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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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I would like those who say the country is not divided to then please explain these results to me? And please, do not say anything if you have never lived south of Prachuab khiri khan. I think very few people north of that have any idea of the depth of anti-Thaksin feeling in much of the South.

I believe it.

Similarly, I think very few people North or North East of Central Thailand have any idea of the depth of the pro-Thaksin feeling.

Even polite attempts to point this out in past years have been deemed 'trolling', there's THAT much of a divide that people genuinely cannot imagine why someone would love Thaksin.

So is there a divide: You betcha!

Weirdly winnie, I have found myself agreeing with you on some points in a previous post you made and here you are now, agreeing with me. Is it snowing?? :P

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I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

What business are you in, it seems that the worldwide financial crisis did not effect your business?


The nightlife is going to get a hit lot harder with a female PM, just you watch.

That is actualy kinda good! The current "nightlife" attracts too many foreign scumbags and weaboos to Thailand. Dirty people that I (and most other people) do not wish to see here.

I think that Yingluck might be the right person to fix this.


Wiffee and all her mates over "ere are jumping up and down and even talking about a Bar B-Q to celebrate the return of the "prince in exile". :lol: ....need to explain.....however they are happy so....MPR....

now wheres my old "Truth in the Land "red polo shirt.....? ;)


If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

In my native country -Belgium-, there is no government for more than one year....

And apparently, they are living well -if not even better- without it. B)

And, as Thailand, it is a constitutional monarchy...

..and it's also a federal state. Seeing the depth of the divide between regions, that might not be a bad option for Thailand either. Then again, it's not really working out for Belgium.


I would like those who say the country is not divided to then please explain these results to me? And please, do not say anything if you have never lived south of Prachuab khiri khan. I think very few people north of that have any idea of the depth of anti-Thaksin feeling in much of the South.

I believe it. (That the country is divided)

Similarly, I think very few people North or North East of Central Thailand have any idea of the depth of the pro-Thaksin feeling.

Even polite attempts to point this out in the past (talking several years, not so much nowadays) have been deemed 'trolling': there's THAT much of a divide that people genuinely cannot imagine why someone would love Thaksin.

So is there a divide: You betcha!

He did an excellent job of building and honing a legend as their champion.

What he delivered was peanuts to him, he never paid for it.

But that was during great economic times, he won't have the luxurious economic curve to milk for political gain any more. So all the grandious and unrealistic campaign promises will have to be started, though doomed to fail, but kept alive for a spell. More pain later for Thaksin's gain now....


My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

His policies if carried out are definitely inflationary.

Wait a minute! When Taksin was in power the THB was almost 70 to the GBP and diesel was 14B a litre as fuel was subsidized. He built schools and hospitals that people could afford and gave pay rises to all government workers.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Errr..just how is democracy dead?:huh:

The people have spoken havent they? If anything this prooves that democracy DOES work.

I dont like it any more than you, but you cannot claim democracy wasnt done just becuase you dont like the outcome. After all, NOT accepting the voice of the majority of the people would make one a bit of a dictator wouldnt it?

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


Ok for you to call them fools, but who is it that puts the food on Thailands (and yours) table?...Not the elite thats for sure, they wouldnt get their hands very dirty.

You can't deny in the west a HUGE portion of wealth is owned by a small few and therein who has the ultimate power. In Thailand those ratios are just so much more obscene that eventually somethings gotta give.

Its a no brainer really, if a HUGE portion of the country is poor, angry and dissolusioned..then why should they vote in the very establishment that has deliberately kept them poor?

I may not agree with their reasoning OR like the expected result but at least the poor CAN buck the system and have their voice heard


Oh yeah, And of course this would never happen in our high and mighty "educated" countries..the alleged "strongest" country in world is still bailing out the crooks that threw most of the world into finaicial ruin


Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.


As far as Yingluck, I give her at a maximum of 6 month and then she will disappear from the political arena...but PLEASE, let us all enjoy at least one interview of her on BBC Hard Talk or similar before she is gone, will you! ;-)

I agree. Abhisit got absolutely owned on Hard Talk last week, I doubt she'll fare any better.

She'll never go on Hard Talk! She isn't qualified for that. She's more like a "twitter" leader. And Abhisit handled that very well, much have watched different interviews. Apparently, Thai voters don't watch Hard Talk.

Most Thai voters would not even understand Abhisit if he talks in Thai. They only understand free handouts. I agree with Animatic. Democrarcy is dead in Thailand

No, not true!

How dare you!


My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

His policies if carried out are definitely inflationary.

Wait a minute! When Taksin was in power the THB was almost 70 to the GBP and diesel was 14B a litre as fuel was subsidized. He built schools and hospitals that people could afford and gave pay rises to all government workers.

You're right about that,only problem is how you gonne keep financing that with nobody paying taxes.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

Thaksin pardon. Check.


And is a constitutional Monarchy not democratic? An absolute Monarchy would be undemocratic.

If there are elections in our homecountries, would we like when foreigners there would call the majority of the voters "corrupt, uneducated, greedy bla, bla bal". For sure we would not like that. Is it democratic to repeat and repeat and repeat prejudices? Maybe the people in Thailand not want a "Westernstyle Democracy". We should respect that.

In my native country -Belgium-, there is no government for more than one year....

And apparently, they are living well -if not even better- without it. B)

And, as Thailand, it is a constitutional monarchy...


Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

That got to you too.....hmmmm....


We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

I agree 100% with every thing that you say,I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.

