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Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


I agree with you, except for Khun Chuan exxoneration. He was the PM that had the cabinet resigned for Khun Suthep misappropriated the Sor Por Kor 4-01 land for farmers to his fellows Democrat elites in the south instead. While, Khun Thaksin was convicted for influenced in the sales of land to his wife, who was the highest bidder. His PM id card was used as the evidence.

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I'm surprised by all the questions and speculation. We all know how this is going to end.

Thaksin's private jet will land at Suvarnabhumi where millions of his followers will be waiting with flowers and signs welcoming home their persecuted leader.

He will walk from the plane, kiss the tarmac and be whisked away in his fleet of b limousines along the police enforced empty tollways to his welcome party at Government House.

Then he will address the media into a frenzy of nationalism and rhetoric...and Yingluck will wipe away a tear, applaud his speech and fade away in the final scene. Her job, complete.

Welcome home Mr. Thaksin, we've been expecting you...

Wow? you are so good visualizing the future, I have no idea what is next after the election. Many American and International friends are asking many questions that I am unable to fill the blanks. Now I am forcing myself reading from Wall Street Journal, the Guardian, New York Time and the Economist. But, over all I enjoy reading comment and opinion the most from Thai Visa Members. You all are so true to yourself and others. Thank you and now I am something to go on.

a lot of people guess the "Elite" and the Invisible Hand need a little time to prepare the next Coup.....which is probably the next step....

Thailand is very famous through out the world about her Coup...and the Army Elite. Hopefully, the Rad and Yellow shirt members are talking and moving on for the sake of the people and country. I feel uneasy, hate to see the Coup Headline and the world eyes on Thailand again. Thank you for your feedback.


Justice is the foundation of freedom and democracy.

Blanket forgiveness and reconciliation is contrary to justice.

The coup was illegal.

The blockade of the airport was illegal.

The murder of 91 unarmed civilians was illegal.

The actions of the "black-shirts" were illegal.

The burning of Bangkok was illegal.

The assassination of General Khattiya Sawasdipol was illegal.

All of these things should be investigated and adjudicated. People must be brought to justice on a case by case basis, especially those responsible for 91 deaths.

Otherwise there is no secure freedom and democracy.

Thaksin's prosecution was certainly dubious and should be reviewed. For all the corruption he's been accused of this flimsy conviction was all Abhisit and his cohorts could come up with in five years? He was also accused of terrorism and even conspiring to harm the monarchy, but no criminal charges were brought. Why not? The whole thing stinks of cronyism, vengeance and selective prosecution. But even if he's guilty Thaksin's crime does not remotely approach those on the list above.


Yeah, you're absolutely right. I just didn't see it all this time. We should follow laws down to the letter b/c, hey, you never know maybe he would've become the Thai Jamie Oliver or even a Gordon Ramsay, totally ignoring his PM duties. Good thing they nipped that in the bud before it got dangerously out of hand.

While we're at it we should add that it's illegal to drive 51km/h in a 50km/h zone, and radar guns will be used and tickets issued for this grievous offence. If somebody walks across an empty street before the crosswalk sign turns green that's a ticket too. Laws are there for a reason you know. Rolling stop at a stop sign, can't you read? It says STOP. Ticket. My god think of all the money that could be made, not to mention the content utopia it would create if everybody would just do EXACTLY as the law says all the time for fear of punishment.


"Someone had better tell diva Yingluck about your brainwave as she's going to need all this money and more to fund all them expensive populist policies of hers.

OK then, lets look at your reply with an example.

I'm sorry that I killed that old lady but I couldn't stop in time. I accept that I was doing 60 Km/hour in a 50 Km/hour zone but my car only just reached her on impact and let's face it, it was only fast walking speed more than the speed limit so I think in the spirit of the law with all things taken into account I didn't do much wrong. Just traveling only a tad too fast that's all. Old lady's family - oh OK then dear old mum probably only had a few years left in her so all is forgiven. How different a scenario it would have been if he had kept within the speed limit, it may have gone something like this:

Christ what's that old lady doing trying to get killed?? Silly old duffer Did you see that? she just stepped straight out into the road without looking with that stupid white dog of hers and I don't know what she needs a stick for because this is a peaceful area of town with just a few speeding idiots on the road here. Still, lucky I was only doing 45 Km/hour as that lady would have been a goner for sure if I was one of these "boy racers". I'd better take her home otherwise she won't get there with insane acts like the one she just carried out. Old lady's family - thank you for being so considerate and bringing my mum home as she is that old and infirm that she shouldn't really be out on her own, in fact she just wanders out without us knowing and this is a constant worry for us as she has dementia as well as being blind. Cheerio!!!

