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Thaksin 'Clone' Frontrunner To Be Thai PM


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Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?what does she actually bring to this election except being a female and someone's sister?

She doesnt sound or seem too clever at all? i hope i am wrong, but the future doesnt seem so bright here with kind of PM.

on the ther hand listen to Abhisit? nothing to comapre, i would llike this guy to run as PM for my country and many others would b happy for for such a PM, i dont get it,

We have a President that speaks what he reads in English quite well. However when the Obama speaks off the cuff he is just terrible, even more disjointed than Yingluck and certainly doesn't seem to have a point to express. But it didn't stop him from being elected. But if I voted in wouldn't be for the Reds. I can't abide Socialism or Unions

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Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?

She went to Kentucky State University, not the same as Harvard.


I wonder why she would go there?

A super rich family from outside the US would be able to get their kids into an ivy league school with a donation. USC, UCLA, Stanford, those would be more logical choices.

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In every movie that i have seen with a clone in it, it usually turns out that the clone is evil. Just sayinwhistling.gifph34r.gif

Obviously you didnt watch all the Austin Powers, Mini Me turned good.

I guess you get yourself to a cinema near you...........................................:ph34r:

Yes, I stand corrected. There is an option for the clone. I found another example of a good clone, although not a leader as would probably be in the category of sheeple.

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quote name='mogoso' timestamp='1309557126' post='4526852'

Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?what does she actually bring to this election except being a female and someone's sister?

She doesnt sound or seem too clever at all? i hope i am wrong, but the future doesnt seem so bright here with kind of PM.

on the ther hand listen to Abhisit? nothing to comapre, i would llike this guy to run as PM for my country and many others would b happy for for such a PM, i dont get it,

We have a President that speaks what he reads in English quite well. However when the Obama speaks off the cuff he is just terrible, even more disjointed than Yingluck and certainly doesn't seem to have a point to express. But it didn't stop him from being elected. But if I voted in wouldn't be for the Reds. I can't abide Socialism or Unions


most of us do not realize that when a thai goes overseas to further study for an advanced degree, usually the student will want to hang around where most thais are....

therefore, after a few years of living among thai and amongst locals.... the student returns to thailand.... with functional english at entrance service level at best....

however there are aslo a handful who choose to go deeper into the continent of the u.s. of a., where it is much colder most of the year and is much deprived of most conveniences that most thai prefer....; those places could be extended to include such 'remote' places as ann arbor, langsing, terry haute, bloomington, benton harbor, south bend.... to name a few....

when these groups return to thailand.... they shine a head above all others.... they actually can speak at the native level that most americans can actually understand what they are saying and what do they mean...

lastly, you would hardly find students from much affluent families would opt to go any place except those along east and west coastal areas, where there are already large settlement of thai communities. did you not know that tuxsin also was interested in some four legged animals whose price tags tumble around 10,000,000 usd each.... know what they are?

i could not say which or how many yingluck has frequented... or straddled.... while enjoying herself over there.... and whether she could ride well....

the thai media was just too polite to field that question.... for fear of being misunderstood to mean something else completely.... in thai.... ?

personally, i would not believe that she would run nor does she want to be the first thai female pm.... she just could not cope with any subsequent ex-po-se emotionally nor socially nor otherwise.... it is fortunately for her that most thai are pretty polite and subdued about extramarital affairs and stuff like that.... but then.... we'll just wait and see.... how much longer can her brother's money controls the mass media in thailand to keep most revelation under wrap....

i would never have mentioned her name, nor brought her personal life history up in public.... if she were to remain a private citizen....

nevertheless.... regarding her qualifications or the lack of them for a pm.... i like her courage and her hope that she could do something for her bedeviled brother in self-imposed exile....

maybe just maybe.... she would be able to climb onto the same platform with the like of margaret or hillary et al.... :jap: :jap: :jap:

but looking from inside out within her political party.... the older and more experienced leaders, such as chalearm and such.... are noticeably NUMBED and MUMMED.... chalearm and others are just quietly enjoying themselves behind the scene.... awaiting patiently for their pay days in jubilation.... WIN OR LOSE.... B)

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Clinton had a pretty good moral compass?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite liked the bloke, and thought he was a good US president, but moral compass!!!

