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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

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"telegenic"...........she was described as, "telegenic". It is merely a pathetic term given by a PR Firm (Public Relations Firm Payed For By Thaksin Himself)

straight from Edward Bernays' handbook of spin, by making the product appear to be socially acceptable, even by means of fabrication......duh!

Well, did we expect anything less? I didn't. I would like to express that I don't see this as strictly unique to current Thai politics,

actually, I see it as the masters of wealth's grand plan for the world's working class to submit to the "1.5% own all scum" that wants more,

more than they will ever need, more than they will EVER be able to spend, simply to fill the void of their fuc_ked up childhood, yes, I am talking about psychology and the effects on a person who has had a dysfunctional family.......JEEEEEEZUS.........am I ranting again? Wake up, peeps.

Get ready for blood and puppets!!

They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.


Say perhaps that the Democrats had won 255 seats out of 500 instead of PTP. Would you complain then that it was less 50% of the electorate? The simple fact is PTP have won a majority of seats, 261, (subject to EC, Judicial and Army approval) and therefore win the right to form a government. The democrat figure of 160 seats represents less than a third of the seats available so do they have more claim to the voting publics mandate? Clearly Not.Learn to live with the peoples choice.

That would be more of a "landslide" than the current result, given that the Democrats got 190 seats in the last election and PPP got 237.

OK do it the easy way ..... who got more votes? who won? you can called green moon cheese slide but the bottom line is Yingluck beat Abhisit BIG time. Jog on.


Although they are not my party of choice, I would have preferred a clearer victory for the reds.

According to AP, the reds have 261 seats, the dems 162.

I think that leaves too much room for post-electoral "adjustment".

Only 50 PT MPs need to change their allegiance... for whatever reason.


It also shows how fundamentally different Asian and Western cultures and values are. This is something that a lot of farang posters overlook. You may be married to a Thai. You may have been living here for 20 years. But still, you grew up in a completely different society, with different morals, values and ethics. What's right for the goose may not be right for the gander. You may treat this country as your home. The Thais may treat you as one of them. But, you are and will always be a foreigner and trying to force your values and ethics down the Thai people's throat will merely make them resent you more.

I guess you exclude Japan, Singapore, HK, perhaps Malaysia from the term "asian cultures" Not too long ago Japan was an agricultural nation, but they evolved and progressed much do to a different style of morality and ethics. In Thailand it is the lack of "meaningful education" that leads to the perpetuation of their system. I don't hate taksin or abisit or the military but taksin is but another elite/wealthy person that has learned to manipulate the system very well to his advantage. I dont see any thai political figures akin to Mandela, or Ghandi, do you?

One point of contention; "Japan was an agricultural nation, but they evolved and progressed much do to a different style of morality and ethics.". My USA history books all say Japan evolved the way Gen. Douglas McArthur forced them to after they had unconditionally surrendered. Japan regained independence April 1952.

Prior to losing the war, they were building battleships, submarines, fighter aircraft, etc, etc, 60-70 years ago, and a country without the natural resources and land as thailand. They lost the war, and agreed to abandon the military machine. Would you contend that prior to that, Japan was quite considerably more advanced than thailand is today?

No way would I consider pre-war Japan as more advanced than Thailand (I assume we are speaking about their respective cultures).Culture in pre-war Japan was stagnad for centuries following the way of the Bushido Code. This contrasts greatly with the new mobility of the rural class in Thailand who, through foreign employment and social networking, now see how the rest of the world lives and so is a rapidly changing and is a vibrant social movement.


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

300 seats I'd call it a landslide. This is not a landslide.

I guess you're American and only used to two parties running.Just because there are 39 other parties running does not make them all serious contenders for votes.

Wake up and learn something. This is not a landslide. A victory yes but not a landslide.

Uh no. I'm not American. Proud European here.

Puea Thai has over 100% more ..more than double the Democrats. If you don't consider that a landslide, then I don't know.

Maybe go to North Korea if you need 100% votes for one party for it to be a landslide :lol:

The Reds won again.

Get over it.

P.S. Did you ever find those men in Black?

