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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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It's third world and in a dire mess. It was previously under Abhisit who tried to keep order while surrounded by a morass of corrupt people. But at least he understood democracy.

Of course it is the vested interest groups who feed off Thailand and Abhisit had to put up with them; the army, police and powerful families. Folk who don't understand democracy.

The main difference is that the Thaksin clan are corrupt. Autocratic dictators who are guilty of the same crimes as the rest of these world criminals; mass killing and filling their own bank accounts with illegally gained monies.

They don't pursue any political ideology or follow a moral compass. Ergo once again it will be asset stripping and an autocratic state that benefits one family and bribes others with the falling crumbs of corruption. Mega projects, deals with Burma and North Korea, human rights trampling and more extra judicial killings. When Thaksin talks of 'no revenge' expect the worst; dissapearences Columbian style.

Furthermore, with the anti-monachy stance of Thaksin and a future King in waiting there is a terrible outlook for the future. I believe a Thaksin tenure is impossible. How are the Army expected to react?

Additionally, the yellow vote will be mobilised and once again a more intelligent mob will be shutting down Thailand. The Airport is the obvious and most effective target, block the embassies, close the City centre's business district and occupy the sky train. Result? Grid lock. Coming to Bangkok any time soon.

The outcome will be chaos once the various aggrieved groups commence a plan of action. Especially, the action plan most likely enacted by the military. Another coup then to protect the monachy. Plus the support of a million yellows on the streets.

But all of that is better than Thaksin keeping Thailand in the dark ages and as part of his play thing.

Oh dear.

sadly your 100% right but if Army steps in their will be war. If they dont them Thailand will become for a while but who know how long a 1 man 1 party state. whichever its going to be very bad probably and all those cheering reds on will never see whats already on the wall. Mie penrie im protecting my family as best I can.

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Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

Tell the Election Commission. Let them investigate. mind you probably just an honest mistake made by interviewers as Ms. Yngluck was saying it's too early to comment and let us wait a moment. Still smiling nicely though :)

PS just read: Pheu Thai Party's PM candidate Yingluck Shinawatra postpones her interview earlier schedule at 7pm to 8pm. via @js100radio


Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

That got to you too.....hmmmm....

I thought that Mr Thaksin was not allowed to participate in Thai politics?

Me too

He'll be back very soon directing the death squads that go after you and I.


Decembers High Season Is SHOT, yet again.

What? Hell im going anyway!

In the high season Thailand's beaches are so crowded no one goes there anymore.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

Thaksin pardon. Check.

I guess the saving grace is (one would hope anyway) that Thaksin would NOT allow those ridiculous promises to go through. If some of the more extreme policies were implemented the economy would be a basket case within months. :blink:


My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

His policies if carried out are definitely inflationary.

Wait a minute! When Taksin was in power the THB was almost 70 to the GBP and diesel was 14B a litre as fuel was subsidized. He built schools and hospitals that people could afford and gave pay rises to all government workers.

Schools that many thais could not afford to go to. Total cost to attend the local school under thaksin was around 3,000 baht plus 12 baht a day for lunch. For the last two years it has been free with lunch free. If thaksin would have spent the money he stole on schools instead I would be supporting him. he is not in favor of educating the poor. Almost 50% of the thais understand this.


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

So funny... what is democracy then? people only u like r in power is democracy? or people who r in power because they are elected by the votes... not because of any military coup...

Elections are the ultimate test for the democracy and stop whining and accept the results... dont behave like USA government... where they want to impose their model of democracy in selected countries... there should be a universal rule...

At least Thailand would be a better place now for Thais to live...


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

They won't go bankrupt they'll just make a bit less profit or maybe more as they'll have a more contented work force. New Labor introduced a minimum wage in the UK years back and it wasn't that that caused the present recession it was the greedy rich!


Isn't democracy nice ? Congratulations to PT for this landlside victory.

Of course the expats on TV talk about corruption, vote buying, red green blue. Lucklily these same expats don't have any right to cast their votes, unlike the Thai nationals, who have clearly spoken and have choosen their representatives. Maybe it is about time that these expats accept the results of this general election as the true democrats that they proclaim to be.

I think most people on here are accepting the result. saing that you don't agree with it doesn't mean you don't accept it.


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

Thaksin pardon. Check.

I guess the saving grace is (one would hope anyway) that Thaksin would NOT allow those ridiculous promises to go through. If some of the more extreme policies were implemented the economy would be a basket case within months. :blink:

Good point! :jap::ph34r::jap:


He'll be back very soon directing the death squads that go after you and I.

Why, are you a drug dealer?

Seriously though, something needs to be done about the drugs situation and the last war on drugs was overwhelmingly popular...


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


Ok for you to call them fools, but who is it that puts the food on Thailands (and yours) table?...Not the elite thats for sure, they wouldnt get their hands very dirty.

You can't deny in the west a HUGE portion of wealth is owned by a small few and therein who has the ultimate power. In Thailand those ratios are just so much more obscene that eventually somethings gotta give.

