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Chuvit Cursing Corrupt Thai Politicians


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Chuvit cursing corrupt politicians


BANGKOK, 20 July 2011 (NNT) – Rak Thailand Party Leader Chuvit Kamolvisit has pledged his readiness as an Opposition MP to inspect the work of other politicians before performing a rite to curse corrupt MPs.

Speaking after reporting and registering himself with Parliament as a new MP, the outspoken politician told the press that he has no interest to be part of any house panels which most MPs compete to sit in, since his attention centres only on the suffering of people.

Mr Chuvit indicated that he will not view the Pheu Thai Party as his enemy since he is ready to support the Party if it shows good performances. However, he suggested the Pheu Thai Party apologise the public after the government formation if it cannot put its minimum wage and salary hike policies into effect.

After making the comments, the Rak Thailand Party leader then took reporters to a temporary altar he set up opposite Parliament building. He then worshipped Bodhisattva Guanyin, the Chinese Goddess of Mercy and other holy beings, asking for their blessings for himself and three other MPs from his party.

Mr Chuvit then performed a cursing rite as he scraped the road leading to Parliament with a spelled dagger as a sign forbidding corrupt politicians from entering Parliament and cursing them to an eternal abyss, but he wished good politicians happiness and prosperity.


-- NNT 2011-07-20 footer_n.gif

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" Mr Chuvit then performed a cursing rite as he scraped the road leading to Parliament with a spelled dagger as a sign forbidding corrupt politicians from entering Parliament and cursing them to an eternal abyss, but he wished good politicians happiness and prosperity. "

Must be a lonely afair for him in parliament if the corrupt ones can not enter.:whistling:

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" Mr Chuvit then performed a cursing rite as he scraped the road leading to Parliament with a spelled dagger as a sign forbidding corrupt politicians from entering Parliament and cursing them to an eternal abyss, but he wished good politicians happiness and prosperity. "

Must be a lonely afair for him in parliament if the corrupt ones can not enter.:whistling:

The guy certainly has flair...knows how to attract attention in a way that the people laugh with him and not at him and i dont hear many thais around me saying anything bad about him, Maybe thailand needs a few more chuvits in the circus.

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I'm reminded of something observed, and I believe televised, shortly after the previous December-2007 election, when a couple of lizards were seen living-happily and erm 'frolicking' ( :emot-kiss::wub: ) in a pond in the grounds of Government House, this was taken as a sign 'from the heavens' of the calibre of the new elected-occupants of the building. :lol:

Khun Chuwit is already making me, and no doubt many other people, smile ! B)

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

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Mr Chuvit then performed a cursing rite as he scraped the road leading to Parliament with a spelled dagger as a sign forbidding corrupt politicians from entering Parliament and cursing them to an eternal abyss, but he wished good politicians happiness and prosperity.

Well, if that works, he can vote himself in as PM.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

Really.......he provided a service that a hell of a lot of people used and a hell of a lot of staff earned money they may not have elsewhere.....go beat your pimp stick elsewhere.

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If he follows thru on his campaign speeches he could be a thorn in the side of the corrupt political way of doing business. If he could just bring a couple of the offenders (I have no doubt they will be there) to justice and subsequent jail time, we might be surprised at how his party will grown in numbers in the future.

He will be an interesting character to follow over the next few months.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

Really.......he provided a service that a hell of a lot of people used and a hell of a lot of staff earned money they may not have elsewhere.....go beat your pimp stick elsewhere.

I like the guy too, he is definitely a character to watch. If I could vote, I woulda voted for him.

However, Pi Sek is right. I remember a news story from a couple of years ago where Chuwit was denied a Visa to the United States due to the nature of his business: living off the avails, et al. Therefore, I don't imagine that he will ever be able to be a true statesman / leader in the global world.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

Really.......he provided a service that a hell of a lot of people used and a hell of a lot of staff earned money they may not have elsewhere.....go beat your pimp stick elsewhere.

I like the guy too, he is definitely a character to watch. If I could vote, I woulda voted for him.

However, Pi Sek is right. I remember a news story from a couple of years ago where Chuwit was denied a Visa to the United States due to the nature of his business: living off the avails, et al. Therefore, I don't imagine that he will ever be able to be a true statesman / leader in the global world.

With K.Chuwit aka Davis, what you see is what you get. Yes, he's tough and maybe some regard him as a right S.O.B. but he has made a success of his election campaign based on rooting out corruption in parliament. I for one wish him luck and will be watching his progress with interest.

As to the PIMP remarks, yes, he lived off the avails of prostitution where his staff screwed the customers, but IMHO he is a better man than Thaksin who lived off the avails of screwing the Thai people.

Chuwit, to my knowledge has never been convicted of a crime, whereas Thaksin, well you know the answer to that.

Edit to add: Thaksin too has been denied access to the USA for more serious reasons than Chuwit..

Edited by ratcatcher
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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

Well, historically, the founding fathers of the USA were criminal fugitives as were the French leaders during their revolution as were the English parliamentarians that overthrew Charles I. I am sure that at the time, the sentiments for these naughty men were not overly warm. Even Henry VIII was considered a fugitive when he broke with Rome in the matter of his first divorce. He was commanded to appear before an ecclesiastical court, and didn't show up. I wouldn't have attended a Church of England affiliated school if not for that rotund tyrant. I should sue the estate of Henry VIII for my years of anguish.

