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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls


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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Agreed. You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

I've seen a lot of change in my 27 years here, but the one thing that has always remained constant is military interference in politics and the inability of elected governments to serve a full term or be relected.

Thaksin bucked that trend.

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Go reds! biggrin.gif

And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.

And one thing we've all gotta admit, life in Thailand is never boring! Which of course is part of its appeal.

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I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

I'll be waiting to see if PTP meets even one campaign promise. I'm putting a reminder for myself in 6 months time.

Thaksin pardon. Check.

I guess the saving grace is (one would hope anyway) that Thaksin would NOT allow those ridiculous promises to go through. If some of the more extreme policies were implemented the economy would be a basket case within months. :blink:

That's what I think. Thaksin is not that much of an idiot to implement these policies. Once again the poor being used and lied too.:(

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I haven't been living in Thailand for a very long time so I don't actually have an idea how the life looked in here for an average farang when the former PM called the shots. If someone could answer my question I'd much appreciate. And the question of the day (for me at least) is: How will this affect the life of an average expat living here in Thailand?



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So if the Italians voted in Mussolini would you also call that a victory for democracy. The Thai people today endorsed NO DEMOCRACY. They want an autocratic dictatorship. Best wishes to them with that interesting choice.

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Schools that many thais could not afford to go to. Total cost to attend the local school under thaksin was around 3,000 baht plus 12 baht a day for lunch. For the last two years it has been free with lunch free. If thaksin would have spent the money he stole on schools instead I would be supporting him. he is not in favor of educating the poor. Almost 50% of the thais understand this.

School is not free. It costs more than ever before. There's a fee finding comission at works. If one wants to learn computers or have any other extra classes a high fee will be charged. At the end it's higher than before. 50 + students in one classroom which makes it impossible to teach or have the kids actively participate during lessons. - This is compensated with tons of homework instead.

Schools very often got the funds for extending their facilities, but prefered to keep it for other (and private) use.

So if you don't or can't pay the money needed to have a decent quality education for your kids, with a reasonable lower number of students per classroom, they ultimately will end up in mass disposal class rooms. This is the only free thing about it..

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They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

Not according to the majority of people who voted for change. It is a great day for the democratic system. The Burmese and other close neighbours should sit up and take note.

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Decembers High Season Is SHOT, yet again.

Unless the army steps in, red shirts terrorizing Bangkok or Yellow shirts occupying the Airport, I don't think one needs to worry about the high season.

yes they do but im not worried I have little financial interest in tourists. I suspect a lot of tourists used to go to Zimababwie and Libya. Who cares if thais want a load of red thugs to control government and country let them have what they want. Of course many are hoping for the best andI also hope for best but im realistic and writing was on wall when red thugs tried to burn Bangkok. Now it looks like they will be the government. In some countries terrorists and thugs like that are passed over for more rational men to take over. This has happened in Northern Ireland, South Africa and a few other places. Taksin is not a Mandela or Gangdi although some of his forang and red supporters seem to think so. Logic therefore says it will not end in any good way and as ive said if you can do as im doing and get your assets out of you can while hoping what your seeing on the wall is just an illusion and you where silly to believe Taksin is anytihng but good for this country. Their is a small chance he has had enough and will quietly retire but I would not want to put my family's future on that given he is even now even before official results the one giving interviews and comments and not his clone. Mie Penrie in all right jack as is Taksin and rest.

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Schools that many thais could not afford to go to. Total cost to attend the local school under thaksin was around 3,000 baht plus 12 baht a day for lunch. For the last two years it has been free with lunch free. If thaksin would have spent the money he stole on schools instead I would be supporting him. he is not in favor of educating the poor. Almost 50% of the thais understand this.

School is not free. It costs more than ever before. There's a fee finding comission at works. If one wants to learn computers or have any other extra classes a high fee will be charged. At the end it's higher than before. 50 + students in one classroom which makes it impossible to teach or have the kids actively participate during lessons. - This is compensated with tons of homework instead.

Schools very often got the funds for extending their facilities, but prefered to keep it for other (and private) use.

So if you don't or can't pay the money needed to have a decent quality education for your kids, with a reasonable lower number of students per classroom, they ultimately will end up in mass disposal class rooms. This is the only free thing about it..

And it is reported that Thai teachers don't teach during the appointed hours so they can charge for tutoring from those that can afford it after school.

