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Naming Of Thailand On New US Terror Risk List Worrying

Lite Beer

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What does Thai immigration have to do with people getting visas to travel to the US?

If the new listing is related to the south, why did it take so long? Is it just a coincidence that the listing comes so soon after an election that puts alleged terrorists in the government?

Read it again; it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE. In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either.

And who can know the reason why it took so long to get on the DHS radar? You make a good point though; the timing is interesting.

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Read it again; it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE. In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either.


"it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE."

What retaliatory justification? US citizens have a much easier time staying here and doing business here than citizens of most other nations.

"In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either."

As you say: "Read it again".

Citizens from countries on this list who wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check". In real terms, it could very well mean additional security check or possibly stricter rules for Thai citizens requesting visas to the US.
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The USA (my home country) is becoming more and more a police state. You get a cavity search to enter the public libraryannoyed.gif

Millionaires are becoming billionaires; but the middle class is on the way out.:( They expect trouble ahead.

I'm sorry to say that your homeland is pretty much bankrupt and Americans should stop playing the world police. The times are over, now you could say: "If you can't make in New York, you could get killed in Detroit." More crack for the politicians………….:jap:

We are on the same page my friend. :D I've been saying this for a long time. The real military budget for the military and Empire is over a trillion per annumn. America hasn't been the same since November 22 1963.:( ENDLESS WAR and corporate government.. But how do we vote them out? We never voted them in.

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Read it again; it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE. In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either.


"it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE."

What retaliatory justification? US citizens have a much easier time staying here and doing business here than citizens of most other nations.

"In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either."

As you say: "Read it again".

Citizens from countries on this list who wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check". In real terms, it could very well mean additional security check or possibly stricter rules for Thai citizens requesting visas to the US.

The sentence means that people often say something to the effect of, "If you think it's hard to deal with Immigration here, you should see what Thais have to do to get a visa to the US.", i.e. you make it hard for us, why shouldn't we make it hard for you? Retaliation.

The Nation article was WRONG. I quoted the United States Department of Homeland Security document which outlines the changes. Because you're either too lazy, or too thick to find it, here it is: DHS Document. Look on page 18. It's ok, we'll wait while you take off your shoes to count...

As YOU way, "Why bother?"

edit: typo

Edited by Sateev
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The USA (my home country) is becoming more and more a police state. You get a cavity search to enter the public libraryannoyed.gif

Millionaires are becoming billionaires; but the middle class is on the way out.:( They expect trouble ahead.

I'm sorry to say that your homeland is pretty much bankrupt and Americans should stop playing the world police. The times are over, now you could say: "If you can't make in New York, you could get killed in Detroit." More crack for the politicians………….:jap:

We are on the same page my friend. :D I've been saying this for a long time. The real military budget for the military and Empire is over a trillion per annumn. America hasn't been the same since November 22 1963.:( ENDLESS WAR and corporate government.. But how do we vote them out? We never voted them in.

Me, too. You'll find a lot more Americans waking up to these facts too.

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It falls under producing them. The government doesn't promote or protect them, but they are from here. There is a domestic source of Islamist terrorists that could be recruited to launch attacks against the US, so they go on the list

You nailed it. It doesn't mean Thailand is a terrorist state. It means that terrorists can hide out and transit Thailand with ease. One need only look at how easy it is to traffic in drugs and endangered species to get an idea of the concern. There is a reason why foreign sex offenders can hide out for years in Thailand with few worries. The Australian government was furious with Thailand over the ease of Tamil Tiger terrorists to launch bogus refugee boats that eventually landed in Canada. Australia was prepared to inderdict the ships originally thoought headed to Australia. It would have been doone off off of Thailand if need be, but the Thais would not cooperate is how the version of events is related to me. Australia acting on behalf of its interests and of Canadian interests did everything possible to force the Thais to stop the Tamil Tigers. I also understand that the Abhist government ignored the requests of both the Australian and Canadian governments to stop the Tamil Tigers. The Thais did not act on the requests and end result is a multi million dollar expense for Canada. After the first batch of refugees, Canada, backed by Australia delivered an ultimatum to Thailand and put pressure on the USA to influence the Thais. By some strange coincidence the Tamil Tigers next launch was prevented and Tamil Tigers detained. Pacific rim countries understand that the same attitude that allows the flow of drugs and facilitation of bogus refugees facilitates the transit of dangerous people. They are fed up and the USA is the message boy.

