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Pheu Thai: 'We Can Keep All Our Election Promises'


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Actual comment, and actually critical AND relevant:

** The 15K starting salary policy is conspicuously absent in all this. **

Indeed this is the one that seems by far the hardest to fulfil. ( The 300 baht minimum salary is a good one; keep in mind it's not net salary, social insurance and taxes should be taken from it. If anything it may bring more labor on the lower-end into the existing social security structure, which would be another very good thing and may actually hep fund some of the healthcare improvements. )

But that 15K starting salary promise just does not seem feasible at all.

Taxes .... on 300 a day? None are due.

300X6X4.25X12= 91,800 a year ..which is below the taxable rate at 150k+

I would have to look up how much SS should be paid monthly but it would be quite low.

I can check my pay slip right now. Either way, the new government could make changes to this to ensure enough money is allocated to pay for adequate social insurance. I haven't seen the actual propsosal yet. Actually, NOBODY has seen it because there isn't even a government yet. All we have is some loud mouth Democrats on one day claiming that the policy will bankrupt the country, and on the next day saying that they better implement it or get sued and dissolved. So all we see is hot air right now.

300 Baht a day will pay nothing on tax./ !5 000 baht a month will only be taxable on 30,000 Baht which at 10% is 3,000 Baht a YEAR extra tax revenue. There is no way this can pay for all their wild promises. Spoken as a taxpayer.

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I am happy to pay my staff a min of 300 baht per day if I get value for money. If they continue to sleep on the job, arrive late, take 30 day sick leave per year then I might have to hire Burmese. Does this also now mean that there will be just 1 sales clerk loafing around Tescos, rather than 3?

Are you one of those employers that treats his employees with respect, offers a benefits plan and allows the workers to engage in continuing education? I sympathize if you are one of the employers that helps employees move up and provides a safe work environment that conforms with all the health and safety codes.. On the other hand if you provide the bare minimum but expect great work, then perhaps you need a course in business psychology.

BTW, these Burmese employees you are threatening to hire, they will all be legal right? You'll help with the work permits and provide a wage with no holdbacks right? If not, you will be engaged in an illegal act and deserving of the harshest treatment possible for such an offender. According to the TVF PTP bashers there must be zero tolerance for anyone that breaks the law.

Is it any wonder why there is resentment and frustration expressed by Thailand's underclass?

GK. You used to be a poster I disagrred with but respected. However now I think you just like to cause an argument. Have you ever hired Thai workers? Have you ever offerd them the same benefits?

I'm beggining to think you just like to stir arguments. By the way from another thread if the Thai economy is screwed in 2 years because of PTP's p[olicies will you eat crow, or at least do us the favour of being quiet.

If you're right I'll shut up. If I'm right will you do the same?:whistling:

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Regarding the tablet Pc's for school kids, someone should tell Pheu Thai that no infra-structure is needed, just put things in the clouds :)

"Amazon lets students rent digital textbooks

By Nicole Kobie

Posted on 18 Jul 2011 at 14:45


"We're extending our Whispersync technology so that you get to keep and access all of your notes and highlighted content in the Amazon Cloud, available anytime, anywhere - even after a rental expires. If you choose to rent again or buy at a later time, your notes will be there just as you left them, perfectly Whispersynced."




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I am happy to pay my staff a min of 300 baht per day if I get value for money. If they continue to sleep on the job, arrive late, take 30 day sick leave per year then I might have to hire Burmese. Does this also now mean that there will be just 1 sales clerk loafing around Tescos, rather than 3?

I'm a bit confused about this 300 baht per day. Is this just for Thais? If it is then obviously companies will try to employ foreign workers at a lower rate instead which will not help Thais get work. I assumed this would work in a similar way to the UK in that the minimum wage covers anyone working in the country regardless of their nationality which means the main reason for employing foreign workers is if they work better.

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I didn't see any asterix's and fine print when they clearly stated raising the minimum wage to 300 baht.

Then again, why focus on 1 promise they likely wont achieve. There were plenty. Actually...the last one they will probably do.


