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Thaksin Rules Out Serving Jail Term


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If this guy is really serious, and wants to gain the confidence of the people, he should publicly resign from all his business interests. And make it offical , so the public will not worry about him going back to his old ways [using his position for personal financial gain of his business empire.]

If the government does not have an impeachment process available, then leaders can get [as he said above] too powerful. The PM position is meant to serve the people first, not himself and his personal interests.

Mr Thaksin, has alot of experience in growing business entities. If he would channel this knowledge towards government projects towards the betterment of the people and the nation, then he might be able to expunge the unwise choices that he made in the past.

People aren't so interested in political partys. They want whats best for the nation. And that is progress for it's citizens. Improving the standard of living for everyone. Giving people an education. And enhancing Thailands position within the world community.

Edited by timberboy
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Wow this guy is indeed as we suspected insane and a megalomaniac. He is now comparing himself to Nelson Mandella, now that really is showing what a prat he is. Mandella stands towers above Thaksin, Mandella served a long prison sentence and not for corruption either but for fighting for equal rights, Mandella held no grudges when he was released, Mandella is a real big man holding utmost world respect, Thaksin is a real whimp and selfish self gratifying toss pot who holds no respect in the normal free world.

When will Thailand realise what a true selfish prat this man is and sweep him away from the titular leader of the PTT party and put in somebody credible and honest as a true and world respected leader. Only then will PTT have worldwide respect and become a true peoples' party which is what I would love to see here for the good Thai folk and Thailand's future health.

If Thaksin is a real man and has any decency left in him, he will come back and serve his jail term or by all means appeal staying in a remand prison (his past bail jumping would worldwide excludes him from further bail) as part of his jail sentence for a short term awaiting an appeal. Such an appeal really must be independently and internationally monitored in an unbiased and open way. Then he and all of the Thai people must stand by that court of appeals decision. If Thaksin then does not accept the appeal decision then he just proves that he disrespects the law, so hardly PM material or even a Government minister or representative, and surely EVERYONE would finally see the truth then. If he was genuinely proved innocent then fine we must all honourably accept that too. So is he man enough to go down such an appeal path ?? Doubt it, lets wait and see.

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the connections made in Dubai must be worth billions

if he ever gets back then these connections will come into play


Not to mention the African despots that are his Blood Gold/Diamonds business partners. The very first thing on Thaksin's agenda, the very day after the election, was to st up a sovereign wealth fund to invest in African Gold and Diamonds. The Economist won't see anything wrong with that, as they absolutely hate brown skinned people.

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Self exile, with a private jet, cooks and serving staff, chauffeurs,

international travel, and his OWN PERSONAL ISLAND...

and what ever he wants, EXCEPT coming back to Thailand.

Most issan people would be ecstatic just to live in his bathrooms.

Hell, living in his cars would be an improvement for many.

The guy is an ego maniac and has no connection with the real Thai people.

Maybe in jail he might actually meet some.

Would that be the same Isan people that have voted him and/or his party into office for 5 sequential elections, or is it 6 now? This is not a connection? Would you have us believe that you are more connected to Thai people than he is? It would appear so since you proclaim to know it all, which has ego ramifications of its own. It is interesting how many detractors there are for the removed PM and Bill Gates, typically by underachievers. Speaking of underachievers, hasn't it been two decades since the outgoing party won an election?

Indeed, the problem for Thaksin's opponents and the wealthy elite in particular is that he does connect with the masses. He is unique among the wealthy political players, string pullers and bureaucrats in this and they dont know what to do about it, and the more they label him bad and the more court cases he has opened against him the more it legitimises him as the real deal as the ones seen as oppressors are bad mouthing him. That the democrat party decided to get into bed with all these groups undercut any chance they had of making electoral headway too. What Thaksin really is and isnt is one thing and he certainly isnt some good guy, but he does connect with the poor and politically that makes him very very powerful and scares the hell out of his opponents. They couldnt even beat his latest party after years in power, loads of handouts based on deficit spending and changing the electoral system to suit them. No doubt there is still shock going through the system there and lessons arent even learned as the PTP will sit and celebrate the selection again of the unelectable Abhisit as leader of the Dems. Its like hitting your head repeatedly against a wall hoping the wall will break only to be surprised when it is your head that ends up broken.

It's easy to lose your moral compass if all you can do is compare "what is" versus "what should be".

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Der Bingle knows what's up;

Will there be snow and mistletoe? In Thailand, with Mr. Thaksin, anything is possible, if you just want to believe.


That did make me laugh. Sorry though its not a laughing matter. Does anyone think it is possible that there is a true effort to make things better ?? Mr Abhisit, was the best chance, too bad the masses cant see that.