Its a no brainer really, if a HUGE portion of the country is poor, angry and dissolusioned..then why should they vote in the very establishment that has deliberately kept them poor?

I may not agree with their reasoning OR like the expected result but at least the poor CAN buck the system and have their voice heard


Oh yeah, And of course this would never happen in our high and mighty "educated" countries..the alleged "strongest" country in world is still bailing out the crooks that threw most of the world into finaicial ruin

I suspect we're actually having a heated agreement here.

The main issue is education. It just does not work in Thailand. The system produces cowering automatons with very little ability to think for themselves.

For the record, I run an engineering consultancy in Phuket/Bangkok and my wife's family are farmers in the NE, which is where we have our home and our kids go to school.

I honestly believe that Abhisit and Korn were delivering real change. Of course this does not happen overnight and it will be a generation before they have better teachers and a sensible decentralised curriculum.

Currently Thailand has an obscene gap between the haves and have nots. However, education NOT handouts is the way forward.

Giving up this opportunity for some cheap populist policies is foolish, childlike almost. A IPad is no substitute for agood teacher!


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

So funny... what is democracy then? people only u like r in power is democracy? or people who r in power because they are elected by the votes... not because of any military coup...

Elections are the ultimate test for the democracy and stop whining and accept the results... dont behave like USA government... where they want to impose their model of democracy in selected countries... there should be a universal rule...

At least Thailand would be a better place now for Thais to live...

It isn't democracy if the people vote in an autocrat who stifles any future elections (except for totally rigged North Korea style elections). That is what I see happening. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.

Why is it that Yingluck is leading the party and apparently winning the election and Mr Thaksin is the one all over the TV channels being interviewed and congratulated on the victory. Something not quite right here.

Tell the Election Commission. Let them investigate. mind you probably just an honest mistake made by interviewers as Ms. Yngluck was saying it's too early to comment and let us wait a moment. Still smiling nicely though :)

PS just read: Pheu Thai Party's PM candidate Yingluck Shinawatra postpones her interview earlier schedule at 7pm to 8pm. via @js100radio

I am sure that the EC will investigate this because Mr Thaksin is making it more than blatantly obvious who is in the driving seat and making a mockery of Thai law.


Weirdly winnie, I have found myself agreeing with you on some points in a previous post you made and here you are now, agreeing with me. Is it snowing?? :P

Akk.. say it aint so!! ;)

While we're having this hug-a-thon, maybe I should get in some more moderate comments that will no-doubt get lost since we're doing a whole page every 10 minutes and nobody is ever going to read it again:

1. I look forward to a female PM. It will do wonders for Thailand internationally, a lot of the bad rap can be turned around. Will she make the most of that.. not holding my breath, but it's possible. And yes, I will be SEVERELY disappointed if someone else in PTP becomes PM. Severely.

2. Reconcilliation: Is nothing short of CRUCIAL. Thailand will see very turbulent events the coming year(s), and a house divided cannot stand. Everyone pays lip-service to reconciliation, but I'm not sure how many realise just how crucial it is. Will Thaksin see that and stand aside..? will he #$)*#! But it would be best for the country if legal matters on all sides are cleared up. Stability is the way forward; everyone knows it. This means Negotiation Time, Big Time.

3. Actual progress... All branches of government and power are a mess. All are corrupt; the judiciary is not (seen as) independent, the military meddles in politics, the police .. well, let's not even get started on the police.. That means a big ass vacuum in the rule of law, and law & order. Government has been proven powerless many times. Government agencies actually fight each other. It's an incredible mess. This is the other monumental task, and not one that I see solved in a hurry.

Waah! weirder and weirder :P

1. I too look forward to an INDEPENDENT female PM. I dn't like Sarah Palin simply because shes a woman, why should I like yingluck?

2. Will he? I hope so too. But yup, agreed. Its the biggest problem for the way forward

3. mmm... not sure if you are being optimistic or just hopeful. but yes, corruption is everywhere and has been for a very very long time

It IS snowing!


Why? Are you drug dealers? Very bizarre thing to say :huh:

Its a bit over the top. But you do realize Thaksin oversaw the policy of thousands of extra judicial murders. Some drug dealers, some drug addicts, some totally innocent victims, wrong place wrong time.


He'll be back very soon directing the death squads that go after you and I.

Why, are you a drug dealer?

Seriously though, something needs to be done about the drugs situation and the last war on drugs was overwhelmingly popular...

Other than with the 3000 who paid their dues in full.


making a mockery of Thai law.

A simple task, if ever there was one.

Agree, but still he is allegedly acting against the law of the land.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Agreed. You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Why people insist in voting, still mesmerises me. Red vs Yellow, Democrats vs Republicans, etc... comes back to choosing between snakes and sharks. By voting people validate a system that exploits them and strip the earth from its resources. War, famine, unemployment, financial crisis, destruction of the habitat... If voting created a better world, surely we'd know it by now.

The concept of one man; one vote is great, but the game is rigged because you don't get to choose the people you vote for. You choose what the elite thinks is best for you . Elections give people the illusion of being in control of their fate. They aren't. They belong to a Master.