  • national minimum daily wage of Bt300 ($10) nationally
  • Universal medical care with patients making a co-payment of Bt30 ($1) per consultation
  • Credit cards for farmers and a guaranteed price of Bt15,000 – Bt20,000 ($488 – $651) per ton for unmilled rice
  • A moratorium for household debt up to Bt500,000 ($16,285) per household, with emphasis on debt reduction for teachers, farmers and civil servants
  • A minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 ($500) for university graduates and a “One Tablet-PC per Child” project for school children
  • A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent.
  • Reduced taxes for first home and first car buyers
  • A standard Bt20 (65 cent) fare for all Bangkok’s mass transit rail lines (MRT)
  • High-speed rail lines linking major provincial cities in the north, northeast, east and upper south regions
  • Rural village development funds of between Bt300,000 and Bt1 million ($9,770 – $32,573) per year
  • A welfare allowance of Bt600 ($19.55) per month for citizens over 60, increasing by Bt100 ($3.20) at 70, and 80, and rising by a further Bt200 ($6.40) at 90.
  • Free Wi-Fi and Internet access in public places
  • 30km (18.8 mile) of levees to protect Bangkok and satellite towns from Gulf of Thailand tidal surges.
  • Special administrative status for Muslim provinces in the violence-plagued southern provinces
  • A war on drugs
  • Amnesty for political offenses committed since 2006

source http://photo-journ.com/2011/thainess-the-economy-the-2011-thailand-general-election

They will do this one as well

"A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent."

They have a lot of extremely powerful and rich supporters, both in Thailand and internationally, that expect to be paid back

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Regarding the tablet Pc's for school kids, someone should tell Pheu Thai that no infra-structure is needed, just put things in the clouds :)

Internet is needed to access the cloud. Many rural homes don't have internet. Pheu Thai's promise of free wifi is only for public places, not for every home. Though I'm sure many people who saw the campaign posters thought it would be for every home, just as they thought the tablet PCs would be for every single child and not just primary school students:


So the tablet PCs could be useless when they take it home if they don't have internet access at home, regardless of whether their data is on the tablet PC or on the cloud.

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There is something wrong in this statement:

A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent.

I think "from 30 to 20 percent" should be written as "from 30 to 23 percent" for the numbers to be right.

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...vowed total compliance with its campaign pledges, including an increase in the minimum wage to Bt300 per day.

"I guarantee every Pheu Thai policy is practical and will be implemented," party-list MP Suchart Thadathamrongvech said....

Like New England weather, so are PTP public statements; if you don't like it wait a minute, they will manage to contradict themselves yet again.

What their statements have to do with reality... I have no idea.

Smoke and mirrors, bait and switch,

distract your eyes from the man behind the curtain pulling the levers,

and making the smoke, flames and echos shoot out.

And of course Abhisit and Korn have, in only two years, taken Thailand to economic heights that Thaksin could only dream of. (It's better than Enid Blighton)

If you consider the situation there were handed,

they have done remarkably well if looked at dispassionately without bias.

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'animatic timestamp='1311036475' post='4567753'

...vowed total compliance with its campaign pledges, including an increase in the minimum wage to Bt300 per day.

"I guarantee every Pheu Thai policy is practical and will be implemented," party-list MP Suchart Thadathamrongvech said....

Like New England weather, so are PTP public statements; if you don't like it wait a minute, they will manage to contradict themselves yet again.

What their statements have to do with reality... I have no idea. Smoke and mirrors, bait and switch,


How does the quoted / highlighted part relate to your comment in any way? I know all you do all day is take stabs at Thai politicians that you didn't vote for, but at least try a little to make sure the point you're making lines up with the quoted part, ok? An automated script could pretty much provide the same contribution. :lol:

"I guarantee every Pheu Thai policy is practical and will be implemented,"

He said this and two days earlier said it couldn't necessarily be done

as impractical budgetarily... then back tracked.

What part of 'contradictions' don't you want to appear to understand?

You have a lot of confidence in English newspaper's abilities to accurately translate and report on statements made by Thai politicians.

Multiple sources state the same obfuscations from PTP spokespeople.

