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Chuwit promises to fight corruption

By Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation

Rak Prathet Thai Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit, a former massage-parlour tycoon who is known for his eccentric character, vowed to serve as an opposition member of Parliament to fight against corruption.

"The high prices of commodities, economic crisis, educational problems and abnormalities in the Airport Link construction will be the first issues I will investigate," he told the press at his party headquarters at Sukhumvit Soi 10 after the polls closed.

The 50-year-old politician said his political campaign had succeeded because most voters are bored with the two main parties and wanted him to investigate and monitor corruption.

"People have sent a big signal to the two main parties that they are bored with the failure of previous governments' policies and want me to scrutinise them," he said.

He warned the Pheu Thai Party and fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra that they must negotiate with the old powers including politicians, capitalists, and the military to bring the country forward.

"If you are doing good, I am ready to support you, but if you go ahead with the amnesty, I will totally oppose it," he said, referring to a possible amnesty for Thaksin.

He sent only 10 party-list candidates to contest the election.

Chuwit woke up early yesterday and left his mansion to cast his vote at Din Daeng polling station.

After casting his vote, he went to his Davis Hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 24 to pray to the spirit house of his mother, who died 10 years ago. He also relaxed by swimming and did a workout. He spent a few minutes to have his hair cut at a salon near his hotel.

By noon, he was in rush to get to his party office at Sukhumvit Soi 10 and wait for the results of the election.

After the polling closed, Chuwit brought a cup of nut grass, which in Thai means "loser", and a bouquet of flowers to send his condolences to the parties that did not win election.

He also showed a dish of crab - pu in Thai, which is similar to the nickname of Pheu Thai Party leader Yingluck Shinawatra - and called her to follow the commitment she had given to the people.

During the past month, Chuwit's election campaign was extreme, colourful, straight and funny.

In the last Bangkok gubernatorial election in 2008, Chuwit received 340,616 votes.


-- The Nation 2011-07-04


Now this is one of the interesting results from the election IMO, as despite the general decline of the minor parties, Chuwit managed to increase his party's vote from 340k (in 2008) to 859k (2011), that's what I would call a landslide ! :)

He promises to campaign in Parliament against corruption, and knows where many of the pay-offs go, having made a few of his own over-the-years !

And he will definitely bring colour & fun to the place. B)


Chuwit for PM!

I really like this guy and his endless hate against corruption. Thailand needs more politicians like him.

Why on earth is he the only one who actively tries to do something about the corruption?? Or at least it seems like it.


Chuwit for PM!

I really like this guy and his endless hate against corruption. Thailand needs more politicians like him.

Why on earth is he the only one who actively tries to do something about the corruption?? Or at least it seems like it.

He used to pay the bribes to keep his massage parlors open but got annoyed when the cops didn't do their bit.

That's what he thinks corruption is - taking the bribe then not doing what you promised.


Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????


Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????

Before the Coup D'etat, what was Abhisit's experience in politics? Inquiring minds want to know: was he ever elected to office at any level by constituents?


Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????

Before the Coup D'etat, what was Abhisit's experience in politics? Inquiring minds want to know: was he ever elected to office at any level by constituents?

Here's your answer courtesy of Wikipedia:

Entry into politics

Abhisit began his political career in the 1992 general elections that followed the coup, becoming a Bangkok MP for the Democrat Party.

He was re-elected to the same seat in the 1995 and 1996 general elections.

In the elections of 2001and 2005, he returned to parliament as a Party List MP for the Democrat Party.

He has served as Democrat Party spokesman, Government spokesman, Deputy-Secretary to the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, Chairman of the House Education Affairs Committee, and Minister to the Prime Minister's Office.

Looks like he's got his feet wet. However, he never worked for his family's business.:whistling:


Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????

Before the Coup D'etat, what was Abhisit's experience in politics? Inquiring minds want to know: was he ever elected to office at any level by constituents?

Abhisit has been in politics since he was 27 years old, he was also chaiman of the Oxford Uni debating society, very experienced young man. Unluckily not in marketing..


I met Khun Chuwit back in 2003, when he wanted to be governor of Bangkok. A very nice and handsome Thai man. He is clever , tough and colourful to say the least, and I wish him all good things in his stance against corruption. He always had that winning smile..! Go with God....


Yes, I remember Khun Chuwit when he razed the shops in the Soi 10 market one morning destroying the livelihood of all there.

