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Anyone Got Land For Sale?

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Anyone who does not agree to deposits are just tyre kickers....pure n simple and not worth discussing with......just simply tell them to come back when they have a wad of cash in their hands to do the transfer that day....or ignore them.

I do agree however that upcountry middle of nowehere little valued land is not worthy of a deposit as you can just go do the deal on the day.

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I'm a cash buyer I don't own or use credit cards and i don't owe anyone a penny but if there is a bargain to be had then I will put a deposit down until the next day when I can arrange for my lawyer to perform a search and to meet at the land registry office to finalise the deal.

If I didn't put a deposit down then "maybe" someone else would of. So I eliminate the maybe because I want this bargain (and I do love a bargain).

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You also should go to the bank or agency holding title on the property with the owner, if the owner is still financing it. In some cases the owner owns it out right but you still need to go the land office with them to record the transaction. I have heard of some foreign buyers not doing this. They get burned.

Another advantage of a "deposit" is to make sure all the provisions in the contract are met "before" full payment is made. The deposit holds the contract until completion. Almost every Thai knows that. Even in the back country, the owner may say he "owns" the land but the "title" is in someone else's hand, like a relative for the money he borrowed. The "deposit" probably pays off the other person so the owner can get the "title" back. I've seen that happen a few times.

So if you don't want to pay a deposit go take a hike or go get the money. But in the mean time if some one comes a long with cash in hand, you loose. Don't bitch. You had your chance.

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I was driving along and saw some old fella knocking a for sale sign into the ground in Thai and English. It was an old home that needed lots of work doing to it but was in an absolutely unbelievable prime position. I asked him how much he told me and i nearly fell over it was so cheap for where it was. I even had the cheek to barter him down a little more, went to the ATM and gave him a cash deposit no contract just a receipt scribbled on a old piece of paper.

Next day my lawyer finds out the Chanote is with the Bangkok Bank as he owes money to the Bank she arranges for a representative of the Bank to be at the land registry office the next day to collect the owed payment. They got paid back the old boy got what was left and we got a new clean Chanote with my name on the back as the new lender.

If i was to mess around on a promise I would of lost that property 100% to someone else, things like that don't come along that very often.

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Why do Ferangs think West here, i never will find out.Thais regard Deposit a bonus, nothing more. Toyota Showrooms got shot up over a 10 K deposit. Its easier getting a microphone off a Thai than a deposit.To much big talk here over a simle question.A Thai Female knows all the answers, the Ferang thinks he does :D

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Another advantage of a "deposit" is to make sure all the provisions in the contract are met "before" full payment is made. The deposit holds the contract until completion. Almost every Thai knows that. Even in the back country, the owner may say he "owns" the land but the "title" is in someone else's hand, like a relative for the money he borrowed. The "deposit" probably pays off the other person so the owner can get the "title" back. I've seen that happen a few times.

So you're saying that it makes perfect sense for a buyer to pay a deposit to someone who doesnt even own the property they are trying to sell? Anyone following that advice would be completely nuts.

Precisely the point I was making when I referred to vendors being the ones who need to make a deposit to keep a buyer happy and stop him buying something else.

So if you don't want to pay a deposit go take a hike or go get the money. But in the mean time if some one comes a long with cash in hand, you loose.

A nice dream that I'm sure many vendors share. When was the last time you heard of it happening in real life?

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..... gave him a cash deposit no contract just a receipt scribbled on a old piece of paper.

Worthless. He could have sold to someone else and just given you the deposit back. Or indeed he could have taken the same deposit from 100 other losers farang investors and just cleared off to Cambodia or somewhere.

He didn't, luckily for you.

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Anyone who does not agree to deposits are just tyre kickers....pure n simple and not worth discussing with......just simply tell them to come back when they have a wad of cash in their hands to do the transfer that day....or ignore them.

You are very quick to write off the sort of people most likely to actually buy something ..... but probably not from you. Still, that's your loss. And who said that as a buyer I wouldnt be prepared to make an offer in the morning and complete in the afternoon?

I do agree however that upcountry middle of nowehere little valued land is not worthy of a deposit as you can just go do the deal on the day.

And why cant you do that with a condo in Pattaya or Phuket? I would say that it is far easier to do this with a city condo than with a plot of country land as there is far less to think about, especially if the buyer knows the building. Also no trickery involved with company/Thai names.

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Darrel...you go the way you want to go...I don't have have problem with that at all. And I'm sure others will conduct themselves accordingly in order to protect themselves. I think the vast majority of buyers here are smart enough to see through nonsense you perpetuate. You wiggle and waggle your words to make it fit your position which is very weak to say the least. There is always the exception. Best of luck in protecting all that money you indicate you have if you someday decide to buy land or property. Old saying "a fool and his money". This is true all over the world. Some people will screw you out of money no matter where you live. Especially if they see an easy target.