I think they are standing with the newly elected Lady PM.


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

A big win how ever you look at it and well done. I suspect the dross will be moaning about some cheating or the like somewhere ..... if you think of doing so please have some dignity Yingluck has won

yes pt has won most votes but you are so deluded


OK do it the easy way ..... who got more votes? who won? you can called green moon cheese slide but the bottom line is Yingluck beat Abhisit BIG time. Jog on.

We weren't talking about who won. We were talking about land slides. Jog on.


Although they are not my party of choice, I would have preferred a clearer victory for the reds.

According to AP, the reds have 261 seats, the dems 162.

I think that leaves too much room for post-electoral "adjustment".

Only 50 PT MPs need to change their allegiance... for whatever reason.

Actually, only 6 would need to change for PTP to lose majority.

But they've got a back up with a couple of the smaller parties to stay in government with a coalition.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I did not fell this sick for a very long time.

Bunch of drama queens. :rolleyes:

Got to laugh at the fools .

They are like children but then they do say as people get older.

Well I am sure now that they will be at the airport soon (I HOPE)B)


I am not sure if the result really SHOULD be respected as isn't it obvious fugitive Thakin, legally forbidden to be in politics, was the mastermind of this entire campaign? Shouldn't that issue ETHICALLY be tried in court considering the tragedy that might befall this nation if Thaksin is allowed to return and seize power?

Why shouldn't these results be respected. Do you have indications that the results are rigged, or could this be a factual representation of the will of the Thai people who went to cast their votes. The fugitive Thaksin S. Wasn't on the ballots so not sure what the relevance is.

Oh my god do you really believe Thaksin had no effect on this election. "Thaksin thinks Puea Thai does" was one of their election slogans. Are you really that naive to think that Thaksin had no effect on this election.

Ehh, nowhere do I even remotely claim that Thaksin didn't have any effect on PT. That doesn't mean that the results could be contended in court, as he wasn't on the ballots.


The Reds won again.

Get over it.

P.S. Did you ever find those men in Black?

I think they are standing with the newly elected Lady PM.

they are sneaking up behind someone else who has failed ready to teach him a lesson ... Mwwwwwhhhhaaaaaph34r.gif


You are right, she did. But.....don't ignore the forces behind the win. Just a friendly FYI.

Say perhaps that the Democrats had won 255 seats out of 500 instead of PTP. Would you complain then that it was less 50% of the electorate? The simple fact is PTP have won a majority of seats, 261, (subject to EC, Judicial and Army approval) and therefore win the right to form a government. The democrat figure of 160 seats represents less than a third of the seats available so do they have more claim to the voting publics mandate? Clearly Not.Learn to live with the peoples choice.

That would be more of a "landslide" than the current result, given that the Democrats got 190 seats in the last election and PPP got 237.

OK do it the easy way ..... who got more votes? who won? you can called green moon cheese slide but the bottom line is Yingluck beat Abhisit BIG time. Jog on.


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

Of course not - he is evil.


I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

"If" he is banned from politics then the answer is obvious. (However, i am not sure if his ban has expired .. also not sure if being a fugitive automatically constitutes a ban)

I personally hope they do a lot of talking and that security forces legally record any conversations. It will make it easy to bring a case against his sister for everything from aiding a fugitive to improper relationships with a wanted terrorist and what ever other charges can be brought for pretending to be a servant of the people of Thailand but truly only acting in the interests of a wanted criminal.

Sooner or later the poor people of Thailand must be educated and not continually be bought off and in debt through loans by a corrupt thug whose only interest is to keep the poor in debt and reliant on his loans instead of allowing them to be self-sufficient.

These election results are no different than what we saw happen in Iran. It is sad to say but sometimes democracy isn't in the best interest of the people when you have such high levels of corruption by a leader(s).


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I did not fell this sick for a very long time.

Bunch of drama queens. :rolleyes:

Got to laugh at the fools .

They are like children but then they do say as people get older.

Well I am sure now that they will be at the airport soon (I HOPE)B)

Yes they will be at Don Mueang International tomorrow with Abhisit leading the righteous path ................


