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Been Here A Month And I'M Still The Sweatiest Man In Town!


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After 10 years, I still sweat like a pig. And I couldn't live without AC. Now I'm trying to loose 15 kg doing a diet (lost already 5!) and I hope the situation will improve. The problem are not the under arms but my entire torso, back and front. After 1 km walk I can squeeze the tshirt and get back an half liter of liquid!

You save a few baht every day just there!

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You can help yourself a bit.

1. Wear short sleeve shirts instead of T shirts, allows much more ventilation.

2. I wear Aertex pants from Marks & Spencer. Millions of little holes.

Note these are not to be confused with the pants that many TV members wear that have much fewer but larger holes. :D

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I'm sure that there are genetic differences, differences in location and size of sweat glands, etc., and if these are issues then the advice for 'general' won't help... but...

some general advice....

Since sweating is a reaction of the body to heat- it's what keeps us at a constant temperature when we're building up heat in the body- the easiest way to prevent sweating is to prevent the buildup of heat. Options include reducing your physical exertion- walking more slowly, avoiding carrying a lot of objects, etc.; decreasing outside temperature (air con); encouraging heat flow- wearing less and looser clothing, using a fan.

If you lost weight, any activity you were doing would take less work and therefore build up less heat- so what someone said above about losing weight to help with the sweating is generally the right idea.

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Have to agree with cutting back on the AC. It's an excellent way of acclimatizing to the heat and humidity over here.

I don't use AC during the daytime. In the bedroom at night, it's set to 29 degrees.

Which I usually bump up to 30 degrees, when waking up early morning and feeling a bit cold.

And I do sleep with a sheet and blanket.

Of course I still sweat, but far from as much as some friends of mine, that like to run their ACs very cool and around the clock.

Another good suggestion, that's been mentioned is working out. Just takes a bit more of an effort. :D

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Have to agree with cutting back on the AC. It's an excellent way of acclimatizing to the heat and humidity over here.

I don't use AC during the daytime. In the bedroom at night, it's set to 29 degrees.

Which I usually bump up to 30 degrees, when waking up early morning and feeling a bit cold.

And I do sleep with a sheet and blanket.

Of course I still sweat, but far from as much as some friends of mine, that like to run their ACs very cool and around the clock.

Another good suggestion, that's been mentioned is working out. Just takes a bit more of an effort. :D

I don't see how working out helps. I work out quite intensely almost every day in one way or another and it just serves to heat the body up even more for a few hours. Working out just makes things worse in my opinion.

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Not read all the posts so hope i am not duplicating anything.I have noticed i sweat more than some friends due to me being quite hairy.Lived in Thailand for nearly 8 years and i shave as much as i can shave lol lol.I have to wear a baseball cap due to a bladed haircut but feels good,and a number one everywhere else

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Have to agree with cutting back on the AC. It's an excellent way of acclimatizing to the heat and humidity over here.

I don't use AC during the daytime. In the bedroom at night, it's set to 29 degrees.

Which I usually bump up to 30 degrees, when waking up early morning and feeling a bit cold.

And I do sleep with a sheet and blanket.

Of course I still sweat, but far from as much as some friends of mine, that like to run their ACs very cool and around the clock.

Another good suggestion, that's been mentioned is working out. Just takes a bit more of an effort. :D

I don't see how working out helps. I work out quite intensely almost every day in one way or another and it just serves to heat the body up even more for a few hours. Working out just makes things worse in my opinion.

It's true that if you work out regularly, you have acclimatized your body to start sweating earlier.

However if you are fit, you're threshold will be higher, than for someone who's unfit and or overweight, during a similar workload.

So in a non-workout situation, say a leisurely stroll. An unfit person will get hot a lot faster than a fit person, and will therefore sweat more.

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You can buy a product called Driclor, a roll-on designed to prevent excessive perspiration. I've never found it in Thailand, but it can be bought on-line, just Google it. I had a friend bring mine over from the UK.

I no longer need it, but used to apply it under my arms and on my head (the two places where I sweated excessively). My experience with this product is that using it every day for 4 or 5 days would prevent those areas sweating, and then over time it would gradually return. I would simply apply Driclor again for a day or two to again reduce sweating.