Get my point?????

Rules and laws are there FOR A REASON and not sticking to them could be the difference between someone seeing their mum again or going to her funeral :huh:.

Ok. You will probably take the pee out of this with another one of your emoticons - but I don't care as your realisation of what I've just wriiten will probably be underwhelming to you and you wouldn't understand the message I'm trying to get over to you if it leapt up and smacked you full in the face taking into account your childish attitude!!


A defamatory post along with the reply to it deleted.

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.


Justice is the foundation of freedom and democracy.

Blanket forgiveness and reconciliation is contrary to justice.

The coup was illegal.

The blockade of the airport was illegal.

The murder of 91 unarmed civilians was illegal.

The actions of the "black-shirts" were illegal.

The burning of Bangkok was illegal.

The assassination of General Khattiya Sawasdipol was illegal.

All of these things should be investigated and adjudicated. People must be brought to justice on a case by case basis, especially those responsible for 91 deaths.

Otherwise there is no secure freedom and democracy.

Thaksin's prosecution was certainly dubious and should be reviewed. For all the corruption he's been accused of this flimsy conviction was all Abhisit and his cohorts could come up with in five years? He was also accused of terrorism and even conspiring to harm the monarchy, but no criminal charges were brought. Why not? The whole thing stinks of cronyism, vengeance and selective prosecution. But even if he's guilty Thaksin's crime does not remotely approach those on the list above.

Sure it doesn't, after all, inciting others to commit terrorist acts is only akin to the misdemeanours of a naughty boy isn't it. Why wasn't he charged? because he is hiding away in Dubai like the scaredy cat coward he is.

On Sae Dhaeng, he should have known he had it coming to him as it's an unwritten law in the army that if someone is responsible for the deaths of other soldiers then their own life on the planet will be short lived thereafter. I think that is the only one true killing that can be put down to the army!!


Yeah, you're absolutely right. I just didn't see it all this time. We should follow laws down to the letter b/c, hey, you never know maybe he would've become the Thai Jamie Oliver or even a Gordon Ramsay, totally ignoring his PM duties. Good thing they nipped that in the bud before it got dangerously out of hand.

While we're at it we should add that it's illegal to drive 51km/h in a 50km/h zone, and radar guns will be used and tickets issued for this grievous offence. If somebody walks across an empty street before the crosswalk sign turns green that's a ticket too. Laws are there for a reason you know. Rolling stop at a stop sign, can't you read? It says STOP. Ticket. My god think of all the money that could be made, not to mention the content utopia it would create if everybody would just do EXACTLY as the law says all the time for fear of punishment.


"Someone had better tell diva Yingluck about your brainwave as she's going to need all this money and more to fund all them expensive populist policies of hers.

OK then, lets look at your reply with an example.

I'm sorry that I killed that old lady but I couldn't stop in time. I accept that I was doing 60 Km/hour in a 50 Km/hour zone but my car only just reached her on impact and let's face it, it was only fast walking speed more than the speed limit so I think in the spirit of the law with all things taken into account I didn't do much wrong. Just traveling only a tad too fast that's all. Old lady's family - oh OK then dear old mum probably only had a few years left in her so all is forgiven. How different a scenario it would have been if he had kept within the speed limit, it may have gone something like this:

Christ what's that old lady doing trying to get killed?? Silly old duffer Did you see that? she just stepped straight out into the road without looking with that stupid white dog of hers and I don't know what she needs a stick for because this is a peaceful area of town with just a few speeding idiots on the road here. Still, lucky I was only doing 45 Km/hour as that lady would have been a goner for sure if I was one of these "boy racers". I'd better take her home otherwise she won't get there with insane acts like the one she just carried out. Old lady's family - thank you for being so considerate and bringing my mum home as she is that old and infirm that she shouldn't really be out on her own, in fact she just wanders out without us knowing and this is a constant worry for us as she has dementia as well as being blind. Cheerio!!!

