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Red-Shirt Leader Thida: Abhisit Out Of Touch With The Grassroots

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Abhisit out of touch with the grassroots: Thida

By The Nation

Red-shirt leader Thida Thawornseth has written a critique of Democrat Abhisit Vejjajiva, arguing he is bound to face the voter's wrath because he is out of touch with the grassroots people.

Thida's son Salaktham Tojirakarn released the critique dated Tuesday and published on VoiceTV website.

In rebutting Abhisit's four messages describing his ordeals on the job posted in the social media Facebook, Thida alluded to Abhisit under the title "small bird in a goldne cage".

Here are the excerpts:

- As a matter of fact, what happened is not entirely Abhisit's fault. He is just a player being propped up as prime minister at a crucial period when Thailand is confronting with a deep conflict between the bureaucratic polity (amatiyathipatai) and the people.

- The conservative elements in the bureaucratic polity, including the elitist class and the military, have tried to cling to power for as long as possible.

- The conservatives have propped up Abhisit in their fight against Thaksin Shinawatra.

- Abhisit's backgrounds, such as coming from the upper crust of society, getting the best of the British education and raising in conservative environment, mean he could not understand society from any other dimensions than those shared by elitists and conservatives.

- Abhisit's major flaw is that he is surrounded by the people at the top of pyramid in Thai society, hence he could not connected with the grassroots people.

- When Abhisit has to campaign and get in touch with the people following the crackdown, he confronts with the stark reality that the people are angry and demanding answers from him in connection with the last year's killings.

- Abhisit's denial for accountability by passing the blame on to his political opponents will eventually bring his downfall and that of the Democrat Party.


-- The Nation 2011-06-22

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Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

I think Thida and I watched the same musical this week --- but took home different messages from it. (referring to Evita) Thaksin is so much more obviously "in touch" with the poor sitting in a mansion in Dubai ;)


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

Her son is in touch with the grass roots. He has his own 2500 sqm grass football pitch in the back yard.


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

Her son is in touch with the grass roots. He has his own 2500 sqm grass football pitch in the back yard.

It will be turned into an SC Asset block of flats someday.


Thaksins PR groups have plenty of employees who write this type of critical finger pointing. As noted the name could be changed to the other side and it would fit just as well.


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

Her son is in touch with the grass roots. He has his own 2500 sqm grass football pitch in the back yard.

Maybe she will buy him some team mates,

and then he can be in touch with the poor.


message by Ms. Thida's son does have a touch of the old communist propaganda.

It's not all k. Abhisit's fault, he's being used, he's out of touch, his background and education is the problem, people are angry about last year, his denial of accountability will be the downfall.

If we were to put aside last year for a moment, would people no longer be angry? I thought the grassroots had real and valid grievances going back a bit more than just last year? Are UDD leaders really interested in the grievances of their grassroot supporters?


Note ----- Red-Shirt leader Thida is NOT on the PTP party-list that I know of ....... only her husband Weng is :)


Part quote from thida: "..............When Abhisit has to campaign and get in touch with the people following the crackdown, he confronts with the stark reality that the people are angry and demanding answers from him in connection with the last year's killings. ................"

Well that's the vewrsion that thida wants people to think.


Actually, when i read that headline I thought "this guy may have a point". the Democrats HAVE done a poor job of communicating how their policies will benefit people at grassroots level, both now and into the future. They need to do a lot better.

When I saw the article was nothing more than a classist spitwad thrown by a none too intelligent, nor articulate commentator I was relieved.


Meanwhile in the other newspaper Dr. weng is quoted as saying something like

'The rally tomorrow is an attempt to obstruct/derail the July 3rd elections. The Dem's know they'll be beaten by the PTP which expects to get more than 300 house seats'

Dr. weng also learned from friends that some groups of people plan to incite violence. The PTP candidate urged his UDD supporters to stay away, but if they go to go without ill-intentions.

I guess the ill-intentions will come automatically when 'provoked' by the truth and revelations promised. The stage to be set up by the Democrats should have a large banner floating over it

'Democrats, not terrorists'

but I'm afraid the UDD would sue them for copyright infringement <_<


Thaksins PR groups have plenty of employees who write this type of critical finger pointing. As noted the name could be changed to the other side and it would fit just as well.

sadly Abhasit is out of touch and no real match for vicious red propaganda. He is probably by far best Thailand has for a long time but has been brought up and educated in a proper democracy which plays by decent rules. Here mob violence and Taksins thugs are allowed by thais to get away with intimidation murder and more not to even start on total corruption and looting of thailand treasury by Taksin and his lot. Thais will get what they deserve and if their naieve enough to let Taksin in so be it. I can guarantee it will be very bad for Thailand and poor but theirs none so blind and those cant see


I have been "in touch with the grassroots" 19 years ago. I worked as paramedic in a Burmese refugee camp in Fang district. My GF at this time was a Chinese-Lisu, no full citizens right. . Chuan Leek Pai was elected as PM. Only three months later the first help in this area came from the gouvernment.

