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Thaksin Set For 'Trade Ambassador' Role


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Top Democrat Blasts Plan to Appoint Thaksin Trade Ambassador

An outgoing deputy prime minister says the Pheu Thai Party's possible plan to appoint convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as trade ambassador is inappropriate.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


Ummm... didn't we just establish that this was an incorrect rumour, spread through questionable journalism by The Nation and its sister publications? But it's kept alive and in a headline by TAN, quoting full-time loudmouth Suthep 'slamming' something that isn't there?

I mean.. whatever, but don't they have actual news reporting to work on?

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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One maybe quite sure that he, as "the chosen one" and as trade ambassador will take utmost care of the countries US$ 180 billion to be securely invested in Gold, Diamond and Oilproducing ventures in Africa!

Wasn't he after the coup doing just that? Ehem...cough.. clear throat... Remember Liverpool....? :whistling:

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Top Democrat Blasts Plan to Appoint Thaksin Trade Ambassador

An outgoing deputy prime minister says the Pheu Thai Party's possible plan to appoint convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as trade ambassador is inappropriate.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


Ummm... didn't we just establish that this was an incorrect rumour, spread through questionable journalism by The Nation and its sister publications? But it's kept alive and in a headline by TAN, quoting full-time loudmouth Suthep 'slamming' something that isn't there?

I mean.. whatever, but don't they have actual news reporting to work on?

I don't think we established anything, apart from 'most likely k. Thaksin will not be named Trade Ambassador at this time' and 'it's totally unclear who was the first to come with the rumour'. Candidates for starting the rumour are PTP, k. Noppadon, unknowns. No clear indication any of the newsagencies / newspapers started the rumour.

Personally I wouldn't be too surprised if within certain 'acting only' circles a test balloon was released to check if or how it might be shot down. One of those things. :)

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Personally I wouldn't be too surprised if within certain 'acting only' circles a test balloon was released to check if or how it might be shot down. One of those things. :)

I reckon you've hit the nail on the head with this one. Testing the waters.

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Top Democrat Blasts Plan to Appoint Thaksin Trade Ambassador

An outgoing deputy prime minister says the Pheu Thai Party's possible plan to appoint convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as trade ambassador is inappropriate.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


Ummm... didn't we just establish that this was an incorrect rumour, spread through questionable journalism by The Nation and its sister publications? But it's kept alive and in a headline by TAN, quoting full-time loudmouth Suthep 'slamming' something that isn't there?

I mean.. whatever, but don't they have actual news reporting to work on?

Its the propaganda machine kicking back into action to start spreading their lies and false accusations again.

The fact that Suthep is trying to make something real that is already established to be false could perhaps be a very good indication of where the false rumour came from...................

The Democrat party, by the way, are not called the "Cockroaches" by certain Thai's (as has been reported all over the media) for no reason at all.

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Top Democrat Blasts Plan to Appoint Thaksin Trade Ambassador

An outgoing deputy prime minister says the Pheu Thai Party's possible plan to appoint convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra as trade ambassador is inappropriate.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06


Ummm... didn't we just establish that this was an incorrect rumour, spread through questionable journalism by The Nation and its sister publications? But it's kept alive and in a headline by TAN, quoting full-time loudmouth Suthep 'slamming' something that isn't there?

I mean.. whatever, but don't they have actual news reporting to work on?

Its the propaganda machine kicking back into action to start spreading their lies and false accusations again.

The fact that Suthep is trying to make something real that is already established to be false could perhaps be a very good indication of where the false rumour came from...................

The Democrat party, by the way, are not called the "Cockroaches" by certain Thai's (as has been reported all over the media) for no reason at all.

The Nation at fault ? Funnily enough the 'other' newspaper has today at 12:00AM that 'a party source said ... the party would entrust Thaksin with the role of a trade envoy ...". Were they too duped by theNation :D

BTW the cockroaches are by 'Giles Ji Ungpakorn' started around Dec 2008, not 'all over the media'. Note a word of caution, almost none of his publishings are either worthwhile or even linkable. Better stay away from him :ermm:

Edited by rubl
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Yep, that freedom of the press is a real bummer.

It's nothing short of amazing how quickly so many people can change to praise press freedom!

But better late than never. :wai:

At least there is no incitement to violence.

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<br />
<br /> the auditor general who was imposed over the elected candidate and who has not allowed any scrutiny or transparency covering her audits.<br />
<br />Are you sure that the position of Auditor-General is an <b>elected</b> one, I thought they were selected & proposed by the PM, and then confirmed by the revered Head-of-State, as described on the web-site of the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand ?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Yes there was a vote and she came second. She was then imposed by a higher authority.

She's been in the news recently for refusing to retire. She supported Sondhi against his detractors of manager fame and leader of the PAD over his being forgiven his bancruptcy owing to his former finance director being made CEO of the bank he owed money to. Was it 120000000 dollars?

