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Two Polls Say Thai Majority Happy With New Govt


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Two polls say majority happy with new govt

By The Nation

More than half the community is confident the Pheu Thai-led government will work for the benefit of the majority of people without discrimination and vested interests, according to Abac poll results released yesterday.

The poll also showed that gross domestic happiness (GDH) rose from 6.61 in March to 7.55 in July. That is higher than the same period surveyed last year when it hovered at 5.92 in 2009 and 6.77 in 2010.

Of 2,562 total respondents, 94 per cent said they wanted the new government to immediately crack down on the drug trade, followed by bringing about national reconciliation (91 per cent). The next six issues the public wanted the new government to tackle included:

reducing the fuel price; reintroducing the Bt30 universal health service; boosting the daily minimum wage to Bt300; implementing rice mortgaging at Bt15,000 per kwian; raising initial salaries for graduates to Bt15,000; a debt moratorium for those owing less than Bt500,000; increasing payments to the village fund by Bt1 million each; constructing dams to prevent Bangkok and suburbs from being flooded.

Of the respondents, 74 per cent supported Yingluck as the country's first female PM and 71 per cent supported outgoing PM Abhisit Vejjajiva to continue as Democrat Party Leader.

In the Dusit Poll, some 55 per cent of respondents backed Pheu Thai's decision to form a six party government of 300 seats citing stability of a coalition government; 65 per cent did not see it as a parliamentary dictatorship; 29 per cent were confident a Pheu Thai government would have competent ministers. But 25 per cent were not, citing reports of internal conflicts and a power struggle; and 56 per cent disapproved of allocating Cabinet seats according to the number of MP seats won by political party or a quota system.

The poll, of 1,561 respondents, found people wanted the new government to appoint qualified competent ministers.


-- The Nation 2011-07-11

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Sounds like, at least the majority, of those polled were in the North.

Sounds to me like you should first go and read the two polls before making a typical TVF comment slagging off Northerners. The Dusit organization is reliable and uses quality trained people and makes an effort to sample all demographics in Thailand. ABAC is a Bangkokcentric polling organization that I have often dismissed as not overly reliable, nuch to contrary views from TVF members.

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"Two polls say majority happy with new govt"

Since there is no (not yet) "new government", what's the use of the poll ?

Elections are very "fresh", did they think the voters had changed their opinion so fast without even any new policy put in place ?

I hope there will be a poll when they decide to give back "Thaksin's billions" ...


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I'd like to ask the same people how they think the new government will fund the following measures:

reducing the fuel price; reintroducing the Bt30 universal health service; boosting the daily minimum wage to Bt300; implementing rice mortgaging at Bt15,000 per kwian; raising initial salaries for graduates to Bt15,000; a debt moratorium for those owing less than Bt500,000; increasing payments to the village fund by Bt1 million each; constructing dams to prevent Bangkok and suburbs from being flooded.

Furthermore, I'd like to add some more general questions about Thailand so that we could have some more statements such as:

The majority of Thais... don't know how the government will fund their election promises / agree that the government doesn't have a clue how they will fund their election promises / agree with and accept corrupt politicians / can't understand that having a convicted criminal running Thailand whilst on the run could possibly damage the country / think that the red shirts fund themselves through charity work / believe that the red shirts are not responsible for any burning or looting / think that Thaksin isn't a bully... I could go on and on... You get my point?

Just for some perspective as to how and what the 'majority' of Thais think and believe.

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The Egyptians were happy with the recent removal of Mubarak from power and all was sweetness and light, however the last couple of days have seen a complete reversal of attitudes in Egypt.

The honeymoon period is still with us here in Thailand, however let us wait and see what the near and long term future may bring regarding happiness with the new administration.

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I'd like to ask the same people how they think the new government will fund the following measures:

reducing the fuel price; reintroducing the Bt30 universal health service; boosting the daily minimum wage to Bt300; implementing rice mortgaging at Bt15,000 per kwian; raising initial salaries for graduates to Bt15,000; a debt moratorium for those owing less than Bt500,000; increasing payments to the village fund by Bt1 million each; constructing dams to prevent Bangkok and suburbs from being flooded.

Furthermore, I'd like to add some more general questions about Thailand so that we could have some more statements such as:

The majority of Thais... don't know how the government will fund their election promises / agree that the government doesn't have a clue how they will fund their election promises / agree with and accept corrupt politicians / can't understand that having a convicted criminal running Thailand whilst on the run could possibly damage the country / think that the red shirts fund themselves through charity work / believe that the red shirts are not responsible for any burning or looting / think that Thaksin isn't a bully... I could go on and on... You get my point?