I find Mr. Chuvit despicable. Whatever, former PM Thaksin's sins are, he never pimped out young women from a massage parlour. Idi Amin played the buffoon as well, awarding himself the Victoria Cross, and yet he allegedly would eat the internal organs of his victims.

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Edit to add: Thaksin too has been denied access to the USA for more serious reasons than Chuwit..

Oh, I was unaware of that. I believe you are referencing the invitation that Mr. Thaksin had received for a speaking engagement, and some alleged he would be banned. The US Ambassador stated ""Under US law he has a valid visa to enter the United States and we are not moving on revoking that visa. That visa is valid."

Thaksin, minister not banned : US Embassy

By The Nation, Published on February 11, 2009


Please educate me and provide a reference to Mr. Thaksin's banning.

Edited by geriatrickid
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With K.Chuwit aka Davis, what you see is what you get. Yes, he's tough and maybe some regard him as a right S.O.B. but he has made a success of his election campaign based on rooting out corruption in parliament. I for one wish him luck and will be watching his progress with interest.

As to the PIMP remarks, yes, he lived off the avails of prostitution where his staff screwed the customers, but IMHO he is a better man than Thaksin who lived off the avails of screwing the Thai people.

Chuwit, to my knowledge has never been convicted of a crime, whereas Thaksin, well you know the answer to that.

Edit to add: Thaksin too has been denied access to the USA for more serious reasons than Chuwit..

Hey - I don't disagree with anything you say here. Chuwit knows what he is; at least he is honest with himself and everyone else!

Quotes from this article:

"They say I'm a pimp, but I don't mind. Sometimes I think a pimp and a politician is the same," said Chuwit. "In fact, a pimp is better than a politician. The whole system is corrupt and the government is so corrupt."

He admits he made a mistake entering politics but says it's like a gambling addiction he can't give up.

"I don't even like politics," he said. "What I like is to be in a hot tub, with a brandy, a cigar with beautiful girls all around me. I really miss that."

My kinda guy for sure!

edit- messed up quotes.

Edited by bino
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Edit to add: Thaksin too has been denied access to the USA for more serious reasons than Chuwit..

Oh, I was unaware of that. I believe you are referencing the invitation that Mr. Thaksin had received for a speaking engagement, and some alleged he would be banned. The US Ambassador stated ""Under US law he has a valid visa to enter the United States and we are not moving on revoking that visa. That visa is valid."

Thaksin, minister not banned : US Embassy

By The Nation, Published on February 11, 2009


Please educate me and provide a reference to Mr. Thaksin's banning.

No need to educate you. I stand corrected.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

And how many countries have army and invisible hands repeatedly overthrowing elected civilian governments??

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

Really.......he provided a service that a hell of a lot of people used and a hell of a lot of staff earned money they may not have elsewhere.....go beat your pimp stick elsewhere.

I like the guy too, he is definitely a character to watch. If I could vote, I woulda voted for him.

However, Pi Sek is right. I remember a news story from a couple of years ago where Chuwit was denied a Visa to the United States due to the nature of his business: living off the avails, et al. Therefore, I don't imagine that he will ever be able to be a true statesman / leader in the global world.

With K.Chuwit aka Davis, what you see is what you get. Yes, he's tough and maybe some regard him as a right S.O.B. but he has made a success of his election campaign based on rooting out corruption in parliament. I for one wish him luck and will be watching his progress with interest.

As to the PIMP remarks, yes, he lived off the avails of prostitution where his staff screwed the customers, but IMHO he is a better man than Thaksin who lived off the avails of screwing the Thai people.

Chuwit, to my knowledge has never been convicted of a crime, whereas Thaksin, well you know the answer to that.

Edit to add: Thaksin too has been denied access to the USA for more serious reasons than Chuwit..

Curious? would Sondhi, and other raiders of Intl airports, be on terror watch lists?

1970 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft (Hague Convention)<li>1971 Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Civil Aviation (Montreal Convention)

1988 Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts of Violence at Airports Serving International Civil Aviation

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

And how many countries have army and invisible hands repeatedly overthrowing elected civilian governments??

Oh dear, you would be surprised how many countries are governed by people and companies not really elected but having the real power anyway.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

Really.......he provided a service that a hell of a lot of people used and a hell of a lot of staff earned money they may not have elsewhere.....go beat your pimp stick elsewhere.

You may be right, I can't say. I'll say this though; who could admire a person who admires pimps?

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

Somewhat ad-hoc, I think, the five year period that is. You might as well say 'how many countries have had a military coup in the last FOUR years?', or 'SIX', or 'last two digits of the last lottery results on the 16th this month'

Says nothing really

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This guy reminds me of a street level hustler. He's a pimp, and doesn't hide 'helping the poor girls'. He's funny and charismatic, just like the hustlers back where I'm from. Just watch, he won't lay claim to anyone, cause he's keeping his options open. He's in the prime position to be "persuaded" any which direction has the largest benefit for him (oops! I meant the people!).

Remember, the reason he's against corruption is because his payoffs didn't work, and he got into trouble. Corruption backfired on him, and now he's mad just like a kid.....

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

How many needed one? says it all really.

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