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Increase In Australian Standard Processing Times (Again)

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In reply to post #51.Yes, certain persons may give advice on an individual visa application, such as assisting or filling in the forms for the applicant. The question is asked on the application form "did you receive assistance in filling in this form" The applicant is to answer yes or no and if yes the name and address of the person assisting them. They also ask if you (the applicant) paid them any fee for this service.

Only a MARA immigration agent can charge a fee for giving visa advice for Australia , and are legally liable for their actions.

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Is it absolutely necessary to fill in the 40SP and 47SP forms using a pen, or is it OK to do it on a computer? I saw a post dated 2007 that said you must use a pen. Does it still apply?

The form on the Immigration Website states "please use a pen"

Pretty much says it all


Edited by gburns57au
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Is it absolutely necessary to fill in the 40SP and 47SP forms using a pen, or is it OK to do it on a computer? I saw a post dated 2007 that said you must use a pen. Does it still apply?

The form on the Immigration Website states "please use a pen"

Pretty much says it all


No problem at all in doing it on a PC. In fact many of DIAC's forms are PDF fillable including the 40SP and 47SP.

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Might just be a Mac thing but... I could fill out the .pdf forms and print them but couldn't save the edits. Said they were protected.

Hi Berek,

I am not sure what the problem is. I use a PC with Adobe Acrobat Pro and haven't had a problem.

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Again from the Immi website Booklet 1 Partner migration. Not saying it cant be done on the computer and printed out......Just pointing out that in two areas of the Immi website, one states that a pen is to be used and the other states that you can print out the forms and then fill them out.


The 2 main application forms relating to partner migration are:

• form 47SP Application for migration to Australia by a partner; and

• form 40SP Sponsorship for a partner to migrate to Australia.

Form 47SP serves as an application for both the temporary and permanent Partner visas

and, similarly, form 40SP serves as a sponsorship application for these visas. Therefore,

after you have been granted a temporary Partner visa, you do not need to lodge another

form 47SP in order for consideration of your permanent visa to occur. At time of this

consideration, however, the department may request you obtain another completed form

40SP from your sponsor.

If you are a Prospective Marriage visa applicant, you also use the form 47SP and

form 40SP. If you and your fiancé(e) marry before a decision is made on your visa

application, you should notify the department and your application will then be changed

to that of a Partner visa (for notification requirements, see page 34). However, if you

have been granted a Prospective Marriage visa, enter Australia and then marry your

fiancé(e) while your visa is still valid, you will need to lodge another form 47SP and

form 40SP in order to be considered an applicant for a Partner visa.

Partner visa application forms are available:

• as PDF files from the department’s website www.immi.gov.au/allforms/ printed out

and then filled in; or

Note: PDF files make printing of these forms easier – PDF requires Adobe Reader on

your computer.

• in paper format from your nearest office of the department or Australian mission and

then filled in.

Note: All Partner visa applications or sponsorship application forms must be signed

by, respectively, you and your dependants migrating with you or by your sponsor.

Together with all supporting documentation, you must then lodge these forms at

the relevant office of the department or Australian mission overseas. Partner visa

applications cannot currently be lodged online.

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As long as it is in English in can be hand written or typed .... ps. signed of course (by hand) :)

I received clarification from the Australian Embassy that it is OK to complete it on the computer, which I seem to have done many times over. Thanks for your responses everyone. D-Day for the application is Thursday next week. I've been agonising over this application for a long time now. I'm sure many of you can appreciate the stress and uncertainty that it creates.

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Might just be a Mac thing but... I could fill out the .pdf forms and print them but couldn't save the edits. Said they were protected.

Hi Berek,

I am not sure what the problem is. I use a PC with Adobe Acrobat Pro and haven't had a problem.

The basic free adobe Reader can't save changes. As Bridge said, you will need the Pro Reader.

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Best of luck Logarhythm. I hope that it works out for you mate.:)

Years ago I use to work for the Federal Goverment, I know from

experience that if you are up front and follow the bouncing ball

you will be OK.

