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Having spent some time on this planet now, I have observed that those who sit in judgement on the lifestyles of others are invariably insecure in themselves.

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This topic seems awfully familiar. As if something almost identical has very recently been posted. And rather sort of designed to insult people if I am not mistaken.

Yes, I agree.

What has it do with anybody, how people choose to live their lives.

Just because some people prefer the quite simple pleasures of life, doesn't mean they have given up, are losers or shouldn't be staying in Thailand.

Many of us long timers here have done the bar scene, done the social drinking, played around with the girls and have toured various locations in Thailand.

Now they are quite content to just settle down at home, either with family or on their own and good luck to them.

Also to keep in mind that the world economy has hit rock bottom. Social has become very expensive, along with travel, airfares, petrol, hotels and so on.

Everyone is affected by the economy wherever they live.

This does not mean that the majority cannot meet the requirements to live in Thailand, just means they have to cut back a bit until things pick up again.

The OP appears irritated about other people around him and more interested in their lives rather than his own. Is this because he has no one close to him or not somewhere he can hang up his hat and call a permanent home?

My questions to the OP is; why don`t you just get on with it? And why do you stay in Thailand, if you are in Thailand that is?

Would also love to know the OPs situation. Is he a full time resident in Thailand? If so, on a non Immigrant visa or does he need to cross the border every so often?

The ball`s now in your court.

As the wise man says; people in glass houses, should cast no stones.


My initial thought is, "what the hell business it of yours how other people live their lives".

Oh I see. So we can only discuss stuff that is our own business then?


Oh, I understand them alright!

They are drifters without any meaning or purpose in life. Very unhappy people inside.

Preferrably, but barring that it's probably also a good idea not to make judgements about others when you have absolutely no understanding of them or their lives.

By way of comparison would you say you understood these people more better or less better than you understand the ThaiVisa quotation system?

And just as an aside, do you think any of these sad unfortunate people you're talking about spend even a fraction of the amount of time you spend thinking about them, thinking about you? Probably not or there would have been a condescending prick thread already.


I'm looking forward to hotandhumid's visa posting on overstay and not enough money left to pay.

That will be a humdinger! laugh.gif

Or not being able to pay the hospital bill if they are sick, as clearly they will not have any health insurance. These people are playing Russian roulette with their 'lifes'


I'm looking forward to hotandhumid's visa posting on overstay and not enough money left to pay.

That will be a humdinger! laugh.gif

Or not being able to pay the hospital bill if they are sick, as clearly they will not have any health insurance. These people are playing Russian roulette with their 'lives'

Mostly they prefer to play this with their friends* finances.



I would suppose OP could get a more substantial answer regarding different values towards living out of the Thai monks, who rather do seem to 'just exist,' but that might be part of the point.

In any case, I occasionally do see people who don't seem to be enjoying their lives here. If they are friends I might try to give them advice to help. Occasionally they are in a mental trap where they have 'decided' that 'the way things are' about 'reality' mean they have no choices. Frequently they are quite smug and self-righteous about this, which helps keep them from making, or even seeing, more responsible options. If they are in this trap I simply try to avoid them because they are headed down by their own choice (and tend to resent the relative success of others in 'escaping' their 'reality'). Such persons usually enjoy trying to set themselves up as better than others to enhance the 'smugness' value of their delusions. The worst cases surround themselves with people worse off than they are in order to maintain their illusions.

Did anyone else hear that bell?


This speaks volumes:

stay alone because they don't want to spend money on a girlfriend

Is this what you think has to be done to get a gf hotandhumid?


This speaks volumes:

stay alone because they don't want to spend money on a girlfriend

Is this what you think has to be done to get a gf hotandhumid?

Trust me, no female who is anything close to being sane would enter into a relationship with the type of individual I am referring to just out of pure love.

If you think they would then that 'speaks volumes' about you dear boy.


