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Exiting Los Under Deportation After Overstay

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I have a few questions regarding my overstay case. I have read the thread posted below, and learned what I can from it.


The post was very informative, and I just wanted to post my situation to see if anything has changed or if anyone has had any recent experiences to report.

I don't need any over the top mud slinging. I've taken alot already from the local authorities. Yes, I was wrong. I have done some jail time already, been through the court system, had my day, and now it's just down to the deportation. NOT A FUN EXPERIENCE so far, and I HIGHLY discourage anyone going down that path if at all possible. I was in a bad situation when I went into overstay, and I am doing my best to get things taken care of properly now.

I had overstayed past the maximum. After a considerable amount of time, my overstay was discovered and I was subsequently arrest and jailed. I did manage to eventually make bail while awaiting a court date 3 months later. I plead guilty in the court, and received a fine plus probation. My court case is now finished and the case has been sent back to the local PD who still have my passport. I am told that I will now be waiting for the court paperwork to be processed and arrive at the police station (about a week). When the paperwork arrives, I will have to report back to the police station to be detained by the immigration dept and await deportation.

My main questions are as follows:

1. I received a judgement, and paid my fine at the court. My understanding is that this will take the place of the 20,000 THB fine at the airport. Is this still correct? The fine I paid was less than the maximum, but I received credit for time served in the jail.

2. I understand that I will need a ticket out with a final destination bound for the US or I will be jailed again. Here in CM it's tricky and very expensive to find a one way. Every flight goes through Bangkok it seems. Any chance they will they allow this? I have heard that I might need to pay for an officer to accompany me on the flight to BKK and make sure I get on the next plane. Any travel expertise on getting out in a hurry would be greatly appreciated. My funds are limited after court fines, and I'm trying to avoid another extended stay in the monkey house on the King's hospitality.

3. What are my chances of being blacklisted if I should want to return someday in the future? Even with as difficult as this whole process has been, I have made some great friends that I might like to see again someday when things look better.

Time is of the essence here as I only have a few days before the immigration boys take charge of me again. The local PD guys have been nice enough to let me stay out on my own till the time comes even though my bail has already been released. I have been up front and honest with them through the process and they treated have treated me decently.

Thanks for any and all assistance.

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In the one experience I had of someone I know being deported from another country-the authorities actually took care of the plane tickets and an officer accompanied the person back to land of origin.Having said that the person deported now owes the prosecuting country the cost of the airfares for all involved.They would not be able to visit that country again without paying all the monies owing first and then I'm still not sure they would be welcomed

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1. Correct. It is instead of paying the fine at immirgation.

2. Correct, you need a ticket out of the country. Immigration can detain you till you have this ticket and will be flying out. I don't know about you having to pay for the officer acompanying you. I suggest you contact immirgation. They might let you report in BKK and catch a pane from there.

3. You are probably not blacklisted and so could return. If you will be black listed, they will tell you and mark your passport.

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Being blacklisted is up to the Thai mentalist who stamps your passport. It is a 50/50 chance.

Funny how the main penalty for overstaying is you muststay longer - until you have paid all the fines etc.

Best approach is to have a well connected lawyer try to smooth things over with the administration.

Best of luck

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Try Silkair/Singapore Airlines...CNX Singapore...wherever.

or I believe China Airlines via Taiwan to the US. Also Thai airways as he passes through immigration in CNX with them.

Edited by harrry
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It appears he may not actually be being deported. The court fined him and has told him to leave the country and immigration needs to get the papers from the court. If this is the case as he may not be blacklisted though if the order of the court states deportation he will be.

Edited by harrry
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Just a suggestion: You can do this on line or go to a travel agency. Bangkok Airways has an agreement with EVA Air. You can book CM to BKK and straight to Taiwan to SFO or wherever. At Bangkok your bags will go straight to EVA and you simply go from domestic to International without having to claim your bags at BKK. Eva has a 4:30PM flight out so plenty of time getting there. Arrive SFO 7:30PM or even earlier too.

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Hope all works out for you, try the EVA flight and it maybe cheaper to book a flight with return than a one way if you can get away with it. EVA has a button on there website to allow for a open ticket good for one year. Let us know how things work out.

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If you book a flight with Thai CNX-BKK and have an onward flight with any other major carrier from BKK to your destination Thai will check your bags right through. As someone said you can clear immigration at CNX and just transit through BKK without having to go through immigration there.

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Hope all works out for you, try the EVA flight and it maybe cheaper to book a flight with return than a one way if you can get away with it. EVA has a button on there website to allow for a open ticket good for one year. Let us know how things work out.

One thing on the open end ticket with EVA, you need to double check when you click the open ticket as some are 1 year and some are only 3 or 6 months. i did this a year or so ago and thought it was a 1 year open end ticket but when i went to use it found out it was only 3 months. Ended up having to buy another ticket. check the fine print.

Good luck!

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My thoughts, get yourself an experienced lawyer. You don't want any stuff ups at this late date. Second, good luck.

The OP said that his funds are limited after court fines. So, an experienced lawyer is probably out of the question.

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