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Hi mates!

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?


Yeah, basically you'll need to be fairly specialized. I think there's a guy on the board who's a demolitions expert and does quite well. That kind of out of the ordinary is what you should shoot for.



There's a big demand for experienced engineers in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry right now, as there is a lot of project work going on.

It is very cyclic however, and most companies are trying to supplement their resources from Malaysia and the Phillipines. They are easier to expatriate once the project has been completed.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

I don't think that Thailand needs foreign engineers of any sort.

Well there's plenty on Farang engineers working on the new airport and other big projects.

I think (but I'm not sure) that these engineers work for foreign subcontractors....Thailand uses lots of subcontractors but they don't hire alot of engineers....am I wrong?

Hi mates!

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?

Thailand needs every type of engineer, however they are not aware of this.



Hi mates!

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?
Thailand is in desperate need of Sanitation engineers.

Thames Water (UK Company)have been cleaning up those smelly klongs for at least the last five years.... if not longer :o

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?
Thailand is in desperate need of Sanitation engineers.

Thames Water (UK Company)have been cleaning up those smelly klongs for at least the last five years.... if not longer :o

That explains a lot.

(Thames Water, in the Thames Valley area, are not known for their efficiency. Their own distribution network leaks out almost 40% of the cleaned tapwater they put into it...)

There's a big demand for experienced engineers in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry right now, as there is a lot of project work going on.

It is very cyclic however, and most companies are trying to supplement their resources from Malaysia and the Phillipines.  They are easier to expatriate once the project has been completed.

Many local engineers who are good at what they are doing end up being promoted to managers. Very unusual to find a good local (or even regional) engineer with more than, say 5 years experience. In addition, being an engineer in SE-Asia does not seem to be as prestigious as it often is in the west, hence many of the brightest students at university tend not to choose engineering subjects.

Personally, I don't mind my "low-status" job, as it pays pretty well..... :o


Thats a global problem I think, that the engineers get less than the marketing/sales guys, even they do the work and the others are only talking about it.

There is only one advantage, it is harder to replace techs, than the sales guys, so a bit more safety.

h90 -- third generation technican in our family...

There's a big demand for experienced engineers in the oil & gas and petrochemical industry right now, as there is a lot of project work going on.

It is very cyclic however, and most companies are trying to supplement their resources from Malaysia and the Phillipines.  They are easier to expatriate once the project has been completed.

Many local engineers who are good at what they are doing end up being promoted to managers. Very unusual to find a good local (or even regional) engineer with more than, say 5 years experience. In addition, being an engineer in SE-Asia does not seem to be as prestigious as it often is in the west, hence many of the brightest students at university tend not to choose engineering subjects.

Personally, I don't mind my "low-status" job, as it pays pretty well..... :o

Thats a global problem I think, that the engineers get less than the marketing/sales guys, even they do the work and the others are only talking about it.

There is only one advantage, it is harder to replace techs, than the sales guys, so a bit more safety.

h90 -- third generation technican in our family...

Sales people are naturally more profit oriented, in many cases they know the margin and they know what they are worth, therefore have a stronger bargaining power with the boss.

Engineers sometime don't even know, and are not interested, in the price for the end consumers... They are happy to leave these 'dirty', 'low', 'boring' and 'trivial' issues to others. They usually don't try to asses their contribution in $ to the company. As long as the salary sounds good its enough. They don't try to maximize it to match their contribution to the company.

Having a background of a software engineer myself, and currently managing my own business which requires a lot of marketing, I have been in both worlds. I have had the same disrespect to marketing as you do, but at the end of the day marketing can be much more important than the product.

I will recommend to engineers to take some courses or learn a bit about those 'boring' and 'stupid' financial issues. I see cases of people who were brilliant enough to develop a cutting edge product, but are completely helpless when it comes to marketing them, or even to negotiate properly with marketing bodies.

I see cases of people who were brilliant enough to develop a cutting edge product, but are completely helpless when it comes to marketing them, or even to negotiate properly with marketing bodies.

On the other hand I have seen very persisitent sales people trying to sell utter crap, or, which is more common, trying to sell a good product while knowing virtually nothing about it. Especially true in the LOS! :D

When I get calls from vendors & suppliers wanting to present products or services, I always inquire if there will be any technical staff coming along. Otherwise, it is a waste of time (for me, at least - they may not have anything better to do). :o


After reviewing the earlier submissions I would have suggested the requirement is for an individual that can produce instant results no matter what the field is, Education, Drug, Elimination, Unrest, Law, Forensics, IT, Tourism, Airports, Lotteries/Casinos, Poverty, Finance, Sport, Poultry, Housing, etc and he or she needs to have graduated from the University of "KSR" with honours and be accredited as the Hub Engineer that can out Engineer al other Hubs.