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It's very easy for Thais to get visas to the USA. Just show up and watch as 90% get accepted when they go up to the booth. :rolleyes:

That is such a crock of sh++. You are misinformed. I personally know of at least 10 Thais that have been turned down. The level of your ignorance is phenomenal. You are one of the great fools of the land, to utter such falsehoods, with absolutely nothing to back it up. Not only was my girlfriend turned down, but she met a woman who was married to an American, and she had been turned down 5 times! The state department told me that a Thai national applying for a tourist visa would be turned down flat, unless they had a minimum of 20 million baht cash in the bank, property assets, etc. Somebody who knows as little as you do will be doing all of mankind a favor by keeping his mouth shut, and not offering any advice.

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Seems this list was an attachment to another document and couldn't have been too official because North Korea wasn't on the list and there has already been an apology from the US for including Israel on the list.

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The USA (my home country) is becoming more and more a police state. You get a cavity search to enter the public libraryannoyed.gif

Millionaires are becoming billionaires; but the middle class is on the way out.:( They expect trouble ahead.

I'm sorry to say that your homeland is pretty much bankrupt and Americans should stop playing the world police. The times are over, now you could say: "If you can't make in New York, you could get killed in Detroit." More crack for the politicians………….:jap:

We are on the same page my friend. :D I've been saying this for a long time. The real military budget for the military and Empire is over a trillion per annumn. America hasn't been the same since November 22 1963.:( ENDLESS WAR and corporate government.. But how do we vote them out? We never voted them in.

Now THIS is an interesting comment.

I have been saying for years that the character of our country changed with Kennedy's assassination, changed for the worse, and possibly irrevocably. If it is to change back, it will have to be inspired by a charismatic and moral leader. We hoped Obama might step up, but it appears to be a thin veneer. Granted, he inherited a lot, and started many laps back, but so far, he has shown no game, no heart. He almost compulsively concedes ground, perhaps in the naive hope of some reciprocal goodwill...

Anyway, he had the best wishes of the world, but seems to have dropped the ball.

As for the malaise that has gripped the US, I fear the worst. Poor education, disintegration of the family, lack of basic values, all held in complacency. Satisfaction with multiple cars/TV sets/cellphones, whistling while rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. The dastards in Congress are only a reflection of those who put them there.

Still, I hope for a spark of what originally made America great. I did OK there for nearly 60 years, so no sour grapes. But I'm not blind to the pathology, either. I doubt I'll see it in my lifetime, but I hope someone comes along and inspires what's left of what is/was good in America...

Sorry to extend this thread hijack.

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The USA (my home country) is becoming more and more a police state. You get a cavity search to enter the public libraryannoyed.gif

Millionaires are becoming billionaires; but the middle class is on the way out.:( They expect trouble ahead.

I'm sorry to say that your homeland is pretty much bankrupt and Americans should stop playing the world police. The times are over, now you could say: "If you can't make in New York, you could get killed in Detroit." More crack for the politicians………….:jap:

We are on the same page my friend. :D I've been saying this for a long time. The real military budget for the military and Empire is over a trillion per annumn. America hasn't been the same since November 22 1963.:( ENDLESS WAR and corporate government.. But how do we vote them out? We never voted them in.

Thanks a lot, my friend. Wars have always been a way to make good money by selling weapons and other weird stuff. I think I don’t have to mention what really happened to the twin towers……

How many people are homeless in the States? Most crackies are in Washington D.C, so what’s going on with a nation without a functioning social system?

One day Iran, the other day Iraq, all in a sudden none of them is a friendly country. But weapons are being sold to both.

Russia lost the war in Afghanistan with CIA’s help, when they wanted to have their stingers back afterwards; they had to see their middle finger.

No high speed trains, the elite in Wall Street are not the best educated ones, no. Only some rich guys have the say. Too many junk food addicted fat people, a shitty health system. No money, no help.

