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Monks Teach Maleness To Thai 'Ladyboys'


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A waste of time.

These children are clearly wire differently in the brain than their genitals are externally observed.

You can't retrain a brain to be what it is not. Only add more information to what it has. If you load

in basic contradictions it only breeds mental disharmony, and doesn't correct what some see as a

social disharmony between the individual and society.

Conservative Christians have tried this in the west and caused more deviation than was started with.

This includes family men living a lie inside themselves and finally opting for abandoning their families,

or even as drastic as suicide etc.

A waste of time or worse.

This is one of the most stupid and idiotic threads I have read, What a lot of ancient backward thinking things to do, I could write a book about the stories I have been told regarding ladies and boys at some temples over the years. Local people know, now this. Also monks by the cartload smoking their heads off sat in the back of pick-ups traveling. They are not alone, take a look at your Catholic/Christian heads-molestation- But this brainwashing of ladyboys is to me pointless. Maybe the ladyboys can show some monks an alternative style of life-BUT I do understand from THEIR point of view why its an abnormal way of life.

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My God, it is like going back a couple of hundred years in time. Imagine having a sociaty like Thailand, free and approving of most gays, lesbians and ladyboys and such stuff. And than within the very same sociaty having these Buddist monks living their lifes like it was the year of 1036 AD or something. No it is really time to fresh up the monks and the tempels in Thailand in order to make them modern and more in terms with today!


Not being to religious myself (I am a reborn again Pagan) I feel that religion is a way to put forth a set of moral ides. these are ideas that society could base its self on. That is not to say it happens all the time.

It would be self defeating if it was based on what the culture is like today.

The title was very misleading. It should have said preach rather than teach.

By the way this is 2011 we now have a spell check on are computers.

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Interesting article. If a person with same sex attractions sincerely wishes to comfortably be able to live a straight life and is willing to pay his dues, so to speak, it can be done.

Speaking as a flaming heterosexual, i cannot imagine anyone or anything converting me to a homosexual.

Sorry buddy, but the good science says homosexuality is just how some people are wired.

I would call this article funny more than interesting.

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Again Thailand proves that their unique taliban style of Buddhism will not tolerate anything but the party line.


Exactly like Taliban 2.0

You are very much wrong. Buddhism is very tolarant of all other religons. Even with in the world of Buddhism there are places where it is tolerated. Just because some try to change the beliefs of the lady boys it does not mean they are intolerant.

It sounds to me like the intolerance is in your back yard.

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Not being to religious myself (I am a reborn again Pagan) I feel that religion is a way to put forth a set of moral ides. these are ideas that society could base its self on. That is not to say it happens all the time.

It would be self defeating if it was based on what the culture is like today.

The title was very misleading. It should have said preach rather than teach.

By the way this is 2011 we now have a spell check on are computers.

Pot, kettle :whistling:

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Males feeling like they are females is NOT the same as gay! Effeminacy is NOT the same as gay! Gay is males loving males not males dreaming of chopping off their male sex organ. Please stop pushing the false notion that all people who don't fit the narrow sex roles, heterosexual model are all gay. As far as these boys, their futures will be very varied. Some will grow up to be heterosexuals, some gay, some ladyboys of different surgical options (NOT the same thing as gay) and many not so easily categorized.

Edited by Jingthing
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A waste of time.

These children are clearly wire differently in the brain than their genitals are externally observed.

You can't retrain a brain to be what it is not. Only add more information to what it has. If you load

in basic contradictions it only breeds mental disharmony, and doesn't correct what some see as a

social disharmony between the individual and society.

Conservative Christians have tried this in the west and caused more deviation than was started with.

This includes family men living a lie inside themselves and finally opting for abandoning their families,

or even as drastic as suicide etc.

A waste of time or worse.

100% .. you said it ...

They should teach poetry in stead.

There he goes

upon his toes

do you suppose

he's one of those?

(Not sure if that will translate very well)

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It's a public secret in Thailand that a huge amount of monks are just plane gay, and that becoming (temporaly) a monk is i nfact a way of reassuring or even showing their' feminine' character.Same problem with catholic priests: can we imagine catholic priests ' teaching' other priests to discover their' masculinity'???!!....The core of the problem is t hat any religion is based on sexual repression, and sexual repression can only reinforce' alternative' forms of sexuality.The ones who try to solve the problem are the problem...

The problem is with Thai Buddhism as they dont allow woman to be a monk as enjoined by Lord Buddha.

However a woman monk cannot use makeup.

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Males feeling like they are females is NOT the same as gay! Effeminacy is NOT the same as gay!

You're wasting your breath Jing. Save it for something important.

No kidding. Realistically how many versions of non-heterosexuality can a society be expected to keep track of anyway? Should it just not be referred to at all for fear of saying it wrong? That's just PC entanglement serving the same minuscule purpose as the rest of it.


