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Farang Sleeping Rough


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Although I would naturally have sympathy for anybody that has fallen on hard times, such as those mentioned above, my sympathy is mitigated by nightyl pictures on my T.V. screen of the millions of unfortunates currently in refugee camps in various parts of our World.

Cramped conditions in tented villages, starvation and disease and poor sanitation. Gaunt faces staring out from the TV screen, skeletel- babies dying. Amputees sitting pitifully on piles of mud with nothing left in their lives. No TV for them, not even radio, no fun for them, just boredom, despair, worry and a daily struggle. All hope gone.

Earthquakes, famines, floods and wars are the causes. These people were just born in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I speak as a one time aid-worker (briefly for Geldof when I was younger)and I affirm that these people are blameless and that it is totally impossible for them to help themselves, as harder voices suggest at times. They need us completely.

They certainly need us more than any destitute individual on the streets of Bangkok or any big city. These people must accept a degree of self-blame. Also, as usual, alcohol is mentioned. It must be terrible to the extreme being a person who has no pride, no self-control and no hope. Living for drink and nothing else must be a hell on earth. However, a degree of self-help has to be necessary, especially when assisted by others. This is after all always possible in a way that it is not for the refugees.,

I I know where my money is going.

Edited by Beechboy
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we all know what can happen to farangs in los, maybe wife left him for another man ? maybe he lost his passport ? hundred reasons why he doesnt want to return to europe ? or doesnt want to hand himself into the nightmare immagration centre ?

who knows, i would still give the guy the price of a drink or a meal wink.gif

You come across as either a keyboard warrior or a kid, particularly someone that has never been to Thailand but lives vicariously off others on the web.

ive been living in thailand for 12 years now. back in uk once in while, have home in isaan and also chon buri am married to thai wife 5 years now, have a baby daughter to her, have lived in bkk. what do you say to that ? rolleyes.gif im waiting but wont hold my breath on a reply. the negativity on this forum is beyond me .. full of b/s****rs bah.gif

You also have a so called friend with lots of problems and swear when you're losing the argument.

Maybe you attract that sort like a magnet or just the argumentative type?

You appear to like using lots of emoticions. Perhaps this is because you can`t think of the words.

I guess some people don't share our natural verbal dexterity. Maybe he's dyslexic, and doesn't think in words at all.

I reckon probably he's doing it just to wind you up, though, because he's an argumentative sort.


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we all know what can happen to farangs in los, maybe wife left him for another man ? maybe he lost his passport ? hundred reasons why he doesnt want to return to europe ? or doesnt want to hand himself into the nightmare immagration centre ?

who knows, i would still give the guy the price of a drink or a meal wink.gif

You come across as either a keyboard warrior or a kid, particularly someone that has never been to Thailand but lives vicariously off others on the web.

I wonder how I come across?

Would some power the gift gie us

to see ourselves as others see us

I doubt many of us can easily imagine the depths of misfortune and despair to which the most unfortunate amongst us plunge

but perhaps we need not presume that others are full of woe simply because they appear somewhat downcast and impoverished, nor gratuitously lend them our pity or charity unless they request it

A simple friendly enquiry to his health might suffice


You come across as a past the sell date hippie/flower child from the 60s. Get real, these farangs were not born here, and did not come here for any reason other than to visit and most likely given the tendency to be alcoholics and drug addicts, to party as long as they can. The sooner they are removed from Thailand, one way or another, the better. Charity, pity, and kindness are more usefully given to those that did not make their own misery and who are trying to help themselves.

You'd need to be a pretty tight-fisted skinflint that you couldn't even spare a simple "How do you do?"

Maybe you should be less self-indulgent, that you will have 'always a shilling to spare'.

Anyway, if the fellow is in hardship, I'm sure he will continue to put a brave face on it till its far too late


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I I know where my money is going.

If I'm not incorrect, there was a thread last year in which posters were urged to give of their time and money to convicted criminals. Specifically, the OP wanted posters on TV to go and visit these poor souls, perhaps give some money.

If we look at this from three angles, we have a convicted criminal, a homeless drinking farang sleeping rough and an orphanage.

I couldn't agree more with you, Beechboy; I know where my money is going.