I am not sure if the result really SHOULD be respected as isn't it obvious fugitive Thakin, legally forbidden to be in politics, was the mastermind of this entire campaign? Shouldn't that issue ETHICALLY be tried in court considering the tragedy that might befall this nation if Thaksin is allowed to return and seize power?

Why shouldn't these results be respected. Do you have indications that the results are rigged, or could this be a factual representation of the will of the Thai people who went to cast their votes. The fugitive Thaksin S. Wasn't on the ballots so not sure what the relevance is.

Oh my god do you really believe Thaksin had no effect on this election. "Thaksin thinks Puea Thai does" was one of their election slogans. Are you really that naive to think that Thaksin had no effect on this election.

One wonders why post if you don't know the basics behind the Yingluck campaign. Yes, clone, Thaksin himself called her that, though PUPPET is much more apt.

If Thai law states that running a campaign as clone is not allowed, you might have a case. At the moment you just look like a very sore loser, who apparently doesn't respect a general election result.


I smell a family dynasty. Permanent. Remember, what's coming that's even BIGGER than this takeover. Thaksin is well positioned. Thailand needs to reform and change, but this is going to prove to be a huge step backwards. How many decades before Thailand will be free of this family dynasty?

Get over it. Some families do well in political life. You remember the Kennedys? How about George Bush the elder and his son George Bush the younger?

The people have spoken. Respect the result. Had the outcome been different you and others would would have been screaming that PM designate Yingluck was trounced.

A new day will begin and it seems the Dusit poll was correct. The people supported the PTP. :D

yeah..what he said :D

good one GK ;)


I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

"If" he is banned from politics then the answer is obvious. (However, i am not sure if his ban has expired .. also not sure if being a fugitive automatically constitutes a ban)

I personally hope they do a lot of talking and that security forces legally record any conversations. It will make it easy to bring a case against his sister for everything from aiding a fugitive to improper relationships with a wanted terrorist and what ever other charges can be brought for pretending to be a servant of the people of Thailand but truly only acting in the interests of a wanted criminal.

Sooner or later the poor people of Thailand must be educated and not continually be bought off and in debt through loans by a corrupt thug whose only interest is to keep the poor in debt and reliant on his loans instead of allowing them to be self-sufficient.

These election results are no different than what we saw happen in Iran. It is sad to say but sometimes democracy isn't in the best interest of the people when you have such high levels of corruption by a leader(s).

Security forces recording, terrorist? and as for Iran .... sorry you have either lost me or the plot here but possibly both


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

300 seats I'd call it a landslide. This is not a landslide.

I guess you're American and only used to two parties running.Just because there are 39 other parties running does not make them all serious contenders for votes.

Wake up and learn something. This is not a landslide. A victory yes but not a landslide.

Uh no. I'm not American. Proud European here.

Puea Thai has over 100% more ..more than double the Democrats. If you don't consider that a landslide, then I don't know.

Maybe go to North Korea if you need 100% votes for one party for it to be a landslide :lol:

Maybe you need to learn English.:lol:

When you get under half the voters that is not a landslide. I'm sorry if you don't understand that.


255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

CNN calls it a landslide, BBC called it a landslide. Maybe you should go educate them about politics too. Puea Thai won over 50% out of 40 political parties across Thailand. When you take all other 39 parties together, they can't even reach Puea Thai.

It has just been revised to 259, by the way, for Puea Thai. The Democrats at 120.

I'm sorry, it's a landslide when the difference between the 1st and the 2nd is over 100% more.

I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

of course how dare anyone criticise big brother and great healer of Thai society.


I can only say: hahahahhahahahhhahahhahhahahhahhaha.

Lets hope the major hate website will be banned.

Its beautiful when the day you waited for has arrived.

P.S. And into prison for life with Abhisit, filthy desk murderer.

Ohh and ofcourse also many lawyers, judges, generals and politicians, long list. But lmao, victory has arrived.

Oh. You're against websites being blocked when they're inciting violence, but a website discussing Thailand news should be banned.