The strange thing is that over time driclor use seems to "re-educate" your body such that those areas where you applied it are no longer excessive, with sweating spread a little more evenly over the body - at least that is what has happened with me. I no longer use it at all, and in-fact the whole problem stopped before I ever finished the third bottle.

The best time to apply it is at night once you have cooled off in an AC room and are no longer sweating.

Good luck sweaties! biggrin.gif

I tried to use this product for the first year I was here. The directions said to apply it underarms before going to bed; and definitely don't use it right after showering. The first couple times I tried to use it at night, my armpits itched so much I couldn't sleep. Finally, I stopped shaving my armpits and applied this stuff immediately upon arising, and then showered a couple hours after arising. It helped somewhat, but still created a massive rash. I think the botox is the way to go for me. I just had it done again today here in CM. Found a place that would do it for 13,000 baht. Let's hope it works!

Yes, I still sweat elsewhere, but I can deal with that my wiping my face, taking showers, etc. It was the persistent odor in my clothing that created a big problem. Actually, I think the sweating is good. I found I've been able to cut back on the dosage of my high blood pressure medicine since moving the Thailand. I think the constant sweating is helping in that respect.

And no, I'm not overweight, but I do admit to using aircon.

Edited by NancyL
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I perspire really quite profusely - beyond the limits of genteel elegant glowing.

I was once told "Cowboy, you're sweating like a <deleted> dog", which I found particularly iresome since dogs pant rather than sweat to lose heat.

Anyway, I developed a thick skin, and such comments are now like water off a duck's back - and I should know!

However, it is embarrassing to leave sweaty back prints when one leans on the draught screens on the MTR; luckily its not so crowded that one actually rubs shoulders with the other passengers... (embarrassing is maybe the wrong word - I feel discomfitted out of empathy for the other passengers... as I mentioned above, thick skin, duck's back...)


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It will take a while to adjust. When I was there for 8 months, I sweat like rain and uncontrollably. I walked a lot everyday, sweat and sweat. I woke up felling terrible with the AC on. By the 6th and 7th month in the middle of Summer, I tried turning of the AC. I felt much better in the morning. I found this by fluke. The temperature are so much different from outside in the middle of Summer and inside air conditioned room. I was tiered all the time. So at night I shut it of and using the fan on me but not from your feet. I also found that I felt better during the day as well. I don't know if it would work for you but should give it a try.

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It will take a while to adjust. When I was there for 8 months, I sweat like rain and uncontrollably. I walked a lot everyday, sweat and sweat. I woke up felling terrible with the AC on. By the 6th and 7th month in the middle of Summer, I tried turning of the AC. I felt much better in the morning. I found this by fluke. The temperature are so much different from outside in the middle of Summer and inside air conditioned room. I was tiered all the time. So at night I shut it of and using the fan on me but not from your feet. I also found that I felt better during the day as well. I don't know if it would work for you but should give it a try.

The summer's not the hottest part of the year, this being tropical.

When I lived on a high floor, I was generally quite happy with the windows open all night and no a/c.

I have learnt to enjoy sweating, though as I have mentioned, I feel slightly embarrassed on behalf of others who might find it distasteful. Also it is frustrating when doing delicate work such as hand-forging fivers (a hypothetical example, I assure you!)


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It will take a while to adjust. When I was there for 8 months, I sweat like rain and uncontrollably. I walked a lot everyday, sweat and sweat. I woke up felling terrible with the AC on. By the 6th and 7th month in the middle of Summer, I tried turning of the AC. I felt much better in the morning. I found this by fluke. The temperature are so much different from outside in the middle of Summer and inside air conditioned room. I was tiered all the time. So at night I shut it of and using the fan on me but not from your feet. I also found that I felt better during the day as well. I don't know if it would work for you but should give it a try.

The summer's not the hottest part of the year, this being tropical.

When I lived on a high floor, I was generally quite happy with the windows open all night and no a/c.