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That's what I think. Thaksin is not that much of an idiot to implement these policies. Once again the poor being used and lied too.:(

Yep, Lies are a pre-requisite for the job description..anywhere :jap:

Whats more of a worry is that some people actually believed these ones :ermm:

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I haven't been living in Thailand for a very long time so I don't actually have an idea how the life looked in here for an average farang when the former PM called the shots. If someone could answer my question I'd much appreciate. And the question of the day (for me at least) is: How will this affect the life of an average expat living here in Thailand?



The IMF will get the boots again. In generall it will depend on ones character and not so much on money. Locals will be doing better and therefore the society will be less depending on foreigners living here. Otherwise it will not affect your living standards. Sure for many it will be a challange.

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Interesting results, 4 out of the 5 lowest turnouts are in Isaan.

5 lowest voter turnout: UdornThani (24.54%), Samutprakarn (25.36), Kalasin (34.75), NongBuaLampoo (34.42) and Khon Kaen (36). /Via@ThaiElection11

From what I have heard a lot of public bus services to Issarn had been stopped over the last few days.

Not sure if that has any thing to do with it but the low turn out could be because many people were not able to return home and vote.

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Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

Abhisit was a do nothing Prime Minister, lacking any vision! He should carry a lot of the blame for this result.

I'm not surprised it's turned out to be a landslide.

Maybe not so much Abhisit the PM as the whole government has to be blamed. Just look at these "last-minute blunders", like the withdrawal form WHC, the closure of 2400 schools, the blunders of the Minister of culture, the relentless pursuit of opposing opinions in the Internet, the on-going disaster with the 3G phone, etc. People got angry with the government and therefore voted PT.

Now the Huns have arrived! Be prepared for one, two, many Rajaprasongs, perhaps in yellow for a change.

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Interesting results, 4 out of the 5 lowest turnouts are in Isaan.

5 lowest voter turnout: UdornThani (24.54%), Samutprakarn (25.36), Kalasin (34.75), NongBuaLampoo (34.42) and Khon Kaen (36). /Via@ThaiElection11

And all 5 are PT stongholds.

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Otherwise it will not affect your living standards.

It has the potential to affect the living standards of those earning in foreign currencies, quite considerably so.

Thats a broad statement..Any elaborations?

Cost of living rising? Direction of the baht?

Foriegn investors running like hell?

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Thaksin is the least corrupt of these leaders and policians, including the generals.

He doesn't need the money.

He's interested in prestige.

Of course, he must by sheer necessity engage in a certain amount of political corruption when you consider who the other players are, and that it's Thailand.

As for paying poor people for votes...how much did Abhissit pay them?


.And what did he ever do for them....


Thaksin tried, and with some success, delivered for them...health-care...land reform...education reform.... and he deserves every vote.

I hope his sister's government can restart those initiatives.

What does it need to gain prestige other than money. Curious what your answer will be.

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Interesting results, 4 out of the 5 lowest turnouts are in Isaan.

5 lowest voter turnout: UdornThani (24.54%), Samutprakarn (25.36), Kalasin (34.75), NongBuaLampoo (34.42) and Khon Kaen (36). /Via@ThaiElection11

From what I have heard a lot of public bus services to Issarn had been stopped over the last few days.

Not sure if that has any thing to do with it but the low turn out could be because many people were not able to return home and vote.

Interesting that nobody else has reported hearing this, I find it highly unlikely unless you have some news source that actually reported it? Considering they report every train stoppage I would think this would have made the news.

Besides, there is no need to return home to vote, that is what advanced registration and the advanced voting last weekend was for and every Thai I have ever met is well aware of this option.

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Go reds! :D

And I just gotta say, all the crying in this thread is giving me many good laughs.

Thailand has spoken. Live with it or move elsewhere.

Well said ! No doubt all the yellow shirt / PAD / Democrat / right wing loonies on here will be complaining about vote buying, but I'm happy to report in our village, that there seems to be no such thing. We've talked to lots of folks today, and while it MAY be true elsewhere, it didn't happen here. Perhaps all those who make anti-red posts in their thousands, will finally realise that they are completely wasting their time - most people on here DON'T have a vote. :D:D

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So if the Italians voted in Mussolini would you also call that a victory for democracy. The Thai people today endorsed NO DEMOCRACY. They want an autocratic dictatorship. Best wishes to them with that interesting choice.

Jingthing you are being so melodramatic with your earlier references to Thailand now becoming like North Korea and your insinuations of an autocratic dictatorship. :rolleyes:

The other 50% will demand new elections occur again at the appropriate time.