If the OP had a more defined location of where they wanted to live I'm sure they would get more suggestions. Thailand's a big country.

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..... gave him a cash deposit no contract just a receipt scribbled on a old piece of paper.

Worthless. He could have sold to someone else and just given you the deposit back. Or indeed he could have taken the same deposit from 100 other losers farang investors and just cleared off to Cambodia or somewhere.

He didn't, luckily for you.

Your either trolling for a argument or possibly from the mountainous areas of the States.

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A deposit is not required anywhere on any property if you as the buyer want to go along and do the deal today....no problem, even tomorrow or next week. But it depends on the risk and how much you want the property and are not willing to lose it...if you do not care so much if someone else comes along and beats you to it by a day or an hour...then fine....no need for deposits.

When buyers want to buy a porperty but want to wait a week or 2 or a month for transfer....then a deposit is required for both parties sake....for the seller to hold it for you and for the buyer to be sure it is held for him.

I have bought 3 properties like this now and it has worked fine for all involved.

You need a contract that reflects this and a clause that if the buyer renegs he loses his deposit, only fair if the seller has stopped advertising or turned away other potential buyers.

The seller also needs to have a clause where he pays back twice the amount to the buyer if he renegs....again, only fair to the buyer if he is expecting to purchase the property yet gets shafted buy the seller when someone...rarely...comes along and offers an inflated price to sell to him...then the seller makes a gain big enough to pay back the buyer without loss to himself, the buyer is probably pissed off, but he gets some extra cash back.

We had a property for sale recently....an offer was made and accepted....we asked for a deposit....they bucked up and down....did not pay one and never came back....full of shit, pure and simple.......but they had the hide to ask us to hold it for them for 2 months.......no deposit...not serious....pay a deposit and the seller knows you are serious and will not <deleted> them around if it is sizeable enough.....then your contract kicks in.

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Why do Ferangs think West here, i never will find out.Thais regard Deposit a bonus, nothing more. Toyota Showrooms got shot up over a 10 K deposit. Its easier getting a microphone off a Thai than a deposit.To much big talk here over a simle question.A Thai Female knows all the answers, the Ferang thinks he does :D

I regularly drink beer and shoot the shit with, two lawyers, an estate agent and policeman(not some sgt Somchai) who acts as a witness to a legally drawn up contract, and listen to them as they talk about property deals.

From what I have observed a deposit from both the buyer and seller will be held by the agent until completion, almost like an escrow account.

The deposit will be included in the purchase price not a bonus, deposits of 200,000 and 300,000 baht are not uncommon.

This protects both parties who may well be in a property chain, the seller may well need the money to put down on another property, the buyer may well have people waiting to move into his property.

Another myth to dispell is, Thais do buy secondhand properties.

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Thais do buy secondhand properties.

Of course they do....like everyone can afford new....like every house that someone moves out of is left vacant for the rest of its life.

If they can afford it, they would prefer to buy new.

I paid 50k deposit on one property...I paid 500k on another.....I paid 100k on another.

A Thai paid 1.8 mil on one I sold.

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From what I have observed a deposit from both the buyer and seller will be held by the agent until completion, almost like an escrow account.

The deposit will be included in the purchase price not a bonus, .......

Makes perfect sense to me, and reflects the only circumstances in which I would ever pay a deposit.

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I think the vast majority of buyers here are smart enough to see through nonsense you perpetuate. You wiggle and waggle your words to make it fit your position which is very weak to say the least. There is always the exception. Best of luck in protecting all that money you indicate you have if you someday decide to buy land or property. Old saying "a fool and his money". This is true all over the world. Some people will screw you out of money no matter where you live. Especially if they see an easy target.

? My position is extremely sound, and no wiggles required, thanks. The only wigglers I see here appear to be vendors desperately justifying themselves.

This particular fool has managed to go 56 years without any trouble at all, in spite of having bought my first house nearly 40 years ago, and in spite of having owned at least one, sometimes more than one, ever since. Cant see that changing any time soon.

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Out of both of you Darrel has been round the Block in my eyes.You tell them here, not ask..One nasty thing that happens here is the Missing Relative who turns up with a Will claiming hes part owner of the Land. Watch their so called Lawyers, and the Documents,they are like a Thai Driving Licence, often not obtained theFerang Way.Ive found the Banks know all the Scams, and are worth more than anyone for advice.