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The problem is with Thai Buddhism as they dont allow woman to be a monk as enjoined by Lord Buddha.

However a woman monk cannot use makeup.

Not sure how you got this.

I know two women who went to be monks for a spell.

You just don't see them walking around asking for alms etc.

They were not monks - they can go to the temple and live like a monk, but they wear white etc and are not regarded as monks as such - nor do they have they same rights and obligations.

THere are some women protesting this as it is not universally so in other Theravada Buddhist countries

Monks / nuns, same ecclesiastical mindset and essential purpose.

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Males feeling like they are females is NOT the same as gay! Effeminacy is NOT the same as gay!

You're wasting your breath Jing. Save it for something important.

No kidding. Realistically how many versions of non-heterosexuality can a society be expected to keep track of anyway? Should it just not be referred to at all for fear of saying it wrong? That's just PC entanglement serving the same minuscule purpose as the rest of it.


Sorry you can't deal with complications. ONLY Black and white for you, is it? Sounds very lazy to me. Not about PC, about REALITY. You must really have trouble in restaurants with long menus ... Edited by Jingthing
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It's a public secret in Thailand that a huge amount of monks are just plane gay, and that becoming (temporaly) a monk is i nfact a way of reassuring or even showing their' feminine' character.Same problem with catholic priests: can we imagine catholic priests ' teaching' other priests to discover their' masculinity'???!!....The core of the problem is t hat any religion is based on sexual repression, and sexual repression can only reinforce' alternative' forms of sexuality.The ones who try to solve the problem are the problem...

The problem is with Thai Buddhism as they dont allow woman to be a monk as enjoined by Lord Buddha.

However a woman monk cannot use makeup.

Most religions developed during times of tribal loyalties or proto-city states needing to keep numbers up, and create a social re-enforcing mechanism, to get members to go and die to protect the central continuity of the city state against it's neighbors, and feed them in and organized manner. If you were made to feel a morally reenforced dictate to procreate, and if needs be send your sons to war to save your city state from destruction or make it larger, then the philosophy worked.

In modern times it is less needed because if anything there is excess population and the state has maintained a way to control protection issues. But the religious overlay doesn't fade away. Buddha of course was not advocating war, but man, in his typical controllishness, used the organizational structures to hold the society together in parallel to the state. When they are no longer needed they are still in place because of habit and cultural stasis. Which is partly why Santi Asoke is against the Thai Sangha, they think it has too many City/State trappings and less pure Buddha in it's methodology.

So not being hetro and strong and manly was one less defender of the relm ready to defend, and breed fresh defenders and agriculturists for the global public good, in the eyes of many thus putting them all at risk. So structures were put in place to keep numbers up and under moral control.

Edited by animatic
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Males feeling like they are females is NOT the same as gay! Effeminacy is NOT the same as gay!

You're wasting your breath Jing. Save it for something important.

No kidding. Realistically how many versions of non-heterosexuality can a society be expected to keep track of anyway? Should it just not be referred to at all for fear of saying it wrong? That's just PC entanglement serving the same minuscule purpose as the rest of it.


Sorry you can't deal with complications. ONLY Black and white for you, is it? Sounds very lazy to me. Not about PC, about REALITY. You must really have trouble in restaurants with long menus ...

Why should the society feel a need to keep track of gender variations in the first place?

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So why do you think (to everyone) that there seems to be a unusual amount of trans gender people in Thailand? Ok I know all some will say not enough! But...have a guess even or give it some thought to why..

here are the reasons that I have been told.

1.Lean bhap..thats copy to be in the gang.

2. Thailand is more open in general towards being gay.

3. Parents would rather see their daughter with another girl as a teenager than with a boy who may get here pregnant.

4. Poisons in the air and food.

5.Born that way.

6. Too much soy milk and tophu in the diet as a teenager which has too many female hormones in..The N.H.S. in the UK warns not to give this to teenage boys!

7.Being taught by elders and piers thats its acceptable to be Bi sexual..

I would probely agree across the board with all this reasons which add up to the reason we seem and do see more cross gender people in Thailand.

So any other reason you all can think of?

As for no.1 I would say that its a fair to say that maybe children who have become a Katoey at a eary age need time to find out if its what they really want so maybe there could be a reason for councilling at a early age? I will get slated for that but as I said some do it to become one of the gang..Told to me and seen by Thais...

Edited by davidwright
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Since the training is specifically for boys/young men, maybe it would just be wiser to not have those who consider themselves non-males to be required to attend.

I have no issue with counseling these young people in terms of finding out if they truly relate to another gender or maybe are acting out due to some sort of trauma in their life or other issues beyond truly no be programmed as a male but it is insane to make assumptions and force one to behave in a way you believe is right ... especially in the name of religion.