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Regarding the tablet Pc's for school kids, someone should tell Pheu Thai that no infra-structure is needed, just put things in the clouds :)

Internet is needed to access the cloud. Many rural homes don't have internet. Pheu Thai's promise of free wifi is only for public places, not for every home. Though I'm sure many people who saw the campaign posters thought it would be for every home, just as they thought the tablet PCs would be for every single child and not just primary school students:


So the tablet PCs could be useless when they take it home if they don't have internet access at home, regardless of whether their data is on the tablet PC or on the cloud.

Free WiFi where?

Who pays the electric bills and transceivers and installation costs?

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He said upon assuming office, the Pheu Thai-led government would organise a workshop for agencies concerned to brainstorm and clarify its policy implementation


Suchart said the government would earmark about Bt4 billion to buy and distribute tablet computers to first-year primary school students. The cost is computed based on an estimated price of Bt5,000 per tablet.

...NO MENTON OF A BUDGET TO TRAIN THE 1000's OF COMPUTER ILLITERATE THAI TEACHERS... NO DOUBT THEY'LL BE HANDED OUT LIKE CANDY, NO SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE SUPPORT OFFERED, NO PRE-LOADED APPS... maybe they could think this one through after they've considered the minimum wage 'promise'... mmm :realangry:

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Well PTP says that minimum salary of 300 baht per day will only be for skilled labour, and for Bangkok only (I saw that on Tulsathit's twitter a week or so ago).

Skilled labour was explained as Bachelor degree holders.


The payment for Bachelor degree holders is for the 15,000 per month, not for the 300 baht per day.

The "skilled labour" part was mentioned at one point.

15,000 baht per month based on a work day of 25 days a month works out to 600 baht a day.

Be interesting to watch them squirming when the rice field worker wants t know why he is not getting the 300 baht a day.

Just wondering what all the poor field workers in Issan are going to say when they see people making more money than them getting raises.

There is no getting around it 300 baht a day sounds nice but one might want to take into consideration that is not nearly enough in some area's and in other area's you can live like a king on it.

Maybe they will give them credit cards like the taxi drivers.

Has anybody in pt thought about the reaction of employees who currently get way below 15,000 (many government employees), when suddenly new starters get 15,000.

There could be all sorts of undesireable reactions, including old staff refusing to collaborate with new staff.

I'm aware that some people from the tachers federation asked some pt leaders whether the 15,000 start salary applies to all employees, govt and non government - no clear answer.

Next question was 'what about new teachers'? Answer, well teachers are not really government employees.

Confusion all round.

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What happens to those who currently earn just above 300 THB per day, e.g. between 300 and 350 THB? Will they be left unchanged, while all those who earned between 150 THB and 300 THB all get raised to 300 THB per day?

The ones who were originally earning 300 to 350 THB wouldn't be happy that they would end up earning minimum wage or close to it, maybe the same as the cleaner who would have her wage raised by the new law.

I think employers will have to not only raise the wage of those currently receiving under 300 THB per day, but also those receiving above 300 THB per day in order to pay fairly based on skills, knowledge and experience.

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Apart from the fact that Thailand is ultra labour-intensive in just about every industry - hence exacerbating the effect of the B300 wage - has the government factored-in the excessive sick days, disguised as holidays; the sleeping on the job; the likelihood that any number of employers will now reconsider how many Thais they REALLY need to change a lightbulb?

But it's good to see the Pheu Thai has allowed for their promises, in reallocating public funds. From where else WOULD the money come? And from which areas are they going to reallocate?

And the tablet computer plan has now been watered down, to first year primary pupils, only. And at a cost of B5,000 each. Is each individual retail purchaser of a tablet being screwed? Or is the Thai taxpayer? And has Pheu Thai allowed for 'tea money' in their published calculations?

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BTW, these Burmese employees you are threatening to hire, they will all be legal right? You'll help with the work permits and provide a wage with no holdbacks right? If not, you will be engaged in an illegal act and deserving of the harshest treatment possible for such an offender. According to the TVF PTP bashers there must be zero tolerance for anyone that breaks the law.

Is this the same Thai law that Thaksin is supposed to obey?

