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What Are Some Of The Delightful Ways To Die?


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hiya fellow survivors....

lol dont be too serious folks...

anyway i have been think about the matter quite sometime after my drinks before bed time. :ph34r:

so when it comes to a point in life, where living is too boring or hard, i have imagined myself doing some of these less painful ways...

check me out.

1)have large consumption of beer and jump down from my room head first...

i tink this is the best way with less pain... and easy too.

before that,i need to worry about my money being transfered to my fellows account and stuff like that...

have u peeps though like this before???

also sometimes i just feel, when i see those beggers or whatever on the street, they should take this measure...

i know i would :rolleyes:

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The best one can hope for is "peacefully".

No I've never paid it a moment's thought....until now. Thanks for sharing Gravion.

I suppose if I'm choosing cocaine girls and loud rock music will feature...or maybe a dance track or two.....tough decision.....how about a game of 5-a-side as well?

So many things to do first its going to be a long evening I fear....

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To be honest, Gravion, I haven't given any thought at all about how you should die; in fact, despite my criticisms in other threads, it is not something I have given any thought to.

I suppose in anticipation we most of us would like to die quickly with minimal distress to those we leave behind; we can do a little to mitigate this with a well-crafted will - you are never too young to be hit by a bus! And I suppose sky-diving and alligator-wrestling increase our opportunities for a sudden departure, but I expect you would be surprised at the number of people who are seriously maimed rather than dying in parachuting accidents.

As I would say to anyone thinking of throwing themselves in front of a train "do you really think life will be better with one leg"; except for 'hopalong' with the crutches I saw by the tracks in Shanghai; you'd think he would have learnt after the first time.

Smokie: I really think it would be rash to try to end your life with an exclamation mark rather than a full stop. Enjoy yourself before you die, rather than whle you die - otherwise, who can you tell?


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The best one can hope for is "peacefully".

No I've never paid it a moment's thought....until now. Thanks for sharing Gravion.

I suppose if I'm choosing cocaine girls and loud rock music will feature...or maybe a dance track or two.....tough decision.....how about a game of 5-a-side as well?

So many things to do first its going to be a long evening I fear....

I hope I die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, not screaming in terror and despair, like his passengers

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I hope I die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather, not screaming in terror and despair, like his passengers

My grandfather drove the Inverness to Newcasle line....aye I remember well the screams after the buffet trolley had passed through....luckily my granny made a fine packed lunch.

Anyway back on topic...is it possible to enjoy the process of dying? How long does it last? Is there a start and end?

Are we already dying? I suppose those of us who have more cells dying than being generated must be mustn't we.....well over to the scientists and theologists for the definitive answer no doubt.

Edited by smokie36
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When I was 27 and living on the shores of Lake Huron in Canada, I went sailing at Easter-Time; fairly early on a Sunday morning.

I was in this small sailing-dinghy alone and - once about a mile out from shore - somehow I caused this dinghy to capsize.

I ended-up in the water, which probably had a temp. of about 4 degrees C !

Here and there, there were still still slivers of ice floating about; left-overs of, yet another, fierce Canadian winter . . . . .

Needless to say that I was shivering with cold, which hit right down to the bones.

It was so unbelievably cold; it's pretty hard to describe.

I was in he water for about 37 minutes; but after the first 20 minutes; the cold seemed to slowly dissipate, making way for an increasingly 'lovely' feeling of warmth.

In fact; just before the Coastguard rescued me (miraculously, btw; since a thick fog had rolled-in making me virtually 'invisible' !) - I specifically remember thinking "Oh; this isn't so bad; I can handle this situation . . . .

This was, of course, hypothermia setting-in and if that Rescue-Boat would have come 5 or 10 minutes later; this OP would not have survived this ordeal !

So; rescued in the 'nick-of-time' and ' taken-from-the-jaws-of death' - I did learn from this experience: one of the 'nicest' ways to expire from this life has got to be "hypothermia", you will pass with a big smile on your face, whilst feeling super-comfortable . . . . .

PS-1: Probably a hard act to follow in Thailand,on account of the climate ?

PS-2: This occurred 35 years ago, and I have considered each & every day since as "a bonus" or a "gift".



Jaap the Frysian



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I would guess that OD on certain types of controlled substances would be along the right lines, so to speak.

If the death could be so quick that feeling it weren't even possible- kind of a flash-bang situation- or if it were so slow that you became unconscious first- then it might not be too bad. Though I have heard some accounts of sleepy near-death that involved nightmarish dreams around the close call.

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"...so when it comes to a point in life, where living is too boring or hard, i have imagined myself doing some of these less painful ways..."

Current thinking is that our addictions/vices accompany us

to the "afterlife."

If we spend our time working to make the world a "better-place,"

(e.g. helping others with their "burdens,") the end will come in its own time and we will have enjoyed ourselves in the meantime.

Best Wishes :)

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I would guess that OD on certain types of controlled substances would be along the right lines, so to speak.