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Yes there was a vote and she came second. She was then imposed by a higher authority.

She's been in the news recently for refusing to retire. She supported Sondhi against his detractors of manager fame and leader of the PAD over his being forgiven his bancruptcy owing to his former finance director being made CEO of the bank he owed money to. Was it 120000000 dollars?

With names this would be easier to check. Now I have some doubts this is completely correct and may even wonder if ...

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<br />
<br /> the auditor general who was imposed over the elected candidate and who has not allowed any scrutiny or transparency covering her audits.<br />
<br />Are you sure that the position of Auditor-General is an <b>elected</b> one, I thought they were selected & proposed by the PM, and then confirmed by the revered Head-of-State, as described on the web-site of the Office of the Auditor General of Thailand ?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Yes there was a vote and she came second. She was then imposed by a higher authority.

She's been in the news recently for refusing to retire. She supported Sondhi against his detractors of manager fame and leader of the PAD over his being forgiven his bancruptcy owing to his former finance director being made CEO of the bank he owed money to. Was it 120000000 dollars?

I recall several years ago a PM who wanted to replace the AG, and her being locked out of her office, but the higher authority didn't endorse the nominated replacement. But that was several years ago, not recently, when was the election for AG, and who got to vote on the appointment ?

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Thaksin as trade envoy rumour denied

By The Nation

The rumour about ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra tipped for the position of Thailand trade envoy was groundless, legal adviser Noppadon Pattama said on Wednesday.

"Rumour moungers wanted to cause confustion and divisiveness," he said, insisting Pheu Thai Party had not planned for a Thaksin appointment.


-- The Nation 2011-07-06

Why not just close the thread here. What's the point of debating rumours?

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Oy vey izmir! Haven't you guys ever heard of a trial ...


Like I said before, they're greasing the hole. They will go as far as they think they can go without creating a severe reaction, and most probably further. Expect much more of this kind of thing in the coming months and perhaps years.

I also don't think this is going to be a really fun job for Yingluck. She was hired by her party to be the conduit of the dear leader who could win, but she is going to under extreme pressures from many directions which will conflict with what He Who Must Be Obeyed demands.

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No trade envoy role for Thaksin, says Yingluck


Published on July 7, 2011

Prime minister-elect Yingluck Shinawatra yesterday dismissed media reports that her brother, fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, was likely to be appointed Thailand's "trade ambassador".

She also said Thaksin would have no role or influence in her Cabinet's running of the country.

"Thaksin is doing well staying overseas. He does not want any position. The only thing he wants is national reconciliation," Yingluck said.

"He just offers his moral support and advice. Thaksin will have no role in running the country. It's the job of the Cabinet to run the country," she said.

Yingluck, whose Pheu Thai Party won Sunday's election with a controlling majority, said she would now focus her attention on forming a new Cabinet and setting the priorities for the new government.

Thaksin's legal adviser Noppadon Pattama did an about-turn yesterday, saying the reports about his boss were groundless.

He said rumour-mongers wanted to cause confusion and division, adding that the Pheu Thai Party had no plan to appoint Thaksin.

On Tuesday, Noppadon Pattama had said he believed the former premier would be pleased with such an appointment.

"It is up to the prime minister and whether she is brave enough to appoint her brother to help with her government duties," Noppadon had said, referring to Yingluck.


-- The Nation 2011-07-07

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PTP ran on the slogan that Thaksin Thinks, PTP Acts.

How is that not running the government exactly? If he's pulling the strings, as the slogan they ran on and won with says, sorry, that is running the country.

He just offers his moral support and advice. Thaksin will have no role in running the country.

Don't get all semantic about this either. What does it matter who is PHYSICALLY here implementing Thaksin's directions when they are not the BRAINS of the operation.

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Not traveling on a Thai passport? Still a fugitive. An ambassador fugitive. Well, people will certainly want to meet with him for the novelty factor alone.

They're greasing the hole, aren't they?

He won't be a fugitive if he's given amnesty by the government.

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Question: Does his 5 year ban from political office (which I believe he has 6 months left of) - not also preclude ambassadorship?

Anyway, I'm pretty skeptical of this story - maybe the paper, may be a bum lead, but something smells awry - It's the sort of post that would gender the most active response - "Ambassador of Foreign Trade", I think only "Special Minister Oversight Committee' or "Chief Governor of the Electoral Commission", "Head of Graft Investigations" etc would be more likely to whip up a storm. If PT really were considering this role, it hardly needs to be announced (even as a rumour) yet - and as everyone expects a positive result from the "review" of his charges etc, silly to shelve him into such a role when a green leather chair printed "Chairman of the Cabinet" awaits his posterior. Seems much more likely to be a fake leak against PT and the new Gov to me.