(because your comment is very contradicting to reality)

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Apart from the fact that Thailand is ultra labour-intensive in just about every industry - hence exacerbating the effect of the B300 wage - has the government factored-in the excessive sick days, disguised as holidays; the sleeping on the job; the likelihood that any number of employers will now reconsider how many Thais they REALLY need to change a lightbulb?

But it's good to see the Pheu Thai has allowed for their promises, in reallocating public funds. From where else WOULD the money come? And from which areas are they going to reallocate?

And the tablet computer plan has now been watered down, to first year primary pupils, only. And at a cost of B5,000 each. Is each individual retail purchaser of a tablet being screwed? Or is the Thai taxpayer? And has Pheu Thai allowed for 'tea money' in their published calculations?

Well I for one can save 100 billion in the next ten years. Scrap the ridiculous plan to have a 3rd Army division located South of Khon Kaen. Add that to reducing the armys budget which has nearly doubled under the democrats. About 150 billion baht all together. There is billions slushing around in certain public funds which has traditionally been used to pay back handers. Thaksins done is homework and realises his promises to the electorate will be easy to achieve

Also Thaksin will be making about $20 million off the computer deal. Thats what I call a business man

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Apart from the fact that Thailand is ultra labour-intensive in just about every industry - hence exacerbating the effect of the B300 wage - has the government factored-in the excessive sick days, disguised as holidays; the sleeping on the job; the likelihood that any number of employers will now reconsider how many Thais they REALLY need to change a lightbulb?

But it's good to see the Pheu Thai has allowed for their promises, in reallocating public funds. From where else WOULD the money come? And from which areas are they going to reallocate?

And the tablet computer plan has now been watered down, to first year primary pupils, only. And at a cost of B5,000 each. Is each individual retail purchaser of a tablet being screwed? Or is the Thai taxpayer? And has Pheu Thai allowed for 'tea money' in their published calculations?

Well I for one can save 100 billion in the next ten years. Scrap the ridiculous plan to have a 3rd Army division located South of Khon Kaen. Add that to reducing the armys budget which has nearly doubled under the democrats. About 150 billion baht all together. There is billions slushing around in certain public funds which has traditionally been used to pay back handers. Thaksins done is homework and realises his promises to the electorate will be easy to achieve

Also Thaksin will be making about $20 million off the computer deal. Thats what I call a business man

Thaksin never looks at saving Thailand money. He only looks at what he can get.

Being a business man does not make him a man.

If you want to see a business man being a man look at Bill Gates billions of American dollars to help the less fortunate.

Thaksin take every thing you can from the less fortunate. If he does not like it tell him to come to Chiang Mai and sue me.:jap:

How is he going to achieve getting all that money? Not only will he have to be honest and gve back his twenty million dollar profit on the pad's but he will have to get all the other hogs at the trough to get honest.

You do realize that you are in Thailand and your assertions are ones that no country in the world has manage to do yet.B)

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Also Thaksin will be making about $20 million off the computer deal. Thats what I call a business man

Do you have a source for this claim, please ? :jap:

I would put that under not illogical supposition.

Based on past history, MO and SOP for T.

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He said upon assuming office, the Pheu Thai-led government would organise a workshop for agencies concerned to brainstorm and clarify its policy implementation


Suchart said the government would earmark about Bt4 billion to buy and distribute tablet computers to first-year primary school students. The cost is computed based on an estimated price of Bt5,000 per tablet.

...NO MENTON OF A BUDGET TO TRAIN THE 1000's OF COMPUTER ILLITERATE THAI TEACHERS... NO DOUBT THEY'LL BE HANDED OUT LIKE CANDY, NO SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE SUPPORT OFFERED, NO PRE-LOADED APPS... maybe they could think this one through after they've considered the minimum wage 'promise'... mmm :realangry:

Not sure if you can get any thing decent for 5,000 baht :unsure:.

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The tablet that the PT scammers will give the kids?

The Maylong M-150 TabletPC is an Android-based device sold by Walgreens for a mere $99 a pop. The obvious purpose for this tablet's existence is to appeal to bargain basement shoppers—grandmas, poor college kids, those on a tight budget—by claiming to offer a full tablet experience for cheap. I mean, it runs Android, right? That's a legit operating system nowadays. Unfortunately, the Maylong M-150 is the very epitome of "race to the bottom," and anyone looking to buy one would get more bang for the buck by setting it on fire for warmth.


