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No Booze Sales Friday And Saturday - Asarnha Bucha Day


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Well if you are still in the process of creating a National identity,and part of that identity is to be Buddhist and the people don't follow the principals of Buddhism,then just make a law that forces them to.

Yes, evenly applied to all precepts, not just the one. 24/7/365. (last one out, turn out the lights)

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Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

Just a question... If you don't drink alcohol and don't like it why have you come onto a thread concerning alcohol? Then you ask the people on here not to make the problem yours. It seems a little like jumping into a lions den and then blaming the lion for eating you. Maybe you have entered this topic to preach the good book and try and save a few souls, those of people who maybe do not want to be saved.

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I for one don't give a dam_n about the 2 days-it's the tourists AND the double standards=flouting of the law=the law is conected to the Ideals of budism as one of the top 5 (commandments here is alcohol)a no no ==my point is if the religion says it's bad why not ban it for all time not on monk days or voting. So its free style for 360 days of the year? Abide by the law we can It's the BUT"S that we post about in general, so relax and take into account it's the heavy drinkers that get worked up about it only.

That is the reason I stopped going to church in the UK, I realised that I was in a large room where a good percentage of the other occupants acted like complete <deleted> for six days of the week, but because they sang a few hymns on the seventh, that made it all Ok.

I have no problem with any religion when taken at face value, but I do have a large problem with those that use religion as an excuse to satisfy their own sadistic needs.

Ha -good. You didn't attend the same church at one time that I went to -did you?? in Lincs ?:lol:

"we have a bar in the north, and today Thais are angry that I will not let them get drunk(the norm) THEY ARE BUDDHIST....say no more eh!- amazing and the Health minister who spoke the words on the thread, said it was against religious beliefs-alcohol-as it caused accidents- etc. --I said o.k. for the other 358 days then.B)

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Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

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Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

Just a question... If you don't drink alcohol and don't like it why have you come onto a thread concerning alcohol? Then you ask the people on here not to make the problem yours. It seems a little like jumping into a lions den and then blaming the lion for eating you. Maybe you have entered this topic to preach the good book and try and save a few souls, those of people who maybe do not want to be saved.

Remember the "satire" recently about how the Thai Police were going to add re-enforcements to stop the riots because they didn't serve alcohol during the voting? How many complained about it before someone finally clued them into the joke? The Thai press picked it up on the TAN network. It reflected on all Farage's living here not just a few. That makes it our/my problem because not all of us act or feel the same way. In my opinion there is too much Thai bashing that goes on here. There's "negative criticism" and "constructive criticism". The latter will get you farther.

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the point is that my personal freedom is violated because of the religious beliefs of others

They're so tiresome, these self-obsessed people who strut around the world claiming that their rights to behave as they see fit are being 'violated'. It's all about them, their rights and comfort, they never can understand the notion of being just a guest in someone else's country, and behaving accordingly.

I suppose boorish and infantile behaviour like this stems from once being told they were special, and they never got over it.

Well, despite what you think, the world does not revolve around you and what you want. Other people have views which have to be taken into account as well. If you are able to learn that, both you and the world will benefit.

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Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone around you who enjoys a drink is an alcoholic. But if it makes you feel better to preach, that's fine.

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Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

Thank you! +1

I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

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Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone around you who enjoys a drink is an alcoholic. But if it makes you feel better to preach, that's fine.

Nope sure doesn't...so wait until Sunday then you'll get your fix.

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Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

Thank you! +1

I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

Seems to me you are preaching what you "think" Buddhism is about, as opposed to letting people decide for themselves what they think Buddhism is about. Thais will worship Buddhism the the way they want. Maybe some follow your style, maybe not.

But the whole point of the thread was people complaining about not getting spirits for two days. Too bad, Sunday will be here soon.

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Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

Thank you! +1

I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

Seems to me you are preaching what you "think" Buddhism is about, as opposed to letting people decide for themselves what they think Buddhism is about. Thais will worship Buddhism the the way they want. Maybe some follow your style, maybe not.

But the whole point of the thread was people complaining about not getting spirits for two days. Too bad, Sunday will be here soon.

Haha, you're so angry! Truth is I have beer in the fridge and wine on the counter...and yet, have not drank any of it since last weekend...., but who knows, I might have a nice glass of merlot tonight while I curl up with my Kindle! Why wait til Sunday? :D

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Sounds to me more like a bunch of alcoholics bitching because that they can't get a drink! Denial! Denial!...Rationalize make excuses...Oh it gets so old! :annoyed:

If you can't go one or two days without, you have a problem. You can have all the problems you want. That's you choice. But don't make them ours.

Been there, done that....ain't going back.:D

Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean everyone around you who enjoys a drink is an alcoholic. But if it makes you feel better to preach, that's fine.