Edited by Forethat
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the country is full of falangs hanging around the place , especially Bangkok, No money , scrounging off former mates, or living in the Streets, I saw a Guy White Western guy sat on the footpath around Victory Monument trying to sell his Photographs of scenes around thailand at 50 baht a time, Goodness knows who he thought would buy them, Needs to watch out though , No work permit and he could end up arrested.

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I I know where my money is going.

If I'm not incorrect, there was a thread last year in which posters were urged to give of their time and money to convicted criminals. Specifically, the OP wanted posters on TV to go and visit these poor souls, perhaps give some money.

If we look at this from three angles, we have a convicted criminal, a homeless drinking farang sleeping rough and an orphanage.

I couldn't agree more with you, Beechboy; I know where my money is going.

Which do you think achieves the most in terms of reducing crime?

We don't rehabilitate criminals for their benefit.

Perhaps instead of rehabilitating them, we should harden them, toughen them up.

At least in prison they can mix with people who can give them a good education in their trade, though the rest of us might wish that they found a new one.


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If I'm not incorrect, there was a thread last year in which posters were urged to give of their time and money to convicted criminals. Specifically, the OP wanted posters on TV to go and visit these poor souls, perhaps give some money.

If we look at this from three angles, we have a convicted criminal, a homeless drinking farang sleeping rough and an orphanage.

I couldn't agree more with you, Beechboy; I know where my money is going.

Which do you think achieves the most in terms of reducing crime?

We don't rehabilitate criminals for their benefit.

Perhaps instead of rehabilitating them, we should harden them, toughen them up.

At least in prison they can mix with people who can give them a good education in their trade, though the rest of us might wish that they found a new one.


Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I dont give a rotten dime in support of convicted drug smugglers and rapists. I say: let them rot.

Orphanage? That's where my money is going.

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This guy did not seem to be asking people for money.

His face is thin not fat, he is rather tall, he was there again yesterday, but he gave me the impression he did not want anything to do with others.

So why not just leave him alone? Why post about him on the internet?

i have not spoken to him.

Maybe someone might know him and would like to know where he is?

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Gosh. I never you there were so many generous people in the forums. If I may bang a pan, contributions to animal shelters also help. The shelters provide jobs for wonderful caring Thais with beautiful big hearts, they offer a friend forever (or until the critter is run over by a speeding idiot) that provides love and comfort to a kid or lonely adult. Thy also leave one with a sense of making a difference. And for those of you that are religious, you make merit and are probably helping your great uncle Otis, the one that drank alot, lived rough, and that has come back as a dog. :jap:

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You come across as a past the sell date hippie/flower child from the 60s. Get real, these farangs were not born here, and did not come here for any reason other than to visit and most likely given the tendency to be alcoholics and drug addicts, to party as long as they can. The sooner they are removed from Thailand, one way or another, the better. Charity, pity, and kindness are more usefully given to those that did not make their own misery and who are trying to help themselves.

You'd need to be a pretty tight-fisted skinflint that you couldn't even spare a simple "How do you do?"

Maybe you should be less self-indulgent, that you will have 'always a shilling to spare'.

Anyway, if the fellow is in hardship, I'm sure he will continue to put a brave face on it till its far too late


Be real cowboy dude. You could not possibly be this naive. "How do you do?" Those people are there in the gutter from their own actions; free will. Many of them are incoherent from abuse of one type of drug or another. But free will applies to you also, spend your time mourning them, my time and charity is spent on the innocent misfortunates. You can find those in orphanages in Thailand not on the street where babies are but pawns to ensnare gullible tourists.

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Concerning vpi78, don't waste your time on this one folks. If you've seen his other posts, you will know he is just trolling, looking for trouble, bored, no place to be and no life to live.

Some people know there are many ways to fall and not all of those ways have something to do with what you did and how you did it. It is happening to good people all over the world right now. Other people can't see past themselves.

OP, thanks for the thread.

Do tell. I am fascinated by your analysis. Apparently anyone voicing opinions opposite to you is a troll. It is ironic you conclude I am so bored, no life to live; yet you take the time to warn posters about me and refer to nebulous previous posts. But then again, judging strictly from your above quoted post you would need to look up the word irony to have any understanding of it.

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There's a pair of westerners that hang out in front of the 7-11 in Soi 4 (yes, Nana). One's really rough - no shoes, incredibly dirty, long hair and beard, and shuffles about incoherently. The other is an older chubbier guy who just sits around - he had an awful parasite infection in both his legs which caused some pretty nasty swelling. Pretty sad sight.