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The tablet that the PT scammers will give the kids?

The Maylong M-150 TabletPC is an Android-based device sold by Walgreens for a mere $99 a pop. The obvious purpose for this tablet's existence is to appeal to bargain basement shoppers—grandmas, poor college kids, those on a tight budget—by claiming to offer a full tablet experience for cheap. I mean, it runs Android, right? That's a legit operating system nowadays. Unfortunately, the Maylong M-150 is the very epitome of "race to the bottom," and anyone looking to buy one would get more bang for the buck by setting it on fire for warmth.



No doubt a purchase decision to be made on price point

and not with a tech or educators viewpoint.

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The tablet that the PT scammers will give the kids?

The Maylong M-150 TabletPC is an Android-based device sold by Walgreens for a mere $99 a pop. The obvious purpose for this tablet's existence is to appeal to bargain basement shoppers—grandmas, poor college kids, those on a tight budget—by claiming to offer a full tablet experience for cheap. I mean, it runs Android, right? That's a legit operating system nowadays. Unfortunately, the Maylong M-150 is the very epitome of "race to the bottom," and anyone looking to buy one would get more bang for the buck by setting it on fire for warmth.



No doubt a purchase decision to be made on price point

and not with a tech or educators viewpoint.

But it keeps 'em happy..... and puts a tick in a box.

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I love the I Pad policy! When do we see the influx of used ipads that have been taken away and sold by the parents? Cheap prices on the horizon! Please wait till the 3 model is introduced. Thanks Yingluck!

At Baht 5,000 they will be some cheap Chinese tablet & if 5,000 is the limit how much of that will be paid on commissions? I seriously doubt there will be many buying used Chinese tablets. I personally feel that if they are determined to go ahead with this policy netbooks would be much better value for the kids.

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BTW, these Burmese employees you are threatening to hire, they will all be legal right? You'll help with the work permits and provide a wage with no holdbacks right? If not, you will be engaged in an illegal act and deserving of the harshest treatment possible for such an offender. According to the TVF PTP bashers there must be zero tolerance for anyone that breaks the law.

Is this the same Thai law that Thaksin is supposed to obey?

(because your comment is very contradicting to reality)

Well lets start to keep count of how various laws are broken and twisted, and ignored by the pt rabble and send it to geriatricckid.

There warcries are: 'no double standards' and 'equal justice for all'.

They fail miserably on both counts before they begin.

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Pheu Thai should provide documentation of their proposals that consist of the calculations, assumptions and forecasts that led to their conclusion that the promises are feasible, even enough to guarantee that they will all be implemented.

A few vague verbal statements via the media in an attempt to reassure everyone that everything will be OK are not convincing enough.We're not all stupid (though many of their voters are and they know it).

Document there proposals? I am pretty sure they cant remember all of them. GEEEEZ ease up on em a bit.

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Apart from the fact that Thailand is ultra labour-intensive in just about every industry - hence exacerbating the effect of the B300 wage - has the government factored-in the excessive sick days, disguised as holidays; the sleeping on the job; the likelihood that any number of employers will now reconsider how many Thais they REALLY need to change a lightbulb?

But it's good to see the Pheu Thai has allowed for their promises, in reallocating public funds. From where else WOULD the money come? And from which areas are they going to reallocate?

And the tablet computer plan has now been watered down, to first year primary pupils, only. And at a cost of B5,000 each. Is each individual retail purchaser of a tablet being screwed? Or is the Thai taxpayer? And has Pheu Thai allowed for 'tea money' in their published calculations?

And funds that should be allocated to better education (not mentioned by the pt in their election speeches and promises) will of course now go to tablets pcs, half of which will be 'out of service' within a few months (dropped, lost, stolen, no repair facility / parents can't afford the repairs), let alone another 20% or whatever which have no internet access, let alone the fact that nothing has yet been developed in terms of what dedicated websites should be accessed by the kids for actual learning.

And what do you think teenage boys will mostly look at? Hello kitty?

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