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My router just died so I went out and bought (what I thought) was a good new router, the D-Link DIR-825.

Brought it home, installed as it said on the box, went through the connection wizard and...nothing. The wireless works (other PC's in the house see each other) but no internet connection.

I got the lend of a neighbour's old Netgear router and it worked first time (what I'm using now).

Has anyone any experience with D-Link? Any settings I might have forgot?

Stab in the dark, I know, but I have to try.




Gulp! There's a socket for a phone line. What an idiot! Two True engineers spent 45inutes trying to get it connected!

Thanks for the heads up.


Most WiFi routers (without modem built-in) still have a port on the back labelled WAN, but if you set up the router to bridge your internet connection you won't use that port for anything, not even the connection from the modem.


Urghhh....On Sunday I bought a modem. I connected that to my PC to get connected to the internet, no problem. Then I plugged the "internet out" of the modem to the "internet in" of the router, and....nothing. Still won't connect to the internet.

Guess I'll have to take it on the chin and go and buy a modem/router. Learn from my mistake!



No need to go out and spend more cash when you've already got everything you need. I can walk you through configuring it to work, but first I need to know what modem you're using.

So... Whenever you're ready...


Did you run the installation CD while you still had the modem connected to the PC.

With my dlink dir 655 i did this and it picked up my username and password and connected straightaway.

I am very happy with it.



I was told to buy a ZuXEL P-600 router to use as the modem. As I said I managed to connect it to the internet and all lights are green.

The Internet (world) icon on the D-Link router is orange.

(I did run the installation as detailed on the box)




Connect the D-LINK (you'll need to disconnect the Zyxel first), and configure as follows...

D-LINK DIR-825 Configuration

1. Go to Network Settings > Router Settings

Router IP Address:

Apply and Save the changes.

If asked to reboot device, click NO.

Note - This will change the router IP from to The "Subnet Mask" should already be

2. Go to Network Settings > DHCP Server Settings

UNCHECK "Enable DHCP Server"

Apply and Save the changes.

If asked to reboot device, click YES.

Now disconnect the D-LINK and reconnect the ZyXEL and configure as follows...

ZyXEL P-600 Configuration

1. Go to Network > LAN > DHCP Setup

DHCP: Server

IP Pool Starting Address:

Pool Size: 32

Click Apply.

Reboot the router.

Use a crossover cable -- plug one end into the Zyxel LAN port and the other into the D-LINK LAN port.


Wow, great stuff Super, unfortunately I fell at the first hurdle.

Changing the Router IP address results in the following error message:

Reserved IP address should be within the configured DHCP range.

I was careful entering the correct IP address as you indicated - I didn't enter


This is the screen before the error message pops up (I cannot save this screen):



Wow, great stuff Super, unfortunately I fell at the first hurdle.

Changing the Router IP address results in the following error message:

Reserved IP address should be within the configured DHCP range.

I was careful entering the correct IP address as you indicated - I didn't enter


Make that

This is on the DLINK device. When you've done that, disable DHCP on DLINK.


Is the Zyxel ALSO connected as well? You might want to disconnect the Zyxel device first... When changing the router ip, you'll need to exit the WebUI (close your browser) then login again with the new IP.

BTW, uncheck "Enable DNS Relay" on the D-LINK.


Hi Super. I did type in but the error that popped up said (not what I typed in.

Yes, I've disconnected the Zyxel.

I'll uncheck "Enable DNS Relay" now...

I'm trying to sort an issue with our web server at the same time so it's difficult to disconnect from the net at the moment (waiting on someone from support to switch to my Chat box.

Thanks again.


Thanks for your help Super. I tried all of what you said but I still cannot get it to work.

That problem I was dealing with yesterday took until 11pm - I couldn't log onto the support site so I had to dial into a remote computer and connect to geotrust.com from there!?

I can't spend any more time on this so I'll have to spend money and buy a new modem/router (and remember the modem part this time).

All the best

p.s. Anyone care to suggest a good modem router? N+300 (or the like as I want it to cover the house)


Have been using a TP-Link TD-W8960N for about three months and it is excellent. Much better than previous D-Links and Cisco Linksys.

If you want to give what you have one more go set the Modem to bridged mode and then attach to router and see if you can get it working that way. Have never used separate units but believe that is how it should set up.


If you want to give what you have one more go set the Modem to bridged mode and then attach to router and see if you can get it working that way. Have never used separate units but believe that is how it should set up.

The DIR-825 is already bridged by default. I've checked the user's manual and there's no option to select bridge or routing modes like other devices.

FWIW, I also have two routers + 1 switch configured as follows:

#1 TP-LINK TD-8810

IP Address:


Mode: Routing

=== 4-port switch ===

#2 ZyXEL 1-port WiFi

IP Address:


Mode: Bridge

The ZyXEL unit functions as a wireless access point, while the TP-LINK is used to initiate PPPoE and is the DHCP server. Both the routers are connected to a 4-port switch.


I bought as Lop recommended.

Setup was a breeze. It immediately connected to my main PC (win 7), iPhone and Galaxy Tab (good variety of operating systems there). The only thing it won't connect to is the PC (Win 7) in the living room. The wireless is connected and the PC is connected to the router but it says "no internet access"



Maybe you need to make a new network connection on that other computer? Or maybe just re-boot? You mention wireless and connection so not sure if computer has wireless or line or both.


Thanks Lop.

The computer in the living room (LR PC) has a wireless dongle to connect to the office PC.

The funny thing is, when I first installed the new router, I connected the LR PC to it. No problem. Then I connected my Galaxy Tab toy and the LR PC hasn't connected since (maybe a coincidence - maybe not).

I've rebooted everything. Disabled and re-enabled the network connection but no joy.

Where's that drawing board?


Suspect because you set up direct it is still looking for that connection for internet rather than using your other computer - why not leave it set direct to the router? You can still network/share/printer without it being directly connected to your office PC and can still be used when that computer is off.


Hello again Lop. I went into the router control panel and went through the Maintenance > SysRestart and that sorted it out. All connected now.

Thanks for all the help.

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