It’s really time to stop acting like they do. Collateral damage could be dangerous for your health. :jap:

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The bottom line, is that both the yellow shirt occupation of Suvarnabhumi, and the takeover of Bangkok by the red shirts for 6 plus weeks, were both terrorist events. That is how the international community views it. It was a mistake of enormous proportions that Samak did not stop the yellow shirts from getting within 2 kilometers of the airport. And it was an equally enormous mistake when Abhisit did not stop the red shirt demonstrations within the first week or two. Both could have been prevented. Both spiraled into massive events, that forever damaged the reputation of Thailand. Of course, everything the US does at this point is misguided, but that is besides the point. Thailand has to accept responsibility for allowing both of these disastrous events to happen, and the aftermath. This will not go away. The memories are here to stay. Perhaps the mistake Abhisit made was to not stop the protests earlier, even if it meant a loss of human life. You shut down a world capital, and lose your life in the process, and that is simply a price you may have to pay, for such an act of foolishness. The US has gone bonkers with this terrorism nonsense. It is an empire in decline, and as an American, I can say the government is making one mistake after another. But, all of that is besides the point. Thailand, and some of it's very incompetent politicians have to claim some responsibility. Humility is not exactly a strong suit, of the tiny men that have been leading this nation for quite some time.

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The sentence means that people often say something to the effect of, "If you think it's hard to deal with Immigration here, you should see what Thais have to do to get a visa to the US.", i.e. you make it hard for us, why shouldn't we make it hard for you? Retaliation.


Now I'm confused. Who's doing the retaliation? The US or Thailand?

The Nation article was WRONG. I quoted the United States Department of Homeland Security document which outlines the changes. Because you're either too lazy, or too thick to find it, here it is: DHS Document. Look on page 18. It's ok, we'll wait while you take off your shoes to count...

The document you quoted is for "Supervision of Aliens with Commensurate Risk".

This report addresses the effectiveness of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's decisionmaking process on whether to detain aliens in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility or place them in supervised release.

What does that have to do with issuing visas? Even if I had bothered to do a search, I wouldn't have been thick enough to quote from an irrelevant report.

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This piece of 'reportage' by The Nation, and by extension, by ThaiVisa is irresponsible and potentially inflammatory.

The actual document, if any of the 'reporters' would care to, or be able to, read it says:

"ICE provided this list of specially designated countries. ICE

policy requires officers to perform a TAC for
aliens from

these countries. "
Italics mine.

There is no reference to a "Third Agency Check" for visa applicants, or other legal travelers to the USA.

Since I hear how difficult it is for Thais to travel to the US, and that 'fact' is used as a justification for the byzantine Thai Immigration procedures so frequently, this kind of disinformation merely provides grist for the mill of xenophobia.

And as for the geniuses who keep referring to the possibility that the US is aiming at Red Shirts with this policy: are you even conscious? Have you heard of Muslim separatists in the South, killing Buddhist monks, teachers, and beheading folks? The appear as yet unaligned with JI or Al Qaeda, but they are terrorists, pure and simple. For the US to be interested, we are not talking about dirty Thai politics, which, although it appears new to newbies, has been going on for decades. I'm sure, other than the effect on global markets (read, nil), the US DHS doesn't even know the Reds exist.

Honestly, what a yellow rag The Nation has become. Unfortunately, most here are too lazy or too stupid to look past it.

What does Thai immigration have to do with people getting visas to travel to the US?

If the new listing is related to the south, why did it take so long? Is it just a coincidence that the listing comes so soon after an election that puts alleged terrorists in the government?

What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

The US of A is a country I would NEVER EVER want to visit again. They may currently be the world's economic power but her days are numbered. How I wish that Thailand would implement visa requirements for citizens of that country coming here. After all, most posters on this forum are in favour of equality, right?

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Seems this list was an attachment to another document and couldn't have been too official because North Korea wasn't on the list and there has already been an apology from the US for including Israel on the list.

Of course it's official.

North Korean citizens are not allowed US visas in the first place. This is a list of countries whose citizens can (and do) travel to the US, and who, if detained, must undergo a Third Agency Check, i.e., the US checks with other jurisdictions to see if the detainee is wanted there.