Not a bad President considering where he went to school. Goes to show you some people can overcome any handicap.

The guy dilly dallied with a chubby girl for a bit. Looked at in the larger perspective of a two-term president and global humanitarian - he still comes out looking good.

If you think Mr. Clinton was a letch, then you've fallen for the Bible thumping Republican extremist pap, hook line and sinker. But this thread is about the possibility of Ms. Yingluck becoming Thailand's next top politician - and that's a scary thought for many of us who care about Thailand and its future.

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Yingluck expresses concern about transparency of election and says too soon to talk about govt formation while adding Thaksin has no say / TAN_Network


Setting up more "we was robbed" excuses, and then joking about Thaksin having no say! :lol:

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Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?

She went to Kentucky State University, not the same as Harvard.


I wonder why she would go there?

A super rich family from outside the US would be able to get their kids into an ivy league school with a donation. USC, UCLA, Stanford, those would be more logical choices.

Maybe she went for the basketball program.:jap:

Talk about speaking English. I am currently in Cambodia where English is spoken. The one thing that stands out to me is there inability to understand it. To take a place on the world stage the ability to understand it would be a huge asset. As would the ability to speak and understand other languages.

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You can talk about The Economist being in the pay of Thaksin

The Economist is part of the small elite club of 51 major corporate members of Chatham House, as is Amsterdam & Peroff (one of Thaksin's hired lobbyists) and BBC.

And your point is?

Thaksin's lobbyist Amsterdam & Peroff have been hired to shape the public perception of Thaksin and the UDD. They have done this via their web site robertamsterdam.com but that is only one outlet. Only so much can be achieved with just one single web site. Through Chatham House, they have connections with media outlets like BBC and The Economist. A lobbyist can achieve much more if he can tap into and influence the mass media. Even just a slight bias in the mass media content would be a win for Amsterdam & Peroff and Thaksin, though in some cases, like in the Huffington Post, the bias is extreme.

The utmost goal of a corporation is profit, so in choosing to pay to be a major corporate member of an organization like Chatham House they expect a return on investment. It is via these kinds of elite clubs that corporations can either push to further their own interests, or network and conspire with others in the club to mutually further each others' interests.

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Yingluck expresses concern about transparency of election and says too soon to talk about govt formation while adding Thaksin has no say / TAN_Network


Setting up more "we was robbed" excuses, and then joking about Thaksin having no say! :lol:

In the other newspaper it stated that Yingluck said that Thaksin had no involvement with Pheu Thai, that he has not made any phone calls to the party yet. If that's the case, then Thaksin hasn't been doing his job, as the party's slogan is "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts", which implies that there is communication between Thaksin and the party.

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Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?

She went to Kentucky State University, not the same as Harvard.


I wonder why she would go there?

A super rich family from outside the US would be able to get their kids into an ivy league school with a donation. USC, UCLA, Stanford, those would be more logical choices.

Perhaps after visiting the campus she liked the place? I picked one of my universities because it was far enough away from my parents that I wouldn't be bothered, but close enough to fly home for the holidays and it had a decent rowing facility. I didn't realize it was filled with snotty drunks until after I arrived. In my workplace, no one really cares about the university. What matters is what one has achieved and the work ethic one brings to the table. It's what one does with the education that counts. People that have an education and the qualifications aren't impressed by a new hire with a piece of paper from Oxford or Yale or the Bremen Technoshpizel. Stop fixating. it's all about whether or not someone can do the job. That's how it works in the real world.

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Nowhere in the west would this be allowed to happen, not by laws but not allowed by the people. Putting the sister...

Yeah, unlike mobster Bulger's brother elected to the Massachusetts State Senate and then as Senate President by his peers. I guess coz he was a brother, not a sister... :)

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Have met her, was on a training course 1 week w her. Not the brightest lamp one could find

give her a break....

did you bring her flowers and roses that she deserves, the very first day....?

did you compliment her every time she comes into your line of sight....?

did you make a point of saying good bye to her and wish her well at the end of session....?

did you notice if she prefers cap or mocha or just fresh goat milk....?

and that is just the beginning.... B)

you'd better brush up on some or all of those mentioned skills.... if you ever want to climb the ladder of success.... :violin:

hey, do not get all bend out of shape ok? i did all those and see where it lands me.... tapping rubber for rubber's sake.... :coffee1::giggle:

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Have met her, was on a training course 1 week w her. Not the brightest lamp one could find

give her a break....

did you bring her flowers and roses that she deserves, the very first day....?

did you compliment her every time she comes into your line of sight....?

did you make a point of saying good bye to her and wish her well at the end of session....?

did you notice if she prefers cap or mocha or just fresh goat milk....?

and that is just the beginning.... B)

you'd better brush up on some or all of those mentioned skills.... if you ever want to climb the ladder of success.... :violin:

hey, do not get all bend out of shape ok? i did all those and see where it lands me.... tapping rubber for rubber's sake.... :coffee1::giggle:

LOL.... and she still remembered me at the course from an earlier encounter ...... cause 2 years earlier after getting the run around from AIS call center staff, i asked to "speak to the manager". I got a call back from "Ms. Yinglack" from AIS call center, and politely and clearly gave a run down of the crap service. :) . Only realized on the course her surname. :)

I can guess i can kiss my work permit and PR good bye now :)

( in all fairness, she was a nice person, but just not that bright )

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People that have an education and the qualifications aren't impressed by a new hire with a piece of paper from Oxford or Yale or the Bremen Technoshpizel. Stop fixating. it's all about whether or not someone can do the job. That's how it works in the real world.

Not in Thailand. Chulalongkorn University is widely seen by the Thai population (including Thai employers) as the elite university in Thailand. Though a degree from any foreign university may be considered to be superior to a degree from any Thai university. So Yingluck may have thought that obtaining a degree from any foreign university is good enough possibly assuming that Thai people wouldn't know enough about the differences between different foreign universities.

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The BBC Hardtalk interview really did ask some hard questions (also in the second Hardtalk on Thailand with the former PM, forget his name). Both Abhiisit and this other PM were the epitome of bland....well, you know they are bright fellows, but they can't speak their minds!! They are self-censoring themselves, treading on eggs the whole time, and therefore very rarely answer the questions being put to them in any kind of transparent way.

In fact, anyone not familiar with Thai politics to begin with would be left in the dark by the "light" being cast on the situation in these two programmes.

We are all boldly making predictions as to who will win and what the consequences may be if So and So wins. Does no one remember how low in the polls Margaret Thatcher was until she was saved by the mad generals in Buenos Aires? She never looked back after that. Who knows what a Yingluck victory will bring. Innocent till proven guilty....she may have the balls to forge her own way...none of us here knows.

One thing is for certain...if a woman becomes PM of Thailand (and she manages to do a good job), it will bring great empowerment to all the women of Thailand, and that, surely, can't be bad?

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One thing is for certain...if a woman becomes PM of Thailand (and she manages to do a good job), it will bring great empowerment to all the women of Thailand, and that, surely, can't be bad?

Yes, all women in Thailand will then realize that if they are reborn into a very rich family in Thailand, the sister of a self exiled fugitive ex-PM, they too can be a puppet of their MALE brother. Very empowering, indeed. Now would you like to buy the Brooklyn Bridge off my third cousin, Vinnie?

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One thing is for certain...if a woman becomes PM of Thailand (and she manages to do a good job), it will bring great empowerment to all the women of Thailand, and that, surely, can't be bad?

In the future who knows what she'll do for women.

At the moment though, she is a woman whose every achievement, be it President of AIS, leader of PTP, potential leader of Thailand, has been determined and controlled by a man. I don't think this makes her a great role model for women, aside perhaps from women who happen to have billionaire brothers living in self-imposed exile, looking to front up their operations whilst they are away.

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What we need to see is the removal of Chinese people from Thai poltics. Then, and only then, will Thailand go forward. After all, Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves.

excuse me.... tonbridgebrit....

what do you know about chinese people.... in thailand....?

what do you really know about chinese people in thai politics....?