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Not traveling on a Thai passport? Still a fugitive. An ambassador fugitive. Well, people will certainly want to meet with him for the novelty factor alone.

They're greasing the hole, aren't they?

He won't be a fugitive if he's given amnesty by the government.

Being pedantic probably - amnesty would be for the "crimes" accussed/perpatrated but not convicted - he is a fugative because he was convicted but did not serve, so the government can not do anything ojn its own - the courts can quash the previous courts' rulings for a legal reason (point of law, new evidence, bad decision etc) or HM can grant a pardon. I would assume it will be "reviewed" under political scrutany, but then handed to the courts as a report (and of course plenty of public and political pressure).

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Oy vey izmir! Haven't you guys ever heard of a trial ...


Like I said before, they're greasing the hole. They will go as far as they think they can go without creating a severe reaction, and most probably further. Expect much more of this kind of thing in the coming months and perhaps years.

I also don't think this is going to be a really fun job for Yingluck. She was hired by her party to be the conduit of the dear leader who could win, but she is going to under extreme pressures from many directions which will conflict with what He Who Must Be Obeyed demands.

So this is how it works? Throw out a name and see if the villagers riot. Interestinghuh.gif They tried this in a Frankenstein movie once and it did not turn out so well for either side.

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Thaksin's lawyer stated comments are mutually exclusive, how can that be? Did he or did he not say both of them?

Question: Does his 5 year ban from political office (which I believe he has 6 months left of) - not also preclude ambassadorship?

Anyway, I'm pretty skeptical of this story - maybe the paper, may be a bum lead, but something smells awry - It's the sort of post that would gender the most active response - "Ambassador of Foreign Trade", I think only "Special Minister Oversight Committee' or "Chief Governor of the Electoral Commission", "Head of Graft Investigations" etc would be more likely to whip up a storm. If PT really were considering this role, it hardly needs to be announced (even as a rumour) yet - and as everyone expects a positive result from the "review" of his charges etc, silly to shelve him into such a role when a green leather chair printed "Chairman of the Cabinet" awaits his posterior. Seems much more likely to be a fake leak against PT and the new Gov to me.

Or it could be a ploy to discredit the press. Slip an outrageous rumor and then denounce the press for the slander; then you can dismiss any future negative reporting as just another fabrication. After all Thaksin has a very cunning and amoral "Perception Management" team(s) at his disposal and I wouldn't put it beyond them to play this games.

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I wonder if the majority of the Thai people feel as I do..that this is all a big joke...and makes Thailand look like something to be found on The Cartoon Network....

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This is like Dictatorship 101! with a minor in nepotism :realangry:

What part of a majority election victory and the support of additional political parties do you not understand. The PTP has the mandate to act.

I am continually amazed by many of the ex-pats on this forum insisting that our western values be carried out to the letter by the Thais.

Don't you get it?

This is not a western country, the winner takes the spoils....... as it always was.

In earlier times there would have been banishments, confiscation of property whatever the ruler felt like imposing.

It's a cultural thing.

Ok nowadays it's a little more civilised, but the same philosophy applies.

They have a mandate and the judiciary will fall into line for PT , just as it did for the Dems.

Sort of like 17th century Britain really.

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Does anyone recall when the chicken flu scare was on maybe 4 or 5 years ago, the EU sent out a minister to assess the situation who was led on a guided tour by Tacky, he was to decide whether to ban all chicken meat exports to Europe, a bullshit tour was organised and all known deaths attributed to Avian flu was denied, the minister was very impressed with the tour and stated so, the next day news of several past deaths in Thailand broke all attributed to the said disease, his reaction was to state publically he would never believe another word this man uttered. Does anyone remmember the dried mangosteen scam with China another Tacky government scam. China wanted 70,000 tons of dried mangosteen and offered in payment some Chinese type of warships for the Thai Navy, the deal was signed and the Thai government alledgedly set about buying the said product when the Chinese said they were ready for the first delivery guess what , the government warehouse was found to be empty tyey could not have shipped one klg, all brushed over, does anyone recall the school milk scam another Tacky inovation, had to be canceeled in the end as they would insist on delivering diluted milk.

This is the guy they want to represent Thailand ? he would be great though for any dealings with companies where graft is involved, say people who sell armoured cars, fire trucks, blimps and so forth. After all a convicted crook so people will be aware of who they are dealing with.

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She also said Thaksin would have no role or influence in her Cabinet's running of the country.

Other than personally selecting it. Only 4 days since the elction, yet to officially take her position, but already lying like a veteran.

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Not traveling on a Thai passport? Still a fugitive. An ambassador fugitive. Well, people will certainly want to meet with him for the novelty factor alone.

They're greasing the hole, aren't they?

His passport was revoked illegally by an illegitimate government... he has all rights to get his passport back... n he will get it back... :jap:

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