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Great Airport Grocery Shopping


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Here's a tip:

Who would have thought you can buy cheap, fresh, pesticide controlled, exotic vegetables, herbs and groceries right at the airport. Or snacks, or fruit juices.. Mango juice, passion fruit juice, or combinations, carrot & passion was pretty yummie.. Just 12 baht. Very un-airport-like prices.. A couple of meters past this shop the typical 'airport prices' start.. 80 baht for a burger, 100 baht for a coffee and cake, etc.

Anyway, the place to do your snack & drink shopping is the Royal Project shop, a tiny little shop on the right just before you go inside the area where the security check and gates are at Domestic. Look for it. What they sell on any day varies greatly on what's seasonal & harvested recently from all the up-country areas that are part of the King's Royal Project to promote the development of new products in poorer areas. Especially of interest is the stuff they manage to grow in highland hilltribe areas, cooler climate stuff. And not just vegetables but also fish (trout), meats, etc.

As I pass there every week, the shop pretty much decides what's for dinner. Big purple eggplant, 5 baht.. 2 zuchhinis, 15 baht.. bell pepper, mushrooms.. AND they had fresh (!) oregano.. It just basically yelled "Ratatouille Nicoise!" out at me. And there's jams, honey, teas, coffee, flowers.. Basically you can do your weekend grocery shopping there. :o

Ok, ok.. Getting carried away. More likely you'll just pick up some reasonably priced apple juice and some crisps; don't miss it.



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I used to go there every week when I commuted to Bangkok.

I used to have more baggage from that shop than my personal stuff.

"Doi Kum" is the place name. Good to get a drink for normal prices, as you say.

I used to love those yellow kind of peppers, elongated.

The Thai word was something like Ma keua Hong, or beuap kaw hong(swan neck). Noone seemed to know what they were called, even in the shop. haven't a clue what they would be called in English, but fried in garlic they are "roi jung hoooooooooo", no they are better than that, they are "coat aroi"(say this if you want a laugh!). Something like an aubergine.

Edited by Neeranam
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