..... where on this good earth, did you get the idea about thailand can only be run by the thais themselves....

you are a brit.... as you claim to be.... which side of the track are you from....?

you are probably 50 years backward....

wake up.... ' rip van bit ' ....

it is now.... 2011.... THERE IS NO CHINESE RUNNING THAI GOVT.... they are all thai.... for your info.... < stupid me.... > :lol:

Again, I say sorry if I upset you. Okay, what do I know about Chinese people in Thailand ? The landlady of the small hotel I stay at here is a nice Chinese-Thai lady. I know she is Chinese, because there is Chinese writing in her small 'office' and she is of the same race/ethnic group as the married couple who have got a medium sized Chinese restaurant that I eat in near my home in England. Yes, like most Chinese-Thais, she doesn't like to say she is Chinese, but she will say it if people put enough pressure on her. off-course, I have spoken to many ethnic Chinese in Thailand, I have lived mainly in Thailand for many years now.

What do I know about Chinese people in Thai politics ? Well, I certainly do not claim to have drunk tea or coffee with any big-time politicians ! We all know Thailand has a rigid hierachy system, such upper-class people would never sit around a table with a non-important person like myself !

Why do I think Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves ? Okay, what I mean is, is that the big politicians appear to all be drawn from the ethnic Chinese community here in Thailand. Very few of the big politicians are Thai-Thai people. Don't forget, the majority of people in Thailand are not Chinese, they are Thai-Thai and are mainly un-skilled or semi-skilled workers (called working class in Britain). Thailand needs political leadership/leaders drawn from this majority ethnic/social group (this group is made up of Thai-Thai people). Looking at Thai politics, surely, we all agree that nearly all the powerfull politicians are Chinese. Yes, Thaksin himself has often been referred to (by mainstream media) as a Chinese-Thai, ethnic Chinese, Thai with Chinese ancestry, etc, all these terms mean the same thing. And the yellow shirts ? Nearly all of the senior yellow shirts are Chinese, that's because (as repeated by mainstream media, and a few people on Thai visa ) the yellow shirt movement is basically a body that represents the middle-class Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. The yellow shirt movement has been successfull in attracting other people to support them, but we all smirk and joke about "Did you notice that after the yellow shirt rally, the demonstrators were well-behaved and went home in their new Hondas, and nice BMW/Mercedes cars".

So basically, the leadership of the red shirts, and the leadership of the yellow shirts (infact, the very people that the yellow shirt movement was set up to represent), BOTH these leaderships do not represent the true majority group of Thailand. We need to see people who are drawn from this majority group (the working class, the Thai-Thai, not the Chinese) becoming the new political leaders of Thailand. And then, only then, will Thailand progress and become a nation with equality, fairness, and dignity.

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One thing is for certain...if a woman becomes PM of Thailand (and she manages to do a good job), it will bring great empowerment to all the women of Thailand, and that, surely, can't be bad?

In the future who knows what she'll do for women.

At the moment though, she is a woman whose every achievement, be it President of AIS, leader of PTP, potential leader of Thailand, has been determined and controlled by a man. I don't think this makes her a great role model for women, aside perhaps from women who happen to have billionaire brothers living in self-imposed exile, looking to front up their operations whilst they are away.

I agree, she takes orders from a man, and that would be her every day life if she becomes prime minister, like a slave of a tyrant. How is that empowering or a role model for women?

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What we need to see is the removal of Chinese people from Thai poltics. Then, and only then, will Thailand go forward. After all, Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves.

excuse me.... tonbridgebrit....

what do you know about chinese people.... in thailand....?

what do you really know about chinese people in thai politics....?

..... where on this good earth, did you get the idea about thailand can only be run by the thais themselves....

you are a brit.... as you claim to be.... which side of the track are you from....?

you are probably 50 years backward....

wake up.... ' rip van bit ' ....

it is now.... 2011.... THERE IS NO CHINESE RUNNING THAI GOVT.... they are all thai.... for your info.... < stupid me.... > :lol:

Again, I say sorry if I upset you. Okay, what do I know about Chinese people in Thailand ? The landlady of the small hotel I stay at here is a nice Chinese-Thai lady. I know she is Chinese, because there is Chinese writing in her small 'office' and she is of the same race/ethnic group as the married couple who have got a medium sized Chinese restaurant that I eat in near my home in England. Yes, like most Chinese-Thais, she doesn't like to say she is Chinese, but she will say it if people put enough pressure on her. off-course, I have spoken to many ethnic Chinese in Thailand, I have lived mainly in Thailand for many years now.