An example, might be if Thaksin were detained for questioning at a point of entry, or even in an Immigration sweep, as he sat at McDonalds, the DHS would check to see if he was wanted by other countries. Presumably, Thailand would have raised its hand (at least before July 3).

I don't know. I guess it's alright for nincompoops in the general public to be unable to critically read a document, but for "Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongphakdi" to swallow this crap, without bothering to look up and read the relevant document, is ludicrous.

As for Israel being wrongly included, sh*t happens. They retracted it. It's still official.

edit: changed 'Third Party' to 'Third Agency'

Edited by Sateev
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What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

I don't like Thaksin and I don't like that the red shirt leaders are now MPs. Why should I be happy about it?

The US of A is a country I would NEVER EVER want to visit again. They may currently be the world's economic power but her days are numbered. How I wish that Thailand would implement visa requirements for citizens of that country coming here. After all, most posters on this forum are in favour of equality, right?

ALL countries have different visa requirements for different countries for different reasons. There is no equality. Usually it's for (the country's) economic reasons.

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The sentence means that people often say something to the effect of, "If you think it's hard to deal with Immigration here, you should see what Thais have to do to get a visa to the US.", i.e. you make it hard for us, why shouldn't we make it hard for you? Retaliation.


Now I'm confused. Who's doing the retaliation? The US or Thailand?

The Nation article was WRONG. I quoted the United States Department of Homeland Security document which outlines the changes. Because you're either too lazy, or too thick to find it, here it is: DHS Document. Look on page 18. It's ok, we'll wait while you take off your shoes to count...

The document you quoted is for "Supervision of Aliens with Commensurate Risk".

This report addresses the effectiveness of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's decisionmaking process on whether to detain aliens in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility or place them in supervised release.

What does that have to do with issuing visas? Even if I had bothered to do a search, I wouldn't have been thick enough to quote from an irrelevant report.

Shoelaces broken, eh? Couldn't find page 18? Oh, well, you're dispensed with.

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I'd have thought that this 'listing' would have more to do with the 'islamic' insurgency in the South of the country than any Bangkok based demonstration. Clearly there is a lot going on to sustain such a long standing insurgency such as funding, recruitment and training. Don't think this has anything, other than a footnote, to do with Taksin et al.

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The USA (my home country) is becoming more and more a police state. You get a cavity search to enter the public libraryannoyed.gif

Sounds like an exciting way to start your daily studies. Lets hope the UK follows suit, as I know some very 'fit' librarians who can search my cavities any day, I may even read a book if I can get over the excitement of entering the place..

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Shoelaces broken, eh? Couldn't find page 18? Oh, well, you're dispensed with.

Page 18 is the page with "Page 18" at the bottom of it, isn't it?

Unless you mean a different page 18.

Or maybe you mean page 18 from a relevant report, rather than the irrelevant report that you quoted.

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It's very easy for Thais to get visas to the USA. Just show up and watch as 90% get accepted when they go up to the booth. :rolleyes:

What a load of crap. Have you nothing better to do with your time, rather than posting utter rubbish. Get a life you sad person

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What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

I don't like Thaksin and I don't like that the red shirt leaders are now MPs. Why should I be happy about it?

I'm not saying you should be happy about it. I'm just saying, get over it. The elections are over, the reds have won. There is nothing you can do (though you might like to think differently) about it. And if you are really unhappy, you know what you can do (hint: Suvanabhumi)

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I'd have thought that this 'listing' would have more to do with the 'islamic' insurgency in the South of the country than any Bangkok based demonstration. Clearly there is a lot going on to sustain such a long standing insurgency such as funding, recruitment and training. Don't think this has anything, other than a footnote, to do with Taksin et al.

Yes ... it's just interesting that it comes so soon after alleged terrorists were elected to government.

If it is only about the south, why has it taken so long?