I have learnt to enjoy sweating, though as I have mentioned, I feel slightly embarrassed on behalf of others who might find it distasteful. Also it is frustrating when doing delicate work such as hand-forging fivers (a hypothetical example, I assure you!)


lol if I was to hand forge I would rather go for 50 (also hypothetical example of course)

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It will take a while to adjust. When I was there for 8 months, I sweat like rain and uncontrollably. I walked a lot everyday, sweat and sweat. I woke up felling terrible with the AC on. By the 6th and 7th month in the middle of Summer, I tried turning of the AC. I felt much better in the morning. I found this by fluke. The temperature are so much different from outside in the middle of Summer and inside air conditioned room. I was tiered all the time. So at night I shut it of and using the fan on me but not from your feet. I also found that I felt better during the day as well. I don't know if it would work for you but should give it a try.

The summer's not the hottest part of the year, this being tropical.

When I lived on a high floor, I was generally quite happy with the windows open all night and no a/c.

I have learnt to enjoy sweating, though as I have mentioned, I feel slightly embarrassed on behalf of others who might find it distasteful. Also it is frustrating when doing delicate work such as hand-forging fivers (a hypothetical example, I assure you!)


lol if I was to hand forge I would rather go for 50 (also hypothetical example of course)

But then perhaps I could not have added the comment in brackets....

Its a programme of honesty....

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As many have said, your body will not acclimatize as long as you stay in the aircon all the time.

Do like I do, go outside during the heat of the day and ride a bicycle for 20 - 30 kilometers. By the time you get off, the ambient air temp actually feels quite cool.

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It's kinda weird... In my case, when it's hot or humid here, I sweat from my head, and the perspiration drips off my forehead and temples...

But I don't sweat at all from my underarms, or much from my torso at all.... Maybe it's some kind of genetic Irish-English thing...

In any event, I think the air con thing is a mixed bag... Lately during the daytime at home, I've been trying NOT to use the air con inside at all... And I've pretty much kept to that keeping the doors and windows open and electric fans blowing...

But, on hotter days by the time the mid to late afternoon rolls around, I still find myself dripping about the house...

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It's kinda weird... In my case, when it's hot or humid here, I sweat from my head, and the perspiration drips off my forehead and temples...

But I don't sweat at all from my underarms, or much from my torso at all.... Maybe it's some kind of genetic Irish-English thing...

In any event, I think the air con thing is a mixed bag... Lately during the daytime at home, I've been trying NOT to use the air con inside at all... And I've pretty much kept to that keeping the doors and windows open and electric fans blowing...

But, on hotter days by the time the mid to late afternoon rolls around, I still find myself dripping about the house...

Use a big illuminating light-magnifying glass when you are doing the fine pen-work; you don't need to lean so close, and if you take a free hand, the Queen's jowls come out closer to the model.

When you go to the fridge for a beer, remember the floor may still be slippy from sweat dropped last time... in this humid climate, it does not dry off so quickly.

Try walking round with ice-cubes in your boxers...

You might still sweat as much, but I reckon it will save you money in lower sukhumvit


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Are you over weight?

The reason I ask this is because whenever I see a profusly sweating westerner walking the street he is enevitably grossly overweight. There is nothing so gross as a fat, puffy faced, beer bellied, soaking wet farang stumbling down a soi.

So to all you complaining, overweight westerners perhaps you should stop searching for a magic pill, cure or method to stop sweating like a pig in a sauna and simply loose some weight!

I give this advice for free :jap:

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Are you over weight?

The reason I ask this is because whenever I see a profusly sweating westerner walking the street he is enevitably grossly overweight. There is nothing so gross as a fat, puffy faced, beer bellied, soaking wet farang stumbling down a soi.

So to all you complaining, overweight westerners perhaps you should stop searching for a magic pill, cure or method to stop sweating like a pig in a sauna and simply loose some weight!

I give this advice for free :jap:

I sweat like an <deleted> dog, and I'm not overweight; I'm 'Heavyweight' by rowing standards, andI don't box - though I could make an exception, if your invitation was generous enough.

In my opinion, you only selectively notice fat <deleted> sweating; one never notices whether attractive people are sweating or not,

Anyway, when we are desperate, sweatiness is a nice last resort for things to deplore our fellows for; when they appear as smart as ourselves, when they have lived in the boondocks as we have, when they have legitimatee visas

- Eff off home you stinking sweater!

I have no idea where all my sweaters have gone...


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Are you over weight?