This speaks volumes:

stay alone because they don't want to spend money on a girlfriend

Is this what you think has to be done to get a gf hotandhumid?

Trust me, no female who is anything close to being sane would enter into a relationship with the type of individual I am referring to just out of pure love.

If you think they would then that 'speaks volumes' about you dear boy.

So that's a yes to my question then?


This speaks volumes:

stay alone because they don't want to spend money on a girlfriend

Is this what you think has to be done to get a gf hotandhumid?

Trust me, no female who is anything close to being sane would enter into a relationship with the type of individual I am referring to just out of pure love.

If you think they would then that 'speaks volumes' about you dear boy.

So that's a yes to my question then!

This is either a troll, a naive young kid or just a bit of a muppet. Either way, not worth bothering with.

Erh, it's a no. And yes, I am very naive for thinking these guys can get land themselves a nice gf without spending a cent. Lucky ol' them eh.

I look forward to never hearing from you again then.


Erh, it's a no. And yes, I am very naive for thinking these guys can get land themselves a nice gf without spending a cent. Lucky ol' them eh.

I look forward to never hearing from you again then.

So what do you know about them that you think is holding them back, asides from money (assuming they have no money)?


Now I’m beginning to see the picture.

What you have described above, hotandhumid, has happened to you. You’re talking from experience and

feel hurt and upset.

If it has, I truly hope that you do find peace, fulfilment in your life and a nice sincere girl in the future.

Life has to continue and we all have to make the best of what we got.


By way of comparison would you say you understood these people more better or less better than you understand the ThaiVisa quotation system?

And just as an aside, do you think any of these sad unfortunate people you're talking about spend even a fraction of the amount of time you spend thinking about them, thinking about you? Probably not or there would have been a condescending prick thread already.

:lol: nicely put ;)

My question to these types is (and you know who you are) why do you do it?? Is life back in the real world really that bad? If my 'life' was like that I would call it a day and go home and rebuild before it's too late..

Aren't you that guy who believes that a visit to Ko Samed is a lifetime experience?

How is it being that poor?


Trust me, no female who is anything close to being sane would enter into a relationship with the type of individual I am referring to just out of pure love.

Thats an amusing peice of writing about imaginary people.


Thanks for the replies to date. More interesting.

By the way, if these characters I am referring to come into some money I would bet they would change their lifestyle. Guaranteed.

Life is for living, not existing.

Grow up H & H.

Life is for living the existence you choose, as long as it doesn't harm others.

Life is not striving to live in a way you are uncomfortable with because some judgemental prick says you should.


There's a type of farang, often with a thai working girl on his arm, that throws money at everything. This type of farang doesn't know how to speak Thai, his girlfriend translates for him so he has this warped view on the world he lives in. He is basically buying his way through life.

There is another type who works here and pays the going rate for everything, speaks some of the language and muddles through life happy

There is the balloon chaser who is at the end of the dream. Money running out. Looking at the balcony.

The farang that has decided to become a monk and renounced all material possesions.

Then there is the farang that looks at all the other farangs and decideds he is better than all the above.

Then theres the farang that has been living in Thailand so long that he doesn't bother to catergorize others.

Which one are you?

You can categorize people any place in the world by why does one have the need to do so. As long as they are not a threat to society then whats it too you ? Just live your own life the way you see fit.


You should see the clothes i wear in and around the house you would swear i was poor. Not making the money that i am.

I eat street food let my wife pay her share in the house. I love my life. Spending money does not make one happier. Your mood does and your health does.

My dad makes loads of money and he looks bad in the clothes he chooses. Just because they are comfortable. He does not attach value to clothes or looks.

Why should everyone be like you, your last topic about not traveling in Thailand.. utter BS just like this one.

Spending money does not make you happier. (though i love my new fishing gear or my computers). Its how you enjoy yourself. Some people are quite happy looking at a piece of scenery sipping a beer. Others feel miserable drinking the most expensive wine in a high price club.