Get my point?????

Rules and laws are there FOR A REASON and not sticking to them could be the difference between someone seeing their mum again or going to her funeral :huh:.

Ok. You will probably take the pee out of this with another one of your emoticons - but I don't care as your realisation of what I've just wriiten will probably be underwhelming to you and you wouldn't understand the message I'm trying to get over to you if it leapt up and smacked you full in the face taking into account your childish attitude!!

Actually, I think it is you who has completely missed the point about the spirit of the law with that tedious and utterly unlikely example. Nice play by play though, very easy to follow.



Thaksin has enough cases dating from behavior PRIOR to the coup. The courts outlined some of what he did wrong prior to the coup in the assets forfeiture decision. They can look at anything else they want to but he's still got some days in the dock coming.


Yeah, you're absolutely right. I just didn't see it all this time. We should follow laws down to the letter b/c, hey, you never know maybe he would've become the Thai Jamie Oliver or even a Gordon Ramsay, totally ignoring his PM duties. Good thing they nipped that in the bud before it got dangerously out of hand.

While we're at it we should add that it's illegal to drive 51km/h in a 50km/h zone, and radar guns will be used and tickets issued for this grievous offence. If somebody walks across an empty street before the crosswalk sign turns green that's a ticket too. Laws are there for a reason you know. Rolling stop at a stop sign, can't you read? It says STOP. Ticket. My god think of all the money that could be made, not to mention the content utopia it would create if everybody would just do EXACTLY as the law says all the time for fear of punishment.


"Someone had better tell diva Yingluck about your brainwave as she's going to need all this money and more to fund all them expensive populist policies of hers.

OK then, lets look at your reply with an example.

I'm sorry that I killed that old lady but I couldn't stop in time. I accept that I was doing 60 Km/hour in a 50 Km/hour zone but my car only just reached her on impact and let's face it, it was only fast walking speed more than the speed limit so I think in the spirit of the law with all things taken into account I didn't do much wrong. Just traveling only a tad too fast that's all. Old lady's family - oh OK then dear old mum probably only had a few years left in her so all is forgiven. How different a scenario it would have been if he had kept within the speed limit, it may have gone something like this:

Christ what's that old lady doing trying to get killed?? Silly old duffer Did you see that? she just stepped straight out into the road without looking with that stupid white dog of hers and I don't know what she needs a stick for because this is a peaceful area of town with just a few speeding idiots on the road here. Still, lucky I was only doing 45 Km/hour as that lady would have been a goner for sure if I was one of these "boy racers". I'd better take her home otherwise she won't get there with insane acts like the one she just carried out. Old lady's family - thank you for being so considerate and bringing my mum home as she is that old and infirm that she shouldn't really be out on her own, in fact she just wanders out without us knowing and this is a constant worry for us as she has dementia as well as being blind. Cheerio!!!

Get my point?????

Rules and laws are there FOR A REASON and not sticking to them could be the difference between someone seeing their mum again or going to her funeral :huh:.

Ok. You will probably take the pee out of this with another one of your emoticons - but I don't care as your realisation of what I've just wriiten will probably be underwhelming to you and you wouldn't understand the message I'm trying to get over to you if it leapt up and smacked you full in the face taking into account your childish attitude!!

Actually, I think it is you who has completely missed the point about the spirit of the law with that tedious and utterly unlikely example. Nice play by play though, very easy to follow.


Now why did I know somehow that you wouldn't understand or appreciate that - too many words strung together for your comprehension?????

Maybe I should have dumbed it down for you Ha Ha Ha Ha - you left yourself open with that choice of moniker - just the same as Samak did with his paid for cookery programmes. He would have been better off cooking the books like all politicians do rather than cooking his dishes on tee wee to demonstrate his prowess in the kitchen department.:lol:


Justice is the foundation of freedom and democracy.

Blanket forgiveness and reconciliation is contrary to justice.

The coup was illegal.

The blockade of the airport was illegal.

The murder of 91 unarmed civilians was illegal.

The actions of the "black-shirts" were illegal.

The burning of Bangkok was illegal.

The assassination of General Khattiya Sawasdipol was illegal.

All of these things should be investigated and adjudicated. People must be brought to justice on a case by case basis, especially those responsible for 91 deaths.