Yay for red democracy.


I can only say: hahahahhahahahhhahahhahhahahhahhaha.

Lets hope the major hate website will be banned.

Its beautiful when the day you waited for has arrived.

P.S. And into prison for life with Abhisit, filthy desk murderer.

Ohh and ofcourse also many lawyers, judges, generals and politicians, long list. But lmao, victory has arrived.

you sound drunk with victory


255 is more than half the seats, out of 10 parties. That's a landslide, my friend. The Democrats are barely above 150. What do you call that? A mudslide?

255 seats out of 500 is not a landslide. It's a slight majority. Please learn about the English language. It's a great thing when used correctly.

more than half the house here is a landslide compared to the UK were there are only 3 main contenders.

Did people in the UK call John Majors victory, when he got a small majority, a landslide. No because it wasn't a landslide. This is what PT have got here. a small majority but not a landslide. Learn how to use your native language,

I suggest you learn how to use the English language also! At least 3 mistakes in the one post. I wonder if you can see them or maybe English is not your native tongue!


I can only say: hahahahhahahahhhahahhahhahahhahhaha.

Lets hope the major hate website will be banned.

Its beautiful when the day you waited for has arrived.

P.S. And into prison for life with Abhisit, filthy desk murderer.

Ohh and ofcourse also many lawyers, judges, generals and politicians, long list. But lmao, victory has arrived.

Oh. You're against websites being blocked when they're inciting violence, but a website discussing Thailand news should be banned.

Yay for red democracy.

dont worry all will see light under great big brother Taksin. We will all be forgiven for trangesing against him but will receive his absolution (for a small payment)


I agree, a LANDSLIDE. No doubt. But was it won legally? DOUBT. I am talking about the ILLEGAL role of Thaksin.

What are you saying exactly that Thaksin shouldn't be allowed to talk to his little sister about politics and give her a few tips.

"If" he is banned from politics then the answer is obvious. (However, i am not sure if his ban has expired .. also not sure if being a fugitive automatically constitutes a ban)

I personally hope they do a lot of talking and that security forces legally record any conversations. It will make it easy to bring a case against his sister for everything from aiding a fugitive to improper relationships with a wanted terrorist and what ever other charges can be brought for pretending to be a servant of the people of Thailand but truly only acting in the interests of a wanted criminal.

Sooner or later the poor people of Thailand must be educated and not continually be bought off and in debt through loans by a corrupt thug whose only interest is to keep the poor in debt and reliant on his loans instead of allowing them to be self-sufficient.

These election results are no different than what we saw happen in Iran. It is sad to say but sometimes democracy isn't in the best interest of the people when you have such high levels of corruption by a leader(s).

I think he was banned for 5 years so it's about expired by now, as for them talking, well somehow i think they do, and will be doing a lot of talking from now on.

Oh and don't forget that she calls herself a clone of Thaksin too.


I think he was banned for 5 years so it's about expired by now, as for them talking, well somehow i think they do, and will be doing a lot of talking from now on.

Oh and don't forget that she calls herself a clone of Thaksin too.

He was banned in May 2007. So another 12 months.

But he can't become an MP (and therefore PM) because he's been found guilty of a crime.


I can only say: hahahahhahahahhhahahhahhahahhahhaha.

Lets hope the major hate website will be banned.

Its beautiful when the day you waited for has arrived.

P.S. And into prison for life with Abhisit, filthy desk murderer.

Ohh and ofcourse also many lawyers, judges, generals and politicians, long list. But lmao, victory has arrived.

Oh. You're against websites being blocked when they're inciting violence, but a website discussing Thailand news should be banned.

Yay for red democracy.

dont worry all will see light under great big brother Taksin. We will all be forgiven for trangesing against him but will receive his absolution (for a small payment)

Revenge my friend, its time for revenge and I hope they will turn this into a genuine revolution. If they don't the elite will grab power once again. Its time for the common soldiers to rise.


Yes they will be at Don Mueang International tomorrow with Abhisit leading the righteous path ................

no they wont,the law will now play out.like it or not.

enjoy yourself

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