year-old Deshon Marman. The University of New Mexico football player was flying back to Albuquerque, N.M., following the funeral of a friend he had grown up with in San Francisco.

Marman boarded the plane wearing drooping pajama trousers that left his boxer shorts exposed. When told to pull them up by a flight crew member, he refused. The exchange escalated quickly, and he was ordered off the plane. Police ultimately took him off the jetliner and booked him on suspicion of trespassing, battery of a police officer and obstruction of a police investigation.

Marman got the news late Tuesday night and told KGO-TV via Skype that he was ecstatic that the threat of charges had passed.


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Missing from the above;

- US Airways flight attendant him to pull up his pants as his underwear was at his knees. His buttocks and genitalia were visible beneath his pants and the FA was concerned for the comfort of other passengers.

- DeShon Marman refused.

-Another employee asked him to comply and he refused and was reportedly rude quoted as saying he didn't have to.

- He was asked again and said no.

- He was asked to disembark and refused.

- The police were called to assist in deplaning him and he was not cooperative getting into a physical altercation with the police.

Despite the accused mother's statement that he was arrested for being a big black man with dreadlocks, I think it has more to do with the fact that people do not want to sit next to some rude guy with his pants hanging down. And the next passenger to occupy the seat will most likely freak knowing that this guy's ass juices seeped out of the thin polyester blend underwear onto the seat cushion.

Clearly racist :blink:

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Dozens of complains and arrests by the TSA gropping agency every day

Here a wheelchair "search rape".


and below an arrested mother who got arrested after refusing molestation of her daughter ...

Andrea Fornella Abbott of Clarksville, Tennessee, was arrested by Nashville airport authorities after she refused to let the TSA fondle her daughter.

Abbott said she did not want her daughter to be “touched inappropriately” or have her “crotch grabbed,” according to a police report.

Her outrage at the “security procedure” landed her in jail. She was charged with disorderly conduct and released on bond, according to The Tennessean.

“(She) told me in a very stern voice with quite a bit of attitude that they were not going through that X-ray,” Sabrina Birge, an airport security officer, told police.


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Missing from the above;

- US Airways flight attendant him to pull up his pants as his underwear was at his knees. His buttocks and genitalia were visible beneath his pants and the FA was concerned for the comfort of other passengers.

- DeShon Marman refused.

-Another employee asked him to comply and he refused and was reportedly rude quoted as saying he didn't have to.

- He was asked again and said no.

- He was asked to disembark and refused.

- The police were called to assist in deplaning him and he was not cooperative getting into a physical altercation with the police.

Despite the accused mother's statement that he was arrested for being a big black man with dreadlocks, I think it has more to do with the fact that people do not want to sit next to some rude guy with his pants hanging down. And the next passenger to occupy the seat will most likely freak knowing that this guy's ass juices seeped out of the thin polyester blend underwear onto the seat cushion.

Clearly racist :blink:

Just take out the reference to his mum calling him big black man, and he is clearly asking for trouble.

By the way, if he was referred to as being a big white man by his mum, is it the same????

Don't think so. I don't hear anyone crying that they are being targeted because they are white, but hear the cries of the other way round all the time......unless its in Thailand where its socially acceptable. You tell me it's not!!

Edited by soihok
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My brother is sh*t hot at Ju Jitsu and it would have been a pleasure to see this a** hole been taken down.

Then again, maybe white men made the whole fabricated report.

I am a blue and green paisley pattern by the way. A coloured man some would say.

