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Fugitive Thaksin vows not to seek revenge

BANGKOK, June 27, 2011 (AFP) - Fugitive Thai ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has vowed not to seek revenge over the coup which ousted him from power if his party wins the restive kingdom's upcoming elections.

In a television interview from his self-imposed exile in Dubai, he told the Al-Jazeera news network his top priority was reconciliation and reuniting Thailand, which has been riven with deep divisions since the 2006 coup.

"Never -- I never want revenge," said Thaksin, who fled Thailand before being convicted in his absence for corruption.

The interview was aired on Sunday as up to two million voters were expected to submit advance ballots in Thailand's first election since the kingdom was rocked by its worst civil violence in decades last year.

"We have to join hands and move ahead," Thaksin said. "We have to move our country ahead. We have been wasting too much time already."

Mass anti-government protests by Thaksin's "Red Shirt" supporters last year triggered a military crackdown that left more than 90 people dead, mostly civilians, in street clashes between protesters and armed troops.

"If reconciliation (is) to unite, we need to forget the past," Thakson said. "If we cannot forget the past, we are still talking about the past and there is no way we can move ahead."

Although he lives abroad, Thaksin is widely seen as the de facto leader of the main opposition Puea Thai Party and his youngest sister Yingluck Shinawatra is pitted against his arch-foe, current Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva of the elite-backed Democrat Party.

Yingluck, 43, is politically inexperienced and many in Thailand feel her nomination as the opposition candidate for premier confirms Thaksin's central role in the kingdom's political landscape despite living in exile.

But Thaksin defended her candidacy, saying her experience in business qualified her to be prime minister.

Yingluck has made clear that an amnesty for those on political charges is a priority, but Thaksin said any amnesty should apply to both sides.

"We don't want to see any more (violence)," he said. "That's the reason we are asking for reconciliation. That's the reason we are asking for Thailand to be one nation -- not to be divisive any more."

Thaksin called for any process of reconciliation to be even-handed and led by neutral organisations, adding that any amnesty should apply to both sides.

He denied he had ambitions to return to office and agreed that his premiership had not been perfect, adding that he would "use more velvet glove, less iron fist" were he to return to Thailand.

"I can say sorry, nobody's perfect, when you rule the country for six years you might say something that is not satisfactory to different sectors of people, but what democracy is all about is the majority," he said.

"Every time we have elections, we have more and more majority and the last election we won with 377 (majority), before being ousted by coup d'etat. That's 76 per cent of members of parliament."

Some 2.4 million of Thailand's 46 million eligible voters registered for advance votes ahead of the July 3 poll, with opinion surveys showing the ruling Democrats lagging behind a resurgent opposition.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2011-06-27

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His track record of actions and pronouncements, whether you accept his fugitive status or not, doesn't inspire belief of ANYTHING out of his mouth.


"If reconciliation (is) to unite, we need to forget the past," Thakson said. "If we cannot forget the past, we are still talking about the past and there is no way we can move ahead."

A re-interpretation of that is 'and there is no way I can return home without going to gaol'.

adding that he would "use more velvet glove, less iron fist" were he to return to Thailand.[/Quote]

Why would he 'use' anything if he's not planning to be PM???


"Yingluck, 43, is politically inexperienced and many in Thailand feel her nomination as the opposition candidate for premier confirms Thaksin's central role in the kingdom's political landscape despite living in exile.

But Thaksin defended her candidacy, saying her experience in business qualified her to be prime minister.

Yingluck has made clear that an amnesty for those on political charges is a priority,..............."

Confirming that Thaksin is involved in PTP despite a current ban on participation in politics (grounds for party disbandment?) and that Yingluk has the veracity of a used-car dealer.

Come to think of it, the comparison is demeaning to used-car dealers.


In a television interview from his self-imposed exile in Dubai, he told the Al-Jazeera news network

One of the more confrontational and longer interviews with Thaksin is conducted by Al-Jazeera at Thaksin's luxury home in Dubai yesterday.

The interview covers a wide of different topics and is nearly a half hour long.


Video News Link to watch:



the last election we won with 377 (majority), before being ousted with coup d'etat.