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I dont understand why farang are always building houses and going through that trouble as opposed to just buying a home already built. commodity/building material prices have risen dramatically since the great recession started

Probably because at least in the area we live most houses are priced at least double what the build cost would have been

What a ridiculous response! And would you have had to oversee/project manage said build? Source the fixtures/fittings et al? Would you even dream of asking how much a house you were interested in buying in your home country cost to build? You want someone to simply hand it over to you minus the blood sweat and tears? Fool.

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My goodness. Is this one of those 'I know it better than you' thread or a request from the OP to people who have or know land for sale.

Starting a new thread with the right topic is not that difficult!

Or better yet, 'give me your house for what it cost YOU to build'.

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Agree. If you say yes I want it then whats the problem with putting a deposit down, you just said you wanted it. It weeds out the 'nothing better to do then waste my time wasters" and there are plenty of them here.

Signing a contract to purchase obviates the need for a deposit.

And what about time-wasting vendors? The ones who keep changing their minds and dont know whether they want to sell or not?

Dont they need weeding out also? There are quite a few of them around.

Ha! Not NEARLY as many as time wasting 'potential' purchasers. Why, even in the UK there are idiots who think it a 'day out' for their families to go snooping round other people's houses without the slightest intention of buying, Darrel.

So much so that I had enough of them and withdrew my property from the market. Stuff them.

Edited by evanson
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I dont understand why farang are always building houses and going through that trouble as opposed to just buying a home already built. commodity/building material prices have risen dramatically since the great recession started

Probably because at least in the area we live most houses are priced at least double what the build cost would have been

What a ridiculous response! And would you have had to oversee/project manage said build? Source the fixtures/fittings et al? Would you even dream of asking how much a house you were interested in buying in your home country cost to build? You want someone to simply hand it over to you minus the blood sweat and tears? Fool.

no I don't expect that I would rather do what op wants to do and buy land and build house to my spec

Took your house off the Market did you more like can't sell it cause you are overpricing it coupled with that fact that they have over built all round your property and spoiled your view hence it is impossible to sell for the price you want

Come on who ever heard of someone taking their property of the Market cause to many people were coming to look at it obviously if it was priced right it would sell tommorow but no all these people are walking away probably saying wow that's well over priced

Don't bother trying to reply as seems you are a bitter man trolling for argument with a property you can't sell at the hugely inflated price you are asking

end off my comments on this thread thank you have a nice day

Edited by taninthai
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And what about time-wasting vendors? The ones who keep changing their minds and dont know whether they want to sell or not?

..... I had enough of them and withdrew my property from the market.

QED, I think. :rolleyes:

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There are times to use deposits wisely...and times to NEVER use deposits.

I have bought many houses and plots of land in Thailand (into my companies or leasehold) - some in Phuket and Chiang Mai and more up country. Some cheap, some expensive.

There is no need to leave a deposit with the individual selling the property, and I'd question to integrity of most "Agents" as well. I have however, used lawyers as a type of escrow to hold a "deposit" until due diligence is done on the title(s), the Owner and the Banks.

But there are generally no lawyers up country. Sometimes I have used the Kamnan if I have known him a long time.

But giving a deposit to Somchai for land that may or may not be his, may or may not be in the bank, or may not have correct title is a very risky game in up country Thailand.

He is more than likely going to drop a deposit on a new Vigo and should something not check out with the land....you will never get your deposit back.

He doesn't have another buyer, so letting it slide a week isn't going to lose it, and if it does, it does.

So, I don't think there is a "one size fits all". Rather use the resources at your disposal and be smart.

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We have purchased several plots of land here in the north of Thailand, no deposit asked for or volunteered. The reason for delayed sale date, was seller had to get family agreement on price, wanted to consider offer, etc.

Wife handled sale of a house and condo for family member, who resides outside Thailand as well as several other properties, locally. If potential buyer commits to the purchase price and needs time to get financing arranged thru a bank, etc, then a 10% deposit is required to take property off the market for a agreed upon time (non refundable). No deposit, property stays on market and the first buyer with resources (cash) gets to go to the land office. The wife and I have had a few discussions about the Thai way of doing business and the correct way, vs, if she wants to gain the reputation for honesty/fairness and pick up future business/clients.

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Not trying to stereotype Thais but I have observed that those that show up to look at a property for sale, riding double/triple on a 125 motorcycle are most likely, what some of you have referred to as 'tire kickers'. The only exception I have seen to this is a neighbor who lives a couple kilometer from us. He owns a hundred rai or so, and rides his motorcycle to supervise building, buying property, etc. He also keeps his merc at home, think he plays on the poor looks for a better deal?

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