Otherwise there is no secure freedom and democracy.

Thaksin's prosecution was certainly dubious and should be reviewed. For all the corruption he's been accused of this flimsy conviction was all Abhisit and his cohorts could come up with in five years? He was also accused of terrorism and even conspiring to harm the monarchy, but no criminal charges were brought. Why not? The whole thing stinks of cronyism, vengeance and selective prosecution. But even if he's guilty Thaksin's crime does not remotely approach those on the list above.

You forgot the 'storming the ASEAN venue and putting leaders of other countries at risk (2009)', '60+ grenades rained on BKK (2010)', and probably a few more 'minor' items.

K. Thaksin's prosecution might have touched on politically motivated, but still rings true IMHO. No other cases? Well, many other cases, but they cannot start without the accused being present to hear the charges it seems. With k. Thaksin involved or at least implicated in the 'list above', better not start talking about difference in crime and severity <_<


Well they waited 2 days at least!:whistling:

and so it begins. Let him back and let buffalo have their hero. After 15 years here nothing much surprises. They deserve what they will get but wont even understand one bit why they seem to be as poor as ever. Im all right jack. Stocks up Baht up which is very good fro buffalo im sure. Now who owns what in thailand buffalo's or Taksin and rest of elite.whistling.gif still I have not yet got rid of all my assets here and still have a lot of Thai stock held here so that will be sold over next few months and money taken out. Anyone want some of my wife's 50 rai scattered around place. rolleyes.gif maybe that will go up as well now we have Thailand's economic genius back in power. Still nice to have a little bit more to take out and put safely into Singapore Switzerland and Hong Kong. I wont go until and if it gets so bad I cant live here but my money has decided it wants to leave laugh.gif


Yeah, you're absolutely right. I just didn't see it all this time. We should follow laws down to the letter b/c, hey, you never know maybe he would've become the Thai Jamie Oliver or even a Gordon Ramsay, totally ignoring his PM duties. Good thing they nipped that in the bud before it got dangerously out of hand.

While we're at it we should add that it's illegal to drive 51km/h in a 50km/h zone, and radar guns will be used and tickets issued for this grievous offence. If somebody walks across an empty street before the crosswalk sign turns green that's a ticket too. Laws are there for a reason you know. Rolling stop at a stop sign, can't you read? It says STOP. Ticket. My god think of all the money that could be made, not to mention the content utopia it would create if everybody would just do EXACTLY as the law says all the time for fear of punishment.


"Someone had better tell diva Yingluck about your brainwave as she's going to need all this money and more to fund all them expensive populist policies of hers.

OK then, lets look at your reply with an example.

I'm sorry that I killed that old lady but I couldn't stop in time. I accept that I was doing 60 Km/hour in a 50 Km/hour zone but my car only just reached her on impact and let's face it, it was only fast walking speed more than the speed limit so I think in the spirit of the law with all things taken into account I didn't do much wrong. Just traveling only a tad too fast that's all. Old lady's family - oh OK then dear old mum probably only had a few years left in her so all is forgiven. How different a scenario it would have been if he had kept within the speed limit, it may have gone something like this:

Christ what's that old lady doing trying to get killed?? Silly old duffer Did you see that? she just stepped straight out into the road without looking with that stupid white dog of hers and I don't know what she needs a stick for because this is a peaceful area of town with just a few speeding idiots on the road here. Still, lucky I was only doing 45 Km/hour as that lady would have been a goner for sure if I was one of these "boy racers". I'd better take her home otherwise she won't get there with insane acts like the one she just carried out. Old lady's family - thank you for being so considerate and bringing my mum home as she is that old and infirm that she shouldn't really be out on her own, in fact she just wanders out without us knowing and this is a constant worry for us as she has dementia as well as being blind. Cheerio!!!

Get my point?????

Rules and laws are there FOR A REASON and not sticking to them could be the difference between someone seeing their mum again or going to her funeral :huh:.

Ok. You will probably take the pee out of this with another one of your emoticons - but I don't care as your realisation of what I've just wriiten will probably be underwhelming to you and you wouldn't understand the message I'm trying to get over to you if it leapt up and smacked you full in the face taking into account your childish attitude!!

Actually, I think it is you who has completely missed the point about the spirit of the law with that tedious and utterly unlikely example. Nice play by play though, very easy to follow.