The former-PM appears to have forgotten that the E.C. annulled that election, and also that there was another election in December-2007, he also clearly regards himself as having been an elected-PM at the time of the September-2006 coup ? Somewhat of a selective-memory, I fear. <_<

when you rule the country for six years

Slip-of-the-tongue, he surely meant 'govern', not 'rule' ? :o

And the whole article, given his previous promises to have quit politics, but showing that he still clearly intends to continue to control, albeit "use more velvet glove, less iron fist", is deeply worrying.

In the light of which, his promise that "I never want revenge" is meaningless pre-election flim-flam, and not able to be relied-upon. B)



the origins of the "velvet glove, iron fist" by Thaksin were under a different connotation four years ago...

Thaksin also said he did not regret his policies in the Muslim south, where his heavy-handed tactics were blamed for exacerbating a three-year separatist insurgency.

“For those terrorists you have to use iron fist ... sometimes they just try to focus on my iron fist, but actually I have done a lot on the velvet glove side,” he told CNN.

nope , no politics here ................

move along folks ,

nothing to see here ......................... :o


"If reconciliation (is) to unite, we need to forget the past," Thakson said. "If we cannot forget the past, we are still talking about the past and there is no way we can move ahead."

Hmmm, that's easy for him to say, he stands to get his money back, come back to his homeland, and return to power due to the ignorance of his constituency. Him, his brother in law, and his dear Ying-Luck, all sit from their post homes, wherever they are, and watched the city burn, watch people die and rot in jail, while they profit. I don't think anyone is going to forget the deaths, the loss of income, the lost jobs, all while he was in power and after.

They might give velvet gloves in Dubai, but in prison.....


Well, he's just been on the BBC being interviewed by that bloody woman with the crew cut.

No word from the Beeb about the man's fugitive status.

No incisive interview. A pity Paxman wasn't let loose.

Fancy the BBC providing the oxygen of publicity just before an election.

Frankly, I think the BBC are in contempt here. Maybe the government could show their appreciation by refusing the woman entry back into Thailand?


this guy can lie all day and most Thais still believe him... Including the media of course. he can say black is white and white is black and nobody is going to question anything because there's just no use anymore.

he's going to come back and reign (or rule whatever) for 20 years until he nominates his son to be the next president for life...


this guy can lie all day and most Thais still believe him... Including the media of course. he can say black is white and white is black and nobody is going to question anything because there's just no use anymore.

he's going to come back and reign (or rule whatever) for 20 years until he nominates his son to be the next president for life...

Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.


BANGKOK, June 27, 2011 (AFP) - Fugitive Thai ex-prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has vowed not to seek revenge over the coup which ousted him from power if his party wins the restive kingdom's upcoming elections.

"The lady* doth protest too much, methinks."

By "protest," Gertrude* doesn't mean "object" or "deny"—these meanings postdate Hamlet. The principal meaning of "protest" in Shakespeare's day was "vow" or "declare solemnly," a meaning preserved in our use of "protestation."

When we smugly declare that "the lady doth protest too much," we almost always mean that the lady* objects so much as to lose credibility. Gertrude says that Player Queen affirms so much as to lose credibility. Her * vows are too elaborate, too artful, too insistent.

More cynically, the queen may also imply that such vows are silly in the first place,

and thus may indirectly defend her own remarriage°.

*Thaksin = the lady

° return to politics

'Of course there is the 'qualification of his meaning' :

"seek revenge over the coup"

He apparently can seek revenge of many things, just not over the COUP related items. All those that have shown against him SINCE the coup... are still fair game.

He waxes desperate with imagination.


this guy can lie all day and most Thais still believe him... Including the media of course. he can say black is white and white is black and nobody is going to question anything because there's just no use anymore.

he's going to come back and reign (or rule whatever) for 20 years until he nominates his son to be the next president for life...

Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

what i can't accept is how the media just repeat his quotes and make them first-page news like he is actually sincere about them when anybody with an ounce of education and common sense would know how he is just lying!

"I'll solve traffic problems in 3 months!" "I made an honest mistake" after it was proved he falsified his assets "I quit politics" "I am not the red shirt's leader" "I am a champion of democracy" etc...


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

To me, for someone to write "And when they cry we shan't listen" is just being arrogant and condescending. I really don't think that the Thais give a &lt;deleted&gt; about whether some farang living in THEIR country listens or don't listen.

It's one thing to bash politicians etc but to imply "som na na" to a whole populace just stinks of imperialism and misplaced superiority.


Well, he's just been on the BBC being interviewed by that bloody woman with the crew cut.