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Not being to religious myself (I am a reborn again Pagan) I feel that religion is a way to put forth a set of moral ides. these are ideas that society could base its self on. That is not to say it happens all the time.

It would be self defeating if it was based on what the culture is like today.

The title was very misleading. It should have said preach rather than teach.

By the way this is 2011 we now have a spell check on are computers.

Pot, kettle :whistling:

Or maybe a bit of satire :lol: .

I wonder what gender the monk in the attached picture is :D .


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Males feeling like they are females is NOT the same as gay! Effeminacy is NOT the same as gay!

You're wasting your breath Jing. Save it for something important.

No kidding. Realistically how many versions of non-heterosexuality can a society be expected to keep track of anyway? Should it just not be referred to at all for fear of saying it wrong? That's just PC entanglement serving the same minuscule purpose as the rest of it.


Sorry you can't deal with complications. ONLY Black and white for you, is it? Sounds very lazy to me. Not about PC, about REALITY. You must really have trouble in restaurants with long menus ...

Actually, I own a restaurant with a long menu written by me, so no that's not an problem. You seem easily offended on this issue. I was just offering my opinion. I also don't see the point in treating this as a sensitive issue, and it's certainly not worth getting in an argument that the moderators will only delete anyway.

Let me put the point to you this way. I like to play Poker. Most people call it gambling even though I think it's a strategic game that falls outside the realm of betting and praying for the best. Should I invest my time trying to convince people, who really don't care about the nuances anyway, that's it's a strategy game, not just gambling? And really why should anybody care? There's already a word for it that only misses the mark on technicalities.


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So why do you think (to everyone) that there seems to be a unusual amount of trans gender people in Thailand? Ok I know all some will say not enough! But...have a guess even or give it some thought to why..

here are the reasons that I have been told.

1.Lean bhap..thats copy to be in the gang.

2. Thailand is more open in general towards being gay.

3. Parents would rather see their daughter with another girl as a teenager than with a boy who may get here pregnant.

4. Poisons in the air and food.

5.Born that way.

6. Too much soy milk and tophu in the diet as a teenager which has too many female hormones in..The N.H.S. in the UK warns not to give this to teenage boys!

7.Being taught by elders and piers thats its acceptable to be Bi sexual..

I would probely agree across the board with all this reasons which add up to the reason we seem and do see more cross gender people in Thailand.

So any other reason you all can think of?

I don't have the answer and disagree with a number of the reasons you stated as being possible reasons but to add to the list of possibilities ...

8: for economic reasons (to work in the sex trade)

9: It is much easier for an Asian man to pass as a women than most other races

10: It is a common, easy to have and inexpensive surgery here compared to elsewhere (but this may be a chicken before the egg thinking)

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My God, it is like going back a couple of hundred years in time. Imagine having a sociaty like Thailand, free and approving of most gays, lesbians and ladyboys and such stuff. And than within the very same sociaty having these Buddist monks living their lifes like it was the year of 1036 AD or something. No it is really time to fresh up the monks and the tempels in Thailand in order to make them modern and more in terms with today!


I don't see the problem with it. It's religious freedom. They should be allowed to have their view, albeit narrow as it is. As soon as you say these guys need to have different views, and it actually gets enforced then where does it end? It's a slippery slope and one that can end up becoming a society that doesn't condone homosexuality, in any of its forms, at all.

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Again Thailand proves that their unique taliban style of Buddhism will not tolerate anything but the party line.


Exactly like Taliban 2.0

Yeah right! Because this country has so much in common with Taliban ruled Afghanistan!


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Not being to religious myself (I am a reborn again Pagan) I feel that religion is a way to put forth a set of moral ides. these are ideas that society could base its self on. That is not to say it happens all the time.

It would be self defeating if it was based on what the culture is like today.

The title was very misleading. It should have said preach rather than teach.

By the way this is 2011 we now have a spell check on are computers.

Pot, kettle :whistling:

On you it looks good and I don't have to take any thing out of context to see that.:whistling:

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OMG, you think the difference between gay men and ladyboys is a technicality? That's simply ignorance.

Does a Ladyboy technically have to have a penis? I mean if they have completed the transition from male to female (post-op) are they still a ladyboy or would they be considered transsexual?

Part of the problem discussing issues like this is defining the terms. Thai's themselves simply refer to all outwardly gay men as ladyboys while I think most of us believe it is either shemales or gay men who put themselves out there as being women .. at least in appearance.

I could be wrong but I believe ladyboy is a Thai reference and if this is true then it would make sense to use the local definition and not the more broader shemale definition. Even the OP itself is making its own definition by saying that Ladyboy is synonymous with transsexuals when in fact this would mean they would have had to undergone some sort of surgery.

Edited by Nisa
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