Now why did I know somehow that you wouldn't understand or appreciate that - too many words strung together for your comprehension?????

Maybe I should have dumbed it down for you Ha Ha Ha Ha - you left yourself open with that choice of moniker - just the same as Samak did with his paid for cookery programmes. He would have been better off cooking the books like all politicians do rather than cooking his dishes on tee wee to demonstrate his prowess in the kitchen department.:lol:

I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.



Thaksin should actually be restored to office.

That would be the right thing.

He was elected and overthrown with tanks and guns.

But it will never happen.

Too much bad blood between too many people.

I don't think anybody, including Thaksin himself, seriously considers it for one minute.

But if he came back, abided by the court conviction and served his sentence, his supporters could rightly demand "justice for all".

Abhisit and his cohorts would be dumbstruck and shaking in their boots.

Their crimes are far more serious and include mass murder and assassination. And they know they are guilty.

Do you mean restored to care-taker PM status? That's all he was when the coup occurred.

And I'm sure Abhisit isn't worried about anything. Everything was done by the law.


When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it’s morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his “el Diablo” hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Great post and agree with you 100%. I still hope in my heart that there will be genuine stabilisation here now and not more THaklsin driven divisiveness and corruption, but I honestly do not hold much hope of that with this so obvious a scam that the Thai people have been fooled into electing. What you outline will almost certainly be what happens, Thaksin IS a convicted fraudster with so much proof that a normal ability 10 year old could see his guilt if shown the facts. He is a nasty fraudster too as he is just clever enough to be able to fool the millions of ordinary Thai people with his hype and promises of small gifts but at what price to Thailand one has to ask. Thaksin really does indeed need to come back to Thailand as a real man to serve his justly imposed jail term.


and so it begins. Let him back and let buffalo have their hero. After 15 years here nothing much surprises. They deserve what they will get but wont even understand one bit why they seem to be as poor as ever. Im all right jack. Stocks up Baht up which is very good fro buffalo im sure. Now who owns what in thailand buffalo's or Taksin and rest of elite.whistling.gif still I have not yet got rid of all my assets here and still have a lot of Thai stock held here so that will be sold over next few months and money taken out. Anyone want some of my wife's 50 rai scattered around place. rolleyes.gif maybe that will go up as well now we have Thailand's economic genius back in power. Still nice to have a little bit more to take out and put safely into Singapore Switzerland and Hong Kong.

I wont go until and if it gets so bad I cant live here but my money has decided it wants to leave laugh.gif

Can you ask your money if it was just fine with having a military coup, but not with 'the other side' of a 50-50 divided country getting into government? At which point did your money become aware that the Democrat party is not a dominant force in Thai politics? Was that 3 days ago?

Your money has a lot to learn, as it wanders the globe. I wish it a good trip, and Godspeed.


Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


We might as well just get the group amnesties over now and see the country move on as delaying it is just going to add more and more people to those needing amnesty and increasing utter hatred and eventually it will still happen but after more acrimony.

The establishment have lost. They need to accept this as if they dont the only options they have left are a horrible violent coup that will probably result in failure or ever more court cases that more and more people see as poltically motivated and unfair to the point where the whole justice system is discredited. This was a let the people chose election and they have. They have rejected the establishment and their supporters and chosen Thaksin and his even after the establishment and the poltical parties close to them had two years to change minds or even crush their opponents. They failed in such a way that PTP are now stronger and more united than PPP 4 years ago. Unless anyone wants to see more tragedy, it is time to put this to bed, and if that means a few old elite figures have to go to tending their flower beds rather than sitting in smoke filled rooms plotting what the government are allowed to do then so be it.

Right now the country has a senate, a reasonable sized opposition and the courts havent been totally undermined in government supporters minds. There is also the media. This is a check and balance enough on a government coalition. Thailand remains a functioning developing democracy if it is allowed to be. Sadly further interferance will only destroy this with the only possible outcomes being a military backed up hated government of probably useless old people with no forward vision but plenty of backward vision, or a Thaksin government full of suspicion, utter hatred and control of everything and with absoltuely no check and balance on it. Neither of these scenarios is anywhere near as good as letting the elected goevernment get on with its job and the check and balances theirs while those who like to interfere find more pastoral pursuits and enjoy family time

Thais are addicted to computer games and this attitude seems to be reflected in the election result. The restart button has been pressed, cancel all previous results, start again, but with a better understanding of the game. The coup and subsequent trials and actions bitterly divided the country, we need to revert to pre-coup and start again, but more carefully, more democratically.


Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


We might as well just get the group amnesties over now and see the country move on as delaying it is just going to add more and more people to those needing amnesty and increasing utter hatred and eventually it will still happen but after more acrimony.

The establishment have lost. They need to accept this as if they dont the only options they have left are a horrible violent coup that will probably result in failure or ever more court cases that more and more people see as poltically motivated and unfair to the point where the whole justice system is discredited. This was a let the people chose election and they have. They have rejected the establishment and their supporters and chosen Thaksin and his even after the establishment and the poltical parties close to them had two years to change minds or even crush their opponents. They failed in such a way that PTP are now stronger and more united than PPP 4 years ago. Unless anyone wants to see more tragedy, it is time to put this to bed, and if that means a few old elite figures have to go to tending their flower beds rather than sitting in smoke filled rooms plotting what the government are allowed to do then so be it.

Right now the country has a senate, a reasonable sized opposition and the courts havent been totally undermined in government supporters minds. There is also the media. This is a check and balance enough on a government coalition. Thailand remains a functioning developing democracy if it is allowed to be. Sadly further interferance will only destroy this with the only possible outcomes being a military backed up hated government of probably useless old people with no forward vision but plenty of backward vision, or a Thaksin government full of suspicion, utter hatred and control of everything and with absoltuely no check and balance on it. Neither of these scenarios is anywhere near as good as letting the elected goevernment get on with its job and the check and balances theirs while those who like to interfere find more pastoral pursuits and enjoy family time

Thais are addicted to computer games and this attitude seems to be reflected in the election result. The restart button has been pressed, cancel all previous results, start again, but with a better understanding of the game. The coup and subsequent trials and actions bitterly divided the country, we need to revert to pre-coup and start again, but more carefully, more democratically.


Four times the Thai people have chosen for Taksin, 3 Times they where driven away by power hungry elite people with no experience than occupying Thailand national airport.

It's the misconception which goes, or is spread as "democratically elected", yes the PR people and strategist's behind all this are doing a good job!... yep.. so it goes on and on and on... I am impressed how many foreigners even get trapped by this "amazing Thailand show" - ever since NO ONE has CHOSEN the Thaksin sponsored Party into absolute power, well, surely all the close aides and profiteers, the others, the farmers, the "poor", the underprivileged, took money and promises which other parties didn't dare or were simply not bold or not greedy enough to dish it up... how can the electorate 'chose' (elect) someone who is unknown, specially one who has no political career, nothing to be chosen for... isn't that a wee bit strange, doesn't this alone ring all the bells?

Here the folks still have to wake up to make decisions based on information and listen ... and not simply do what they been told and lift the "Puu Yai" on to the shield and carry him whereever he desires, whatsoever... it's this incredible obedience... till then these dark times will resume forever!


Thaksin's prosecution was certainly dubious and should be reviewed. For all the corruption he's been accused of this flimsy conviction was all Abhisit and his cohorts could come up with in five years? He was also accused of terrorism and even conspiring to harm the monarchy, but no criminal charges were brought. Why not? The whole thing stinks of cronyism, vengeance and selective prosecution. But even if he's guilty Thaksin's crime does not remotely approach those on the list above.

Thaksin's prosecution was hardly dubious. Thaksin's acquital in 2001 by the Supreme Court which later admitted that they acted against the rules of justice due to his popularity is certainly dubious. This ruling is the first that needs to be readdressed.

Thaksin should never have been PM because of his clear guilt in the 2001 asset concealment case. His ability to triumph over justice and integrity in this case is what launched his evil crusade to sieze absolute power and eviscerate the democratic institutions in the country. If you want to look at the root cause of Thailand's current predicament, this is it. The coup was not illegal because the courts were unwilling to do their job. Therefore, the courts rendered the rule of law meaningless. And once the rule of law goes, the gun is the only thing left. Hopefully, the courts have now learned their lesson because of this tragic mistake.