I see cases of people who were brilliant enough to develop a cutting edge product, but are completely helpless when it comes to marketing them, or even to negotiate properly with marketing bodies.

On the other hand I have seen very persisitent sales people trying to sell utter crap,

Microsoft? :o

Hi mates!

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?

The type that can engineer an additional zero to an English teacher's monthly salary!


I fully aggree, my personal case is simillar to yours.

But something is running wrong in this world, when invetion and developing things is less important than talking and "marketing" it.

The marketing with all it parameters and knowlege is still a lower quality work than creating something really new.

Of course I don't come from the moon and I know thats the way it is in the real life and without good salesguys you can proudly sit on your nice products unable to sale them.

But it is a bit sick, or am I alone with that feeling?

Thats a global problem I think, that the engineers get less than the marketing/sales guys, even they do the work and the others are only talking about it.

There is only one advantage, it is harder to replace techs, than the sales guys, so a bit more safety.

h90 -- third generation technican in our family...

Sales people are naturally more profit oriented, in many cases they know the margin and they know what they are worth, therefore have a stronger bargaining power with the boss.

Engineers sometime don't even know, and are not interested, in the price for the end consumers... They are happy to leave these 'dirty', 'low', 'boring' and 'trivial' issues to others. They usually don't try to asses their contribution in $ to the company. As long as the salary sounds good its enough. They don't try to maximize it to match their contribution to the company.

Having a background of a software engineer myself, and currently managing my own business which requires a lot of marketing, I have been in both worlds. I have had the same disrespect to marketing as you do, but at the end of the day marketing can be much more important than the product.

I will recommend to engineers to take some courses or learn a bit about those 'boring' and 'stupid' financial issues. I see cases of people who were brilliant enough to develop a cutting edge product, but are completely helpless when it comes to marketing them, or even to negotiate properly with marketing bodies.

After reviewing the earlier submissions I would have suggested the requirement is for an individual that can produce instant results no matter what the field is, Education, Drug, Elimination, Unrest, Law, Forensics, IT, Tourism, Airports, Lotteries/Casinos, Poverty, Finance, Sport, Poultry, Housing, etc and he or she needs to have graduated from the University of "KSR" with honours and be accredited as the Hub Engineer that can out Engineer al other Hubs.

Hub Engineer. Never heard of that one but sounds like they have the necessary skils to have a good opportunity in BKK.

I understand U of KSR is well respected .... has a good pack and field team.

Hi mates!

I have been wondering , do any of you know which type of engineer(civil,eletriical,Bio,mechanical,computer or etc) does thailand most require foreign talent for?

Thailand needs every type of engineer, however they are not aware of this.


Still, even with bamboo scaffolding, pilings driven with a chain hoist and drop-weight,

no apparent job site organization, projects still get built and / or repaired.

I think anybody in IT shouldn't have a problem finding some work, :D


Just noticed this thread.

The lack of knowledge in the Engineering field in Thailand on this site is staggering. Thailand, as is the rest of world, is experiencing huge boom in the Oil and Gas and related fields. Every company is running ads in both English and Thai newspapers. Companies are fighting with each other over qualified, experienced process, piping, mechanical, electrical, control system, instrumentation and any other discipline you can think of. Unfortunately, Thailand, like most countries in world has not done a very good job of getting young people to enter these fields and like the rest of world, is facing a huge shortage of good engineers. Thailand has a world class engineering and construction business (both domestic based and international) that has made huge steps in safety and efficiency that people here are just not willing to acknowledge, mostly through sheer ignorance what is actually happening (you can’t see it from Suk or Walking Street and you don't read about it in the paper).

As far as working in the field here in Thailand, I would not limit yourself to just thinking in those terms. There are huge projects going on in several places in the wrold that will pay you more then you can get in Thailand and will give an R&R every 3-4 months to come to Thailand for a week. But if you insist, there have been large ads in the Bangkok Post by several large MNC over the past 3 months. All of which were willing to accept farang applications



I'm in engineering consulting company in Bkk and SE.asia. At my office has more 50 engineers in many fileds.But all of them are Thais. 50% educated from up-country. We still need an experienced engineers but we had problems to work with farangs. About work permit, language way of lifes(we had a few that they were not attend to worked just need money , smoke in office, drink and play with the girls)

The salary that we pay for B.Eng is 40,000b/m for starting. Not enough for farangs( We have 2 chinese that they accept this)

But for farang engineering company, I think they still looking engineer to fill in their company in Bangkok. If you ask me what fields.I can reply you in gerneral we need such as Civil, Electronics, Power,Computer , Machanical and a bit in industrial or logistic. At my office all engineers can use Auto-Cad, MS. project etc.May be it seems different from farang companies.

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