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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

I liked this part


"Thaksin said he had actually been punished by having to live in exile for over five years."

The way I read that it is that it is a back handed way of admitting his guilt?

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I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Of course those pardons happen AFTER conviction and time served,

and don't necessarily reinstall election rights.

And they don't stop all PENDING legal trials and charges.

A pardon can be issued at any point by a US President

Think of Clinton's pardon of several people that were doing their sentence one in particular was a large donor to the Demos

Ford pardoned Nixon, after Nixon resigned during impeachment proceedings. So AFTER time served is erroneous

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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

I liked this part


"Thaksin said he had actually been punished by having to live in exile for over five years."

The way I read that it is that it is a back handed way of admitting his guilt?

A five year sentence of "hard leisure". Must have been awful.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Those pardoned are otherwise in compliance with the judicial system. I don't think a fugitive has ever been pardoned. One also has to admit they did something wrong. Certainly not (ever) the case here.

Not always. A VERY controversial pardon by Clinton of Marc Rich, a fugitive, whose wife made HUGE contributions to both Clinton's presidental campaign and to his presidential library. Truly a malevolent, manipulative person who robbed people of millions, yet Clinton pardoned him anyway.

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If this guy is really serious, and wants to gain the confidence of the people, he should publicly resign from all his business interests. And make it offical , so the public will not worry about him going back to his old ways [using his position for personal financial gain of his business empire.]

If the government does not have an impeachment process available, then leaders can get [as he said above] too powerful. The PM position is meant to serve the people first, not himself and his personal interests.

Mr Thaksin, has alot of experience in growing business entities. If he would channel this knowledge towards government projects towards the betterment of the people and the nation, then he might be able to expunge the unwise choices that he made in the past.

People aren't so interested in political partys. They want whats best for the nation. And that is progress for it's citizens. Improving the standard of living for everyone. Giving people an education. And enhancing Thailands position within the world community.

Are you joking? Thaksin has never shown the least bit of business acumen. Unless you're counting knowing which persons to bribe and which laws to change that favor your interest.

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Thaksin is a real whimp and selfish self gratifying toss pot who holds no respect in the normal free world.

I'm afraid you're wrong about that. Thaksin has lots of admirers overseas, who are always looking for another populace to feed on. They feel Thaksin can serve up some dandy profits by expoiting his people on their behalf. I'm not just talking about western interests but eastern as well. True scum.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Self exile, with a private jet, cooks and serving staff, chauffeurs,

international travel, and his OWN PERSONAL ISLAND...

and what ever he wants, EXCEPT coming back to Thailand.

Most issan people would be ecstatic just to live in his bathrooms.

Hell, living in his cars would be an improvement for many.

The guy is an ego maniac and has no connection with the real Thai people.

Maybe in jail he might actually meet some.

Would that be the same Isan people that have voted him and/or his party into office for 5 sequential elections, or is it 6 now? This is not a connection? Would you have us believe that you are more connected to Thai people than he is? It would appear so since you proclaim to know it all, which has ego ramifications of its own. It is interesting how many detractors there are for the removed PM and Bill Gates, typically by underachievers. Speaking of underachievers, hasn't it been two decades since the outgoing party won an election?

Indeed, the problem for Thaksin's opponents and the wealthy elite in particular is that he does connect with the masses. He is unique among the wealthy political players, string pullers and bureaucrats in this and they dont know what to do about it, and the more they label him bad and the more court cases he has opened against him the more it legitimises him as the real deal as the ones seen as oppressors are bad mouthing him. That the democrat party decided to get into bed with all these groups undercut any chance they had of making electoral headway too. What Thaksin really is and isnt is one thing and he certainly isnt some good guy, but he does connect with the poor and politically that makes him very very powerful and scares the hell out of his opponents. They couldnt even beat his latest party after years in power, loads of handouts based on deficit spending and changing the electoral system to suit them. No doubt there is still shock going through the system there and lessons arent even learned as the PTP will sit and celebrate the selection again of the unelectable Abhisit as leader of the Dems. Its like hitting your head repeatedly against a wall hoping the wall will break only to be surprised when it is your head that ends up broken.

It's easy to lose your moral compass if all you can imagine is "what is" versus "what should be".

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"They made my political opponents the investigators against me. And the investigative panel was set up with an order by the coup makers, who toppled me."

Of course anyone that would investigate him for wrong doing is automatically his political enemy. The investigative panels were set up after he was removed because they couldn't be set up while he had power, he was removed partly because he blocked investigations into his doings.