Start by convicting the judges in this 2001 case of malfeasance and retrying this case by an honest court. Everything that came after it was a reaction to the injustice imposed on all of us by this extremely unfair ruling. Thaksin had no business being in government. Ever. The courts in 2001 failed us and created the problems we have today.

That is the ultimate beginning. The sooner people realize that and stop blaming the coup which was simply a response to injustice, the better off we will all be.


A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

Ummm.... Yes.

Well at least we do have a nice looking PM but I am not so sure of any other benefits.jap.gif


When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it's morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his "el Diablo" hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Four times the Thai people have chosen for Taksin, 3 Times they where driven away by power hungry elite people with no experience than occupying Thailand national airport.

They weren't driven away - they broke Thai election laws, committed fraud and corruption and embezzlement etc: what right have they to be in charge of people's destiny when they are only concerned in taking out of the country what they can get through any means available to them. Sod the people, they only live and come from here and are of no use to me - until come election time when I want them to give me more time to suck the country dry but I must carefully brain wash them first which is no big deal as they are poorly educated and believe everything that uncle Thaksin tells them!!! Easy peezy does it.


"Yingluck told the US news network that she would not encourage Thaksin Shinawatra to come back and serve his two-year jail sentence. "Let's start with the principle of the rule of law first."

Simply amazing!

How do you spell "inconsistency" again?

ITOTCIT = "Inconsistency, The Only Thing Consistent In Thailand.....


Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


listen to this man, he talks sense!

Oh my God,

Thaksin is back reincarnated into a woman "Badluck" Shinawat. God help the justice in Thailand.

The lack of justice was one of the problems: The PPP government was banned with indecent haste to get the protesters out of the airport with no proper time to prepare a defence. The Democrats were not banned despite receiving huge undeclared poliical donations. There was no transparent investigation into the murder of Seh Daeng or the others who were killed for demonstrating against the unelected Democrat government.

Is any of this going to benefit the minorities in Thailand?

The poor people will stay poor, non-educated and forced to continue to live impoverished, while the rich business elite will stay lining their pockets from corruption and slavery.

Makes me f****** sick.

Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

OTOP stands for One Product One Tambon,thats why on the roadside there are rows on vendors selling Bananas,Barbecued Chicken, Coconuts etc, all competing against each other,so no one makes much money.

As for the Village Loans,which will never be paid off,all that happens is: they pay the Interest,and at the end of the year,take out a new loan to pay back last years loan,and continue paying interest,some favour!

Any help from Taxsin was using the peoples own money to keep them tied to him,so now the Tablet Computers are on the way? paid for by the people,and the promise of riches to come.

Wait until the People find out the reality,that most of his ideas have been expensive failures,that shackle them to poverty even further,and the Riches won't be arriving,anytime soon!


Justice is the foundation of freedom and democracy.

Blanket forgiveness and reconciliation is contrary to justice.

The coup was illegal.

The blockade of the airport was illegal.

The murder of 91 unarmed civilians was illegal.

The actions of the "black-shirts" were illegal.

The burning of Bangkok was illegal.

The assassination of General Khattiya Sawasdipol was illegal.

All of these things should be investigated and adjudicated. People must be brought to justice on a case by case basis, especially those responsible for 91 deaths.

Otherwise there is no secure freedom and democracy.

Thaksin's prosecution was certainly dubious and should be reviewed. For all the corruption he's been accused of this flimsy conviction was all Abhisit and his cohorts could come up with in five years? He was also accused of terrorism and even conspiring to harm the monarchy, but no criminal charges were brought. Why not? The whole thing stinks of cronyism, vengeance and selective prosecution. But even if he's guilty Thaksin's crime does not remotely approach those on the list above.

Sure it doesn't, after all, inciting others to commit terrorist acts is only akin to the misdemeanours of a naughty boy isn't it. Why wasn't he charged? because he is hiding away in Dubai like the scaredy cat coward he is.

On Sae Dhaeng, he should have known he had it coming to him as it's an unwritten law in the army that if someone is responsible for the deaths of other soldiers then their own life on the planet will be short lived thereafter. I think that is the only one true killing that can be put down to the army!!

The word terrorist is ridiculous and always has been, think about the meaning of the word. I fear the next Military coup could become a blood bath that would not be safe for anyone to live amid.

Terrorist act against nationals other than their own, for a cause that is not internal conflict. Irish terrorist were so called for acts in England on soil other than Irish and so on.