What do I know about Chinese people in Thai politics ? Well, I certainly do not claim to have drunk tea or coffee with any big-time politicians ! We all know Thailand has a rigid hierachy system, such upper-class people would never sit around a table with a non-important person like myself !

Why do I think Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves ? Okay, what I mean is, is that the big politicians appear to all be drawn from the ethnic Chinese community here in Thailand. Very few of the big politicians are Thai-Thai people. Don't forget, the majority of people in Thailand are not Chinese, they are Thai-Thai and are mainly un-skilled or semi-skilled workers (called working class in Britain). Thailand needs political leadership/leaders drawn from this majority ethnic/social group (this group is made up of Thai-Thai people). Looking at Thai politics, surely, we all agree that nearly all the powerfull politicians are Chinese. Yes, Thaksin himself has often been referred to (by mainstream media) as a Chinese-Thai, ethnic Chinese, Thai with Chinese ancestry, etc, all these terms mean the same thing. And the yellow shirts ? Nearly all of the senior yellow shirts are Chinese, that's because (as repeated by mainstream media, and a few people on Thai visa ) the yellow shirt movement is basically a body that represents the middle-class Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. The yellow shirt movement has been successfull in attracting other people to support them, but we all smirk and joke about "Did you notice that after the yellow shirt rally, the demonstrators were well-behaved and went home in their new Hondas, and nice BMW/Mercedes cars".

So basically, the leadership of the red shirts, and the leadership of the yellow shirts (infact, the very people that the yellow shirt movement was set up to represent), BOTH these leaderships do not represent the true majority group of Thailand. We need to see people who are drawn from this majority group (the working class, the Thai-Thai, not the Chinese) becoming the new political leaders of Thailand. And then, only then, will Thailand progress and become a nation with equality, fairness, and dignity.

i could have kicked myself for posting those questions to you....

darn it.... you are a nice guy/gal.... who took time out.... to respond.... i admire your effort very much....

just for you info.... there is a big different in growing up in a thai and a chinese family environ....

in a thai family, parents do love their children immensely.... allowing their children plenty of time to grow up at their own rate and development.... whereas in a chinese family, kids get up early in the morning, whether you like it or not.... and they are shipped off to school with stern order to pay attention to everything teachers have to say.... and to behave themselves without flaw.... in order not to bring shame to their family name--wong.... LOL

did you finish your school work already? no! not yet! what are you trying to do to me and your father? go right now.... to finish your homework.... when i was your age, grandpa and grandma da da da.... lol

you can not go to bed yet! you need to put away all your books and your clothes.... and pack your two school bags.... for heavens sake, you are in first grade now.... there is not much time in the morning.... and tomorrow is ah-ma day off.... no body is going to help you get ready.... so you better get ready now, ok?

ring.... ring.... ring.... it is 5 o'clock already..... get up you all.... get your twin brother up too.... we have to leave the house at 5:30, so we can catch the first train to school at 6 sharp....

and every week day, this routine remains unchange....

whereas in most thai families.... mom comes and watch this.... it is so funny.... look at pra-ache (main actor).... he puts on women dresses looking so funny.... it is so much fun watching this series....

oh, well, as for myself.... sorry.... i got to go and teach my chinese monkeys, named ah-so and soo-soo some more sign language.... so they can plug more coconuts tomorrow.... bye....:jap:

just for your personal info.... the yellow shirt movement and particularly the leader, sonthi, he uses his personal fortune to fund the rally almost to the last million.... i feel very sympathetic toward his personal quest.... which is vastly different from the redshirt movement.... where its leaders were paid handsomely from abroad.... only the most stupid current thai govt and apisit would allow such illegal transaction to take place.... flaming thailand and her citizen.... ok, this time it is good bye for sure.... ;) cheers

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Clinton had a pretty good moral compass?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite liked the bloke, and thought he was a good US president, but moral compass!!!

Not a bad President considering where he went to school. Goes to show you some people can overcome any handicap.

Hot Springs High School no worse than George Bush's high school I imagine?

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Clinton had a pretty good moral compass?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite liked the bloke, and thought he was a good US president, but moral compass!!!

Not a bad President considering where he went to school. Goes to show you some people can overcome any handicap.

Hot Springs High School no worse than George Bush's high school I imagine?