Nope sure doesn't...so wait until Sunday then you'll get your fix.

I don't need alcohol to 'fix' anything.....Often I have none for days, sometimes I have a drink in the evening while relaxing, and sometimes I actually get silly with friends. Please don't try to paint everybody here at TV that likes to drink as raging alcoholics in need of their fix, it says nothing about the people you judge and everything about you. B)

Edited by tominbkk
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Sounds to me that a lot of people have not taking any time to learn about Buddhism and instead are applying assumptions based on religions they are familiar with when in fact, Buddhism would not even fall into many people's definition of a religion as their is no God or deities, let alone ones that punish or reward you.

Thank you! +1

I commented as much earlier in this thread. Thailand has warped Buddhism into a religion. That way it can be used as a form of control and extortion over keeping people in line morally and saving their souls....which is NOT what Buddha was about!

Seems to me you are preaching what you "think" Buddhism is about, as opposed to letting people decide for themselves what they think Buddhism is about. Thais will worship Buddhism the the way they want. Maybe some follow your style, maybe not.

But the whole point of the thread was people complaining about not getting spirits for two days. Too bad, Sunday will be here soon.

Haha, you're so angry! Truth is I have beer in the fridge and wine on the counter...and yet, have not drank any of it since last weekend...., but who knows, I might have a nice glass of merlot tonight while I curl up with my Kindle! Why wait til Sunday? :D

Who's angry? Because some one makes a comment they're angry? You seem to read into a lot that isn't there. If you want to continually piss into the wind go ahead and have at it. Not my game. I don't recall calling you specifically a drunk. I'd rather try to help people with real problems than play word games and semantics on a bulletin board. Life too short.

Bottom line...Thai law is Thai law...can't cope with it, deal with it. End of story! And just so you are not confused, this last sentence applies to everyone. Out of courtesy, I'll exclude you :wai:

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Got an important customer over for the weekend. Need take him for drinks and dinner tonight and tomorrow.

Where to go....Are we saying Hotel bars are still serving tonight?

The laws says hotel's can continue to server but the law doesn't state they must server alcohol.

Edited by Nisa
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Where is the facepalm smiley when you need it?

Come on people, are you really that pathetic? Can't you live 2 days without alcohol?.. I dont know whether to laugh or cry after reading some of the comments in this thread. So much plotting, law bashing and loophope searching.

How about going to the cinemas, play some golf, take gf / wife to dinner or just read a book? No?..

Well "good job" on feeding the stereotype image of expats in Thailand. jap.gif

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Come on people, are you really that pathetic? Can't you live 2 days without alcohol?.. I dont know whether to laugh or cry after reading some of the comments in this thread. So much plotting, law bashing and loophope searching.

I never cease to be amazed by the number of people who read the words and instead of trying to understand them, just liberally apply their own patronising and bigoted viewpoint to them.

(BTW, for your list of personal activities that you find to be fun you may like to add kite flying, then you may get a consensus)

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try to educate myself on Buddism and indeed for that fact the Muslim relgion. the link goes into basic buddism and the rules and guideline but it is not some thing i reckognise with the buddist way of life here. i would like to think that tomorrow when i drive around the village i wont see locals buying and drinking alchohol but i know i will. again it will just be a hard line taken on tourist areas.

i wont drink on the 2 days because i hate all the messing about with coffee mugs and closed shutters etc, but for people coming here on holiday who are non buddist after already 2 weekends of closures really does not make sence. Thailand seems quite happy to sell as much alchohol as it can to tourist, and also consume it in vast quantaties.

even seen temple fairs on budda day selling alchohol when all the bars were closed but in the grounds of the temple buy what you like from the vendors. soi 7-8 and walking steet have dozens of monks every morning, looking for money from the bars and working girls. cant get my head around that one either.

Ahhhh, grasshopper.....

Why do you let how INDIVIDUALS chose to respect the auspicious days of their chosen religion rent so much space in your head?

Coffee mugs? Closed shutters? At home too?

Prostitutes can't be good Buddhists too?

With your understanding that the monks go out in the morning 'looking for money', you haven't progressed very much with your claim to understand the religion.

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Come on people, are you really that pathetic? Can't you live 2 days without alcohol?..

You have missed several points.

This is not about doing without alcohol - it is losing the freedom to sell it.

It is about the hypocrisy of losing the freedom to sell alcohol (particularly to non-Buddhists) whilst the usual alcoholic Thai (Buddhist) guys in the villages are still buying lao-cow from the village shops.

It is about my staff losing 2 days wages and another 500 Baht in tips.

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This is not about doing without alcohol - it is losing the freedom to sell it.

It is about the hypocrisy of losing the freedom to sell alcohol (particularly to non-Buddhists) whilst the usual alcoholic Thai (Buddhist) guys in the villages are still buying lao-cow from the village shops.