Of course his mindset is this way, doesn't make it correct nor logical,

just what HE wants it to be. And as JD notes, any time served prevents him from being MP and thus PM. This was the likely next move. But he throws it out there for all to see before Lil Sis even has her seat yet. What a prat.

I liked this part


"Thaksin said he had actually been punished by having to live in exile for over five years."

The way I read that it is that it is a back handed way of admitting his guilt?

A five year sentence of "hard leisure". Must have been awful.

Did they impose limits on his shopping time and Gulstream hours? Oh, the horror!

Edited by lannarebirth
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I believe the reason Thaksin wishes to come back without going to jail is access to the wonderful cheap whey protein kindly and relevantly selected by Google and thoughtfully placed in this forum, to ensure the ongoing intelligent discourse.

I truly believe this entire debate relates either to whey protein.....where there's a will there's a whey. That's what William the Great said, and you can see why, it's pretty great.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Of course only criminals with money get a presidential pardon in the US. The only exception I am aware of where the 2 borderguards who deserved to be free man. Just wait for the pardons Obama will hand out

Edited by BlueSkyCowboy
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Whatever, but this is Thailand. Look at the BBC now and see senior police, police staff and top businessmen being grilled by MPs. THAT"S democracy, not what Thailand has.

No democracy = no justice. That's what Thailand has, wants, will keep, and staunchly defend, as it suits those in power and not the interests of the people, as it should.

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greed, greedier, grediest...

why would a rich businessmen go in politics in the first place ? if he was a normal businessman, he would have paid taxes on the sale of his company

but he must have figured out, when in power, he could steal 40 billion something baht in evaded taxes...

how can he renew his passport in any embassy, while he is a fugitive criminal ???

if farangs flee to thailand and get cought, they are sentenced or sent back, so why not this one ? because sister now is in power by proxy ?

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

But Thailand is a banana republic so what now?

Buy a drink, enjoy the view and don't plan to retire here. Or invest here. Or do business here.

Edited by Crushdepth
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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Those pardoned are otherwise in compliance with the judicial system. I don't think a fugitive has ever been pardoned. One also has to admit they did something wrong. Certainly not (ever) the case here.


Nixon was not a fugitive.

What has happened hammered, usually you are very sharp and balanced but after being away some weeks you are now back with an obvious upset slant on your posts?

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Thaksin is a real whimp and selfish self gratifying toss pot who holds no respect in the normal free world.

I'm afraid you're wrong about that. Thaksin has lots of admirers overseas, who are always looking for another populace to feed on. They feel Thaksin can serve up some dandy profits by expoiting his people on their behalf. I'm not just talking about western interests but eastern as well. True scum.

Sure you are correct plenty of true scum like Thaksin around in this world. I was talking about the normal free and honourable world which I believe is still the greater majority. Just that the scum minority seem to hold most of the power these days (and that was also mainly true over the centuries) so it seems that we the people are gullible and mai pen rai enough to let that happen despite that these greedy scum always steal from us and rip us off for their own selfish gains. Still if we vote for these scum then we get what we deserve and will continue to do so until more people start to THINK before they vote.

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Would that be the same Isan people that have voted him and/or his party into office for 5 sequential elections, or is it 6 now? This is not a connection? Would you have us believe that you are more connected to Thai people than he is? It would appear so since you proclaim to know it all, which has ego ramifications of its own. It is interesting how many detractors there are for the removed PM and Bill Gates, typically by underachievers. Speaking of underachievers, hasn't it been two decades since the outgoing party won an election?

Indeed, the problem for Thaksin's opponents and the wealthy elite in particular is that he does connect with the masses. He is unique among the wealthy political players, string pullers and bureaucrats in this and they dont know what to do about it, and the more they label him bad and the more court cases he has opened against him the more it legitimises him as the real deal as the ones seen as oppressors are bad mouthing him. That the democrat party decided to get into bed with all these groups undercut any chance they had of making electoral headway too. What Thaksin really is and isnt is one thing and he certainly isnt some good guy, but he does connect with the poor and politically that makes him very very powerful and scares the hell out of his opponents. They couldnt even beat his latest party after years in power, loads of handouts based on deficit spending and changing the electoral system to suit them. No doubt there is still shock going through the system there and lessons arent even learned as the PTP will sit and celebrate the selection again of the unelectable Abhisit as leader of the Dems. Its like hitting your head repeatedly against a wall hoping the wall will break only to be surprised when it is your head that ends up broken.

It's easy to lose your moral compass if all you can imagine is "what is" versus "what should be".

You say 'connects to the people, I say 'manipulates the people', and sad to say he's pretty good at it, which just displays how he totally lacks any values and any morals.