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The bottom line, is that both the yellow shirt occupation of Suvarnabhumi, and the takeover of Bangkok by the red shirts for 6 plus weeks, were both terrorist events. That is how the international community views it. It was a mistake of enormous proportions that Samak did not stop the yellow shirts from getting within 2 kilometers of the airport. And it was an equally enormous mistake when Abhisit did not stop the red shirt demonstrations within the first week or two. Both could have been prevented. Both spiraled into massive events, that forever damaged the reputation of Thailand. Of course, everything the US does at this point is misguided, but that is besides the point. Thailand has to accept responsibility for allowing both of these disastrous events to happen, and the aftermath. This will not go away. The memories are here to stay. Perhaps the mistake Abhisit made was to not stop the protests earlier, even if it meant a loss of human life. You shut down a world capital, and lose your life in the process, and that is simply a price you may have to pay, for such an act of foolishness. The US has gone bonkers with this terrorism nonsense. It is an empire in decline, and as an American, I can say the government is making one mistake after another. But, all of that is besides the point. Thailand, and some of it's very incompetent politicians have to claim some responsibility. Humility is not exactly a strong suit, of the tiny men that have been leading this nation for quite some time.

Another genius.

Do you have ANY idea what terrorism is?

Neither the Yellow Shirts, nor the Red Shirts are terrorists, and neither of their main activities, including Rachaprasong and the Airport takover, NOR the Asean seige were terrorist activities.

Terrorism is the act of indiscriminate killing and injuring of innocent civilians to produce terror in a populace for political ends. I will admit that who ever fired M-79 grenades at the BTS platform, and those who set bombs in trash bins in Bangkok were acting as terrorists, but there is no proof that they were directed by, or approved by either Reds or Yellows.

Examples of terrorism, successful I might add, are the World Trade Center bombings of 9/11/2001, bombings in Bali, Mumbai, the Lockerbee Pan Am bomb, etc.

Can you see any similarities to the Airport shutdown? I can't.

And while I share your assessment that my country is in decline, I can't help noting that people who don't know the difference between civil disobedience and terrorism, are not helping prevent that decline. Rather, they are giving comfort to the enemy.

The effects of terrorism are subtle but powerful - GWBush & Co. took mean advantage of those effects, and may have sealed our fate. I still hope not. The true terrorists are gleeful. Don't play into their hands.

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The bottom line, is that both the yellow shirt occupation of Suvarnabhumi, and the takeover of Bangkok by the red shirts for 6 plus weeks, were both terrorist events. That is how the international community views it. It was a mistake of enormous proportions that Samak did not stop the yellow shirts from getting within 2 kilometers of the airport. And it was an equally enormous mistake when Abhisit did not stop the red shirt demonstrations within the first week or two. Both could have been prevented. Both spiraled into massive events, that forever damaged the reputation of Thailand. Of course, everything the US does at this point is misguided, but that is besides the point. Thailand has to accept responsibility for allowing both of these disastrous events to happen, and the aftermath. This will not go away. The memories are here to stay. Perhaps the mistake Abhisit made was to not stop the protests earlier, even if it meant a loss of human life. You shut down a world capital, and lose your life in the process, and that is simply a price you may have to pay, for such an act of foolishness. The US has gone bonkers with this terrorism nonsense. It is an empire in decline, and as an American, I can say the government is making one mistake after another. But, all of that is besides the point. Thailand, and some of it's very incompetent politicians have to claim some responsibility. Humility is not exactly a strong suit, of the tiny men that have been leading this nation for quite some time.

It all comes down to PREVENTION in the first place. If many countries would mind their own business and take care of their own security -period.

IF WE HAD ONLY--U.K. not encouraged so many ethnic into the land, setting up their own religious (castles) creating ghetto's in all areas, turning a blind eye to non integration, even allowing bad teachings against the state-hence the London bombings.

U.S.A. going around the world prodding hornets nests, ACTING as the worlds peacekeepers. Mostly to protect monetary interests, or whatever.

The Russians couldn't make a job of Afghanistan didn't that tell all something--all for what.

OIL in the Iraq area - threat to money?? Not much protection to Ethiopia-Sudan-Somali------no reward for help????

Thailand-prevention=Thaksin, once found out he had his fingers in (the till) the man should have been prevented from causing problems from his hideouts. Preventing the red shirts from colonising BKK--the same Airport -yellows.

To my mind countries should keep their own council, integrate for business-holidays. Strict home security should be a priority. Running after bandits all over the world is a no no --just prevent them from entering??

