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I am looking for a free webmail provider that allows short mail polling intervalls.

A lot of free mail provides are blocking my mails sent via smtp because my provider Cat Telecom is apparently not able to stop spammers on their systems and their ip ranges therefore have a bad repudiation. Had this problem already several times for several days, so time to switch to a thai provider at least

Thanks for any recommendation

Gmail,yahoo, european provides all blocked...

As I am sending 50 mails a day web interface is not an option.


get your own mailserver for about 150 baht a month

Do you have a link for a mailserver...

TIT I fear application with copy of passport yellow housebook etc will take half a day. Rather would have a freemail provider...



If you are only talking about sending there are many ISP SMTP servers you can use of course this not based in Thailand. But there is no reason it should not work 50 emails is not really a large amount.


Get a VPN account in your home country.

It will fix this issue, bypass other restrictions and give you the impression of an overseas connection.

You are seriously telling me I should get a vpn connection and spent an additional 2000 Baht per months for sending some emails? Boy pls think before you post some BS sorry.

BTW no residency in my homecountry also means no vpn... In addition it doesnt solve any speed issues as I have a CAT line and no problem with international servers.

Back to the topic I am looking for asian smtp mail providers.



I really don't understand your problem with Gmail. I've used Gmail in Thiland for years and surely get dodgy IP addresses allocated from time to time but never have mail blocked for that reason. Maybe a misunderstanding?

Anyway, getting VPN isn't gonna cost you 2000 baht/month. https://www.vpn4all.com starts at $9.95 or around 300 baht/month. I don't know where your home country is but I've never heard anyone needing residency to get VPN. Perhaps another misunderstanding.


I really don't understand your problem with Gmail. I've used Gmail in Thiland for years and surely get dodgy IP addresses allocated from time to time but never have mail blocked for that reason. Maybe a misunderstanding?

Anyway, getting VPN isn't gonna cost you 2000 baht/month. https://www.vpn4all.com starts at $9.95 or around 300 baht/month. I don't know where your home country is but I've never heard anyone needing residency to get VPN. Perhaps another misunderstanding.

Thanks for your post! My mail was blocked for 3 days due to bad ip repudiation for second time this months. This ip prob obviously depends on my provider. vpn4all looks good pricewise, if problems persists will probably try, however I think asian freemail provider ist cheaper and easier but apparently no one knows any...


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