I dream of a world where people can make decisions of their own, instead of following leaders like a herd would follow a shepherd. You don't need a corrupt representation. If you want to attain true democracy through votes, let Internet do the job for you through referendum. Important issues (gathered on the FAQ principles) can be submitted to users who can vote online. One man; One vote. When this day will come...I will vote again!


Decembers High Season Is SHOT, yet again.

Unless the army steps in, red shirts terrorizing Bangkok or Yellow shirts occupying the Airport, I don't think one needs to worry about the high season.


Go reds! biggrin.gif

And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.


My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

His policies if carried out are definitely inflationary.

Wait a minute! When Taksin was in power the THB was almost 70 to the GBP and diesel was 14B a litre as fuel was subsidized. He built schools and hospitals that people could afford and gave pay rises to all government workers.

Schools that many thais could not afford to go to. Total cost to attend the local school under thaksin was around 3,000 baht plus 12 baht a day for lunch. For the last two years it has been free with lunch free. If thaksin would have spent the money he stole on schools instead I would be supporting him. he is not in favor of educating the poor. Almost 50% of the thais understand this.

Not true. My kids have been attending school for free for years and don't try to tell me he didn't raise the minimum wage for government workers. Healthcare for all Thai nationals at 30B. His clamp down on drugs was a good thing even though it led to the drug lords killing everyone who could possibly shop them. Shit happens, just look at Mexico!


I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

Do you have any insight how much tax street vendors have to pay per month? Do they employ their sales staff according to the law with social insurance and minimum wages until today.

What is the difference to have a shop in a concrete building and does the minimum wage apply to them? How are they contolled?


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


"Intellectualy" superior, first class education, hmmm, does it make you a better person?

No of course not. What a silly comment.

However, I can at least consider the facts and, if I was able, cast my vote on the basis of what would be best for myself and family.

(Thanks for spotting my typo. It should have been intellectually.



My only question is, does this affect tourism? Will prices go up/down or remain the same? What about THB exchange rate?

PT had the only substantive tourism plank in their platform. Their recognition of culture and beaches driving tourism is factually established in the global tourism marketplace. The Dems were talking about building two new rail services to the north. When was the last time any tourist came to any destination for a new rail service to the north? But it surely would have benefited those that authorize it and those that build it.


Go reds! biggrin.gif

And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.

What you gunna do with your 300b fortune windfall ??


Interesting results, 4 out of the 5 lowest turnouts are in Isaan.

5 lowest voter turnout: UdornThani (24.54%), Samutprakarn (25.36), Kalasin (34.75), NongBuaLampoo (34.42) and Khon Kaen (36). /Via@ThaiElection11


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

Sad day indeed for Thailand.

As you can see, democracy just doesn't work unless people have equal access to education and information.

Getting rid of Abhisit and Korn makes no sense.

And yes, by the way, I do feel intellectualy superior to many Thais, not through nationality but through the privilege of a first class education.

Sadly it is a Thai trait to consider today at the expense of tomorrow.


Ok for you to call them fools, but who is it that puts the food on Thailands (and yours) table?...Not the elite thats for sure, they wouldnt get their hands very dirty.

You can't deny in the west a HUGE portion of wealth is owned by a small few and therein who has the ultimate power. In Thailand those ratios are just so much more obscene that eventually somethings gotta give.

Its a no brainer really, if a HUGE portion of the country is poor, angry and dissolusioned..then why should they vote in the very establishment that has deliberately kept them poor?

I may not agree with their reasoning OR like the expected result but at least the poor CAN buck the system and have their voice heard


Oh yeah, And of course this would never happen in our high and mighty "educated" countries..the alleged "strongest" country in world is still bailing out the crooks that threw most of the world into finaicial ruin

I suspect we're actually having a heated agreement here.

The main issue is education. It just does not work in Thailand. The system produces cowering automatons with very little ability to think for themselves.

For the record, I run an engineering consultancy in Phuket/Bangkok and my wife's family are farmers in the NE, which is where we have our home and our kids go to school.

I honestly believe that Abhisit and Korn were delivering real change. Of course this does not happen overnight and it will be a generation before they have better teachers and a sensible decentralised curriculum.

Currently Thailand has an obscene gap between the haves and have nots. However, education NOT handouts is the way forward.

Giving up this opportunity for some cheap populist policies is foolish, childlike almost. A IPad is no substitute for agood teacher!

Maybe not so much a heated debate between us dhR, i agree with you on all counts. Like you, i think Abhisit and Korn were doing a sterling job. My point is that a "democracy" is exactly that, at the end of the day, the people get a say in what direction their country goes...that is what democracy is, yes?

If it turns out to be a big mistake then at least this is one time they cant blame us farangs :P

I dont like the (expected) result, but i think its very arrogant to say democracy is dead just because we dont agree with the outcome..especially when so many were harping very loudly about their version of democracy when they were happily assuming the red shirts had no chance

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