I'm an Archa Freedom Fighter, and I protested my cause last night by going out and getting totally wasted. It was a very peaceful protest.

(people without a sense of humour with a 'u' need not respond ...... but probably will)

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Come on people, are you really that pathetic? Can't you live 2 days without alcohol?..

You have missed several points.

This is not about doing without alcohol - it is losing the freedom to sell it.

It is about the hypocrisy of losing the freedom to sell alcohol (particularly to non-Buddhists) whilst the usual alcoholic Thai (Buddhist) guys in the villages are still buying lao-cow from the village shops.

It is about my staff losing 2 days wages and another 500 Baht in tips.

You don't pay your staff for holidays? I believe the law is they must be compensated for up to 6 holiday/vacations days if they have worked for you a year. As a business owner, I would also think this holiday comes as no surprise just as much as almost every other small business owner around the globe is aware of holidays they will be closed. Although the bars are legally to be closed, a huge percentage of other business' also take this, and other holidays, off in Thailand and the overwhelming majority of staff are happy to have a long weekend. In fact most owners are also happy to get some time off and spend it with family and not on the internet moaning about being off when they knew long ago they would be off.

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This is not about doing without alcohol - it is losing the freedom to sell it.

It is about the hypocrisy of losing the freedom to sell alcohol (particularly to non-Buddhists) whilst the usual alcoholic Thai (Buddhist) guys in the villages are still buying lao-cow from the village shops.

I'm an Archa Freedom Fighter, and I protested my cause last night by going out and getting totally wasted. It was a very peaceful protest.

(people without a sense of humour with a 'u' need not respond ...... but probably will)

To be fair, you are something of a Soldier of Fortune - I heard that ANY cause was good enough for you to go out and get wasted on Archa :D

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<br />As usual we see it all boils down to a religious belief. Religion in sanity out!!<br /><br /><br /><br />Religion has always, and still is,  the greatest enemy of peace in our society and our world.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Not sure what you are talking about. If it has some thing to do with the OP can you tie it in a little bit.

Are you saying the ten Commandments and the Buddhist precepts are insane.

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This is not about doing without alcohol - it is losing the freedom to sell it.

It is about the hypocrisy of losing the freedom to sell alcohol (particularly to non-Buddhists) whilst the usual alcoholic Thai (Buddhist) guys in the villages are still buying lao-cow from the village shops.

I'm an Archa Freedom Fighter, and I protested my cause last night by going out and getting totally wasted. It was a very peaceful protest.

(people without a sense of humour with a 'u' need not respond ...... but probably will)

To be fair, you are something of a Soldier of Fortune - I heard that ANY cause was good enough for you to go out and get wasted on Archa :D

Guilty as charged, but I seldom get wasted, that only happens when someone else is picking up the tab, a rare event...... yep, Soldier of Fortune is more accurate.

Glass for hire, no order too tall..... (there is cheap shot height joke in there somewhere)

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not sure why...but my post was deleted...someone asked where they could take their client for dinner and drinks. LEGALLY you can get alcohol anywhere in Thailand, if they give it to you. They just can not charge you for it. Yes I know it is a loss in alcohol sales...but you get more customers in the long run. Honey's Coffee Shop in Rimhat Jomtien Complex...good food and drinks.

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I am not a Buddhist, do I have to obey Buddhist laws and rules? What about freedom of religion?

It is not a Buddhist law, it is a Thai law. I'm sure you are not Thai either but it would be very disrespectful for you to not remove your shoes when going into a home here but I guess you can tell them since you are not Thai that it is okay for you to pick and chose what rules and customs you will follow regardless of being insulting to others. Although Thailand is approx. 95% Buddhist, you do have freedom of religion. The US also has freedom of religion but numerous places are closed on Christian holidays including public schools and most bars and businesses.

Given that the law doesn't apply to Hotels it would seem Thailand has already considered tourists more than enough.

Well said nisa

It is strange how the idea of not being able to legally buy a drink bothers some people so much.

Best way to bring the wanke_rs out in the open is say you can not legally buy a drink at a certain time.

can you imagine the carrying on if there was a thread about not being able to buy alcohol from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. wanke_rs all of them.

They have to much of the product and as a result have trouble thinking straight. A normal person would jut figure that if they want to drink buy ahead of time.

And the idea that they put forward that it hurts tourism. Shows what they are all about. Having lived a large part of my life around drinkers I can safely say I never heard any one say don't go to Thailand you can not buy drinks on certain days of the year. Or certain hours in the afternoon.

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(Incidently the next person the next person that uses that crap American cliche "mom & pop store" should be barred)


Only if the rest of you cut out that "whinging" when you mean "whining!" whistling.gif

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