No word from the Beeb about the man's fugitive status.

No incisive interview. A pity Paxman wasn't let loose.

Fancy the BBC providing the oxygen of publicity just before an election.

Frankly, I think the BBC are in contempt here. Maybe the government could show their appreciation by refusing the woman entry back into Thailand?

The BBC is a major corporate member of the Chatham House. Amsterdam & Peroff is also a major corporate member. Chatham House is one of a handful of groups (others of which include Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group) whose members represent the collective interests of the largest corporations on Earth. These groups are seen as the people who really control (through their wealth and/or influence) what goes on in the world.


His only determination is to regain his power in Thailand. Otherwise why is he talking to CNN, Al-Jazeera, or whatever gets him some publicity. He once told the public that he quit politics, yet he's still sticking his nose deep into politics and doing the designs? He may have nice designs that other politicians used to promise too, but once his words have lost its credibility, Its OVER. So far ALL politicians have made empty promises during the past. Has anyone experienced ONE single promise being delivered? Thaksin abused his power. Abhisit, uncontrollable corruption among his subordinates. . Well, can't blame him, the WHOLE system is corrupt. If you fire someone high-ranking, they will display a coup over again. A back-up department for every sector is essential in the replacement of the whole sector should they all be accused of corruption. Firing just one guy just doesn't do the trick.


So far ALL politicians have made empty promises during the past. Has anyone experienced ONE single promise being delivered? Thaksin abused his power. Abhisit, uncontrollable corruption among his subordinates. . Well, can't blame him, the WHOLE system is corrupt. If you fire someone high-ranking, they will display a coup over again. A back-up department for every sector is essential in the replacement of the whole sector should they all be accused of corruption. Firing just one guy just doesn't do the trick.

Well said. Mind you, this don't just apply to politicians in Asia but also to lots of western economies.


So far ALL politicians have made empty promises during the past. Has anyone experienced ONE single promise being delivered? Thaksin abused his power. Abhisit, uncontrollable corruption among his subordinates. . Well, can't blame him, the WHOLE system is corrupt. If you fire someone high-ranking, they will display a coup over again. A back-up department for every sector is essential in the replacement of the whole sector should they all be accused of corruption. Firing just one guy just doesn't do the trick.

Well said. Mind you, this don't just apply to politicians in Asia but also to lots of western economies.

Agreed and It applies to ALL politicians regardless of country or continent


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

Basic humanity = total equality


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

Basic humanity = total equality

Which means the information to form intelligent decisions is not withheld from a significant portion of the population, to be replaced with propaganda, lies, innuendos and false promises, backing an incompetent and amoral cleptocracy, attempting through any means, including creating unnecessary violence, to win back power for itself and it's master.

And I definitely mean the PTP=UDD=Shinawatra family political machine, nexus


His track record of actions and pronouncements, whether you accept his fugitive status or not, doesn't inspire belief of ANYTHING out of his mouth.

Actually his track record is such that one would suppose this one to mean he will get even with every one who opposed him.

It is a little late in the game to be making statements and sticking with them.B)


Well if it's what the people want, let them have it. It's their country, so they know best. And when they cry we shan't listen.

Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

To me, for someone to write "And when they cry we shan't listen" is just being arrogant and condescending. I really don't think that the Thais give a &lt;deleted&gt; about whether some farang living in THEIR country listens or don't listen.

It's one thing to bash politicians etc but to imply "som na na" to a whole populace just stinks of imperialism and misplaced superiority.

no it just means people get what they deserve and anyone with any brain knows Taksin does not give a shit for poor and will just continue to steal and lord over them all. So in my view the sheep who follow Taksin blindly will get what they deserve. sadly the others will also get it from him. But I agree most of Thais dont give a shit what we forang think same as in west we dont give a shit what others think. Some thais however being those with some form of logic and sense will care since they know if as seems likely their country falls into the abis Forangs will not bring their money here and here im talking about large companies and investors. Although tourists are only 7% of GDP thats a huge chunk and ive heard in Chiang Mai forang money counts for 40% of Chiang Mai income. Even if its half that any significant drop will seriously effect lives of the poor and better of alike. Difference as ive been saving for some time is better off have options to leave and take our money elsewhere. Over 15 years ive put over 100 million baht into Thailand and spend around 2-3 million baht a year living here. I accept im only one person but I do know lots of ex pats who have put even more in and spend same or more and like me several are already taking funds out of Thialand. If Taksin wins Thailand looses but he wont care about that.