( And by the way never mind referring to Mussolini - what about the autocratic way in which your beloved Obama pushed through the health care reform against the will of so many people ).

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Democracy is such a dumb idea.

"...democracy is the worst form of government -- except all the others..."


How about no government? Anarcho capitalism. Just people in a society based on the voluntary trade of private property and services in order to maximize individual liberty and prosperity.

Churchill was a German hating warmonger only happy when at war. Churchill helped bring about the first world war which was won by the wrong side due to the interference from America. The result destoyed the monarchies in Germany and Austro-Hungary and fermented the revolution in Russia bringing to power the bolsheviks and Stalin. The reparations enforced on Germany gave Germany hyper inflation and hence Hitler and the second world war. At least 16 million dead in WW1 not including German women and children deliberately starved to death by the Allies and 70 million dead in WW2. So forgive me if I think Churcill was no hero and wrong about most things and I say this as Brit. It is just that I have read a great deal and got further than the brainwashing given to me at school and in the media.

Churchill caused the depression of the twenties in the UK and certainly helped cause The Great Depression in the USA with his insane decision to return to the gold standard at the pre WW1 rate.

Remember governments bring us war not the people.

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Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

I *LOVE* nightlife and it's one of the great misconceptions that the social order campaign was targetted specifically at the Farang/tourist scene.

Also, the drive for the social order BS originated from a faction that has long since split off (that nutter chamlong among others), so I'm not too worried.

Please do not mix up your love for nightlife with thai politics, not all thais are working in your preferred establishments.

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I haven't been living in Thailand for a very long time so I don't actually have an idea how the life looked in here for an average farang when the former PM called the shots. If someone could answer my question I'd much appreciate. And the question of the day (for me at least) is: How will this affect the life of an average expat living here in Thailand?



The IMF will get the boots again. In generall it will depend on ones character and not so much on money. Locals will be doing better and therefore the society will be less depending on foreigners living here. Otherwise it will not affect your living standards. Sure for many it will be a challange.

Thank you for such a swift answer.


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Let's see how long it takes for Thaksin proxies to rack up the foreign debt (giving the illusion of success.. for a time),

slowly selling out the people of Thailand as collateral, and introducing policies under-the-radar due to imposed conditionalities.

They create the diseases and also the antidotes...

They spread the diseases...

They present the antidotes only when it suits them... to their own advantage.

Their goal is usually to destroy all national sovereignty in the name of global governance.

As tested initially on New Zealand in the 80's - Rogernomics - foreign debt quadrupled in the years following.

The conditionalities imposed, as a result, altered policies - opening the country to an indirect global governance.

Thanksin-gnomes watch closely.... and weep... if that is their goal.

Thailand - please don't ever lose your freedom and sovereignty - it's easy to lose it but hard to get back.

Edited by deeveloper
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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Agreed. You are very naive if you think that this result will change things.

Why people insist in voting, still mesmerises me. Red vs Yellow, Democrats vs Republicans, etc... comes back to choosing between snakes and sharks. By voting people validate a system that exploits them and strip the earth from its resources. War, famine, unemployment, financial crisis, destruction of the habitat... If voting created a better world, surely we'd know it by now.

The concept of one man; one vote is great, but the game is rigged because you don't get to choose the people you vote for. You choose what the elite thinks is best for you . Elections give people the illusion of being in control of their fate. They aren't. They belong to a Master.

I dream of a world where people can make decisions of their own, instead of following leaders like a herd would follow a shepherd. You don't need a corrupt representation. If you want to attain true democracy through votes, let Internet do the job for you through referendum. Important issues (gathered on the FAQ principles) can be submitted to users who can vote online. One man; One vote. When this day will come...I will vote again!

Exactly, Internet and SMS as channels of management by the people. But if you are in master shoes you are working in service of the one world concept pitting perceived differences against each other to keep their eyes off the big ball as they take it over. And toward that end is the deployment of a future one-world religion that propagates its own dogmatic legal division for dealing with members, and its scriptured genocidal intolerance for nonbelievers, as if there will be a choice.

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Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

"Smart" is a relative term.

So, they "ain't" smart as opposed to whom...?

Surely not you're compatriots, Jinthing, who elected a cretin for a president, whose administration was at least partly responsible for the GFC, the Iraq war and the Afghan war.

Not once did you elect him, but twice!




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