1. Health Station.

2. Small workshops to give handicraft instructions (sewing machines and instructions how to use them (women), small carpenter instruments to work on wood (men).

A long and good project. It failed because he wasn't corrupt enough for Thailand standards.

Many of the Chuang Leek Pai ideas have been copied in a disastrous way for Esaarn people. (Health stations no, but the 30 BHT system. (But no funds for the hospitals)


Meanwhile in the other newspaper Dr. weng is quoted as saying something like

'The rally tomorrow is an attempt to obstruct/derail the July 3rd elections. The Dem's know they'll be beaten by the PTP which expects to get more than 300 house seats'

Dr. weng also learned from friends that some groups of people plan to incite violence. The PTP candidate urged his UDD supporters to stay away, but if they go to go without ill-intentions.

I guess the ill-intentions will come automatically when 'provoked' by the truth and revelations promised. The stage to be set up by the Democrats should have a large banner floating over it

'Democrats, not terrorists'

but I'm afraid the UDD would sue them for copyright infringement <_<

He phut passa weng


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

In the OP its about bureaucrats vs. the people and not a rich vs. the poor argument.

From what play book comes that - to blame the opponent for something he never said?


Meanwhile in the other newspaper Dr. weng is quoted as saying something like

'The rally tomorrow is an attempt to obstruct/derail the July 3rd elections. The Dem's know they'll be beaten by the PTP which expects to get more than 300 house seats'

Dr. weng also learned from friends that some groups of people plan to incite violence. The PTP candidate urged his UDD supporters to stay away, but if they go to go without ill-intentions.


Sounds like he's "doing a Weng."


What a joke.

This kind of statement coming form Thida/her son. I should not judge people by their appearance, but Thida looks out of touch with reality.

This statement coming from her son, written by a PR machine that gets millions from Thaksin.

Who is out of touch with the poor?

-Giving poeple credit cards who you know cannot pay back is not allowed in the western world. Thaksin gives the poorest people credit cards. They will never be able to pay back the money.

-Thaksin is a billionaire who never paid taxes. All these billions could have gone indirectly to the poor but Thaksin decided to keep the money inside his family.

Looks like PT is going bananas over 1 rally-1 day at the spot they have terrorised Bangkok for months.

Give me a break!!


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

In the OP its about bureaucrats vs. the people and not a rich vs. the poor argument.

From what play book comes that - to blame the opponent for something he never said?

The people, what you mean the people? The OP is about whoever against k. Thaksin. If k. Thaksin hadn't been mentioned I might believe this is about bureaucrats versus people. As it is, it's pure red propaganda in my eyes :angry:


i don't think Abhisist is out of touch with the grassroots

theres not been a day gone by since he has been the PM in this government that someone who fits the Red description has not been critical of him in one way or another

maybe even on TV too

in my opinion, he is far too good for this country , in fact Abhisit and Korn are way ahead of their time for Thailand period.

Thais do not appreciate what they have in these two,they really have no idea what they may lose if they go and who might they be replaced with

both could be earning millions in Singapore but stick it out here

only Buddha knows why............


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

In the OP its about bureaucrats vs. the people and not a rich vs. the poor argument.

From what play book comes that - to blame the opponent for something he never said?

The people, what you mean the people? The OP is about whoever against k. Thaksin. If k. Thaksin hadn't been mentioned I might believe this is about bureaucrats versus people. As it is, it's pure red propaganda in my eyes :angry:

*The people* as in the the point that is mentioned in the OP

a deep conflict between the bureaucratic polity (amatiyathipatai) and the people.

There is nothing about *the poor* vs. *the rich*.

Some people should made up their mind before starting their rants and blaming reds=PT=Thaksin for various things which includes at the same time:

a) being a Maoist

b ) being a Thaksin lover

c)being an anti democratic coup hater)

d) that Thaksin is amorally mega rich

Point d) is almost Maoist itself.

