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I have a flashed xbox and i did the resent update which Microsoft was smart enough to put in the update to unflash flashed XBOX's.

Anyways I am tired of guying 10 copied games and 2 working and now want to just stick to original games so I can play on-line :)

So where is steamy Bangkok do they have original Xbox games?

So, if you want to keep your original 360 flashed, do not do the latest update, because it installs a new dashboard and unflashes the 360.


Most of the shops that sell copy games also sell original copies, Pantip, Fortune Tower comes to mind . You can try http://nadzproject.c...84115.427040_th http://www.gcorners....vice-games.html .

You can always burn your own copy instead of buying them which is more reliable. All you need is a DVD burner and dual layer DVD


And wow, that website is so useless, it hurts my eyes and when you click on original games after 10 minutes trying to find it, it only shows Nintendo 3ds games.

Do they have 360 games?

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