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Ed-Visa Hype

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Now that the endless tourist-visa-runs are coming to an end and an ED-Visa is the only alternative left for a lot of Farangs to stay on a long term basis in Thailand. I am starting to wonder:

How long will it take, before Immigration cracks down on it ? (= Just too many "Students" that have very little inclination to study the Thai-Language, for example.)

I can not imagine, that Immigration will consider anyone studiying the Pattaya-Bar-Scene as a "true" student.

If such a crackdown should come to pass sometime in the future, the real loosers will be those that are really interested in studiying in Thailand. (Apart from the Visa-Situation.)


What could be coming along after the ED-Visa ? = WAT-Attendance for at least 4 hours a week, trying to convert to Buddhism. This will take a lot of years to really accomplish it !!

No doubt, in no time at all, there would be any number of WAT's and Visa-Agencies, that would be willing to market this idea as a new source of generating revenue and at the same time making Farangs happy by issueing 1-year-Visas.

All meant in good humor! Will not happen. Or will it ?


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Crackdowns on visa loopholes, and yes it is obvious the ED visa is MOSTLY used by people who wouldn't normally be students here (sorry, I really am on your side, but the truth is truth) can happen anytime by any government here.

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