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You know, while racism, especially the cowardly behind the computer screen type you see here, is alive and well today, This was not a case of it.Technically the kid was not wearing his pants hanging off his ass, they were actually baggy pajama bottoms. But either way it was just as ignorant. It wasn't about his race he was just being ugly and was called on it.What pisses me off is when people pull the race card over stupid shit with nothing to back it up, or without looking at what they are doing. Especially my fellow Black Americans simply because every time we pull it and it's over something stupid it delegitamizes the plight of people experiencing REAL racism. Anyway, F this dumb ass kid, his mom and their weak ass excuses. Buy some pants and a belt and <deleted>.There was a comment about this case from another Black American on a another website "The Root" http://www.theroot.com/buzz/deshon-marman-tells-his-side-sagging-pants-arrest that summs up my feelings almost exactly"Hey, people, can we be just a bit more wise and strategic with the pulling of our race cards?! The racial ramifications here, though present and in play, are too subtle and secondary to emphasize. The issue here regards a generation, Deshon Marmon’s, raised primarily by single mothers who have failed to instill within them the characteristics that help them to effectively thrive in society -- see his mom’s close-minded defense of her boy for proof of this. The generation’s embrace of all the foolishness promoted in hip-hop music and videos is also a factor. As a result, grown men, like Deshon, are actually convinced that wearing sagging pajama bottoms in public is actually acceptable attire! Really? How sad, disturbing and potentially harmful (as well as self-emasculating!). Furthermore, the arrogance and audacity of the generation must also be considered: there’s no accountability and no respect for authority, societal norms, morals, and mores. Therefore, when someone (black or white) calls them on their misguided behavior, they are resistant to correction, and feel challenged, offended and victimized. Deshon was returning from his best friend’s funeral,l so he felt, while mourning, he was above reproach, and could behave as he pleased -- despite how inappropriate. The best friend had been gunned down in the street. Although tragic and indeed sad, one wonders what the friend was doing to get gunned down-- was he an innocent target (as is all-too-often the case) or was he demonstrating the same kind of arrogance and inappropriate behavior as his best friend Deshon? I know my comments aren’t popular or politically correct, but is there anyone else out there who thinks we are part of the problem -- and thus, the key to a solution. We are raising a generation of “baby boys” like Deshon. You say society is racist? Fine, I agree -- so let’s not give society any substantial reason to make our lives more difficult (not just for their sake, but for our own!). As a father of a 19 yr old male college student, I say, “we’ve got to do better!” "I could not agree more.

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These type of rules are rarely if ever administered fairly across the public. It all comes down to the person doing the checking and the person being checked. A dress code for flying? Really?

From the SF Gate

"When I get on a plane and see a 13-year-old girl with her whale tail" - exposed G-string underwear - "and fat old white guys with plumber's crack sitting down, and middle-aged ladies in halter tops and tons of cleavage - if you're not going to kick those people off the plane or ask them to cover up, then let's admit the hypocrisy."

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/06/16/BA5F1JV3LJ.DTL#ixzz1SB2399dR

What will get you kicked off US Airways? Saggy pants or underpants?

Jill Tarlow via AP

This unnamed, scantily-dressed passenger was allowed to fly US Airways from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to Phoenix. The photo was captured by passenger Jill Tarlow.

By Harriet Baskas, msnbc.com contributor

US Airways has acknowledged that less than a week before having a college student arrested for allegedly refusing to hike up his saggy pants while boarding, the airline allowed a man wearing little more than women’s underwear, black thigh-high stockings and heels to fly.



I have always hated that saggy pants look. Not just on the guys but also on the girls showing the back and sides of their g-string. I think it is extremely tacky.

I don't think the guy should have been kicked off the plane. Total waste of time, resources and not to mention the delay in take-off.


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Probably try to argue "freedom of expression" excuse. I taught at a black high school and it was a daily battle over saggin'. Fashion comes from prison, where sagging your pants low shows you are so tough that you dare anyone to try to make you their boy toy, if you didn't know. More insane than those tight skirts women used to wear and then could barely walk.

More power to the airline for kicking him off.

I thought the low pants came from jail where they take your belt so your pants sag. Either way, they want to emulate prisoners which is just messed up in its own right.

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Missing from the above;

- US Airways flight attendant him to pull up his pants as his underwear was at his knees. His buttocks and genitalia were visible beneath his pants and the FA was concerned for the comfort of other passengers.


Despite the accused mother's statement that he was arrested for being a big black man with dreadlocks


Displaying his pubic hair in dreadlocks, that just won’t fly.

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