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I thought it was up to the courts to rule out your jail term, or not? At least that's how it works in countries that aren't BANANA REPUBLICS.

I thought the US president could pardon people, and that aint no banana republic. I think there have been a number of political type pardons too. Anyway it isnt unheard of that the polity can undo a charge or court decision.

Of course those pardons happen AFTER conviction and time served,

and don't necessarily reinstall election rights.

And they don't stop all PENDING legal trials and charges.

He clearly expect to have enough power for blanket immunity from EVERYTHING.

But somehow I doubt he has immunity from segments of the populace that fear

his return to his old form to carry on where he left off.

As JD said

"That very well be in 1-2 years IF PTP does a decent job, or never ...."

Ides of March maybe? Let's see how fast his ego swells after sis is in office.

If he plans on coming for the December wedding,

I hope to be far, far away from that party.

I doubt that he is trying for a pardon which would be almost impossible to get. What he will get is either a new trial or a trial review. I was in fact talking to some people last week who believe that he will be back early next year and it seems that even the Yellow Shirts no longer have a big problem with that - not that they count for much any more.

What you have failed to grasp is the support that Thaksin has in Thailand. You have also failed to grasp that the chances are Phuea Thai will be in power for four years and most probably that will be followed by a further four years. You have also forgotten that the use of force using live ammunition (authorised by Abhisit, Suthep et al) resulted in 92 dead, 40 still missing and thousands injured. Do you really think that none of them are not going to stand trial? Because the support of the Red Shirts was/is conditional that they would stand trial.

Thaksin started the greatest change ever seen in Thai society and that change will gain momentum over the next 8 years and I think will be impossible to reverse.

Edited by termad
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I think Taksin should come and serve the time. Now is the perfect time because of the "favorable" administration. He'd have the best cell, best service, best guards, etc. Then, after two years he'd be done with it and this whole issue would evaporate for him. Of course he claims the sentence is unfair..what jackass in jail doesn't???

One caveat may be that additional charges could be filed because of his flight from justice. Once he finished his sentence, the party in power could, I believe, restore any political rights he might have lost due to the jail sentence. Restoring those rights would be far less controversial than outright amnesty.

But, it's obvious that people are obsessed with this guy, positive and negative. As an outsider and Thai newbie, it seems pretty ridiculous how obsessed (jealous) people are. On the other hand, TS needs to <deleted> and stop being such a divisive force in Thai.  Two years in jail would do him and Thailand a lot of good.

Edited by Jawnie
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Wow this guy is indeed as we suspected insane and a megalomaniac. He is now comparing himself to Nelson Mandella, now that really is showing what a prat he is. Mandella stands towers above Thaksin, Mandella served a long prison sentence and not for corruption either but for fighting for equal rights, Mandella held no grudges when he was released, Mandella is a real big man holding utmost world respect, Thaksin is a real whimp and selfish self gratifying toss pot who holds no respect in the normal free world.

When will Thailand realise what a true selfish prat this man is and sweep him away from the titular leader of the PTT party and put in somebody credible and honest as a true and world respected leader. Only then will PTT have worldwide respect and become a true peoples' party which is what I would love to see here for the good Thai folk and Thailand's future health.

If Thaksin is a real man and has any decency left in him, he will come back and serve his jail term or by all means appeal staying in a remand prison (his past bail jumping would worldwide excludes him from further bail) as part of his jail sentence for a short term awaiting an appeal. Such an appeal really must be independently and internationally monitored in an unbiased and open way. Then he and all of the Thai people must stand by that court of appeals decision. If Thaksin then does not accept the appeal decision then he just proves that he disrespects the law, so hardly PM material or even a Government minister or representative, and surely EVERYONE would finally see the truth then. If he was genuinely proved innocent then fine we must all honourably accept that too. So is he man enough to go down such an appeal path ?? Doubt it, lets wait and see.

most of us know he is not and that in all liklehood he will be retrialled and found innocent actually not in all liklehood its certain and he will be back by end of year. After that who knows but its likely the hit-the-fan.gifwill hit big time Cant see any other way unless he dies i guess. Hes proved what he is. The Buffalo and a lot of not so buffalo believe in him totally so without civil war or a coup hes not going to be stopped. them ore one rationally looks at it and at history here the more I am convinced this is going to end very badly one way or other. Do Taksin supporters here really believe his many enemies and those who absolutely loathe and fear what he could do are just going to stand aside or is it much more probable they will have learnt something from red thugs. Dream on people if you really believe this is not going to mean big hit-the-fan.giffor most thais including all his folowers. Of Course he and rest of elite will just go shopping and carry on blaming others.

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