I was referring to Clinton going to Oxford.

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Clinton had a pretty good moral compass?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite liked the bloke, and thought he was a good US president, but moral compass!!!

Not a bad President considering where he went to school. Goes to show you some people can overcome any handicap.

Hot Springs High School no worse than George Bush's high school I imagine?

I was referring to Clinton going to Oxford.

Yes, indeed and on a Rhodes scholarship to boot. Pretty good credentials. Hardly a handicap.:rolleyes:

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It is an unbelievable scam that so many Thai folk seem to be falling for Thaksin's sister being the candidate for the next PM's job. Nowhere in the west would this be allowed to happen, not by laws but not allowed by the people. Putting the sister of a convicted crook and proven robber of the Thai people into the PM's job is ridiculous in the extreme.

And in which manner would that be more ridiculous than previous folks who have been highly placed into the PM and other positions to make it exceptional? We have seen sons of previous corrupt, and convicted, politicians get elected into politics. In the past they had a major heroin king-pin as PM. Currently they have a major brothel owner as a political figure. We have had major players in the deforestation of the land become leading politicians. And the list goes on. I mean just what makes the Thaksin family less palatable than any of the other alternatives? They are all for themselves. They all want just want to eat biggest piece of the pie, as the Thais have long referred to politics as "kin muang". They are all jockeying for position when the inevitable "keun sawaan" event happens in the not-so-distant future and even further exploitation of the country becomes a possible dream. The only real difference is that the Democrats have a bit of an agreement within the old school corrupt families as to how to divide the pie into gentlemanly portions so that most get an acceptable piece whereas Thaksin, a late comer, did not pay his perceived dues after his investment into telecommunications surprised the older families by leap frogging him ahead of them. And since he showed what was perceived to be bad manners he was told to leave the table and not come back.

Edited by Johpa
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What we need to see is the removal of Chinese people from Thai poltics. Then, and only then, will Thailand go forward. After all, Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves.

excuse me.... tonbridgebrit....

what do you know about chinese people.... in thailand....?

what do you really know about chinese people in thai politics....?

..... where on this good earth, did you get the idea about thailand can only be run by the thais themselves....

you are a brit.... as you claim to be.... which side of the track are you from....?

you are probably 50 years backward....

wake up.... ' rip van bit ' ....

it is now.... 2011.... THERE IS NO CHINESE RUNNING THAI GOVT.... they are all thai.... for your info.... < stupid me.... > :lol:

Again, I say sorry if I upset you. Okay, what do I know about Chinese people in Thailand ? The landlady of the small hotel I stay at here is a nice Chinese-Thai lady. I know she is Chinese, because there is Chinese writing in her small 'office' and she is of the same race/ethnic group as the married couple who have got a medium sized Chinese restaurant that I eat in near my home in England. Yes, like most Chinese-Thais, she doesn't like to say she is Chinese, but she will say it if people put enough pressure on her. off-course, I have spoken to many ethnic Chinese in Thailand, I have lived mainly in Thailand for many years now.

What do I know about Chinese people in Thai politics ? Well, I certainly do not claim to have drunk tea or coffee with any big-time politicians ! We all know Thailand has a rigid hierachy system, such upper-class people would never sit around a table with a non-important person like myself !

Why do I think Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves ? Okay, what I mean is, is that the big politicians appear to all be drawn from the ethnic Chinese community here in Thailand. Very few of the big politicians are Thai-Thai people. Don't forget, the majority of people in Thailand are not Chinese, they are Thai-Thai and are mainly un-skilled or semi-skilled workers (called working class in Britain). Thailand needs political leadership/leaders drawn from this majority ethnic/social group (this group is made up of Thai-Thai people). Looking at Thai politics, surely, we all agree that nearly all the powerfull politicians are Chinese. Yes, Thaksin himself has often been referred to (by mainstream media) as a Chinese-Thai, ethnic Chinese, Thai with Chinese ancestry, etc, all these terms mean the same thing. And the yellow shirts ? Nearly all of the senior yellow shirts are Chinese, that's because (as repeated by mainstream media, and a few people on Thai visa ) the yellow shirt movement is basically a body that represents the middle-class Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. The yellow shirt movement has been successfull in attracting other people to support them, but we all smirk and joke about "Did you notice that after the yellow shirt rally, the demonstrators were well-behaved and went home in their new Hondas, and nice BMW/Mercedes cars".