I also walk by the park he donated in the markets place with my daughter when i pick her up from school.

Unfortunately, I have never been inside the park because it is closed all day, only being open between the hours of 6 to 8 am and 5 to 7 pm.

Chuwit is a hypocrite of the old school, no doubt about it.

I particularly liked the poster of him strangling a baby.


Yes, I remember Khun Chuwit when he razed the shops in the Soi 10 market one morning destroying the livelihood of all there.

I also walk by the park he donated in the markets place with my daughter when i pick her up from school.

Unfortunately, I have never been inside the park because it is closed all day, only being open between the hours of 6 to 8 am and 5 to 7 pm.

Chuwit is a hypocrite of the old school, no doubt about it.

I particularly liked the poster of him strangling a baby.

The soi 10 market you refer to certainly bore no resemblance to Asoke market, calling it a market may well be misleading, more like a shanty town collection of bars.

The legallity of these bars was also called into question at the time, hadnt the bar owners been duped into thinking they had valid leases?

I particularly liked the poster of him with his dog, so much I managed to get hold of two of them.


Every government needs a thorn-in-its-side-type of gadfly. The US has had Jesse Jackson and Ron Paul, people who don't seem to play politics as usual. I hope Chuwit plays the role well.


I particularly liked the poster of him strangling a baby.

The sentence backed to this particular picture is very funny, it s somthing like : the policians are like diapers, they needed to be changed regularylaugh.gif


Chuwit for PM!

I really like this guy and his endless hate against corruption. Thailand needs more politicians like him.

Why on earth is he the only one who actively tries to do something about the corruption?? Or at least it seems like it.

Corruption, Chuwit invented it.Untouchable as a lot of his massage parlour clients were leading figures in politics and the police.His black book is is overflowing.I like him too but only for a laugh. Prostitution is illegal in Thailand oh yeah !!


Chuwit is great for Thailand. They desperately need someone to shake things up in the government. I just hopes his hate of corruption keeps him going through tedious investigations and he will shine a bright light on all the back room deals and skimming of the taxpayers money. And who knows? If Chuwit works real hard and really starts to bring down corruption maybe in 8-10 years Thailand will have PM Chuwit. Oh and for all those who bring up his massage parlor past, you know he admits he did wrong and now he is trying to atone for those wrongs along with an intense hatred for the corrupt people he had dealt with in his massage parlor days. Just because someone has a checkard past does not mean they cannot turn things around and be good in the future.


Oh and for all those who bring up his massage parlor past, you know he admits he did wrong and now he is trying to atone for those wrongs along with an intense hatred for the corrupt people he had dealt with in his massage parlor days. Just because someone has a checkard past does not mean they cannot turn things around and be good in the future.

Set a thief to catch a thief, or a poacher to become a gamekeeper, makes some sort of sense. :thumbsup:


I like him.......his baby poster apparently says something like 'politicians are like nappies, changing them often is good'

Unfortunately, as creative as he may be....he has the proven past to overcome....not the massage parlour past, but the corruption past and this makes him seem a bit of a joke about it all in reality.....and sour grapes are the main course on his table.


Chuwit for PM!

I really like this guy and his endless hate against corruption. Thailand needs more politicians like him.

Why on earth is he the only one who actively tries to do something about the corruption?? Or at least it seems like it.

He used to pay the bribes to keep his massage parlors open but got annoyed when the cops didn't do their bit.

That's what he thinks corruption is - taking the bribe then not doing what you promised.

Like getting youself elected using other peoples money, hopes and lives,

and then doing what ever you please once in office.

Endemic in Thailand.


My God

Chuwit is a former massage parlor king and we have a bunch of people here singing his praises. Seems a lot of people forgot his first go outing politics. He grabbed a sledgehammer and screamed a lot about a crown that was stolen, from the police (?) then sold at Sothebys to a US museum. When it turned out that thailand could get the crown back if they PAID for it both Chuwit and Thaksin got pretty silent about the whole thing.

And that was it he had nothing else to say.

People here think he's a good guy. You jokers scare me.