You keep on judging others on your standards.. grow up accept that we are not all the same.

+1 :thumbsup:


Perhaps they just prefer to stay indoors and stuff that way so they don't need to worry about having to deal with self righteous judgmental pricks?



Thanks for the replies to date. More interesting.

By the way, if these characters I am referring to come into some money I would bet they would change their lifestyle. Guaranteed.

Life is for living, not existing.

Can you please tell us how you live your happy life here in Thailand?


Howard Hughes spent 4 months in one room, living on chocolate bars and milk, and relieving himself in the empty cartons. At the time he was the richest man in that country.

Who's to say why people do what they do?

Whilst I'm not Howard Hughes I am quite well off. But I also live alone and eat Thai food in the street for 20B. You wouldnt believe how little I paid for my entire wardrobe and how long it lasts me. And I buy my one daily beer in the supermarket and drink it for free on a bench on Beach Rd, because I enjoy the view.

I do however have aircon and cable TV, and my retirement visa extension is in order, based on 800K in the bank.

I find my life here very pleasant, and spending 10 times as much money every day would not make it better at all. In fact it would probably make it much worse.

This is my point, that is just an existance.

There is a very popular book going around which says "judge not, lest ye be judged."

Perhaps you should heed this advice so as not to be perceived as a judgemental wanke_r criticizing people's lifestyles whom you don't even know. :unsure:


The really interesting thing to me about this thread is so many are trying to convince those on the board (especially the OP who is even more curiously silent about his/her modus operendi) that their way of life in Thailand is the one to live. Who gives a <deleted> how the other guy lives ... lots of us apparently because we are so disdainful of how others choose to live/exist.

But then that's what reality TV and Jerry Springer are all about, i.e., making people feel superior to others.


The really interesting thing to me about this thread is so many are trying to convince those on the board (especially the OP who is even more curiously silent about his/her modus operendi) that their way of life in Thailand is the one to live. Who gives a <deleted> how the other guy lives ... lots of us apparently because we are so disdainful of how others choose to live/exist.

But then that's what reality TV and Jerry Springer are all about, i.e., making people feel superior to others.

I agree, that was kinda what i said in my post.


I see what other Foreigners buy in Supermarkets... totally mad, in my view

Fruit and Veg at a local Village market is a fraction of the price and a lot fresher,

Old Lady come with a hand cart down the Village every Sat, big bunch of Bananas 20 baht.. supermarket = 50 baht

Local market has cake freshly made, donuts 5 baht every bit as good as 15 baht form Mr Donut. Cake slice 10 baht again every bit as good as 65 baht form a cake shop. Truck comes every day with fresh cooked chicken also make a meals while you wait, took my plate out yesterday for my evening meal 20 baht.

Mango's on the side of the road yesterday yellow ready to eat were 25 baht kg..

Nice place I like to eat 2 Villages away meal 35 baht, have eaten for 10x that price for crap food.

Meat from side of road every day, looks a lot better and loads cheaper than Big C Extra.. Nice + is you can pick out a nice piece of Pork or Beef and for NO charge they will mince it for you, nothing like that expensive full of fat stuff you buy at supermarkets.

If I had loads of extra money then maybe would hire a maid, she could go to the local markets, otherwise i am quite happy here not going out often, I do have a garden, nice detached house, 200 Koi fish, 6 dogs, no I do not go to bars never have don't drink and not about to start after 60 years...

There a English Guy 6 km away, married they live in a 1 room place for past 8 years, very happy, always eat at street stalls, money is not a problem, when they go out they use Taxi 600 baht [myself think it is a waste as BKK is 55 km + many air con mini buses for 30 baht every 30 mins] [[OK if I ever need to go to BKK I drive my car}} they go to UK 1x a year and fly 1st class..

So how can we judge if a Foreigner has no money or Just 'Exist' In Thailand ?