The reason I ask this is because whenever I see a profusly sweating westerner walking the street he is enevitably grossly overweight. There is nothing so gross as a fat, puffy faced, beer bellied, soaking wet farang stumbling down a soi.

So to all you complaining, overweight westerners perhaps you should stop searching for a magic pill, cure or method to stop sweating like a pig in a sauna and simply loose some weight!

I give this advice for free :jap:

Have you never seen one of the opposite sex with the same credentials? :rolleyes:

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Are you over weight?

The reason I ask this is because whenever I see a profusly sweating westerner walking the street he is enevitably grossly overweight. There is nothing so gross as a fat, puffy faced, beer bellied, soaking wet farang stumbling down a soi.

So to all you complaining, overweight westerners perhaps you should stop searching for a magic pill, cure or method to stop sweating like a pig in a sauna and simply loose some weight!

I give this advice for free :jap:

Your generosity of spirit overwhelms me. I regret that any aspirations I might have regarding your misfortune would be futile optimism.

I think I will stop sweating fortthwith,, And, thinking ahead, I will stop being white as well.`


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Are you over weight?

The reason I ask this is because whenever I see a profusly sweating westerner walking the street he is enevitably grossly overweight. There is nothing so gross as a fat, puffy faced, beer bellied, soaking wet farang stumbling down a soi.

So to all you complaining, overweight westerners perhaps you should stop searching for a magic pill, cure or method to stop sweating like a pig in a sauna and simply loose some weight!

I give this advice for free :jap:

Your generosity of spirit overwhelms me. I regret that any aspirations I might have regarding your misfortune would be futile optimism.

I think I will stop sweating fortthwith,, And, thinking ahead, I will stop being white as well.`


Reading between the lines of LivingInExile's post probably explains why he's indeed in exile. whistling.gif

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No A/c forget about it. Wear black shirts doesn't show the sweat.

Wear black? The color absorbs the heat of the sun's rays like a sponge. Self-defeating. blink.gif

I knew that was coming but as I said doesn't show the sweat as badly and I think that is a concern with many. Ever see someone wearing a blue shirt in Bangkok, it looks like a black one. well good luck on defeating the sweat monster. I have worked in ship enginerooms and if you are a sweater you will sweat, good luck getting use to it.

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No A/c forget about it. Wear black shirts doesn't show the sweat.

Wear black? The color absorbs the heat of the sun's rays like a sponge. Self-defeating. blink.gif

I knew that was coming but as I said doesn't show the sweat as badly and I think that is a concern with many. Ever see someone wearing a blue shirt in Bangkok, it looks like a black one. well good luck on defeating the sweat monster. I have worked in ship enginerooms and if you are a sweater you will sweat, good luck getting use to it.

Well if you're lucky enough to be a certain nationality (insert one of several possibilities; thanks for the knowledge, Discovery Channel) a sweaty-stinky guy is considered higher on the ladder of sex-appeal. Always looking for that silver lining. wink.gif

Edited by Fookhaht
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if I walk for 5 minutes I am just a mess. Strange thing is, I dont feel that hot, it's just I sweat like a pig.

My body over reacts, and you should see me after I jog!!!!!

Anything I can do?

Just don't wear a white shirt!!!!......your nipples will show through laugh.gif

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It will take a while to adjust. When I was there for 8 months, I sweat like rain and uncontrollably. I walked a lot everyday, sweat and sweat. I woke up felling terrible with the AC on. By the 6th and 7th month in the middle of Summer, I tried turning of the AC. I felt much better in the morning. I found this by fluke. The temperature are so much different from outside in the middle of Summer and inside air conditioned room. I was tiered all the time. So at night I shut it of and using the fan on me but not from your feet. I also found that I felt better during the day as well. I don't know if it would work for you but should give it a try.

The summer's not the hottest part of the year, this being tropical.

When I lived on a high floor, I was generally quite happy with the windows open all night and no a/c.

I have learnt to enjoy sweating, though as I have mentioned, I feel slightly embarrassed on behalf of others who might find it distasteful. Also it is frustrating when doing delicate work such as hand-forging fivers (a hypothetical example, I assure you!)


Ha, you're asking for it street cowboy… And I'm biting…

So if the summer, March-May maybe June included, isn't the hottest period in Thailand, then when is it?

Just curious, as you seem to know… :o

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