Staunch Anti-maoists seems to become Anti-capitalists and "Anti-rich" is case the rich capitalist is Thaksin. :whistling:

And you are right, the OP is about a critique of Abhisit. So it must be pure and poor propaganda, red coloured.

Shooting the messengers from the handbook of those who want to construct the truth by themselves and alone rather then let to be the truth a product of the discourse.


In the OP its about bureaucrats vs. the people and not a rich vs. the poor argument.

From what play book comes that - to blame the opponent for something he never said?

The people, what you mean the people? The OP is about whoever against k. Thaksin. If k. Thaksin hadn't been mentioned I might believe this is about bureaucrats versus people. As it is, it's pure red propaganda in my eyes :angry:

*The people* as in the the point that is mentioned in the OP

a deep conflict between the bureaucratic polity (amatiyathipatai) and the people.

There is nothing about *the poor* vs. *the rich*.

Some people should made up their mind before starting their rants and blaming reds=PT=Thaksin for various things which includes at the same time:

a) being a Maoist

b ) being a Thaksin lover

c)being an anti democratic coup hater)

d) that Thaksin is amorally mega rich

Point d) is almost Maoist itself.

Staunch Anti-maoists seems to become Anti-capitalists and "Anti-rich" is case the rich capitalist is Thaksin. :whistling:

And you are right, the OP is about a critique of Abhisit. So it must be pure and poor propaganda, red coloured.

Shooting the messengers from the handbook of those who want to construct the truth by themselves and alone rather then let to be the truth a product of the discourse.

The OP is about grass-roots people, like in

"- The conservatives have propped up Abhisit in their fight against Thaksin Shinawatra."


Abhisit has room for improvement, but he's heaps better than any clone the Reds or PT can come up with.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

Her son is in touch with the grass roots. He has his own 2500 sqm grass football pitch in the back yard.

made me chuckle, thanks.


What a joke.

This kind of statement coming form Thida/her son. I should not judge people by their appearance, but Thida looks out of touch with reality.

This statement coming from her son, written by a PR machine that gets millions from Thaksin.

Who is out of touch with the poor?

-Giving poeple credit cards who you know cannot pay back is not allowed in the western world. Thaksin gives the poorest people credit cards. They will never be able to pay back the money.

-Thaksin is a billionaire who never paid taxes. All these billions could have gone indirectly to the poor but Thaksin decided to keep the money inside his family.

Looks like PT is going bananas over 1 rally-1 day at the spot they have terrorised Bangkok for months.

Give me a break!!

HELLooooOO! Don't know which country/planet you're from, but the giving out of credit cards to those who could not afford them led to the ongoing financial crisis in the West.

Also note the knee jerk reactions of the Express/Mail/Sun/Torygraph reading posters here. Thida has made some very valid points. Abhisit, not Chuan is the current PM and most certainly IS out of touch with not only 'grassroots' but a growing number of 'middle class aspirants'. And yes, I loathe Taksin too, but no one represents the overall population of this country than HIM.


Standard Maoist play book move.

Blame you opponent with being out of touch with the poor.

Thilda is playing to type.

Sorry, so tell me,

How in touch multi-billionaire Yingluck is with the actual poor of Thailand?

She might want to look at the signature on her pay check it is not grass roots people it is Thaksin the master of deceit and corruption.

For some one so concerned about the grass roots people she has some pretty funny play mates.


It's true that Apisit has looked ridiculous at times in this election campaign, for instance when he planted rice, he thrust the rice stalk in with his fingers half way up the stem, any farmer knows your thumb should be against the stem to offer support and form a hole as you press it into the mud.

He's a Tong Lor-Oxford protege as they say!

But it's not important, the point is he has an excellent grasp of issues facing the country, something sorely lacking in Yinglak, and her refusal to join the P net debate this Friday only leads to more doubt as to her ability to be the PM of Thailand.


Note ----- Red-Shirt leader Thida is NOT on the PTP party-list that I know of ....... only her husband Weng is :)

Perhaps because she has openly said, that the Red-Shirts she wants to lead are not all rabid Thaksinophiles, and that's why she got very-little support while trying to lead the movement. Because he who pays the piper does call the tune ! B)


Can someone please address the critcisms? What is wrong with what was said.? comment on the points made? not ramble on?


Can someone please address the critcisms? What is wrong with what was said.? comment on the points made? not ramble on?

Assuming you read all posts on this topic, you mean to say you found nothing worthwhile or to the point?

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