Just a quick philosophical aside (do not want to hijack this thread and will not post again)........I think 99% of humans today exist and never really live before they die. They are like robots who are programmed to consume and follow instructions from a select unit of mega-greedy people who control them. They never understand who they are, where they are, what life is about, etc. They die without ever having lived. And now on a more positive note :)


I see what other Foreigners buy in Supermarkets... totally mad, in my view

Fruit and Veg at a local Village market is a fraction of the price and a lot fresher,

Old Lady come with a hand cart down the Village every Sat, big bunch of Bananas 20 baht.. supermarket = 50 baht

Local market has cake freshly made, donuts 5 baht every bit as good as 15 baht form Mr Donut. Cake slice 10 baht again every bit as good as 65 baht form a cake shop. Truck comes every day with fresh cooked chicken also make a meals while you wait, took my plate out yesterday for my evening meal 20 baht.

Mango's on the side of the road yesterday yellow ready to eat were 25 baht kg..

Nice place I like to eat 2 Villages away meal 35 baht, have eaten for 10x that price for crap food.

Meat from side of road every day, looks a lot better and loads cheaper than Big C Extra.. Nice + is you can pick out a nice piece of Pork or Beef and for NO charge they will mince it for you, nothing like that expensive full of fat stuff you buy at supermarkets.

If I had loads of extra money then maybe would hire a maid, she could go to the local markets, otherwise i am quite happy here not going out often, I do have a garden, nice detached house, 200 Koi fish, 6 dogs, no I do not go to bars never have don't drink and not about to start after 60 years...

There a English Guy 6 km away, married they live in a 1 room place for past 8 years, very happy, always eat at street stalls, money is not a problem, when they go out they use Taxi 600 baht [myself think it is a waste as BKK is 55 km + many air con mini buses for 30 baht every 30 mins] [[OK if I ever need to go to BKK I drive my car}} they go to UK 1x a year and fly 1st class..

So how can we judge if a Foreigner has no money or Just 'Exist' In Thailand ?

You cant, everyone spends his money different. I don't bat an eye buying a 18k reel and 11k rod. (please don't tell the wife :D) But i would hate spending loads of money on cheese or other overpriced stuff that some foreigners eat. I am happy with Thai grub, though i frequent sizzler and some nice jap buffet in the emerald hotel. But if the wife asks me if i want to give her 1000k to go do her face i let her pay it herself. Just all have priorities.


happyrobert is on holiday; Professor Sigmund Fraud here-

Carefully analyzing the past topics and posts Herr hotandhumid has contributed, it is quite obvious that he is writing about himself, ja? He is doing so late in the evening after consuming much alcohol and his inhibitions are unrestrained, ja?

Then I notice the topic he started about his fiancé. Ja, ja, this could be a red herring, but nein, nein, I don't like herring, so I believe he truly does have a wife and small child.

Therefore, ja, my infallible diagnosis is that he misses his old life and turns to total strangers on TV for his free psychoanalysis as an outlet for a sauerkraut situation in which he feels trapped for all the remaining years of his life.

He had a carefree life just a few years ago, ja, ja, happily stagnating in one place to his heart's content. And he was content, ja? Ach, then, despite numerous stories on TV and admonitions against it, he up and married ein fräulein bar. Now he has to watch every pfennig as he has a wife and child and the baht has risen, mein Gott!, so much!; he himself drinks in happy hour, at her old place of employment—hoping for a freebie, ja, ja, ja!—as he has no money to do otherwise—even posting a topic on the 7th of this month—openly soliciting drinking buddies both with whom to commiserate and perhaps pick up the tab; his income stream no longer supports a retirement visa and he is on overstay, or soon will be when he can not renew; und—ach du meine Güte!—his wife makes him change his shirts every day—having even thrown the old ones in the bin one day while he was in town; when he is writing the OP he states,

" My question to these types is (and you know who you are) why do you do it?? [italics mine]

he is obviously speaking of himself—to himself—in anger with himself— what on earth, mein self, were you thinking to get yourself into this situation?