And here's another expat living here who agrees 100% with the above.

Well written Sir!!!

Very Correct. I am cautious about writing too much as some DH will ignore the subject and (try) to correct my Enggleesh!


My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

His policies if carried out are definitely inflationary.

Wait a minute! When Taksin was in power the THB was almost 70 to the GBP and diesel was 14B a litre as fuel was subsidized. He built schools and hospitals that people could afford and gave pay rises to all government workers.

Not sure what you are trying to say here, dear Jirapa. At least some small corrections. K. Thaksin is know for having started the 30Baht medical scheme, but didn't fund it. I'm not aware he's a well-known school and hostital builder. As for payrise, that's done on an almost twice yearly base.

14B for a litre of diesel was also a wee bit easier when oil was cheaper than the 100/105$ per barrel as is now.


It is truly amazing the drivel that is coming from many posters on the outcome of the elections.

It is not as if the current administration has done anything to justify wanting to keep it in power.

In fact you could say justice has been served as Thaksin was removed from power after having been elected by the people.

Now it remains to be seen whether those who think they have a god given right to power will accept the people's decision and let them get on with governing.


Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

That got to you too.....hmmmm....

I thought that Mr Thaksin was not allowed to participate in Thai politics?


Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

Finally we know why so many farang are anti-Thaksin. Because they're worried they will lose access to cheap prostitutes.


There was a whole thread discussing that a couple of months ago.

He doesn't want to destroy it, on the contrary, he wants to reign it in, and own/control it all!


Isn't democracy nice ? Congratulations to PT for this landlside victory.

Of course the expats on TV talk about corruption, vote buying, red green blue. Lucklily these same expats don't have any right to cast their votes, unlike the Thai nationals, who have clearly spoken and have choosen their representatives. Maybe it is about time that these expats accept the results of this general election as the true democrats that they proclaim to be.

It wouldn't have mattered in the least if the expats could vote. Wouldn't have changed a thing. One thought comes to mind that TV expats know TV is monitored and the vocal Thaksin-phobe expats may have wanted to kiss the boots of ruling power to hedge their bets. If so, the question for them is, do they think the ruling power that is now ex has been the only group monitoring TV and are they concerned to have come down on the wrong side of the fence?


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Errr..just how is democracy dead?:huh:

The people have spoken havent they? If anything this prooves that democracy DOES work.

I dont like it any more than you, but you cannot claim democracy wasnt done just becuase you dont like the outcome. After all, NOT accepting the voice of the majority of the people would make one a bit of a dictator wouldnt it?

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


"Intellectualy" superior, first class education, hmmm, does it make you a better person?


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

Right. The Thai have just chosen a new master same but worse than the old master.

If it is true that Asian cultures can't help themselves but to choose to be led by authoritarian masters, OK, but why choose such a clearly corrupt one? There is such a thing as benevolent dictatorship. That's not what Thais are getting here. A historic day, NOTHING to celebrate now, but the snookered masses will need some time to realize that.

A Benevolent Dictator . . . . .indeed is what is badly required here, but do you KNOW one (anywhere in this world) ? ?


Perhaps she could, as a symbolic unifying effort, make the extradition of Thaksin from Dubai to begin serving his sentence her first order of business?


I would like those who say the country is not divided to then please explain these results to me? And please, do not say anything if you have never lived south of Prachuab khiri khan. I think very few people north of that have any idea of the depth of anti-Thaksin feeling in much of the South.

I believe it.

Similarly, I think very few people North or North East of Central Thailand have any idea of the depth of the pro-Thaksin feeling.

Even polite attempts to point this out in past years have been deemed 'trolling', there's THAT much of a divide that people genuinely cannot imagine why someone would love Thaksin.

So is there a divide: You betcha!

Weirdly winnie, I have found myself agreeing with you on some points in a previous post you made and here you are now, agreeing with me. Is it snowing?? :P

Akk.. say it aint so!! ;)

While we're having this hug-a-thon, maybe I should get in some more moderate comments that will no-doubt get lost since we're doing a whole page every 10 minutes and nobody is ever going to read it again:

1. I look forward to a female PM. It will do wonders for Thailand internationally, a lot of the bad rap can be turned around. Will she make the most of that.. not holding my breath, but it's possible. And yes, I will be SEVERELY disappointed if someone else in PTP becomes PM. Severely.

2. Reconcilliation: Is nothing short of CRUCIAL. Thailand will see very turbulent events the coming year(s), and a house divided cannot stand. Everyone pays lip-service to reconciliation, but I'm not sure how many realise just how crucial it is. Will Thaksin see that and stand aside..? will he #$)*#! But it would be best for the country if legal matters on all sides are cleared up. Stability is the way forward; everyone knows it. This means Negotiation Time, Big Time.

3. Actual progress... All branches of government and power are a mess. All are corrupt; the judiciary is not (seen as) independent, the military meddles in politics, the police .. well, let's not even get started on the police.. That means a big ass vacuum in the rule of law, and law & order. Government has been proven powerless many times. Government agencies actually fight each other. It's an incredible mess. This is the other monumental task, and not one that I see solved in a hurry.


Perhaps she could, as a symbolic unifying effort, make the extradition of Thaksin from Dubai to begin serving his sentence her first order of business?

She couldn't and wouldn't. Lets deal with reality based suggestions.


Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

That got to you too.....hmmmm....

I thought that Mr Thaksin was not allowed to participate in Thai politics?

Me too

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