I have been married/living in Thai for the last 6yrs. Iam dreding

the day if the wife makes the call to move to Aust.My record keeping

is terrible.:unsure:

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I am amased at how little response you actually get from the Australian Embassy in Thailand after you pay 1700 Aus Dollars for a Partner Visa. WE lodged ours in May 2011 and at the time were told if we had any questions then we could send an email or call them anytime. Only to find after two months of nothing we asked a few questions via email as to the prospect of a Tourist Visa for my wife for three months so she could spend some of the time with me in Brisbane and told to stop contacting the office with silly questions when the web site is clear. Based on the Aus Immigration Web stating the current process time was ten months we thought surely for 57000 Baht we could get an email outlining if the Tourist Visa would delay our Partner Visa process. We were aware of the rule in submitting the application in Thailand meant she had to be there for the decision but the rules are so brief and no one will tell you anything like its a national secret held close to the heart of the Thai workers who process the applications.

Has anyone got an update on current waiting list and how long after the interview is conducted is a Visa Likely.

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Best of luck Logarhythm. I hope that it works out for you mate.:)

Years ago I use to work for the Federal Goverment, I know from

experience that if you are up front and follow the bouncing ball

you will be OK.

I have been married/living in Thai for the last 6yrs. Iam dreding

the day if the wife makes the call to move to Aust.My record keeping

is terrible.:unsure:

Thanks, Scabo. Much appreciated.

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I am amased at how little response you actually get from the Australian Embassy in Thailand after you pay 1700 Aus Dollars for a Partner Visa. WE lodged ours in May 2011 and at the time were told if we had any questions then we could send an email or call them anytime. Only to find after two months of nothing we asked a few questions via email as to the prospect of a Tourist Visa for my wife for three months so she could spend some of the time with me in Brisbane and told to stop contacting the office with silly questions when the web site is clear. Based on the Aus Immigration Web stating the current process time was ten months we thought surely for 57000 Baht we could get an email outlining if the Tourist Visa would delay our Partner Visa process. We were aware of the rule in submitting the application in Thailand meant she had to be there for the decision but the rules are so brief and no one will tell you anything like its a national secret held close to the heart of the Thai workers who process the applications.

Has anyone got an update on current waiting list and how long after the interview is conducted is a Visa Likely.

Why would applying for a tourist visa delay the partner visa ?

Edited by saintofsilence
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WE lodged on May 17 2011and we asigined a case officer on July 17.

We also applied for a tourist visa at the same time and was granted a 3 month visa. WE were told only 3 months because they wanted her back in thailand for an interview in 4 months,

Also at the time of lodging both applications she was asked to get a medical and thi police clearance.

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Well logically I would not have thought it would. My wife is so nervous by all the red tape and is scared her applying for a Tourist Visa while we wait for the Partner Visa to be Processed. So we asked the Embassy. That was 5 weeks ago and they have since spoke to my wife and told her to stop bothering them with silly questions. My wife is not working now so relies on my income and we thought she may aswell be here instead of paying rent for a few months she doesnt need to.

In the end after several phone calls since the person assessing our visa had my wife so worried if she came to Aust on a Tourist Visa. My wife can not be convinced it will be ok and now wants to do nothing to cause the application to be delayed.

Is a sad process. As if it isnt difficult enough being apart, not to mention the financial and stress associated with it all.. Have to say anyone considering this then make sure you love her because its only patience and lots and lots of understanding that will see you through it all.

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I guess it all comes down to who you deal with as the different level of consistency has been shown to me several times already. We lodged our Visa two weeks prior to you and we have an interview next month but not confirmed date yet. Will wait and see.

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I have to agree , there is nothing consistant.

We have a good run with tourist visas and the spouse visa.

It depends on who you get in the embassey and if they are in a good mood or bad.