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Gosh. I never you there were so many generous people in the forums. If I may bang a pan, contributions to animal shelters also help. The shelters provide jobs for wonderful caring Thais with beautiful big hearts, they offer a friend forever (or until the critter is run over by a speeding idiot) that provides love and comfort to a kid or lonely adult. Thy also leave one with a sense of making a difference. And for those of you that are religious, you make merit and are probably helping your great uncle Otis, the one that drank alot, lived rough, and that has come back as a dog. :jap:

Great Aunt Bessie always said Great Uncle Otis was a dog. I wonder how she knew?

Edited by kandahar
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@ Moe666 = does this Swedish guy carry a back pack all the time and have grey/white heair always tied back in a small ponytail? reason being is that from time to time I see this guy in Pattaya ad he is always wearing the same clothes allbeit they seem to be clean but he came to my business early one morning saying that he had been robbed and needed to borrow money to get to Bkk to the embassy. Now I have heard this so many times now it is unreal and I cannot put my hand in my pockect all the time etc.

As many of you have said the time will come when they will snap up and say they need help.

No Tobar hangs in Bangkok, he is about 6' tall 185lbs and has short brown, grey. He is a nice guy but in the end all he wants to do is drink. He has the old bait and switch down perfect help me to get food and then buys lao Kao with the money. In the end it is a waste of time to help until he decides he has had enough.

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The guy at Mochit has always been laying down or sitting on the bench, no beer bottles or anything around him, the only person near him is the woman I have seen, she searches through the bins for plastic bottles or other things to sell. The other night she woke him up so that he could have a wash at the basin thing next to the bench, when he finished his quick wash he got back onto the bench. I have not been there for a few days so not sure if he is still there, I would speak to him, but really am unsure what I should say or ask.

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You come across as a past the sell date hippie/flower child from the 60s. Get real, these farangs were not born here, and did not come here for any reason other than to visit and most likely given the tendency to be alcoholics and drug addicts, to party as long as they can. The sooner they are removed from Thailand, one way or another, the better. Charity, pity, and kindness are more usefully given to those that did not make their own misery and who are trying to help themselves.

You'd need to be a pretty tight-fisted skinflint that you couldn't even spare a simple "How do you do?"

Maybe you should be less self-indulgent, that you will have 'always a shilling to spare'.

Anyway, if the fellow is in hardship, I'm sure he will continue to put a brave face on it till its far too late


Be real cowboy dude. You could not possibly be this naive. "How do you do?" Those people are there in the gutter from their own actions; free will. Many of them are incoherent from abuse of one type of drug or another. But free will applies to you also, spend your time mourning them, my time and charity is spent on the innocent misfortunates. You can find those in orphanages in Thailand not on the street where babies are but pawns to ensnare gullible tourists.

I had a homeless farang living on the beach near me for a while. He pretended he was on a 'survival exercise'. I believed him at first but when he asked to leave stuff at my house I realised he was homeless.

To cut a long story short - he arrived here v wealthy and lost everything (in the normal way....). He hanged himself by my house a few months later....

I only found out his story after he had died. Even though I'd tried to help and spent a fair amount of time with him, he never talked about his past.

It taught me a lesson - ALWAYS try to do your VERY best for those obviously down on their luck.

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I had a homeless farang living on the beach near me for a while. He pretended he was on a 'survival exercise'. I believed him at first but when he asked to leave stuff at my house I realised he was homeless.

To cut a long story short - he arrived here v wealthy and lost everything (in the normal way....). He hanged himself by my house a few months later....

I only found out his story after he had died. Even though I'd tried to help and spent a fair amount of time with him, he never talked about his past.

It taught me a lesson - ALWAYS try to do your VERY best for those obviously down on their luck.

A lot of street people are real people with their own stories, not just stereotypes. Like the rest of the posters here, I would just step over them and hope they go away, but I do that because I am lazy, mean and fearful, not because I think it is right. That would be heartless...


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Is that guy still around lower Sukhumvit ?About 55 ,,grey hair ,well dressed with a sign saying looking for work ? ( he was a merchant sea man i think ) .Saw him last about 2 or 3 years ago .