So basically, the leadership of the red shirts, and the leadership of the yellow shirts (infact, the very people that the yellow shirt movement was set up to represent), BOTH these leaderships do not represent the true majority group of Thailand. We need to see people who are drawn from this majority group (the working class, the Thai-Thai, not the Chinese) becoming the new political leaders of Thailand. And then, only then, will Thailand progress and become a nation with equality, fairness, and dignity.

Yes, deport them to China! Um , wait a second. These Chinese people to which you are insinuating are running the Thai government have a Thai birth certificate and passport? So it's not the color of the shirt that seems to be the issue ? You know every one comes from some where, right? I thought they were all Thai people. They have come out with a cure for zenaphobia and it's called education, take a big injection!jap.gif

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What we need to see is the removal of Chinese people from Thai poltics. Then, and only then, will Thailand go forward. After all, Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves.

excuse me.... tonbridgebrit....

what do you know about chinese people.... in thailand....?

what do you really know about chinese people in thai politics....?

..... where on this good earth, did you get the idea about thailand can only be run by the thais themselves....

you are a brit.... as you claim to be.... which side of the track are you from....?

you are probably 50 years backward....

wake up.... ' rip van bit ' ....

it is now.... 2011.... THERE IS NO CHINESE RUNNING THAI GOVT.... they are all thai.... for your info.... < stupid me.... > :lol:

Again, I say sorry if I upset you. Okay, what do I know about Chinese people in Thailand ? The landlady of the small hotel I stay at here is a nice Chinese-Thai lady. I know she is Chinese, because there is Chinese writing in her small 'office' and she is of the same race/ethnic group as the married couple who have got a medium sized Chinese restaurant that I eat in near my home in England. Yes, like most Chinese-Thais, she doesn't like to say she is Chinese, but she will say it if people put enough pressure on her. off-course, I have spoken to many ethnic Chinese in Thailand, I have lived mainly in Thailand for many years now.

What do I know about Chinese people in Thai politics ? Well, I certainly do not claim to have drunk tea or coffee with any big-time politicians ! We all know Thailand has a rigid hierachy system, such upper-class people would never sit around a table with a non-important person like myself !

Why do I think Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves ? Okay, what I mean is, is that the big politicians appear to all be drawn from the ethnic Chinese community here in Thailand. Very few of the big politicians are Thai-Thai people. Don't forget, the majority of people in Thailand are not Chinese, they are Thai-Thai and are mainly un-skilled or semi-skilled workers (called working class in Britain). Thailand needs political leadership/leaders drawn from this majority ethnic/social group (this group is made up of Thai-Thai people). Looking at Thai politics, surely, we all agree that nearly all the powerfull politicians are Chinese. Yes, Thaksin himself has often been referred to (by mainstream media) as a Chinese-Thai, ethnic Chinese, Thai with Chinese ancestry, etc, all these terms mean the same thing. And the yellow shirts ? Nearly all of the senior yellow shirts are Chinese, that's because (as repeated by mainstream media, and a few people on Thai visa ) the yellow shirt movement is basically a body that represents the middle-class Chinese-Thais in Bangkok. The yellow shirt movement has been successfull in attracting other people to support them, but we all smirk and joke about "Did you notice that after the yellow shirt rally, the demonstrators were well-behaved and went home in their new Hondas, and nice BMW/Mercedes cars".

So basically, the leadership of the red shirts, and the leadership of the yellow shirts (infact, the very people that the yellow shirt movement was set up to represent), BOTH these leaderships do not represent the true majority group of Thailand. We need to see people who are drawn from this majority group (the working class, the Thai-Thai, not the Chinese) becoming the new political leaders of Thailand. And then, only then, will Thailand progress and become a nation with equality, fairness, and dignity.

Yes, deport them to China! Um , wait a second. These Chinese people to which you are insinuating are running the Thai government have a Thai birth certificate and passport? So it's not the color of the shirt that seems to be the issue ? You know every one comes from some where, right? I thought they were all Thai people. They have come out with a cure for xenaphobia and it's called education, take a big injection!jap.gif

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