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I also lodged my partner visa on the 5th of May - have you been assigned a case officer yet and have you contacted them directly? I think it is a case of who you get as a case officer and also your application - I contacted mine directly approximately 1 month ago and she has been extremely helpful - the medical was done last week and a brief telephone interview last week also. I will not contact her any more until maybe the 5th of August if we have not heard anything. So far the process for me has been quick and pleasant - but yes I understand what you mean as they do not give out too much info nor do they commit themselves - I did ask my case officer if it was possible to apply for a tourist visa via email and I received an email within 1 hour stating she could not see any problem with that. This initial process has been quite fast but we could still be waiting until March next year - I hope not and I hope you have good luck and service soon

I am amased at how little response you actually get from the Australian Embassy in Thailand after you pay 1700 Aus Dollars for a Partner Visa. WE lodged ours in May 2011 and at the time were told if we had any questions then we could send an email or call them anytime. Only to find after two months of nothing we asked a few questions via email as to the prospect of a Tourist Visa for my wife for three months so she could spend some of the time with me in Brisbane and told to stop contacting the office with silly questions when the web site is clear. Based on the Aus Immigration Web stating the current process time was ten months we thought surely for 57000 Baht we could get an email outlining if the Tourist Visa would delay our Partner Visa process. We were aware of the rule in submitting the application in Thailand meant she had to be there for the decision but the rules are so brief and no one will tell you anything like its a national secret held close to the heart of the Thai workers who process the applications.

Has anyone got an update on current waiting list and how long after the interview is conducted is a Visa Likely.

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Thats great for you. We had a case officer assigned about the same time as you. We did the medical and police checks etc within a week of lodging the app. But since then its like extracting teeth. The case officer told me to feel free to contact them anytime about anything. That was until I asked the wrong question and they told me to stop bothering them and the waiting line was ten months as though to enforce their power towards us. Was a little daunting. The question was can we while waiting for a Partner Visa apply for a Tourist Visa. The only response was read the internet web site.

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I would love to know who has got a tourist visa without the 8503 condition lately? All of my GF visas and those of other people I know have the 8503 condition.

I will be in the same position as scotto soon when we apply for a partner visa, the long wait would be much better if we were together

12 month ME doesnt have the 8503.....as that visa allows for further travel.

I personally know of a girl who got a 3 month tourist visa without the condition, it was her first time here. She is now on the Temporary Spouse visa.

I hate to burst your bubble, my wife was just issued a 12M M/E tourist visa in May and it has the 8503 attached. :(

It appears that most/all visa apps now have it to stop people circumventing the system. That's my guess anyway. This was our third tourist visa app in 1½ years (3M M/E, 3M S/E and now 12M M/E). All have had the 8503. I was kinda hoping this one wouldn't ;-)

How long ago did this girl get her 3M visa without the condition?

edit: added more info

Edited by Madivad
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Is it absolutely necessary to fill in the 40SP and 47SP forms using a pen, or is it OK to do it on a computer? I saw a post dated 2007 that said you must use a pen. Does it still apply?

I know it's been asked and answered, but all of our applications have been filled out on a mac and then she has only signed the document.

It is a little tricky, but it can be saved on a mac. Go to print, then down the bottom is a save as PDF. Works a treat! You can even continue editing it later and save it again!

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Have heard even less times very recently for some people. It seems it may be just like how things are done in Thailand may have crept into the Embassy and the staff.

Maybe its a little of not what you know but who you know

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  • 5 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Hi here is a recent update.

My wifes Spouse visa application was recieved at the embassy on 9/2/12. She was emailed a few days later to get her medical.

The visa application was approved on 6/6/2012.

She got a phone call and was asked to pick up her letter and documents at the aussie embassy the following friday morning. No interview was required.

Very happy and this forum was a great help.

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Hi here is a recent update.

My wifes Spouse visa application was recieved at the embassy on 9/2/12. She was emailed a few days later to get her medical.

The visa application was approved on 6/6/2012.

She got a phone call and was asked to pick up her letter and documents at the aussie embassy the following friday morning. No interview was required.

Very happy and this forum was a great help.

Good luck to the pair of you and wishing you much happiness.


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Been awhile since we did ours, but remember the part that said if the application was not granted in 12 months, you would have to re apply and pay all over again,

She gots her spouse visa in 4 weeks, but the PR was a screw up, no one told me the she could not leave OZ for more than 3 or 6 months [ can't remember ] anyway had to do all the medical and Thai police checks again from OZ. You just have to check and double check everything. Jim

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