Just for some perspective as to how and what the 'majority' of Thais think and believe.

People vote for policies that give them things without considering how it will be paid for worldwide. Look at the state the west is in with its spend and cut tax and wage war without raising tax policies. You are surely being a little hard on the average Thai person here compared to those in the oh so developed and so economically wrecked west. You pay for things with tax. You just need to balance the two sides over time. Lets hope Thiland doesnt follow the western model but...

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My thoughts would be to repeat the poll using the same respondents polled already at 3 monthly intervals throughout the life of the new government and publish the results for all to see.

That would be a better poll and give a more consistent result.

Possibly double or quadruple the respondent group for a more even result.

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Sounds like, at least the majority, of those polled were in the North.

Sounds to me like you should first go and read the two polls before making a typical TVF comment slagging off Northerners. The Dusit organization is reliable and uses quality trained people and makes an effort to sample all demographics in Thailand. ABAC is a Bangkokcentric polling organization that I have often dismissed as not overly reliable, nuch to contrary views from TVF members.

Slagging of Northerners?!?!?!?!? How about just using common sense based on election results compared with poll numbers as well as the claimed concerns of those polled.

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Government? What government? What Thailand has, at the moment, is a bunch of elected politicians demanding, plea-bargaining, threatening and cajoling their way to ministerial positions. When the dust finally settles, then there will be a government - though the competence of its constituent ministers is, right now, a matter for conjecture, and on past experience, is unlikely to thrill.

And if the government really does introduce all of their platform promises, God help Thailand's economy. Of course, for those - if any - that they fail to introduce . . . they will have some explaining to do.

As for stability: how many Thai coalition governments, in recent times, have lasted the term? Six months down the line, the honeymoon over, cold reality will set-in.

Edited by JohnAllan
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I'd like to ask the same people how they think the new government will fund the following measures:

reducing the fuel price; reintroducing the Bt30 universal health service; boosting the daily minimum wage to Bt300; implementing rice mortgaging at Bt15,000 per kwian; raising initial salaries for graduates to Bt15,000; a debt moratorium for those owing less than Bt500,000; increasing payments to the village fund by Bt1 million each; constructing dams to prevent Bangkok and suburbs from being flooded.

Furthermore, I'd like to add some more general questions about Thailand so that we could have some more statements such as:

The majority of Thais... don't know how the government will fund their election promises / agree that the government doesn't have a clue how they will fund their election promises / agree with and accept corrupt politicians / can't understand that having a convicted criminal running Thailand whilst on the run could possibly damage the country / think that the red shirts fund themselves through charity work / believe that the red shirts are not responsible for any burning or looting / think that Thaksin isn't a bully... I could go on and on... You get my point?

Just for some perspective as to how and what the 'majority' of Thais think and believe.

People vote for policies that give them things without considering how it will be paid for worldwide. Look at the state the west is in with its spend and cut tax and wage war without raising tax policies. You are surely being a little hard on the average Thai person here compared to those in the oh so developed and so economically wrecked west. You pay for things with tax. You just need to balance the two sides over time. Lets hope Thiland doesnt follow the western model but...

Indeed they do. And the problem in Thailand is that there is a very low tax base - some five million odd tax-payers, I believe, and I assume that refers to personal taxes.

And before someone jumps up and down over comments aimed at the northerners and north-easterners, I'm fairly confident that the majority of those five million odd are NOT in the north or north-east, but am open to being corrected - with some evidence.

I'd also be interested to see the results of a poll that asked the respondents how they think the various policies and projects ARE funded. It wouldn't be the first poll - unconnected with Thailand - that has produced some incredibly naive answers. And how many, I wonder, would credit Thaksin with having used his own money? Logical, when a sizeable number think he should get his billions back, and pay no tax.

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Sounds like, at least the majority, of those polled were in the North.

1 Poll was an Issan pole and 1 was a Chiang Mai poll :lol:

Reading between the lines as you( I think meant )- the things most wanted doing were the typical things the northern voters wanted AND were informed of.

Geriatrikid---your comment sounds like a pro PTP comment , rather than an HONEST down to earth feeling.

How many people involved/ questioned ??? fair reflection ??? O.k. Someone asks me would you be in favour of a 30% pay rise=YES Do you want your kid to receive a Samsung=YES Would you be happy if all you poor people were rich in 6 months=YES ....there are some polls you take seriously and some that are complete rubbish...............It's what questions you ask the punter, to get the response you want. my example above !!!!!!!!