Chuwit is great for Thailand. They desperately need someone to shake things up in the government. I just hopes his hate of corruption keeps him going through tedious investigations and he will shine a bright light on all the back room deals and skimming of the taxpayers money. And who knows? If Chuwit works real hard and really starts to bring down corruption maybe in 8-10 years Thailand will have PM Chuwit. Oh and for all those who bring up his massage parlor past, you know he admits he did wrong and now he is trying to atone for those wrongs along with an intense hatred for the corrupt people he had dealt with in his massage parlor days. Just because someone has a checkard past does not mean they cannot turn things around and be good in the future.

well said he cant be as bad as Taksin. In fact I cant think of many who would be as bad as Taksin. smile.gif

In fact I cant think of many who would be as bad as Taksin

You have a pretty short memory huh . Thaksin was corrupt as He-- yet he reduced overall corruption in thailand somethin Abhisit sure can't claim.

But if you want some real wheel take a look a general Phao and sarit, Thaks is nothing but a little piker compared to those two


My God

Chuwit is a former massage parlor king and we have a bunch of people here singing his praises. Seems a lot of people forgot his first go outing politics. He grabbed a sledgehammer and screamed a lot about a crown that was stolen, from the police (?) then sold at Sothebys to a US museum. When it turned out that thailand could get the crown back if they PAID for it both Chuwit and Thaksin got pretty silent about the whole thing.

And that was it he had nothing else to say.

People here think he's a good guy. You jokers scare me.

not as much as Taksin scares me. And if which I dont had any say in it id rather take my chances with a man like Chuwit that one known and proved to be only totally 100% for himself. I liked his sledgehammer posters before. His form of needing a sledgehammer to stop it all might well be better than Taksin and his red thugs methods.


Could this be the thorn for the PTP? I hope so because there will have to be an enormous amount of checks and balances because to be quite frank, Yingluck won because of mass low IQ's and Poor campaigning from the Dems. Very little to do with Yinglucks experience in politics which is starting from 0. We will see what has changed with Thaskin. Maybe he learned his lesson????

Before the Coup D'etat, what was Abhisit's experience in politics? Inquiring minds want to know: was he ever elected to office at any level by constituents?

Abhisit has been in politics since he was 27 years old, he was also chaiman of the Oxford Uni debating society, very experienced young man. Unluckily not in marketing..

Don't think the Temple Child's experience in debating at a posh English school is any indicator of his capabilities in running THIS country? 'Very experienced young man'? In what exactly? Certainly not in the customs and mores of his Country of heritage.

As to the .marketting' of Mark. Well the Establishment was never very good at MODERN PR, if you insist on being glib. But the fact remains he and his 'backers' had very little to market, other than continuing the status quo.


Chuwit reported to be seeing Abhisit today to join forces in the Opposition

BANGKOK, 5 July 2011 (NNT)-Media members have been waiting outside Democrat Headquarters for a chance of possible news story on the Opposition formation since Pheu Thai won a landslide victory in the election. Head of Rak Thailand Party, Chuwit Kamolwisit is rumored to be seeing Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva today.

According to the report by the Public Relations Department, since the resignation of Mr. ABhisit as Head of the Democrat Party, no member of the Party has traveled to the Headquarters. The media are expecting the arrival of Mr. Chuwit Kamolwisit, Leader of Rak Thailand Party, today as he could be discussing with Mr. Abhisit over their work togeter in the Opposition.


-- NNT 2011-07-05 footer_n.gif


My God

Chuwit is a former massage parlor king and we have a bunch of people here singing his praises.

What is wrong with that exactly ??

Do you have something against sex ??


Don't think the Temple Child's experience in debating at a posh English school is any indicator of his capabilities in running THIS country? 'Very experienced young man'? In what exactly? Certainly not in the customs and mores of his Country of heritage.

As to the .marketting' of Mark. Well the Establishment was never very good at MODERN PR, if you insist on being glib. But the fact remains he and his 'backers' had very little to market, other than continuing the status quo.

Could you, clearly and simply, set out the policies of ANY of the parties that competed in the election?

I have asked several Thai people, received no satisfactory responses.

That's what he thinks corruption is - taking the bribe then not doing what you promised.
:lol :lol

Yeah, I kinda like this guy too, in an arms-length-kind-of-way (wouldn't invite him to dinner).

Still, if he gets too gobby in State Shinawatra, likely as not he'll find himself falling out of a balcony from a high rise in Pra Rama See (probs his gf, with a couple of black eyes after being interviewed with local constabulary, will be following after 30 minutes later... )

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