That dude used to set up camp on soi 4 opposite the Nana, then I believe he worked his way up to Asoke BTS/MRT station.

His problem was his sign saying he would only work for ferang wages, talk about beggars cant be choosers.

Havent seen him in a few years.

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Not really into religion, but there is a place in the bible saying that you dont help someone by giving him food or money. You help him by teaching him how to do fishing. Also, there is another place saying help yourself and the sky will help you.

I am not here to judge this man or other farang beggars. They all have their own story and reasons why they live this way. Some probably choosed to live like that. Some did not. What I mean is that we should not judge them or give them money. We shall talk to him and help him to get a job and buy food by his own. It is not by giving him money we will help him.

Here is a small story I lived a few years ago. I was working downtown Montreal. There always had this homeless man opening me the subway station door. I am not really into giving money to a beggar but I taught he was working so I gave him some. I went to work. at midnight, after my shift, I took back the subway. That beggar guy was lying on the metro dock intoxicated by alcool. I was the one giving him first aid before ambulance took him out.

At the end, I realized that the money I gave him was a wrong move from me. First, he dont want to help him. Second, he is not ready to learn how to go fishing and get his food.

Since that time, I never gave back money to a beggar...

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Not really into religion, but there is a place in the bible saying that you dont help someone by giving him food or money. You help him by teaching him how to do fishing.

It's a good thing your'e not into religion (nor am I religious for that matter) because unless I'm mistaken, that's not from the Bible! wink.gif I believe it's Chinese in origin (and often attributed to Kǒng Fūz -- but lots of wise stuff is that may not actually have been said/written by him.)

Anyway, I agree with you entirely. And commend you on your tolerance and compassion

[And you kaorop.]

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Some people are struggling to differentiate between helping those who have genuinely fallen on hard times through unfortunate circumstances, and being wary of the cheats and scammers of which there are many.

Not me. I'm not even trying to figure it out. (Though certainly I've known/seen both kinds and they aren't always distinguishable.)

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Not really into religion, but there is a place in the bible saying that you dont help someone by giving him food or money. You help him by teaching him how to do fishing.

It's a good thing your'e not into religion (nor am I religious for that matter) because unless I'm mistaken, that's not from the Bible! wink.gif I believe it's Chinese in origin (and often attributed to Kǒng Fūz -- but lots of wise stuff is that may not actually have been said/written by him.)

Anyway, I agree with you entirely. And commend you on your tolerance and compassion

[And you kaorop.]

Give a man a fish,he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself for life...


Give a man a fish,he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.

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Not really into religion, but there is a place in the bible saying that you dont help someone by giving him food or money. You help him by teaching him how to do fishing. Also, there is another place saying help yourself and the sky will help you.

I am not here to judge this man or other farang beggars. They all have their own story and reasons why they live this way. Some probably choosed to live like that. Some did not. What I mean is that we should not judge them or give them money. We shall talk to him and help him to get a job and buy food by his own. It is not by giving him money we will help him.

Here is a small story I lived a few years ago. I was working downtown Montreal. There always had this homeless man opening me the subway station door. I am not really into giving money to a beggar but I taught he was working so I gave him some. I went to work. at midnight, after my shift, I took back the subway. That beggar guy was lying on the metro dock intoxicated by alcool. I was the one giving him first aid before ambulance took him out.

At the end, I realized that the money I gave him was a wrong move from me. First, he dont want to help him. Second, he is not ready to learn how to go fishing and get his food.

Since that time, I never gave back money to a beggar...

Sorry, but this is a load of old troddle in this day and age.

What's the point of teaching someone how to fish or giving him a fishing rod if he's starving and homeless in the centre of Bangkok or any other major city?

By the time he`s learned how to fish, he would be already be half dead from thirst and hunger.

And all the Sky has ever done for most people, is rain on them, resulting in a bad bout of flu and then they die from pneumonia.

And talking to them is not going to fill their bellies or give them shelter.

Only 2 requirements needed in these situations, give them employment if you are in a position to do so and put money into the care and attention they require.

Actions speak louder than words, fishing tuition and the clouds above.

Be realistic, all those nice well meaning words on here mean nothing. Easy talk comes cheaper then the truth and how dire the circumstances are for these poor souls that are in no hope situations.


Edited by Beetlejuice
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