A speedball of pure cocaine and heroin would probably be the least uncomfortable choice if one had to end it all for some reason.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I would guess that OD on certain types of controlled substances would be along the right lines, so to speak.

A speedball of pure cocaine and heroin would probably be the least uncomfortable choice if one had to end it all for some reason.

I have access to a wide number of anaesthetic substances in the workplace UG. Certainly there would be better cocktails than that if I were to choose.

Sadly I've known a couple of my colleagues take that route. Painless I suppose.

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Quickly would be the best way :)

My father was a language professor and continued writing his academic papers after he retired. Every day, he would work at home on some linguistic manuscript or other.

One day a few years ago, after completing a particularly challenging article, he stood up and dropped dead on the spot from a heart attack, at the grand age of 89 years. My brother was able to get this final article published in the relevant academic media.

Now, when my time comes, that sort of exit will suite me just fine


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I certainly don't wont to end it because life is so bad, that dying is a better option. That's the worst thing I can think of. I'd much rather go out like my Grandfather did. At the ripe old age of 103, bright as a spark, still enjoying a smoke and a few good whiskeys with his mates, he died in his sleep one night, knowing he was loved by all around him. My Grandmother survived him by 2 months and went the same way at the age of 98. Sharp as a pin she was too. I suppose if I was down and out with some terminal illness, in pain and causing those close to me suffer cause I was such a burden, an overdose in that case, would be the way to go. I wouldn't wish a slow, lingering death on anybody, let alone myself!

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I always thought that being shot on the rise by a jealous husband at the age of 75 would be a delightful way to go.

That's funny!

Agree that OD would be the good way to go. Just go to sleep and don't wake up. Blowing your head off would just leave a huge mess for those left behind to clean up. How inconsiderate!

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I always thought that being shot on the rise by a jealous husband at the age of 75 would be a delightful way to go.

That's funny!

Agree that OD would be the good way to go. Just go to sleep and don't wake up. Blowing your head off would just leave a huge mess for those left behind to clean up. How inconsiderate!

I think I'd like to go like Lord Lucan...


Having done a bit of research, I might draw the line at murdering the nanny first, and then assaulting my wife...

Maybe I should take a new role model - Jim Thompson?

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I always thought that being shot on the rise by a jealous husband at the age of 75 would be a delightful way to go.

That's funny!

Agree that OD would be the good way to go. Just go to sleep and don't wake up. Blowing your head off would just leave a huge mess for those left behind to clean up. How inconsiderate!

I think I'd like to go like Lord Lucan...


Having done a bit of research, I might draw the line at murdering the nanny first, and then assaulting my wife...

Maybe I should take a new role model - Jim Thompson?

He should never have sacked the footman. Always a good idea to have a fall guy around.....if only that programme had been around in the 60's he might have curled his lip and brazened his way through it.

I'm sure Lee Majors would have loved the role.

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The thought of suicide never occurred to me. We're all going to die anyways, so why not hang around a little longer to see how things turn out? HOWEVER, if I were to ever come down with a terminal disease (e.g., cancer, AIDS, etc.) and my health was deteriorating rapidly, I may consider putting myself out of my misery (and my loved ones). Anything painless and not too messy would do. I always thought carbon monoxide poisoning (car running in garage, doors closed) would be preferred. Not sure if that's even practical anymore.

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As for ODing...anything to do with huge amounts of cocaine would be just horrible! Nothing like falling asleep at all :lol: Your brain would be just chattering all kinds of nonsense to itself, can't think of anything worse! :lol: ok I just thought of lots of things worse :D

But seriously, no cocaine as a 'nice' way of dying.

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From what I know, a shot to the cerebellum (the point where the spine connects to the skull) results in instant unconscion and eventually death, and is probably the most humane way to perform an execution. However, most of us prefer to die in our sleep.

Death doesn't scare me, it's dying that does, cause dying tends to be a slow and painfull process.

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From what I know, a shot to the cerebellum (the point where the spine connects to the skull) results in instant unconscion and eventually death, and is probably the most humane way to perform an execution. However, most of us prefer to die in our sleep.

Death doesn't scare me, it's dying that does, cause dying tends to be a slow and painfull process.

Not exactly delightful, though.

What about a heart attack at Wembley when your team lifts the Challenge Cup?

Given the first ten minutes of the match this evening, I might be struggling to hold on that long....


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  • 2 weeks later...

How about a brain embolism, while on the nest. Having the way paved out by a massive fit, (leave your loved one with a smile on her face)

But, the sad fact is I believe most humans shuffle of this mortal coil, felling isolated, frightened and in pain. Deaths a bitch a?

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From what I know, a shot to the cerebellum (the point where the spine connects to the skull) results in instant unconscion and eventually death, and is probably the most humane way to perform an execution. However, most of us prefer to die in our sleep.

Death doesn't scare me, it's dying that does, cause dying tends to be a slow and painfull process.

Not exactly delightful, though.

What about a heart attack at Wembley when your team lifts the Challenge Cup?

Given the first ten minutes of the match this evening, I might be struggling to hold on that long....


It's only undelightful for others.

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