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It's very easy for Thais to get visas to the USA. Just show up and watch as 90% get accepted when they go up to the booth. :rolleyes:

That is such a crock of sh++. You are misinformed. I personally know of at least 10 Thais that have been turned down. The level of your ignorance is phenomenal. You are one of the great fools of the land, to utter such falsehoods, with absolutely nothing to back it up. Not only was my girlfriend turned down, but she met a woman who was married to an American, and she had been turned down 5 times! The state department told me that a Thai national applying for a tourist visa would be turned down flat, unless they had a minimum of 20 million baht cash in the bank, property assets, etc. Somebody who knows as little as you do will be doing all of mankind a favor by keeping his mouth shut, and not offering any advice.

Spidermike, such venom, you really should control yourself. None of the forum rules, that I have read, say that a poster has to be sensible, have a brain, if in possession of same put it into gear, or refrain from writing complete rubbish. That is half the fun of reading the posts on this forum. Just to make your day, I have a mate (an American) who has recently had approval for his GF to visit the US with him. She has little or no money and no land, but comes from a good Isan family.

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What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

I don't like Thaksin and I don't like that the red shirt leaders are now MPs. Why should I be happy about it?

I'm not saying you should be happy about it. I'm just saying, get over it. The elections are over, the reds have won. There is nothing you can do (though you might like to think differently) about it. And if you are really unhappy, you know what you can do (hint: Suvanabhumi)

Yes. The reds have won. I accept that.

Does that mean that I should stop commenting on what they have done or plan to do?

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I'd have thought that this 'listing' would have more to do with the 'islamic' insurgency in the South of the country than any Bangkok based demonstration. Clearly there is a lot going on to sustain such a long standing insurgency such as funding, recruitment and training. Don't think this has anything, other than a footnote, to do with Taksin et al.


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Terrorism is the act of indiscriminate killing and injuring of innocent civilians to produce terror in a populace for political ends. I will admit that who ever fired M-79 grenades at the BTS platform, and those who set bombs in trash bins in Bangkok were acting as terrorists, but there is no proof that they were directed by, or approved by either Reds or Yellows.


Actually, the person that fired the grenades at the BTS platform has been arrested, and he was a red shirt.

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2 years after 9/11 Britain was put near the Top of the List. Probably the USA’s Biggest ally

If you think about the perpetrators of that most horrendous act, they were actually living and studying in the US, perhaps the US should put its self on the list as well

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Read it again; it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE. In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either.


"it goes to the retaliatory justification of the convoluted process by which WE stay HERE."

What retaliatory justification? US citizens have a much easier time staying here and doing business here than citizens of most other nations.

"In ANY CASE, the entire issue raised by the Nation article has NOTHING to do with people getting a visa to the US, either."

As you say: "Read it again".

Citizens from countries on this list who wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check". In real terms, it could very well mean additional security check or possibly stricter rules for Thai citizens requesting visas to the US.

The sentence means that people often say something to the effect of, "If you think it's hard to deal with Immigration here, you should see what Thais have to do to get a visa to the US.", i.e. you make it hard for us, why shouldn't we make it hard for you? Retaliation.

The Nation article was WRONG. I quoted the United States Department of Homeland Security document which outlines the changes. Because you're either too lazy, or too thick to find it, here it is: DHS Document. Look on page 18. It's ok, we'll wait while you take off your shoes to count...

As YOU way, "Why bother?"

edit: typo

Jeez why are you guys that contribute to this blog (for the most part) even here in the Kingdom. I have never seen a more rude, cynical selfish group in my life. Rude criticism, incorrect know it all comments....it goes on and on. Only terribly bitter unhappy people would bahave this way. Get a life. Be happy, enjoy the country food and culture in which you are living. Why is it so hard to disagree without rudeness insults and bullying. What a joke this forum is and many (certainly not all) of the people who banter on it. Been here 24 years in Thailand, just signed in to these forums a couple months back....and this is it for me...even watching thai soaps at night is more enjoyable (and I despise Thai TV) reading the rude selfish know it all and often totally in the dark comments of this embarrassing expat community. Hope life gets better for ya all and you can communicate in polite positive terms. Adios,hasta luego.

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