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Change is in the wind. The implications of the recent victories towards gay equality are now reverberating to the ART world, a world people tend to think is not so homophobic, BUT ...

Even the arts world, often seen as a haven for diversity, is being forced to confront a long record of using cultural power to demean, control and hide the contributions of gay artists.

No secret, just posting this mainly to share this article. A lot surprising info in it that I didn't know, for example how ANDY WARHOL was snubbed early in his career for anti-gay reasons.


Ancient gay lovers, Harmodius and Aristogeiton, credited with assassinating a tyrant, a major symbol of the founding of DEMOCRACY in ancient Greece (the cradle of ALL democracy).

(Nice bods, but OMG, those haircuts!)


It's a shameful secret of pretty much all academia- in the world of history, ancient art depicting homosexual persons or activities has been 'hidden away' in museums through much of the last few hundred years until recently. Letters from gay lovers to each other were often burned by survivors or have been similarly hidden. And it is positively scandalous how much animal homosexual activity has simply not been reported until very recently because of institutional/personal prejudices of biologists (or simply an inability to recognise what was happening).

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