Ergo, these recent posts are both an outlet for his frustration and a deep-rooted anger with his own decisions that he knew better than to make, yet did. His ego allowed his id to override his superego while his subconscious was…ach, but I digress. But more so, based on his last comment in the OP

("If my 'life' was like that I would call it a day and go home and rebuild before it's too late…Thoughts?")

it is his desperate attempt to receive permission from the strangers on TV, to pack up and go back to where he came from and in doing so, thereby abandoning his wife and two year old child.

Sorry, Herr hotandhumid, you will not receive such a blessing from any of the responsible members of ThaiVisa. On the contrary, as those savage Americans say, you made your bed, now sleep in it. Take care of your family.

Lastly, based on this comment in ein post later:

"By the way, if these characters I am referring to come into some money I would bet they would change their lifestyle. Guaranteed."

Herr hotandhumid is planning a way to escape his tortured soul, perhaps by doing some thing not so legal, ja?


Professor Fraud.

happyrobert here, back from holiday: While Dr. Fraud presents a strong case for his diagnosis, nonetheless, I agree with moonrakers and Naam.


I am one of those many people wonder why I live such a simple life here in Thailand. It is a choice thats why I live like I do.

My life was full. I travelled, have been 600 miles south of the geograhic north pole. Travelled 2 months of every year out of the country.Sailed to Alaska,raced yachts to the international level in 3 one design classes.. Committeed yacht racing to the CISM level with the committee that does the olympics. Owned more houses than most people have owned cars. Had classic american cars like 57 chevies 2 door hardtops, 1953 Ford convertibles , could go on about the cars I have owned all american classics, no foreign sorry.Been there, done that ,got the tshirt.

My life has always been outside the normal persons life.I have little contact with the average person. I personally just want to get in touch with nice people. People who have little to offer but good spirit.

I think many of the guys here in Thailand from foreign countries could never afford many of the things they can here. So it is there one chance in life to try to live what they feel is the life of wealth. Most just live in ghetto castles and still havenot advanced to rich persons life style.

I am so happy with less here and thoroughly enjoy the daily contact with the regular person. Be it the woman who cleans my house or the one who does my laundry or the cook who prepares my meals. I can go out to the local coffee shop talk with people and they donot see me as anything other than an old foreigner on a motorcycle.

Guys can judge me all they want. If I want to live large again I will go back to Canada buy a house a Mercedes and sailboat and live large there. I came here for simplicity.

Its like the old saying goes eat steak everyday, then beans taste good.



Well, you're really not talking about me...because I have a Thai family here...and that's my life.

But just to make it clear to you...I just returned from the U.S.A. and I couldn't wait to get out of there.

The town I grew up in, went to school in, etc. is turning into a living cemetary for retirees...the only young people you see are those still in school, or those who don't have the funds to get out. That town has no jobs any longer except for service jobs, the factories are all closed down now (where my father worked as a toolmaker for over 40 years). Every job and factory has been exported overseas because the labor costs there are lower. Even my brother had to move out of that town to find a job closer to Boston. (my town is in western Massachusetts, about 120 miles from Boston). It is in a dairy farming area...but the youngsters don't want to farm...because today it is a losing proposition to try to run a farm. It's a sure trip to long term poverty as a working dairy farner now. And as I said all the factorys are closing down or closed already.

That's the reality of living where I was raised in the U.S. these days. I am retired, and I can live in Bangkok of half of what it would cost me to live in Massachusetts. I bought a house here in Bangkok for my Thai family a few years ago and fixed it uo to my standards, I have cable T.V., air condotioning in the master bedroom, and western style toliets. Internet access also so I can keep contact with my brothers and sister back in the U.S.

I doubt that I will ever go "home" to the U.S. except for short visits. There is nothing there for me.

So from my point of view...all I can say is to h--- with the U.S.A. There is no future there.


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