no it just means people get what they deserve and anyone with any brain knows Taksin does not give a shit for poor and will just continue to steal and lord over them all. So in my view the sheep who follow Taksin blindly will get what they deserve. sadly the others will also get it from him. But I agree most of Thais dont give a shit what we forang think same as in west we dont give a shit what others think. Some thais however being those with some form of logic and sense will care since they know if as seems likely their country falls into the abis Forangs will not bring their money here and here im talking about large companies and investors. Although tourists are only 7% of GDP thats a huge chunk and ive heard in Chiang Mai forang money counts for 40% of Chiang Mai income. Even if its half that any significant drop will seriously effect lives of the poor and better of alike. Difference as ive been saving for some time is better off have options to leave and take our money elsewhere. Over 15 years ive put over 100 million baht into Thailand and spend around 2-3 million baht a year living here. I accept im only one person but I do know lots of ex pats who have put even more in and spend same or more and like me several are already taking funds out of Thialand. If Taksin wins Thailand looses but he wont care about that.

Yawn, Bye...


Why should you listen? Days of western superiority and imperialism are gone. It's none of our business.

Isolationist claptrap.

It's not about imperialism, but about basic humanity.

To me, for someone to write "And when they cry we shan't listen" is just being arrogant and condescending. I really don't think that the Thais give a &lt;deleted&gt; about whether some farang living in THEIR country listens or don't listen.

It's one thing to bash politicians etc but to imply "som na na" to a whole populace just stinks of imperialism and misplaced superiority.

no it just means people get what they deserve and anyone with any brain knows Taksin does not give a shit for poor and will just continue to steal and lord over them all. So in my view the sheep who follow Taksin blindly will get what they deserve. sadly the others will also get it from him. But I agree most of Thais dont give a shit what we forang think same as in west we dont give a shit what others think. Some thais however being those with some form of logic and sense will care since they know if as seems likely their country falls into the abis Forangs will not bring their money here and here im talking about large companies and investors. Although tourists are only 7% of GDP thats a huge chunk and ive heard in Chiang Mai forang money counts for 40% of Chiang Mai income. Even if its half that any significant drop will seriously effect lives of the poor and better of alike. Difference as ive been saving for some time is better off have options to leave and take our money elsewhere. Over 15 years ive put over 100 million baht into Thailand and spend around 2-3 million baht a year living here. I accept im only one person but I do know lots of ex pats who have put even more in and spend same or more and like me several are already taking funds out of Thialand. If Taksin wins Thailand looses but he wont care about that.

I agree with you that people get what they deserve, I have no issue with that. I however take offence at the particular phrase "and when they cry, we shan't listen". That is just condescending and arrogant.

Concerning your other points about the country falling into the abis (I presume you mean abyss?). Foreigners invest in a country if they think they will make a decent ROI on their investments. The balance of economic power is slowly but surely shifting to the East, possibly one of the reasons why there are so many of us here. These investors don't really give a &lt;deleted&gt; about corrupt governments unless and until it gets completely out of control, something that I don't see happening in Thailand. There is still huge investments even in countries that are much more corrupt - look at Indonesia, Phillipines, Vietnam, Cambodia etc. It is very easy for Thailand to attract foreign investment, if only they know how. Geographically well located, with a huge and cheap labour force, fairly decent cargo hub, shipping ports........

So I think the doomsayers are being paranoid about what will happen to Thailand should T come back into power. Life will go on as normal. There are enough checks and balances present in Thailand that will prevent any single one politician from getting away with too much. As a smart business man, Thaksin knows that and will therefore try to stay under the radar as much as possible.


begin removed ...

So I think the doomsayers are being paranoid about what will happen to Thailand should T come back into power. Life will go on as normal. There are enough checks and balances present in Thailand that will prevent any single one politician from getting away with too much. As a smart business man, Thaksin knows that and will therefore try to stay under the radar as much as possible.

One of the reasons for the September 2006 coup was the machinations of k. Thaksin to remove checks and balances to make good on his promise that TRT could rule for twenty years. None of k. Thaksin activities over the last few years have shown the 'under the radar' attitude you suggest k. Thaksin will have as 'smart' businessman. <_<

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