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Philippine Pesos In The Airport

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I'll be flying to the Phil and would like to exchange $$ for a few philippine pesos for arrival expenses. I know that the rates at most airports are terible, but I only need a small amount to get me to the hotel or a Phil exchange shop.

thanks in advance....

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You want to buy Pesos at Swampy?

Why not buy at NAIA when you arrive?

If you want to use US$ they will convert them to Baht and then to Pesos so you get a double whammy.

Baht to Pesos would probably not be a good rate, $ to Pesos at NAIA will likely be better.

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Jaideeguy, I know what you mean, change 500thb or so to be able to get a taxi etc. once in PI.

Problem is it's hit-and-miss on the booths at the Thai airports. If you get lucky and a passenger has exchanged Pesos for Bahts, then there you go.

Otherwise I agree with the other poster that says wait to get to PI Airport. Also, I have found the exchange ding to be less if you take US$.

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Change what you need for a taxi ($5-$10) to your intended destination at NAIA when you arrive, there are many bank change counters after baggage and customs, and the rates are not that much less than the best rates in the city.

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Be prepared if you're going to AC. The only ATM is @ the SM mall. The last time I was there the one at the airport didn't work - as most ATM's in the P.I.. I don't know why it is, but the shuttles and taxi's run in intervals of every hour -its only a 10 minute drive to AC??? I ended up missing my shuttle because I had to go back in the airport to exchange currency. I flew in from swampy - the only flights arrive about 11pm PI time. I don't know why theres not a place in BKK where you can exchange for pesos??mad.gif

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US$ are widely accepted as they know what the current exchange rate is (currently 42.3 Pesos to 1 USD). A $1 tip is about 42 Pesos, and if not a hotel taxi, where you pay at destination, is highly likely to accent US$.

There are also ATMs everywhere to get local currency (Pesos) billed to your "Home account" (Although all those ATM charges and conversion rates)

(As I always use Philippines Airlines, which has its own terminal, I cannot comment what services the other terminal has for travellers)

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Been going there for over 25 years and own a house there in Mindanao.

Simple; BUY $US here from a bank in Thailand. Look online for best rates (often Krungsri, yellow bank). DO NOT try and exchange Baht for Peso at banks here or there, you will lose out every time.

The two banking systems do not do well together. Even transferring money online to the Philippines can be expensive as it usually requires a triangulated transfer arrangement, often with Chase-Manhattan in New York via the SWIFT system and you end up losing at the Philippine end. Cash is king there, but you must take personal security and common-sense as a major priority there.

Can exchange US dollars at a better rate there than any other currency on the street. Do the mathematics and you'll see why if you research more on the Net. Change a little at the airport when you get there. Be EXTREMELY careful about where you change on the street in any Philippine city, a bank though offering slightly lower rates than exchangers or local shops is much safer.

Do not display large amounts of cash or show off in anyway in the Philippines. Enjoy yourself there, but remember it is not Thailand. ;)

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I had a problem at the ATM at Clark airport, couldn't get any pesos out, so I took a cab to the hotel and borrowed the fare (400 pesos I think) from reception until the next day, which they were more than happy to do.

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