If you really want to see a blood bath, keep going down this line


When poor people selling second hand CD's on Bangkok streets have been given prison terms of up to 5 years... a PM rip the Country off for $BILLIONS get 5 years Prison,RUNS AWAY then constantly cause problems for the Country HE gets amnesty (it will happen just as He will be PM again) ...THE PLACE IS INSANE

I find this charade totally sickening but this shows Thailand exactly what it's morals and principles are, to elect someone with only 6 weeks political canvassing experience ;never been an MP –Phu yai bahn or Kamnan into the highest Government office of the land is beyond a joke.

The people of Thailand have been brainwashed they deserve all they get as this Government will end just as all the other Frankenstein Children of TRT have ended.

An Almost Trillionaire with NO experience of Government running one of the most promising economies in Asia..give me a break, it stinks as does Thaksin grinning on TV with his "el Diablo" hand gestures; this man is sick, a power hungry megalomaniac that will most probably sell his sisters soul just to get his snout back into the trough. These are the type of people who are destroying peoples lives thro greed and corruption.

The power of money…if you are planning to invest here be very very careful as the Nationalistic Xenophobes are back (for now)

Thaksin got 2 years (in abstentia), not 5 - christ, I mean he only embezzled tens of billions of baht as you say he didn't do something as serious as selling DVD's or CD's on the road. Please give the guy a break will you as he clearly deserves it after all those nasty people said he couldn't stay here in Thailand!!!! In fact I think he nobly went of his own accord driven out by those ever so wicked, wicked men. Shame on them for sending him to Dubai when all he was, was being ever so slighly naughty!!!

By the way, I hope that criminal rots in hell for eternity for his heinous crimes that will teach him to exploit others by selling those CD's of KYlie Minogue for 100 baht when they are only worth a tenth that!!


I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.


As far as I know, though I have never studied law in Thailand, the letter of the law is strictly adhered to. The only circumstance where the spirit of the law is considered is if there is ambiguity in the wording of that law.

Of course that doesn't mean that everyone is actually charged with an offence if they break the law, that is at the discretion of the 'arresting officer' or the prosecuting office. But if they are in fact charged then the letter of the law is foremost.


Enough already.. politicians, and political clans ALWAYS come back in Thailand.

Everyone knows it's going to happen, let's call amnesty for the Airport idiots, the Ratchaprasong idiots, the army generals who sent in war weapons, and Thaksin, who's actual 'conviction' on a conflict-of-interest charge is so minor you'd almost smile about it. (Looking at what past PM's got away with; if you jail Thaksin for that then you need to jail absolutely everyone with the possible exception of Chuan.)


I agree with you, except for Khun Chuan exxoneration. He was the PM that had the cabinet resigned for Khun Suthep misappropriated the Sor Por Kor 4-01 land for farmers to his fellows Democrat elites in the south instead. While, Khun Thaksin was convicted for influenced in the sales of land to his wife, who was the highest bidder. His PM id card was used as the evidence.

And we all wonder why Suthep was never charged, convicted and jailed for the Phuket Land Scandal.

One rule for them and another for others............

Perhaps Thaksin should join the Democrats ? Instantly he would be innocent of everything and never ever get convicted of anything in future..........


The word terrorist is ridiculous and always has been, think about the meaning of the word. I fear the next Military coup could become a blood bath that would not be safe for anyone to live amid.

Terrorist act against nationals other than their own, for a cause that is not internal conflict. Irish terrorist were so called for acts in England on soil other than Irish and so on.

If you really want to see a blood bath, keep going down this line

I think you are confused about the meaning of the word terrorist. Put simply, it is a person who uses the incitement of terror and fear to attempt to achieve certain goals. Nothing to do with nationalities.


I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.


OK,OK no more mickey taking and haranging!!

If you look at what happens in a court case then the so-called "spirit of the law" is already built into the equation. Why do I say this?? Well the presiding judge collates all of the facts, situational and emotional aspects etc: and jumbles them all together to formulate the resulting sentence. He is human like you and me so any mitigating circumstances will always form part of his decision as to the severity of the sentence handed down - hence the "spirit of the law" is entered into!!!

This better???? and no emoticons to be seen!!!!:D That's blown it and I was doing so well as well :o

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