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What value are these polls? We now know that the government that handily won the election 9 days ago and hasn't yet taken over let alone done anything so far isn't unpopular yet ...


Well done! Guess all us anti-PTP naysayers have been proven wrong. blink.gif

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The majority of people on TV are offensive in terms of Thai politics. I can not imagine how the people would have thought of me when I studied in the United States if I said the poor people had no right to vote or the South had not right to vote and I don't think I would have had many friends if I complained about the president as it was not my choice, my right or my vote legally. I think a lot of people on TV are brainwashed by the propaganda in the media and can not see the truth for themselves. try looking at a news paper outside of Thailand like Le Parisian if you want you know the truth in the world, English papers tend to get censored.

Why do so many of you feel that we do not deserve democracy as your countries enjoy?

George Bush Jr. wasn't such a good choice but there was no coup. That is democracy.

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Sounds like, at least the majority, of those polled were in the North.

Sounds to me like you should first go and read the two polls before making a typical TVF comment slagging off Northerners. The Dusit organization is reliable and uses quality trained people and makes an effort to sample all demographics in Thailand. ABAC is a Bangkokcentric polling organization that I have often dismissed as not overly reliable, nuch to contrary views from TVF members.

Slagging of Northerners?!?!?!?!? How about just using common sense based on election results compared with poll numbers as well as the claimed concerns of those polled.

Did you read the actual poll before proclaiming the majority were Northerners? If the poll had been conducted only in the North and you had stated it was biased because of that, then I would not have replied. Howver, you just had to make a snide remark about Northerners, didn't you? Common sense? Where? You refer to the election results. Did you bother to look at the PTP support in Bangkok? It was that support that gave PTP its needed push over the majority line. Has it occurred to you that common sense would indicate that people are relieved that the campaign is over and that a government can get back to governing and managing? ABAC is Bangkokcentric in its polling. It may have very well have tried to poll throughout the country, but typically its polls reflect Bangkok residents' seniments. What I find particularly offensive is that you haven't a clue as to how Dusit runs its polls. Of all the polling companies/groups in Thailand, Dusit has shown itself the most unbiased and reliable. It also delivered on polls critical of some PTP policies. I accept those negative indications because Dusit has a track record. Commonsense? No, I don't think your comments demonstrated that.

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The poll, of 1,561 respondents, found people wanted the new government to appoint qualified competent ministers.

2 people? 50? 1000?

I'm sure they found people that didn't want "the new government to appoint qualified competent ministers", too.

Or maybe they are making a distinction from the dog respondents that want "the new government to appoint qualified competent ministers."

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Sounds like, at least the majority, of those polled were in the North.

Sounds to me like you should first go and read the two polls before making a typical TVF comment slagging off Northerners. The Dusit organization is reliable and uses quality trained people and makes an effort to sample all demographics in Thailand. ABAC is a Bangkokcentric polling organization that I have often dismissed as not overly reliable, nuch to contrary views from TVF members.

Slagging of Northerners?!?!?!?!? How about just using common sense based on election results compared with poll numbers as well as the claimed concerns of those polled.

Did you read the actual poll before proclaiming the majority were Northerners? If the poll had been conducted only in the North and you had stated it was biased because of that, then I would not have replied. Howver, you just had to make a snide remark about Northerners, didn't you? Common sense? Where? You refer to the election results. Did you bother to look at the PTP support in Bangkok? It was that support that gave PTP its needed push over the majority line. Has it occurred to you that common sense would indicate that people are relieved that the campaign is over and that a government can get back to governing and managing? ABAC is Bangkokcentric in its polling. It may have very well have tried to poll throughout the country, but typically its polls reflect Bangkok residents' seniments. What I find particularly offensive is that you haven't a clue as to how Dusit runs its polls. Of all the polling companies/groups in Thailand, Dusit has shown itself the most unbiased and reliable. It also delivered on polls critical of some PTP policies. I accept those negative indications because Dusit has a track record. Commonsense? No, I don't think your comments demonstrated that.

I live amongst the Northerners, the questions were the type of questions that would favour the Issan people. Your comments -include did you read the poll=of course not= was it a snide remark=no a true one=have others got common sense=No =

How many people involved/ questioned ??? fair reflection ??? O.k. Someone asks me would you be in favour of a 30% pay rise=YES Do you want your kid to receive a Samsung=YES Would you be happy if all you poor people were rich in 6 months=YES ....there are some polls you take seriously and some that are complete rubbish...............It's what questions you ask the punter, to get the response you want. my example above !!!!!!!! because I nor Nisa agrees with your fair Dusit poll it proves as you said we do not have common sense. You must be pleased you were right B)

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